Questionnaire Text

Austria 1971 Greece 1981 Netherlands 1960 Slovenia 2002
Austria 1981 Greece 1991 Netherlands 1971 Spain 1981
Austria 1991 Greece 2001 Netherlands 2001 Spain 1991
Austria 2001 Greece 2011 Netherlands 2011 Spain 2001
Austria 2011 Hungary 1970 Poland 1978 Spain 2011
Belarus 1999 Hungary 1980 Poland 1988 Switzerland 1970
Belarus 2009 Hungary 1990 Poland 2002 Switzerland 1980
Finland 2010 Hungary 2001 Poland 2011 Switzerland 1990
France 1962 Hungary 2011 Portugal 1981 Switzerland 2000
France 1968 Ireland 1971 Portugal 1991 Switzerland 2011
France 1975 Ireland 1979 Portugal 2001 Turkey 1985
France 1982 Ireland 1981 Portugal 2011 Turkey 1990
France 1990 Ireland 1986 Romania 1977 Turkey 2000
France 1999 Ireland 1991 Romania 1992 Ukraine 2001
France 2006 Ireland 1996 Romania 2002 United Kingdom 1961
France 2011 Ireland 2002 Romania 2011 United Kingdom 1971
Germany 1970 Ireland 2006 Russia 2002 United Kingdom 1991
Germany 1971 Ireland 2011 Russia 2010 United Kingdom 2001
Germany 1981 Ireland 2016 Slovakia 1991
Germany 1987 Italy 2001 Slovakia 2001
Greece 1971 Italy 2011 Slovakia 2011
Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all persons]

6. Marital status:

[] Single
[] Married

________ Date of marriage (day, month, year)

[] Widowed
[] Divorced

For Question 6, Marital status: The date of the marriage should only be given by married persons, namely for existing marriages.

Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_COHAB — Cohabitation status
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all persons]

6. Marital status:

[] Single
[] Married

________ Date of marriage (day, month, year)

[] Widowed
[] Divorced

For Question 6, Marital status: The date of the marriage should only be given by married persons, namely for existing marriages.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_MARST — Marital status
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(3) Marital Status:
[] Single
[] Married

Date of marriage (current marriage)
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

[] Divorced
[] Widowed

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_COHAB — Cohabitation status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status
[] Single
[] Married

Date of marriage (of the present marriage)

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

[] Divorced
[] Widowed

3. Marital status: mark your legal marital status

Single: to be marked by all persons who have never been married.
Married: to be marked by persons who are living in not-dissolved marriage, even when they are separated from their spouse.
Divorced: to be marked by those persons who have not remarried, regardless of whether the former spouse is still alive or not.
Widowed: is to be marked if the marriage was ended due to the death of the spouse.
Persons living in a common-law partnership: mark "single", "widowed" or "divorced", depending on what their marital status is. "Married" is only to be marked if the marriage with the separately living spouse is still valid (yet not divorced).

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3, Marital status:
Possible answers: "single," "married," "divorced," "widowed"
For married persons: three writing fields (2-digit) for the date of marriage (day, month, year).

Your legal marital status should be marked.

Single should be marked by all persons who have never been married.

Married should be marked by persons who are living in valid (not divorced) marriage, even if they are separated from their spouse.

Divorced should be marked by those persons who have not remarried, regardless of whether the former spouse is still alive or not.

Widowed should be marked if the marriage was ended due to the death of a spouse.

Persons living in a consensual union should mark "single," "widowed," or "divorced" depending on what their marital status is. "Married" should only be marked if the marriage with the separately living spouse is still valid (not yet divorced).

Purpose of the question:
Marital status is, next to gender and age, a further basic characteristic of the population that is needed for a differentiation of the results (e.g. employed wives, married students) and for projections. The marital status breakdown was subjected to severe changes through the decrease in marriages and increase in divorces.

The date of marriage enables the break down and updating of existing marriages according to duration of marriage. From the comparison of length of marriage and number of children, certain regularities can be derived which make it easier to pre assess the development of the number of births.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_COHAB — Cohabitation status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status (legal marital status):
[] Single
[] Married, since _ _ _ _ (year of marriage)
[] Divorced
[] Widowed

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3. Marital status:
Explanation: Enter whatever your legal marital status is.
"Married" should be marked for persons living in wedlock (not divorced) even if they live separately from their spouse.
"Divorced" should be marked for persons who are not remarried, regardless of whether their former spouse is still living or not.
"Widowed" should be marked for persons whose marriage ended with the death of the spouse and who are not remarried.

[p. 74]

"Single" should be marked for all persons that have never been married.

Persons living in a consensual union mark the marital status that they legally belong to. "Married" should only be marked, if the marriage with the separate living spouse is still legal (not divorced).
The marital status structure was subjected to severe changes through the decrease in marriages and increase in divorces.

Marital status is also important for the projection of the population development (e.g. how many widowed pensioners will accrue in the future).

The year of marriage is gathered as an aid characteristic for family development (married couples).

Unmarried consensual unions are also accounted for in the results, however, indirectly derived from question 7.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_COHAB — Cohabitation status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_MARST — Legal marital status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_MARST — Marital status
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8. Marital status (for persons aged 15 and over)
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Registered marriage
[] 3 Common law marriage
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Separated

___ No. of the spouse in the list of residents in the dwelling

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Question 8. Marital status (for persons aged 15 years and over)

For persons aged 15 years and over the code is to be marked, which corresponds to one of the prompts listed.

"Never married" should be marked for persons who have never been either in a registered or in a common law (unregistered) marriage.

"Registered marriage" is to be marked for persons presently married, their marriage being registered with the registry office.

"Common law marriage" is to be marked for persons presently married without registration with the registry office.

For those married the serial No. of the spouse within the dwelling is to be entered, i.e. the number indicated against his/her family name in the list of residents in the dwelling (column 1) if the spouse lives in the same household.

