[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]
Literacy: answer for persons 11 years and older
P11. In what language can [the respondent] read and write?
[] 1 None (not literate)
[] 2 English only
[] 03 Ghanaian language only
[] 04 English and Ghanaian language
[] 05 English and French
[] 06 English, French and Ghanaian language
[] 07 Other (Specify) ____
P11. Literacy: In what language can (name) read and write?
This question is to be asked of persons who are 11 years and older.
The question also relates to the respondent's ability to read and write in any language. Note that a respondent is considered literate if he/she can read and write a simple statement with understanding. Literacy is more than the ability to write or distinguish between the various letters of the alphabet and counting numbers.
Note that if a respondent can only read but cannot write or can write but cannot read, he or she cannot be considered as literate. Similarly, if a person was literate some time ago but cannot read and write with understanding at the time of the interview then you must consider him/her illiterate and enter code 1 in the box (i.e. not literate). For instance, if a person completed middle form 4 or JSS/JHS 3 and can no longer read and write with understanding, you must consider him/her non-literate.
The following are the categories for literacy:
1. None (not literate) - Enter code 1 in the box for persons who cannot read and write with understanding in any language.
2. English only - Write 2 in the box for a person who can read and write in English only.
3. Ghanaian language only - Enter code 3 in the in the box for a person who can read and write in a Ghanaian language only.
4. English and Ghanaian language - Enter code 4 in the box for persons who can read and write with understanding in English and any Ghanaian language.
5. English and French - Enter code 5 in the appropriate box for persons who can read and write in both English and French.
6. English, French, and any Ghanaian language - Enter code 6 in the appropriate box for persons who can read and write with understanding in English, French, and any Ghanaian Language.
7. Other (specify) - Enter code 7 in the corresponding box for persons who can read and write in other languages which do not fall into any of the categories listed above and record the actual response in the box provided.