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For all person aged 14 or older

10. Indicate which of the following degrees or certificates you hold:

a) General primary or secondary education:

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies [Certificat d'études primaires], (C.A.P.); Diploma indicating completion of required schooling [Diplôme de fin d'études obligatoires] (D.F.E.O).
[] 2 General Certificate of Secondary Education [Brevet d'études du 1er cycle], (B.E.P.C.); Elementary Certificate [Brevet élémentaire], (B.E.); or Certificate of Advanced Primary Education [Brevet d'enseignement primaire supérieur], (B.E.P.S.).
[] 3 Baccalaureate (1st part, preliminary or 2nd part), not including F, G, and H series; Advanced Certificate [Brevet supérieur]; Certificate of Advanced Secondary Studies [Certificat de fin d'études secondaires], (C.F.E.S.).

b) Technical and professional education at the secondary level:

[] 1 Vocational Training Certificate [Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle], (C.A.P.); Professional Training Certificate [Brevet d'enseignement professionnel], (B.E.P.), Exam indicating completion of craftsman apprenticeship [Examan de fin d'apprentissage artisanal], (E.F.A.A.); Agricultural Certificates [Brevet agricoles], (B.A.A., B.P.A.); Certificate of completion of first level F.P.A. [Certificat de fin de stage de la F.P.A. 1er degré].
[] 2 Professional Certificate [Brevet professionnel], (B.P.); Certificate of Mastery [Brevet de maîtrise], (B.M.); Certificate indicating completion of internship for advanced F.P.A.
[] 3 Certificate of Agricultural Education [Brevet d'enseignement agricole], (B.E.A.); of Commercial Education [d'enseignement commerial], (B.E.C.); of Hotelier Instruction [d'enseignement hôtelier], (B.E.H.); of Industrial Education [d'enseignement industriel], (B.E.I.); of Social Education [d'enseignement social], (B.E.S.); Certificate to be a Technical Agricultural Agent [Brevet d'agent technique agricole], (B.A.T.A.)
[] 4 Technician's Baccalaureate [Baccalauréat de technicien] (series F, G or H); Technician's Certificate [Brevet de technicien], (B.T., B.T.A.); Certified Student of E.N.P. or of a government technical high school [Élève breveté des E.N.P. ou d'un lycée technique d'État]; Advanced Certificate in Commercial Education [Brevet supérieur d'enseignement commercial], (B.S.E.C.); basic legal qualification [Capacité en droit].

c) Higher education

[] 1 Diplomas related to healthcare and social services: midwife, nurse, physical therapist, social worker, specialized teachers (special education teachers, teachers of adjudicated youth, etc) [éducateurs specialisés]
[] 2 Advanced Technician's Diploma [Brevet de technicien supérieur], (B.T.S.); Technical Diploma from a University Technology Institute [Diplôme universitaire de téchnologie], (D.U.T.); Technical Higher Education Diploma [Diplôme d'études supérieures techniques], (D.E.S.T.)
[] 3 Preliminary University Diploma (first-year course [propédeutique], D.U.E.L., D.U.E.S., D.E.U.G., P.C.E.M. excluding D.U.T.s); Degree indicating completion of studies to teach primary school [Certificat de fin d'études normales]; Pedagogical Training Degree [Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique]
[] 4 Advanced University Degrees [Diplôme universitaires du 2e ou 3e cycle] (B.A., master's, doctorate, etc.); C.A.P.E.S., C.A.P.E.T.
[] 5 Terminal degree [diplôme de sortie] from a highly competitive public or private college [grande école publique ou privée] or engineering college.
[] 6 Other diploma. Specify type: ____