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Educational attainment, Cuba

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EDUCCU indicates the person's educational attainment in Cuba in terms of the level of schooling completed.

Comparability — General

Cuba has a 6-3-3 educational system, comprising 6 years of primary school, 3 years of lower secondary, and 3 years of upper secondary.

The 2002 sample identifies completed levels, while the 2012 sample identifies the highest grade completed within level. Thus, persons with similar educational attainment may be classified differently across the two samples, given that incomplete levels can only be identified in 2012 (i.e. persons who have not attained the terminal grade for the corresponding level). For example, ''None (no educational attainment)'' in the 2002 sample is comparable to the one combining ''None'' and ''Grades 1-5'' in the 2012 sample. This comparability is available in the EDATTAIN variable.

Primary school consists of six grades (1st to 6th) and it begins at the age of six.

Secondary education is divided into the following levels:

1. Lower (basic) secondary
a. Basic secondary: it consists of 7th to 9th grade of general education. It includes art and sports schools, and those for students with special needs.
b. Skilled labor manual education: it offers training in a specific trade with a usual duration of 3 years.
2. Upper (higher) secondary
a. Pre-university: it consists of 10th to 12th grade of general education.
b. Mid-level technical: it offers preparation for a trade or non-teaching profession.
c. Mid-level teaching: it offers teacher preparation (mainly for the primary level), but it was replaced by teaching schools.

Tertiary education comprises higher education and university and requires previously completing upper secondary. However, there is no distinction between types of post-secondary education in the samples.


  • Persons age 6+


  • Cuba: 2002, 2012