"Widowed" is to be marked for persons having been married earlier (whether their marriage registered or not) whose marriage has been stopped because of the death of the spouse and who have not remarried.

"Divorced" is to be marked for persons who have been earlier in a registered marriage, but at the moment are unmarried, their divorce being registered with the registry office.

"Separated" is to be marked for persons who have been earlier in a registered marriage, but at the moment are unmarried, their divorce not being registered with the registry office, as well as for persons who have been earlier in unregistered marriage and at the moment are separated.

For persons under 15 years of age the answer to this question is usually not to be completed. Only if a person questioned is de facto married, the corresponding response should be marked.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_MARST — Marital status
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

4. Your marital status?

For individuals 15 years old and senior.
[Question 4 was asked of persons age 15+.]
[] 1 Was never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 In common law marriage
[] 4 Widow, widower
[] 5 Officially divorced
[] 6 Split
Number of (cohabiter) spouse (from column 1 of the list of household members in Form 1-premise) _ _ _
[This question was asked of persons who were married or were in common law marriage.]
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33.3. In question 4 "Your marital status?":
- the answer "married" is to be completed for persons in a married couple registered with the civil registry offices;

- the answer "in common law marriage" should be completed for persons in a consensual union who live in the same household and have marriage-like relationship with each other that are not registered with the civil registry offices;

- the answer "widow, widower" is to be completed for persons previously married whose marriage was stopped due to death or adjudication of death case of the spouse and who did not remarry;

- the answer "divorced" is to be completed for persons previously in a registered marriage who at the census moment were unmarried with their divorce being registered with the civil registry office;

- the answer "separated" is to be completed for persons in a registered marriage who do not jointly keep the house. These also include persons previously in unregistered marriage who at the census moment were separated;

Finland 2010 — source variable FI2010A_MARST — Marital status
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[7] Population structure
These statistics on the structure of the population describe Finnish and foreign citizens permanently resident in Finland at the turn of the year.

The divorce statistics are based on data on granted decrees of divorce transmitted to the Population Register Centre by courts of law. The statistics also include cases where a permanent resident of Finland is granted a divorce by a foreign court. If the divorce is granted abroad, it must be reported to the register keeper for registration of divorce. Exceptions are divorces granted to Finnish citizens in Sweden, on which the Swedish register keeper notifies the Finnish counterpart directly.
A divorce granted to a Finnish citizen abroad usually requires validation by the Helsinki Court of Appeal before registration. Divorce decisions given in the Nordic Countries and in the EU countries as of 1 March 2001 can be registered without validation.
In 1980 to 2016, divorces referred to divorces of women living permanently in Finland unless otherwise stated. Starting from the statistical reference year 2017, divorces where at least one of the spouses has resided permanently in Finland on the day the divorce was granted are included in the statistics as divorces. The amendment to the Marriage Act that entered into force on 1 March 2017 enabled same-sex couples to enter into marriage (156/2015). Since 2017, the total number of divorces consists of the number of divorces of marriages between opposite-sex and same-sex couples.
The amendment to the Marriage Act (411/1987), effective from 1 January 1988, simplified divorce proceedings. Divorce figures began to rise towards the end of 1988, when the first divorces (after a reconsideration period of six months) became effective under the new legislation. The Marriage Act no longer has regulations on 'cancellation of marriage' or 'nullification of marriage'. Before the new act came into force in 1988 these were in separate groups, now among divorces.

Marital status
The information on marital status is derived from the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre. It should be noted that common-law marriage or cohabiting is not a marital status. People representing all marital status categories may be cohabiting, including those who are still officially married.
The current divorce regulations no longer recognise the concept of legal separation. Those persons who are legally separated on the basis of the old divorce provisions prior to 1 January 1988 and still living apart have been slotted under married persons in the statistics.
The possibility to register partnerships started in Finland on 1 March 2002 and ended on the last day of February 2017 (Act to amend the Act of Registered Partnerships 250/2016). Starting from the beginning of March 2017, same-sex couples have been able to enter into marriage (156/2015). Same-sex couples had been able to register their partnership in Finland as of 1 March 2002.
The amendment to the Marriage Act that entered into force on 1 March 2017 didn't change the classification of marital status.
For reasons of data protection, in municipal tables those living in a registered partnership are classified together with married persons, as are those divorced or widowed from a registered partnership with divorced and widowed persons.

The classification of marital status is as follows:

-- Unmarried
-- Married
-- Divorced
-- Widowed
-- Partner in a registered partnership
-- Divorced from a registered partnership
-- Widowed after a registered partnership
Starting from the statistical reference year 2017, contracted marriages refer to marriages where at least one of the spouses has resided permanently in Finland on the day when the marriage was contracted. The amendment to the Marriage Act that entered into force on 1 March 2017 enabled same-sex couples to enter into marriage (156/2015).
The number of marriages contracted annually is, thus, the number of marriages entered into by same-sex and opposite-sex spouses.
In 1980 to 2016, contracted marriages referred to marriages of women living permanently in Finland unless otherwise stated.

Registered partnership
Registered partnership of two persons of the same sex aged 18 or over (Act on Registered Partnerships of 9 Nov. 2001/950). Partnership is registered by an authority entitled to perform civil marriage ceremonies. Registered partnership is dissolved when one partner dies or is declared dead, or when it is dissolved by court order.

