Questionnaire Text

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Answer only for persons aged 5 years and over
[Question 7 was asked of persons age 5 and older.]

7. Full-time education

(a) Have you attended or are you attending school now?
0 [] Never
1 [] Now
3 [] Past
(b) If now or past in 7a, what is the highest grade (or year) attained in the regular school attended?
0 [] Kindergarten _
1 [] Primary _
2 [] Middle _
3 [] Secondary _
[] Other, specify No. of years ____
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7. Full-time education.

The questions on full-time education are strictly limited, to persons aged five years and over. They refer to full-time education in an educational institution like primary, middle, secondary, commercial or technical school, teacher training college, university or similar type of school where a person spends or has spent at least four hours a day receiving general education in which the emphasis is not on vocational or trade training.

This definition excludes private tuition, correspondence courses, night schools, trade schools such as flair catering, motor driving schools, vocational training schools, etc. It also excludes on-the-job training establishments like productivity institute, auditor-general's training school, agricultural training school, forestry training school, textile training school, draughtsmanship school, military academy, police training school, survey school, labour college, etc. It also excludes ungraded schools like nurseries and the Arabic schools where nothing but the reading and writing of the Koran is taught. This does not mean that schools where Arabic is taught should automatically be excluded because there are recognized schools where Arabic and other subjects are taught.

1a. Have you attended or are you attending school now?

Three boxes marked never, past, now, are provided for this question and you should mark a cross in only one of them.

(a) Never- Mark a cross in this box if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Past- Mark a cross in this box if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.
(c) Now- Mark a cross in this box if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.

1b. If now or past in 7a what is the highest grade (or year) attained in the regular school attended?

Boxes have been provided for recording the grade attained in the highest type of school attended by the respondent. You should therefore write in only one box for each respondent.

For a child in kindergarten write "1" in the box provided for kindergarten.

pg. 51

The following conversion table will help you to write the appropriate number in the box for respondents who attended the former "elementary" school and the comparatively new school system and reached a particular grade.

Note that the conversion should be done in terms of the "present system" [table].

[Column headings:]
(a) Old system
(b) Present system
(c) New system

Old system: Class 1
Present system: Primary 1
New system: Primary 1

Old system: Class 2
Present system: Primary 2
New system: Primary 2

Old system: Class 3
Present system: Primary 3
New system: Primary 3

Old system: Standard 1
Present system: Primary 4
New system: Primary 3

Old system: Standard 2
Present system: Primary 5
New system: Primary 4

Old system: Standard 3
Present system: Primary 6
New system: Primary 5

Old system: Standard 4
Present system: Middle 1
New system: Primary 6

Old system: Standard 5
Present system: Middle 2
New system: Primary 7

Old system: Standard 6
Present system: Middle 3
New system: Continuation 1

Old system: Standard 7
Present system: Middle 4
New system: Continuation 2

If the respondent completed middle form 4, you should write 4 in the box provided for middle. Likewise if the respondent completed continuation 1, you should write 3 in the box for middle. Similarly for a respondent who finished secondary form 5, you must write 5 in the box for secondary. For a respondent in upper sixth form in a secondary school you should write 6 in the box for secondary. It is important that you write out the figures clearly and boldly.

The dotted line marked "other specify" has been provided for recording the other types of school which do not fall into the categories above.

These include the following:

(a) Universities
(b) Teacher training colleges
(c) Commercial and technical schools
(d) Junior secondary schools

For teacher training colleges you should distinguish between the following types:

1. Cert. B
2. Cert. A (post middle)
3. Cert. A (post B)
4. Cert. A (post-secondary)
5. Specialist training college
6. Advanced teacher training, etc.
pg. 52

For these schools indicate on the dotted line marked "no. of years", the number of years spent or the highest grade attained in the school by the respondent, e.g. for those who obtained cert. A (post B) teacher's certificate write 2 in the space marked "no. of years".