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Educational attainment, Iran

Questionnaire Text

Iran 2006
Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_EDATTAIN — Grade, course or degree
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For code 1 in column 20
[Questions 21-22 were asked of literate persons]

21. Grade, course or degree ________

For school students: grade; for university students: course of study; for others: highest certificate or degree attained.

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21.3. Grade, course or degree and the field of study, Columns 21 and 22
Fill columns 21 and 22 only for those who are literate (code 1, column 20) and leave it blank for others. Since the responses to questions about degree and the field of study will be coded based on standard international classification, it is necessary to write the answers accurately and precisely based on the following description:
Just a reminder: Iran's education system is as follows:
5 years of elementary school, 3 years of middle school, 3 years of high school, 1 year precollege, 2 years of community college and/or 4 years of college, 2 years of graduate school, 5 years of PhD (higher education duration can be different from one field of study to another)

21.3.1. Grade, course or degree, Column 21
Follow the order based on the individual's grade:
a. Elementary and middle school (junior high) students
For students (codes 1 and 2, column 19) from entrance to the end of middle school, write down their grade and the school they are at. For instance, "1st grade elementary school" or "7th grade junior high" (middle school) include both the grade and the course.

- For those who are in primary levels in a literacy school, do the same as elementary school students.

b. Elementary and middle school non-students
For non-students who have not finished elementary school, write down the highest grade completed with the name of course, for instance, "3rd grade elementary school".
For non-students who have not finished middle school (junior high), write down the highest degree or grade they have finished and the name of the course, for example, "7th grade middle school".
For those non-students whose last degree is elementary or middle school, write down: "end of elementary school" or "end of middle school".
c. High school students
For high school students, mention grade and the word "high school", their field of study and the type of school system, like, "2nd grade high school, technical-credit system" or "2nd grade high school, theoretical-credit system". In these examples, technical and theoretical are the field of study and the word "credit system" represents the type of school system. Because in the 1st grade of high school, the field study is yet to be defined, write for those students "1st grade high school, credit system".
For those in precollege courses, write "precollege".
d. High school non-students
For high school non-students (prior to finishing high school), write down the last degree or highest grade along with the word "high school", their field of study and type of school system. For instance:
"2nd grade high school, technical -- credit system"
"3rd grade high school, agriculture -- 4-years system"
"1st grade high school -- 6-years system"
"5th grade high school -- 6-years system"
For those non-students whose last degree was a high school diploma, write "high school diploma" along with field of study and type of school system. For instance:
"High school diploma, theoretical -- credit system"
"High school diploma, natural science -- 4-year system"
"High school diploma, literature -- 6-year system"
"High school diploma, arts -- 6-year system"
For those non-students whose last degree is precollege, write "precollege".
e. Higher education students
For university and higher education institutes, put down the name of education level. For example, "community college", "college (undergraduate)", "graduate", "doctorate", "PhD".
f. Higher education graduates (non-students)
For non-students who have a higher education degree or its equivalent, put down the highest degree awarded. For example, "community college", "college (undergraduate)", "graduate", "doctorate", "PhD".
For an individual in higher education who left school before finishing the degree, write down the last awarded degree. For instance, for someone who entered college after receiving a precollege degree and dropped out of school in the 2nd year of college, write "precollege" in this column.
g. Students and non-students in theological science
For students and non-students of theological school, since theological science includes different levels (preliminaries, levels 1 to 4 and 1st and 2nd kharej), write down the name of level and the word "theological science"; such as "theological science preliminaries", "theological science, level 3", or "theological science, 2nd kharej".
For other religions write as follows:
  • "Sunni theological science", for Sunnite.
  • "Other sects' theological science", for other Islamic sects.
  • "Other religions' theological science", for other religions.

h. Adult students
For adult students in adult literacy schools, besides 5th graders, write down "movement" ["movement" stands for adult literacy and education programs], and for 5th graders put down "movement 5th".
i. Adult non-students (graduates)
For adult literacy schools and other literacy programs graduates (Akaber, Battle Against Illiteracy) whose last degree is prior to finishing the program, write down "movement" and for those with the 5th grade degree, write down "movement 5th".
j. Students and graduates of abroad programs
For those who study or have graduated abroad, do as follows:
If their highest degree is high school, convert their years of education (not including failed years) to its equivalent in the current Iranian education system. Act exactly like as instructed about students and non-students of high school. For instance, for someone who has studied in the U.K. for 8 years, write down "End of middle school" and for someone who has studied in Canada for 10 years, put down "2nd grade high school - credit system". Also for someone who has finished their 11 years of education, write down "high school diploma - credit system". For someone who has finished their 12 years of education, write down "precollege".
If the above mentioned individuals do not have an official degree, have studied theological science or have higher education, proceed as stated before.
k. Literate individuals without a degree
For those who are literate but do not have an official transcript or degree, write "unofficial" in this column.

Table A: guide to fill columns 21 and 22 for students
Education status: Elementary school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st to 5th grade and the word "elementary"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Middle school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st to 3rd grade and the word "middle school"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: High school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Grade, the word "high school", name of the subdivision, credit system
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Precollege
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "precollege"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Adult literacy program
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "Movement" or word "movement 5th"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Theological science
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Name of the level and word "theological science"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field or the word "theological science"
Education status: Higher education
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Name of the level
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Table B: guide to fill columns 21 and 22 for non-students
Education status: Has not finished elementary
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st to 4th grade elementary -- 5-years / 1st to 5th grade elementary -- 6-years
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Has finished elementary
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "End of elementary school"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Has not finished middle school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st or 2nd grade middle school
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Has finished middle school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "End of middle school"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: 1st grade high school-credit system
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "1st grade high school -- credit system"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: High school (excluding 1st grade credit system)
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Last level or highest degree, the word "high school", name of the subdivision and type of education system
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Precollege
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "precollege"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Adult literacy program
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "Movement" or "movement 5th"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Theological science
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Name of the level and the word "theological science"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field or the word "theological science"
Education status: Higher education
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Highest degree
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field