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital Status

Mark an X in only one of the boxes that corresponds to your present status. Thus, a widower (or divorced person) who has remarried should mark the 2nd box.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status
Put a cross in the only box which corresponds to your current situation. Thus, a widower (or a divorced man) who is remarried will mark the second box.
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(er)
[] 4 Divorced

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Marital Status

Put a cross in the only box which corresponds to your current situation: so, a widower (or a divorced man) who is remarried will mark the second box

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(er)
[] 4 Divorced

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 1 - 6 apply to all persons]

4. Marital Status

Mark an X in only one of the boxes that corresponds to your present status. Thus, a widower (or divorced man) who has remarried should mark the 2nd box.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Legal marital status
A person living in free union will check the box corresponding to his or her legal status. If single, for example, check the first box.
A divorced person, or a person separated from his or her legitimate partner will check the second box.
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married or remarried
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_MARST — Marital Status
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4. Legal marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(ed)
[] 4 Divorced
A person cohabitating will check the box corresponding to his/her present legal status. If, for example, the status is single, this person will check the first box. A person in the middle of a divorce or separated from his/her legitimate spouse will check the second box.

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_MARST — Legal marital status
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

8. What is your legal marital status?

[] 1 Single (never been legally married)
[] 2 Married (or separated, but not divorced)
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Individual form

6) The following portion of the questionnaire is for individuals age 14 or older.

8) What is your legal marital status?

[ ] 1 Single (never legally married)
[ ] 2 Married (or separated but not divorced)
[ ] 3 Widower, Widow
[ ] 4 Divorced

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status
[] Single
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_MARST — Marital status
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5.a. Marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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5a. Marital status:
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status
[] 1 Married

Year of marriage: _ _ _ _

[] 2 Single
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_MARST — Marital status
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For all persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked to all persons]

3. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Legal Marital Status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Questions 1-9 should be completed for all persons, regardless of their age. (Mark the answers by filling in an X in the appropriate space, wherever applicable.)

5. Legal Marital Status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Legal Marital Status
-Check 2 (married) in the case of a separation without a divorce
-Give only one answer for each person.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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6. Marital status
The answers to this question were: a) single, b) married, c) widowed, d) divorced and for those that were separated the answer married was checked. In any case, the respondent's answer was checked.

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_MARST — Marital status
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7. Legal marital Status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated

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Question 7: This question refers to the legal marital status of persons.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_MARST — Marital status
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C. Enumeration form of person

5. Legal marital status.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 In registered partnership
[] 6 Separated
[] 7 Widow of registered partnership
[] 8 Divorced of registered partnership
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Question 5 "Legal marital status"
The legal marital status is to be recorded. The respondent's answer is to be recorded with X. Persons cohabiting but not registered they are to state their legal marital status. Cohabitation is a private agreement signed with a notary, in which two heterosexual adults organize their coexistence.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_MARST — Marital status
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I. General Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 1-10.]

4. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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4. Marital status
In recording the marital status the actual legal situation should be marked:

"Never married" is the persons in case he/she has never had a marriage;

The person is "married" in case he/she has bound a legal marriage, the marriage had not been dissolved legally and his/her spouse is alive. The married couples might live together or separated from each-other;

"Widowed" is the person in case his/her spouse had deceased and he/she did not make a new match;

"Divorced" is the person provided his/her marriage had been legally dissolved with a final judgment, and he/she did not wed again.

Marital status of the persons living together without wedding will be defined according to their actual legal status. For example, in the case of a never married woman living with a married man, the marital status of the partners will be marked as never married and married respectively.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_MARST — Marital status
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2. Marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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2. Marital status

While entering marital status, legal state is taken into account even if the partners live together without having been married; e.g. if a never married female partner is cohabiting with a married male partner, the correct entry is: "single (1)" and "married (2)" respectively.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status:
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Question 6.

The so-called separated person whose marriage has not been dissolved by a final judgment is to be counted as married. A person whose former spouse died after the dissolution of the marriage is not to be counted as widowed but as being divorced.
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6. Marital status

The legal marital status will be taken into account. The legally married person is regarded as such even though his/her spouse is not living with nevertheless the marriage had not been terminated by court. The marital status of the persons cohabiting without legal marriage should be registered according to the legal status, e.g. in case a never married female is living with a married male, their marital status will be marked as "never married" and "married" respectively.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_MARST — Marital status
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8. Marital status:
[] 1 Never married (Skip to 10)
[] 2 Married, living together
[] 3 Married but living separately
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced

8. In marking the marital status, the legal de jure status is the basis.

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Question 8: Marital status

While marking the marital status the legal state will be taken into account. The legally married person who's wife is alive and the marriage is not terminated by the court is marked as married even if he/she is not living with the spouse. The married person should be questioned if he /she is living with the spouse or separated from her/him. In fact living together or separated is a matter of personal decision. The answer marked is not necessarily the same as the family status entered on the 4th page of the Dwelling questionnaire.

The marital status of the persons living in cohabitation (as consensual partners) should be entered also according to the legal state, e.g. if a never married female is in cohabitation with a married male the family status is never married and married, not living with the spouse respectively.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Personal questionnaire

I. Demography

[Questions 1 through 3 were asked of all persons]

10. What is your legal marital status?

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(er)
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Registered cohabiting partner
[] 6 Widowed registered cohabiting partner
[] 7 Divorced registered cohabiting partner
[For responses 5, 6 and 7], these answers can be marked only in case of same-sex cohabiting partners registered after July 1, 2009.
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I. Demography

10. What is your legal marital status?
The legal marital status must be taken into account. Also the legal marital status has to be marked in case of cohabiting partnership.

Never married is a person who has not yet married and not registered as cohabiting partner.

Married is a person whose legal marriage is not dissolved by a legal judgement, independently of the fact whether he/she lives together with his/her spouse or not.

Widowed is a person whose legal spouse deceased and who has not remarried or been registered as a cohabiting partner.

Divorced is a person whose marriage is dissolved by a legal judgement and who has not remarried or been registered as a cohabiting partner.

Registered cohabiting partner is a person who is registered with his/her same-sex partner by official authorities. According to the current legal status, registered cohabiting partnership can be registered since 1st July 2009. Registered at the notary public is not registered cohabiting partnership, as this does not change the person's legal marital status.

