Questionnaire Text

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Professional activity (for all persons born before January 1st, 1954)
[Applies to questions 12- 18]

12. Main profession: Indicate the profession or the occupation which you are currently practicing (even if you are still only an apprentice or if you are working by helping a member of your family in his/her work.) A woman who is taking care of her home should answer "no profession".


Be specific: Examples: auto repair mechanic, clothing producer, steel worker, draftsman, electrical engineer, grain broker, wine-producer, driver of large trucks, swine breeder, hairdresser, shorthand typist, etc.
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Question 12: Main profession.
Attentively read the explanations and the examples given on the individual forms, as well as the instructions hereafter.
Examples of bad answers not to accept in any situation [left column] / Comments [right column]
1) Bad answers because they aren't specific enough.
Employee, worker, building worker, engineer, executive, director / Indicate exactly the job of the person concerned, for example: salesperson at a department store, bank employee, lathe operator, chemical engineer, plasterer, expert forester, business director.
Government employee, SNCF employee, EDF employee / For government employees and public service employees, specify the rank or the job, for example: representative of the prefecture, clerk of the PTT, second class stationmaster, driver of a diesel locomotive, EDF dispatcher.
Merchant, industrialist, farmer, entrepreneur, craftsman, administrator / Answer, for example: retail grocer, wholesaler in pharmaceutical products, masonry entrepreneur, residential building director, movie theater employee
2) Bad answers because they are incomplete.
O.S., O.P., Qualified worker, team leader, foreman / these labels indicate the situation in the professional hierarchy, but do not give any information on the individual profession of the person concerned. On the other hand, the following answers are satisfactory:
O.S. (specialized worker) in rope or yarn winding, textile mill foreman