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Educational attainment, Myanmar

Questionnaire Text

Myanmar 2014
Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade
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Age 5 and above (19 through 21)
[Question 19 through 21 were asked of persons age 5 and older.]

Education (19 through 21)

21. What is the highest education grade/level [the respondent] _ _ completed?

Use the following codes corresponding to the education grade/level:

[] 00 None
[] 01 - 11 Grade
[] 12 College
[] 13 Vocational training
[] 14 Undergraduate diploma
[] 15 Graduate
[] 16 Postgraduate diploma
[] 17 Masters Degree
[] 18 PhD
[] 19 Other, specify
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Education Section
Education questions are asked to all persons aged 5 years and above.

Question 21: Highest grade/level completed?

168. Ask "what is the highest education grade/level has [the respondent] completed? The available options are listed below so record appropriately.

[] 00 None
[] 01-11 Grade
[] 12 College
[] 13 Vocational training
[] 14 Under grade diploma
[] 15 Graduate
[] 16 Post graduate diploma
[] 17 Master degree
[] 18 PhD
[] 19 Other

169. In this question, you will record either the highest education level an individual has completed if a person has previously attended or is attending school. For those attending school, in most cases the education level completed is always not the grade/level they are presently enrolled in, but the previous grade/level. For example, if a child is presently enrolled in grade 6, the highest grade completed will be grade 5, and should be recorded as" 05" on the questionnaire. For children attending first grade write "00".

170. Vocational training (record "13") means that completed education/training after high school for certain professions, for example, plumbing, electrical, roofing, refrigeration, carpentry, cabinet making, hair dressing, cosmetology, tailoring etc.

171. College "12" means a person is a student at under-graduate university level; Bachelor degrees (Graduate) are coded "15"; all Masters of Arts, Masters of Science and Masters of Philosophy degrees are marked as option "17". Doctorate degree (Ph. D., option "18") is an advanced research university degree, which for successful completion, requires the submission of a thesis or dissertation of publishable quality. For someone who has had no schooling, code "00".

172. There are respondents who went to school during different system of education in Myanmar. That is during the colonial period, in the former education system and the current education system. A table has been prepared and presented below to assist in coding of education attainment question. It will also be given to interviewers during field enumeration. If for example, a respondent tells you that he completed Standard 9 during former education system, check the correct code using the conversion table, according to the first column and last column the correct code is "10". The conversion table will prove very useful for those respondents who went through the pre-colonial and former system of education. It should also be used for foreigners who schooled in different education systems. Those who have completed education level i.e. high school - "11", diploma - "14", university - "15", should be coded appropriately.