In case the respondent is not married, continue the questionnaire at question 12.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_MARST — Marital status
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8. Marriage ____
If 14 years of age or over, write "Single", "Married" or "Widowed", as appropriate. If under 14 years of age, write "Child"

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Question 8 - Marriage.
An entry is required in this column for all persons. For children under 14 years of age "Child" should be written. The entries in this column should not be inconsistent with those in Columns 3 and 7.

Ireland 1979 — source variable IE1979A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Marital status
The marital status indicated should relate to the person's present legal status.
If under 15 years of age (i.e., born after 1 April, 1964), please check box 1.

[] 1 Child
[] 2 Single
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Other status

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_MARST — Marital status
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Q.5 Marital status
The marital status indicated should relate to the person's present legal status. If [the person is] under 15 years of age (i.e., born after 5 April, 1966) please check box 1.

[] 1 Child
[] 2 Single
[] 3 Married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Other status

Question 5: Marital status

(i) The marital status indicated should relate to the person's present legal status.
(ii) If under 15 years of age (i.e., born after 5 April, 1966) please insert the check mark in box 1.
(iii) The category "Other status" relates only to persons who have obtained a divorce in another country.

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Q.5: Marital status
An entry is required to this Question for all persons. For children under 15 years of age (i.e. born on or after 6 April, 1966), "Child" should be ticked. The entries for this question should not be inconsistent with those for Relationship and Date of Birth. If in some cases additional information is inserted by respondents who opt for the category "other status", accept it without question.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_MARST — Marital status
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Q.5 Was the person ever married?

[Marital status - for persons born on or before 13 April, 1971]

Please check the appropriate box:

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Q.5 and Q.6: Marital status
An entry is required at Question 5 for all persons born on or before 13 April 1971. For children under 15 years of age (i.e. born on or after 14 April l97l), these questions should be left blank. At Question 6 information is required on the present actual marital status irrespective of the legal status. Thus, for example a deserted wife though legally married should have a tick in box 5.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions Q.5 and Q.6 on marital status apply to persons born on or before 21 April, 1976]

Q.5 Was the person ever married?

Please check the appropriate box

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Proceed to Q.6 only if the person answered "Yes" to Q.5]

Q.6 What is the marital status of persons who were ever married?

Indicate the present actual marital status irrespective of the legal status. Please check the appropriate box.

[] 1 Widowed

Remarried following:
[] 2 Widowhood
[] 3 Dissolution of previous marriage (annulment or divorce)
[] 4 Married

Married but separated:
[] 5 Deserted
[] 6 Marriage annulled
[] 7 Legally separated
[] 8 Other separated
[] 9 Divorced in another country
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Appendix 1

Q.5 and 6: Marital status
For children under 15 years of age (i.e., born more recently than 21 April, 1976) these questions should be left blank. An entry is required at Question 5 for all persons born on or before 21 April, 1976. Question 6 seeks information on the present actual marital status regardless of the legal status. Thus, for example, a deserted wife, although legally married, should choose box 5.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_MARST — Marital status
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Marital status
Questions 5-6 were asked of persons aged 15 years and over (i.e. those born on or before 28 April, 1981)

Q.5 Was the person ever married?

Please check the appropriate box
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Q.6 What is the marital status of persons who were ever married ("Yes" at Q.5)?

Indicate the present actual marital status irrespective of the legal status.
Please check the appropriate box.
[] 1 Widowed

Remarried following:
[] 2 Widowhood
[] 3 Dissolution of previous marriage (annulment or divorce)
[] 4 Married

Married but separated:
[] 5 Deserted
[] 6 Marriage annulled
[] 7 Legally separated
[] 8 Other separated
[] 9 Divorced
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Questions which cover all persons

Q.5 and Q.6: Marital Status
For children under 15 years of age (i.e. born after the 28 April 1981) these questions should be left blank. An entry is required at Question 5 for all persons born on or before 28 April 1981. Question 6 seeks information on the present actual marital status regardless of legal status. Thus, for example, a deserted wife although legally married should tick box 5.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_MARST — Marital status
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10 What is your current marital status?
Answer if aged 15 year or over. Check one box only.

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

A5 What is this person's current marital status?

Answer if aged 15 year or over. Check one box only.

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (including re-married)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

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10. What is your current marital status?
Answer if [the respondent] is age 15 and older

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

Question 10 will show changes in marital status patterns over time. There will be a lot of interest in this question following the divorce referendum.

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_MARST — Marital status
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B. Person Form

10. What is your current marital status? Answer if aged 15 years or over. Check one box only.

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed
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The major changes occurring in the marital status situation of the population is captured by the responses to Question 10 - current marital status. In particular it is possible to monitor the increased incidence of marital breakdown taking place in Irish society.

10 What is your current marital status?

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (Following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_MARST — Marital status
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Person 1
[Questions 1-35 were asked for each person included List 1, household residents who were present on census night.]

5. What is your current marital status?

Answer if aged 15 years or over. Mark 1 box only.
[Question 5 was asked for persons age 15+.]

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married (following widowhood)
[] 4 Re-married (following divorce/annulment)
[] 5 Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed
Absent persons who usually live in the household

[Questions A1-A8 were asked for each usual member of the household who was reported to be absent on census night.]

A5. What is this person's current marital status?

Answer if aged 15 years or over.
Mark one box only

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (including re-married)
[] 5 (Separated (including deserted)
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Widowed
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Question 5. The changes occurring in the marital status of the population is captured by the responses to Question 5. In particular, it is possible to monitor the incidence of marital breakdown in Irish society.

This question should only be answered by those aged 15 or over.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_MARST — Marital status
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5. What is your current marital status?

Answer if aged 15 years or over
Mark one box only

[] 1. Single (never married or never in a same-sex civil partnership)
[] 2. Married (first marriage)
[] 3. Re-married
[] 4. In a registered same-sex civil partnership
[] 5. Separated
[] 6. Divorced
[] 7. Widowed
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question 5: What is your current marital status?]

