The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Ministry of Immigration and Population
2014 Population and Housing Census
Main Questionnaire
Instructions for completion
[figure omitted]
Questionnaire number _ _ of _ _ for this household
_ _ District
_ _ Township / sub township
_ _ _ Ward / village tract
_ Urban or rural
_ _ _ Enumeration area (Block no.)
_ _ _ Household no.
For all members of the household (1 through 18)
[Question 1 through 18 were asked of all persons living in the household.]
[] 1. Serial number of household member
3. Relationship to the head of the household
[] 2. Spouse
[] 3. Son / daughter
[] 4. Son / daughter-in-law
[] 5. Grandchild / great grandchild
[] 6. Parent / parent-in-Law
[] 7. Sibling
[] 8. Grandparent
[] 9. Other relative
[] 10. Adopted child
[] 11. Non relative
[] 2. Female
[] 2. Married
[] 3. Widowed
[] 4. Divorced / separated
[] 5. Renounced
[] 2. Christian
[] 3. Islam
[] 4. Hindu
[] 5. Animist
[] 6. Other religion
[] 7. No religion
9. Disability: does [the respondent] have any difficulty...?
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 2. Associate Scrutiny Citizenship Card (blue)
[] 3. Naturalized Scrutiny Citizenship Card (green)
[] 4. National Registration Card (three fold card, green for men, pink for women)
[] 5. Religious Card
[] 6. Temporary Registration Card (white)
[] 7. Foreign Registration Card (FRC)
[] 8. Foreign Passport
[] 9. None of the documents above
[] 10. Child below 10 years
[] 2. Rural
[] 2. Rural
15. Duration in place of usual residence (in years)_ _
16. Reason for movement to this township (usual residence)
[] 2. Education
[] 3. Marriage
[] 4. Followed family
[] 5. Conflict
[] 6. Did not move
[] 7. Other
Place of previous usual residence
[] 2. Rural
Age 5 and above (19 through 21)
[Question 19 through 21 were asked of persons age 5 and older.]
19. Can [the respondent] read and write in any language?
[] 2. No
20. Is [the respondent] currently attending, previously attended or never attended school/college?
[] 2. Previously attended
[] 3. Never attended
21. What is the highest education grade/level [the respondent] _ _ completed?
[] 00 None
[] 01 - 11 Grade
[] 12 College
[] 13 Vocational training
[] 14 Undergraduate diploma
[] 15 Graduate
[] 16 Postgraduate diploma
[] 17 Masters Degree
[] 18 PhD
[] 19 Other, specify
Age 10 and above (22 through 24)
[Questions 22 through 24 were asked only of persons age 10 and older.
22. What was [the respondent's] activity status during the last 12 months? (April 2013 - March 2014)
[] 1. Employee (Government)
[] 2. Employee (Private, Org)
[] 3. Employer
[] 4. Own account worker
[] 5. Contributing family worker
[] 6. Sought work
[] 7. Did not seek work
[] 8. Full time student
[] 9. Household work
[] 10. Pensioner, retired, elderly person
[] 11. Ill, disabled
[] 12. Other
23. What work was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last 12 months? ____
24. What is the major product or service provided in the organization/enterprise where [the respondent] mainly worked during the last 12 months? ____
Ever married women (aged 15 and above) (25 through 31)
[Question 25 through 31 were only asked of ever married women age 15 and older.]
25. Number of children ever born alive
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
26. How many of those children are living in this household?
_ _ Female
27. How many of those children are living elsewhere (not in this household)?
_ _ Female
28. How many of those children are no longer alive (dead)?
_ _ Female
29. Date of last live birth
_ _ _ _ Year
[] 2. Female
[] 2. No
32. Type of housing unit occupied by this household
[] 2. Apartment / flat
[] 3. Bungalow / brick house
[] 4. Semi-pacca house [semi-permanent]
[] 5. Wooden house
[] 6. Bamboo
[] 7. Hut 2-3 years
[] 8. Hut 1 year
[] 9. Other
33. Type of ownership of housing unit
[] 2. Renter
[] 3. Provided free (individual)
[] 4. Government quarter
[] 5. Private company quarter
[] 6. Other
34. Main source of lighting in the household
[] 2. Kerosene
[] 3. Candle
[] 4. Battery
[] 5. Generator (private)
[] 6. Water mill (private)
[] 7. Solar system / energy
[] 8. Other
35. Main source of water for drinking and non-drinking in this household
[] 2. Tube well, borehole
[] 3. Protected well / spring
[] 4. Unprotected well / spring
[] 5. Pool / pond / lake
[] 6. River / stream / canal
[] 7. Waterfall / rain water
[] 8. Bottled water / water from vending machine
[] 9. Tanker / truck
[] 10. Other
[] 2. Tube well, borehole
[] 3. Protected well / spring
[] 4. Unprotected well / spring
[] 5. Pool / pond / lake
[] 6. River / stream / canal
[] 7. Waterfall / rain water
[] 8. Bottled water/water from vending machine
[] 9. Tanker / truck
[] 10. Other
36. Main type of cooking fuel used in this household
[] 2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
[] 3. Kerosene
[] 4. BioGas
[] 5. Firewood
[] 6. Charcoal
[] 7. Coal
[] 8. Straw / grass
[] 9. Other
37. Type of toilet used in this household
[] 2. Water Seal (Improved PL)
[] 3. Pit (Traditional pit latrine)
[] 4. Bucket (Surface latrine)
[] 5. Other
[] 6. No toilet
38. Main construction material of the housing unit
[] 2. Bamboo
[] 3. Earth
[] 4. Wood
[] 5. Corrugated sheet
[] 6. Tile / brick / concrete
[] 7. Other
[] 2. Bamboo
[] 3. Earth
[] 4. Wood
[] 5. Corrugated sheet
[] 6. Tile / brick / concrete
[] 7. Other
[] 2. Bamboo
[] 3. Earth
[] 4. Wood
[] 5. Corrugated sheet
[] 6. Tile / brick / concrete
[] 7. Other
39. Which of the following items does your household have?(mark all that apply)
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
Motorcycle / moped / Tuk Tuk [auto rickshaw]
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
Cart (Bullock) [pulled by oxen or cattle]
[] 2. No
List of former household members living abroad
_ _ 40. Number of former household members living abroad
____ Name of former household members living abroad
Relationship to the head of the household
[] 3. Son / daughter
[] 4. Son / daughter-in-law
[] 5. Grandchild / great grandchild
[] 6. Parent / parent-in-Law
[] 7. Sibling
[] 8. Grandparent
[] 9. Other relative
[] 10. Adopted child
[] 11. Non relative
[] 2. No
[] 2. Malaysia
[] 3. Singapore
[] 4. China
[] 5. Japan
[] 6. Korea
[] 7. India
[] 8. USA
[] 9. Other
Deaths in the household during the last 12 months
_ 41. Number of deaths in this household in the last 12 months (30-3-2013 to 29-3-2014)
Was the deceased male or female?
[] 2. No
Did the death occur during ...?
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
_ _ _ Total
____ Name
____ Date
____ Name
____ Date
If more than one questionnaire is used for the household, then summary counts of all members must be filled in on the first questionnaire used.