Questionnaire Text

Nicaragua 1971
Nicaragua 1995
Nicaragua 2005
Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_EDLEV — Educational level
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For those 6 years of age or older
[Applies to Section C]

12. Level of schooling

What is the highest grade or year of studies you completed in primary, secondary or post-secondary education?

Write the grade or year following the type of schooling indicated.

[] 00 None
[] 1 Primary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 Post-secondary ____
[] 99 Unknown

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Cultural [educational] characteristics
Questions 11, 12, and 13 refer to the studies that the enumerated person has completed or is completing. Because of this, these questions are only presented to those persons age 6 or older.

The purpose of these questions is to investigate the population's level of education in relation to demographic, economic, and social characteristics.

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_EDATTAIN — Highest schooling completed
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For persons age 5 or older
[Questions 5-11 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

10. What is the highest school year or grade completed?

[Check the] level / [Fill in the] grade or year

[] 0 None / "00"
[] 1 Literacy / _
[] 2 Preschool / _
[] 3 Primary / _
[] 4 Secondary / _
[] 5 Basic technical / _
[] 6 Middle level technical / _
[] 7 Higher technical / _
[] 8 University / _

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Question 10: Schooling
This question refers only to the grade, year, or level that was passed completely. This is not the grade or year that was left unfinished or the current one. This is the last, highest grade passed.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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[Questions 11-18 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

16. What is the highest grade or school year that [the person] passed?

[] 0 None; Grade or year _
[] 1 Pre-school; Grade or year _
[] 2 Primary; Grade or year _
[] 3 Secondary; Grade or year _
[] 4 Basic technical; Grade or year _
[] 5 Middle technical; Grade or year _
[] 6 Advanced technical; Grade or year _
[] 7 University; Grade or year _

If choices "0"-"3" selected, continue to question 19

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Level of education:

Basic technical certificate
This is the first cycle or level of technical training; having passed primary school is a prerequisite. Training is held in specialized centers authorized by the National Technological Institute [INATEC]. Examples are carpentry, soldering, mechanics, nursing assistant, etc.

Mid-level technical certificate
This is the second cycle or level of technical training; having passed the first three years of secondary education is a prerequisite. Most degrees take three years to complete. Training is held in specialized centers authorized by the National Technological Institute [INATEC]. Examples are mid-level certificates in commercial accounting or business administration. It includes school teachers.

Advanced technical certificate
This is the highest level within the technical training system accredited by the university. Degrees take three years to complete and having finished secondary education (having a high-school diploma) is a prerequisite for entering the program.

This section consists of four parts. The questions are grouped according to the four age and gender divisions seen in the structure of the form.

For persons age 5 or older (Questions 11-18)

Question 16. What is the highest grade or school year that [the person] passed?

This question refers to the highest complete grade or school year that the person passed, and not a grade or year that the person did not complete, or in which the person is currently enrolled.

Write the highest grade or school year passed in the appropriate grid space.

If the answer is "None", write "0" in the appropriate box.

If you wrote a response in any one of options 0-3, go to question 19.