The changes occurring in the marital status of the population is captured by the responses to question 5. In particular, it is possible to monitor the incidence of marital breakdown in Irish society. For Census 2016 the question was revised to incorporate registered same-sex civil partnerships.

This question should only be answered by those aged 15 or over.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions in points 3 and 4 were asked of everyone, unless otherwise noted]

3.1 Marital Status

[] 1 Single [skip to point 4]
[] 2 Married
[] 3 De facto separated
[] 4 Legally separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widow/er

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Question 3.1
Those who are married but no longer live with their spouse because the couple is in crises must cross box 3 ("Separated by fact") and not box 2 ("Married").
Married persons who live separated from their spouse due to contingencies or other needs must cross box 2 ("Married") and not box 3 ("Separated by fact").
"Once married" persons (that is, those who have obtained an annulment or civil separation in accordance with law No. 898 of 1 December 1970) must cross box 5 ("Divorced").

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_MARST — Marital status
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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

2. Marital status and marriages

2.1 Marital status

[] 1 Single [skip to question 3.1]
[] 2 Married
[] 3 De facto separated
[] 4 De jure separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widow(er)
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Question 2.1
Married individuals who no longer live with their spouse due to personal difficulties with their relationship should check box 3 ("De facto separated"), not box 2 ("Married").

Married individuals who live separately from their spouse due to necessity or other contingencies, alternatively, should check box 2 ("Married"), not box 3 ("De facto separated").

"Formerly married" individuals (i.e., who obtained the dissolution or cessation of the civil status of marriage pursuant to Law no. 898 of 01st December 1970) should check box 5 ("Divorced").

Netherlands 1960 — source variable NL1960A_MARST — Marital status
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6. Marital status ____
Write: single, married, widowed, divorced or judicially separated

Netherlands 1971 — source variable NL1971A_MARST — Marital status
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Questions to be answered by all persons

2. Is he/she

[] Single
[] Married
[] Legitimately separated
[] Divorced
[] Widowed

Netherlands 2001 — source variable NL2001A_MARST — Marital Status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Netherlands 2011 — source variable NL2011A_MARST — Marital status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_MARST — Marital status
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10. Marriage status (write in: single, or married, widower, widow, divorced) ____
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40 Marriage status (write in: single, or married, widower, widow, divorced) (Question 10) [p.54]
1. In accordance with the pieces of information provided by the surveyed individual, write the following:

[] "single"
[] "married"
[] "widower"
[] "widow"
[] "divorced"

2. Only if the said individual has certain doubts and asks the census enumerator for help, shall the said professional clarify that the factual marriage status rather than the legal and formal one shall be provided. Therefore:

- Married individuals are those, who have entered into marriage, even if they are not formally married,
- Divorced individuals are those who no longer live with their partners, even if the formal divorce has not yet been granted to them.

3. Small children
shall have "single" marriage status indicated.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_MARST — Marital status
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Census of population (inhabitants)

8. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Widower
[] Divorced
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Part 4: Rules concerning filling in 2nd and 3rd page of the A Form

25. Marital status (question 8) [p.26]
The marital status is registered according to surveyed individual's declaration. If a surveyed person has doubts, how to specify his marital status, a factual not formal one should be stated, so:

- Married people are those, who live in a marriage together, even without formal wedding
- Divorced individuals are those, who left (or are separated with) their spouse and do not live in a marriage, regardless of divorce formalities.
- Children should have 'bachelor' or 'maiden' marital status indicated

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_MARST — Legal marital status
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8. What is your legal marital status? (Persons age 15 and up)
Concern persons born in 1987 and earlier. If the answer is: 2 or 3 or 6 go to question 9; 1 or 4 or 5 go to question 10

[] 1 Single (never married), go to question 10
[] 2 Legally married (and living together), go to question 9
[] 3 Legally married (living separately), go to question 9
[] 4 Widower - widow, go to question 10
[] 5 Divorced, go to question 10
[] 6 Legally separated (de jure status), go to question 9
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Question 8. What is your legal marital status? [p. 32]

1. The legal marital status should be taken into account. For every person born in 1987 or earlier an answer should be chosen.

2. Special attention should be given to separation. Answer 3 concerns married persons who split up but are not legally separated, answer 6 concerns persons who are legally separated on the basis of the decision of the court.

3. For persons being in an informal relationship the legal marital status should be written in. In case of such persons answer 2 should not be chosen.

Poland 2011 — source variable PL2011A_MARST2 — Legal marital status
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1. Module -- Socio-demographic characteristics

21. What is your marital status?

(Concerns people aged 15 years or more)
[] 1. Single
[] 2. Married (in actual status of marriage)
[] 3. Married (in separation adjudicated by court)
[] 4. Married (not in the actual status of marriage but without separation adjudicated by court)
[] 5. Widower/widow
[] 6. Divorced
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Module 1 -- Socio-demographic characteristics (questions 1-23)

Questions 1-8

Question 21. What is your marital status? (concerns people aged 15 years or more)

Only one answer must be indicated in the case of this question.

"1. single" -- should be indicated for individuals, who were not in a relationship while performing the census,
"2. married (in actual status of marriage)" -- should be indicated for individuals, who have been married and is still living with the partner;
"3. married (in separation adjudicated by court)" -- should be indicated for individuals, who are in separation due to decision of a proper court,
"4. married (not in the actual status of marriage but without separation adjudicated by court)" -- should be indicated for individuals, who have been married but do not live together with the partner and there is no separation adjudicated by court,
"5. widower - widow" -- should be indicated for individuals, who are not in a relationship due to death of the partner,
"6. divorced" -- should be indicated for individuals, who have been divorced by means of decision of a proper court.
Question 23. Non-obligatory question.
Was your current relationship formally established in a registry office or in a church (religious association)?

The question is non-obligatory in character, and there is a possibility to refuse to answer it. The answer to this question will be the basis for specifying the number of families divided into: marriages (with or without children) and partners (with or without children).

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

7. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced

Question 7 - Marital Status

  • Married: refers to the person who is legally married or living in an equivalent situation. The married condition (legal or de facto) dominates over any other prior status.
  • Separated: is every person who, after having been married, separated herself from her spouse, even when the separation has not been legally recognized.
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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Question 7 - Marital status

Married - By married we must understand the person legally married or just living in a similar situation but not legalized. The marriage situation dominates other status.

Separated - By separated, we understand a person legally separated, meaning that after being legally married, obtained a legal separation from a court.

Divorced - Every person who had a legal dissolution of his/her marriage.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

5. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married: with register
[] 3 Married: without register
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 11: Did you complete the education level indicated in the previous question?

"Yes" or "No" answer.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

5. Marital Status:

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married: with register
[] 3 Married: without register
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced

Question 5 - Marital status

The actual situation should always be indicated, independently of whether it coincides with the legal situation.

For example: If you are divorced but at the census moment you are living with another person without legal marriage, you should tick "Married without register".

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Question 5 - Marital status

We must collect the real situation the individual is in ("de facto" situation), even if is not the same as the legal situation.


Options available in this question:

Married : with register
Married: without register - Status where a person, independently of their legal status, is living with a person of the opposite sex in a situation similar to the marriage but without the legal arrangements.
Separated - Every person that after marrying or living together with other person had left the spouse even if the separation has no legal recognition.
Divorced - Every person that had a legal dissolution of a marriage.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Individual questionnaire

6. What is your legal marital status?

Indicate the legal situation regardless of your marital situation.
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married (Go to question 8)
[] 3 Separated, but still legally married
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Separated
[] 6 Divorced
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 6- What is your legal marital status?
[There is an image of question 6]
You need to record the legal marital status of the person, regardless of their marital situation.
Married- Someone legally married and lives with the respective spouse.
Separated, but still legally married- All people who, after getting married have separated but still have not recognized the separation legally or divorce in court or by the Civil Registry.
Divorced- Someone who after being married opted to dissolve the marriage in court or by the Civil Registry (divorce).
[p. 119]
If a person is still legally married but is separated from his/her partner without a legal divorce, you should choose "Separated, but still legally married";
If a person lives in a consensual union and their marital status is single, you should choose the option "Single".
[There is an image of zoomed in response for married skip to question 8]

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_MARST — Marital status
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13. Marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow
[] 4 Divorced

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60. Marital status (column 13).
For all persons, regardless of the sex and the age, the stated marital status will be recorded by inscribing the x mark on the corresponding box, namely: single, unmarried, married, widowed, or divorced.

In the case of separated married couples in which the husband and wife have a different legal residence, living alone or with someone else, the marital status declared by each of the spouses will be enumerated. The code of unmarried will be marked only for the persons who never were married.

The children below 14 years of age are included also to this code, except for those female persons legally married, divorced or widowed before reaching 15 years of age.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_MARST — Marital status
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11 Marital status of the person
[] 1 Unmarried
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 11 Marital status of the person

58. For all persons, regardless of sex or age, indicate the stated marital status in the corresponding box, namely:

Code 1: unmarried (single)
Code 2: married
Code 3: widowed
Code 4: divorced

The code of unmarried will be marked only for persons who were never married. Children below 14 years of age are also included in this code, excepting those female persons who are legally married with a special age license, divorced or widowed.

In the case of separated married couples in which the husband and wife have different legal residences, whether living alone or with someone else, register the marital status declared by each of the spouses.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_MARST — Marital status
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11. Marital status
11.1 Legal marital status:
[] 1 Single (unmarried)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

11.2 De facto marital status: Is this person living in a consensual union?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Marital status (item 11)

58. The legal marital status will be recorded (to the item 11.1) for all persons regardless of sex and age.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will be written on the code box 1 (single -- unmarried -- this is meaning: never married) for all persons who never were married (the children below 14 years of age are included in this code);
-- the mark x will be recorded to the code 2 (legally married) - for all the formally/ legally married persons. The lower limit for marriage is 16 years for the females and 18 years for males. Exception: the female persons under 16 years and males persons under 18 years, legally married, on the basis of marriage exemption license, or the persons married abroad.
-- the mark x will be recorded to the code 3 (divorced) -- for all the persons divorced and not remarried;
-- the mark x will be recorded to the code 4 (widowed) -- for all the persons, whose wife or husband have died and are not remarried;

To the item 11.2 will be recorded if the person is living in consensual union, it means that living, cohabiting together with her or him, without any legal forms, having a common residence with her or with him, regardless of the legal marital status.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_MARST — Marital status
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To be filled in for persons present in the household or who are temporarily absent.

5. Legal marital status

[] 1 Single (go directly to question 7)
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(er)
[] 4 Divorced

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Your marital status
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
Was the marriage registered with the registry office? ____
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Widow or widower

If the spouse lives in the same household, indicate the census No. from form P, list A, column 1, under which the spouse is listed

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Question 4. Your marital status
People who are 16 years or older should be identified by the mark corresponding to one of four suggested prompts.
The "Married" option is marked for those who are married at the present moment regardless of the official registration of the marriage at the registry office.
After you have marked the "Married ' option, ask the respondent whether the marriage was registered at the registry office. Depending on the answer, mark the appropriate prompt - "yes" or "no".
For those persons who were identified as married, in a special field indicate the number of the spouse assigned to him/her in column 1, List A, Form S (he/she was recorded under the same number in Forms K or D).
If the spouse is not registered in the given household, no number should be indicated.
The "Was never married" option is for those who were never married, either in registered or unregistered (consensual union) marriage
The "Divorced" prompt should be marked for those who were formerly married, but at the present moment are not; regardless of whether the divorce was registered or not at the registry office, or those who were formerly living in consensual union, but at the present moment are separated.
[p. 46]
The "Widower, widow" option is for those who were formerly married (regardless of the official registration of the marriage), and the marriage ceased to exist because of the death of the spouse, and the person did not marry again.
As a rule, this item is not completed for respondents younger than 16 years. Only if a respondent younger than 16 years is really married, you should mark the proper option.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_MARST — Marital status
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For persons aged 16 and over and for married persons under the age of 16.

5. Marital status

Mark one of the variants that corresponds to the marital status as of October 14, 2010.
[] I am married
Has your marriage been registered?
[] Yes
[] No
No. of the spouse ____
[] Officially divorced (the divorce is officially registered)
[] Separated
[] Widowed
[] Never married
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Question 5. Your marital status.
Individuals aged 16 years and more and married individuals under 16 put a mark that corresponds to any of the given prompts.
"Married" will be marked by the one who is married at the present time regardless whether his/her marriage is registered with the registry office or not.
After mark "Married" is indicated, census taker shall ask a sub-question "Is your marriage registered?" and depending on the answer put a mark that corresponds to a prompt "yes" or "no".
If a respondent's spouse lives together with her (him) within the same household, an index number shall be put in a special zone, under which a spouse is written in column B of Table 1 of Form S. If a spouse is not enumerated within the same household then no index number is put.
[Omitted example image of form.]
"Officially divorced (divorce is registered)" will be marked by the one who was once married and is not married any more, and the divorce is registered with the registry office.
"Separated" will be marked by the one who was once in unregistered marriage, and now is separated, and also by the one who is in registered marriage and separated, but divorce is not registered with the registry office.
"Widower, widow" will be marked by the one who was once married (regardless of whether it was registered or not), then this marriage ceased because of the death of a spouse and the person has not yet entered a new marriage.
"Never married" will be marked by the one who has never been married (registered - actual or not registered).


When filling in of census papers it is necessary in case of obvious non-compliant answers to the question 5 to specify some information from the respondents. For example, Popova A.A. lives in a premise where the survey is conducted (No. in column B - 1), her daughter Popova G.V. (No. in column B - 2) and Suvorov K.B. - non-relative (No. in column B - 3). Popova A.A. who answered questions on behalf of her daughter told that her daughter was divorced, and Suvorov K.B. answered that he was in unregistered marriage and indicated the index number of a spouse, under which Popova G.V. is registered. In this situation it shall be specified whether Popova G.V. and Suvorov K.B. are in registered marriage and make relevant amendments to the questions 1 and 5.

Slovakia 1991 — source variable SK1991A_MARST — Marital status
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Part A - Information about persons
Instructions for completing Part A - Information about persons
[Instructions include an example that is omitted here.]

7. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Divorced
[] Widowed

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_MARST — Marital status
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Personal form

5. Marital status

[] Single [continue with question 8]
[] Married [continue with questions 6 and 7]
[] Divorced [continue with questions 6 and 7]
[] Widowed [continue with questions 6 and 7]

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_MARST — Marital status
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A. Data on population

4. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Divorced
[] Widow/widower
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Census form A. Population data
Census form A. Population data was completed by each member of the household. For a minor citizen or a citizen who could not provide data on his/her own, the data should be provided by their legal representative, a family member or the owner of the house.

Marital status
Marital status is an expression of the legal relationship of the resident. The status indicates whether the resident is single, married, divorced, or widowed. In the 2011 census, the residents stated their marital status according to the legal status valid in the Slovak Republic.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_MARST — Legal marital status
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Data in the pre-census database for buildings, dwellings and persons were taken over as of 9 November 2001.

From the pre-census database data are provided for contents stated in Article 6 of the Census Act. Data that are thus not on the P-3 Census questionnaire for persons are:
Place of birth,
Last migration,
Marital status,
Employment status,
Usual working hours,
Place of work.

For individual groups of population from the pre-census database the following data were provided for questions on the P-3 Census questionnaires for persons:
Question No. - Content
4 - Sex
23 - Address one year before the census, i.e. on 31 March 2001
24 - First residence after birth
35 - Education in the program for obtaining recognised education
36 - Level and type of education after finishing the program
37 - Place of education
42 - Activity status

If on the P-3 Census questionnaire for persons the box left of the question number is marked X, the question needs not be answered because the data have been obtained from the pre-census database.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_MARST — Marital status
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5. Legal status
Mark the corresponding box with an X.
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_MARST — Marital status
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12. Legal marital status:
Indicate legal marital status, not de facto status:
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Legally separated
[] 5 Divorced

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_MARST — Marital status
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[1] Marital status
Indicate legal marital status, regardless of whether it corresponds with the person's current status.
[] Never married
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Separated
[] Divorced

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_COUPTY1 — Type of couple (de facto or legal)

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_MARST — Marital status
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5. What is the marital status of Person 1?
Mark his/her legal situation, even if it does not coincide with the informal status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Separated
[] Divorced
[] Widowed
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1.A.4 Marital Status

The marital status (de jure) is defined as the (legal) conjugal state of each individual in relation to the marriage laws.

Traditionally this variable is used to analyze processes of family formation and related with fecundity. In addition it is necessary for determining and evaluating social policies.

Categories of this variable:

The union is with someone of a different sex
The union is with someone of the same sex

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_MARST — Marital status
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A. Questions to all persons
[Applies to questions 1-15]

4. Marital status:

[] Single
[] Married, including separated
[] Widowed
[] Divorced

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Question 4: Marital status
Legally separated is to be marked as married

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_MARST — Marital status
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A. Questions to all persons

4. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married, including separated
[] Divorced
[] Widowed

If widowed since which year? ____

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Question 4: Marital status

Legally married is to be marked as married.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_MARST — Marital status
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3. Marital status
Married persons should state the year when they married their present partner. Legally separated persons should mark 'married'

[] Single
[] Married, since _ _ _ _ (year)
[] Widowed, since _ _ _ _ (year)
[] Divorced, since _ _ _ _ (year)

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_MARST — Marital status
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3.1.3 Basic output
The basic statistics of the population provide annual information.

T2 Information provided by the basic statistics of the population


- People who get married by age, sex, marital status, nationality before marriage, and religion
- People who get married by age of spouses, sex, marital status, nationality before marriage, and religion
- Marriages by month

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_MARST — Marital status
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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

29. Marital status

(Ask persons age 12 or older)

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

(Questions 29-42 are for persons age 12 or older)

Question 29: What is your marital status?

If the marital status of the person being administered the census is "Never married", place an "X" into the 1 "Never married" box, if married into the 2 "Married" box, if divorced, into the 3 "Divorced" box, and if the spouse had died, into the 4 "Widowed" box.

Those either married through a religious wedding (wedding ceremony conducted by an imam) or who declare themselves to be married, are to be regarded as "Married".

Turkey 1990 — source variable TR1990A_MARST — Marital status
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21. Marital status
(Ask persons age 12 or older)

1 [] Never married
2 [] Married
3 [] Divorced
4 [] Widowed

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (8-34)
This section includes questions (Questions 8-34) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted. Whether the household head is at home or not, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from Question 8 to Question 34). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section are identical to the ones written in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, (except for household members not at home) also write down all the characteristics of all the household members who are present at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write using printed letters into the pertinent section and in order of their ages the names surnames and all the characteristics of those who, while being present at home, are not household members (guests). Answer questions with a box by placing an "X" into it.

[Questions 21-34 are for persons age 12 or older]

Question 21: Your marital status?

(Persons age 12 or older)

If the marital status of the person being administered the census is never-married, place an "X" into the 1 "Never married" box, if married into the 2 "Married" box, if divorced, into the 3 "Divorced" box, and if the spouse had died, into the 4 "Spouse died" box.

Those either married through a religious wedding (a wedding ceremony conducted by an imam) or who declare themselves to be married, are to be regarded as "Married".

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_MARST — Marital status
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Ask persons age 12 or older
[Question 30 was asked of persons age 12 or older]

30. What is your marital status?
[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

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Question 30 is only to be asked about persons age 12 or older

Question 30. What is your marital status?

An "X" is to be placed into the box corresponding to the person's marital status. In specifying the marital status, the basis is to be the de facto situation rather than the legally formalized one. For example, if those living as husband and wife based only on common-law, or married through a religious wedding (wedding ceremony conducted by an imam) declare themselves to be married, they are to be accepted as being "Married".

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_MARST — Marital status
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9. Family status (for persons aged 15 and above)

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Live with partner
[] 4 Widow / widower
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Separated
Number of wife (husband) ____
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Question 9 - Family status (for persons aged 15 and above)

The mark that corresponds to the one of the mentioned variant of response is written down to persons aged 15 and above.


Single (never married) is marked to persons who were never married.

Married is marked to persons who are within marriage registered in RAGS [office of civil registration].

Live with partner is marked to persons who are within marriage not registered in RAGS.

Widower/widow is marked to persons who were within marriage (regardless the marriage was registered or not) that ended because of husband's (wife's) death and who didn't get married again.

Divorced is marked to persons who were within registered marriage before and now they are not married and their divorce is registered in RAGS.

Separated is marked to persons who were within unregistered marriage before but now they are not married and their separation is not registered in RAGS. It is also marked to persons who were within unregistered marriage before and for now they broke up.

If there is a married couple within a household then to husband in a specially outlined framework you should fill out the number under which his wife is written down within the household (graph 1 of form 1) and to wife -- the number under which her husband is written down. If only one (husband or wife) of married couple is written down within the household then the number is not filled out.

The answer to this question is not generally written down to persons under 15 years; only in case the respondents are actually married you should write down the relative mark.

United Kingdom 1961 — source variable UK1961A_MARST — Marital status
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E. Persons 16 years or over.
Write "single", "married", "widowed", or "divorced" (See note 4). ____

G. All married women.

Write at (i) the date of her present marriage.
(i) ____
Has she been married more than once? Write "yes" or "no" at (ii).
If "yes" fill in column H
(ii) ____

H. Widowed or divorced women or women married more than once.

Write at (i) the date of first or only marriage.
It is only answered if part (ii) or question G was "yes".
(i) ____
Write at (ii) the date when that marriage ended (See note 6).
(ii) ____
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4. Marriage, etc. (Column E)

If a person is legally separated, not divorced, write ''Married".

6. End of first marriage (Column H)

Write at (ii) the date of her first or only husband's death or date of divorce.

United Kingdom 1971 — source variable UK1971A_MARST — Marital status
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Part B

Complete a line in Part B for every person present, that is every person who:

a) Spends Census night 25/26 April 1971 in this household or
b) Joins this household on Monday 26 April and has not been included as present on Census from elsewhere.

B6. Write 'single', 'married', 'widowed' or 'divorced' as appropriate. ____

If separated and not divorced, write 'married'

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_MARST — Marital status
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4. Marital status
On the 21st April what is the person's marital status?
If separated but not divorced, please tick 'Married (first marriage)' or 'Re-married' as appropriate.

Please tick one box.

[] 1 Single (never married)
[] 2 Married (first marriage)
[] 3 Re-married
[] 4 Divorced (decree absolute)
[] 5 Widowed

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_MARST — Marital status
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[Questions 1 - 5 were asked of all persons.]

4. What is your marital status (on 29 April 2001)?

[] Single (never married)
[] Married (first marriage)
[] Re-married
[] Separated (but sill legally married)
[] Divorced
[] Widowed