Questionnaire Text

Colombia 1964
Colombia 1973
Colombia 1985
Colombia 1993
Colombia 2005
Colombia 1964 — source variable CO1964A_EDLEV2 — Educational level, 2 digits
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12. Schooling ____
Write as applicable: Elementary, Secondary, Commercial Technical Schooling, Artistic Technical Schooling, Nursing, Industrial Technical Schooling, Agricultural Technical Schooling, University, Schooling for the Magisterio [elementary and secondary teaching]

13. Year _

Write the highest educational year completed in column 12.

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Level of education

Column No. 12 - What education have you received in education centers? The enumerator should ask this question with reference to all persons 5 years old or older. The response should be written down in this column.

The annotation in the census form should indicate clearly and exactly the class of education received, for example: Primary, Secondary, Technical Industrial, Arts and Crafts, Complementary, Home for Farmers, Agricultural or Livestock, Elemental Nursing, Higher Nursing, Artistic Schooling, Elemental Religious, Higher Religious, Primary School Teacher, University, Military, Radio-technical, etc.

The generic name of secondary education should not be used since it means many types of teaching and obtaining the exact name of each one of them is what is important to the Censuses. For persons who did not receive any class of instruction in educational centers the expression none should be written down.

In no case should this important aspect be left without annotation.

Column No. 13 - What was the highest year that you passed in the education that you just indicated? The enumerator should write down the number that corresponds to the last year of study passed, for example: If a person is said to have passed as the last studied, the third year of Secondary school, the enumerator should write the number 3 in this column, in front of the word Secondary school that was written down in the immediately previous column (12).

Another example: If a person passed the first year of primary school, they should be registered in column 12 with the word Primary and in column 13 with the number 1 which corresponds to the year of education passed.

For persons who have not received any class of education in educational centers, they will be written down as zero (0).

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_EDLEVEL — Highest level of education attained
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B. Educational characteristics (for persons five years old or more).
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

12. What is the highest level of education reached?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Primary
[] 1 Bachelor (bachillerato)
[] 2 Technical/vocational
[] 3 Normal (teaching) school
[] 4 College or university
[] 5 Other
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Section B. Educational characteristics

Fill out this section for all persons 5 years old or more.
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

Question No. 12. Highest educational level that they have reached

[Below the text is a form.]

Always pick a single alternative.

Mark "x" in the box none, when a person does not attend nor has attended any establishment of primary, secondary or superior education.

[p. 47]

Also mark "x" in the box none, in the case of persons who only took literacy classes, or attended children's schools or kindergartens.

Mark "x" in the box primary in the case of persons who take or took classes for one year or many years of primary education but did not continue to secondary.

When a person has advanced to a higher educational level, secondary, "x" is marked in box three (3).

When the highest educational level reached by a person has been secondary in the technical or vocational branch, "x" is marked in box four (4).

When the highest educational in secondary is the normal branch, mark box five (5).

Mark "x" in box six (6) when a person takes or has taken classes for any years of superior or university education or has taken post-graduate classes.

When a person has taken classes of other studies that do not correspond to the concepts of primary, secondary or superior, mark "x" in box seven (7).

Primary is understood to be the first cycle of regular education, during which basic knowledge is imparted to continue to a secondary level of education. It consists of five courses or years.

Secondary is understood to be the second level or regular education, in which those who passed the first five years of primary can enter and who have the objective of being provided the necessary knowledge to continue to superior studies or to develop an occupation, art of craft.

Secondary education has many branches: secondary; technical or vocational and normal.

Bachelor is understood to be the branch of secondary education that has as its objective providing the necessary knowledge for the continuation of superior studies. This branch of secondary is called, generally, classic bachelor and has a duration of six (6) years when it is during the day and seven (7) when is it during the night.

[p. 48]

Technical or vocational is understood to be the branch of secondary education that looks to prepare students for the development of an occupation, art or craft in industry, arts and crafts, agriculture business, administration, etc. This branch is understood to be commercial, industrial and technical agricultural and livestock bachelors; poly-technical, vocational, artistic and diversified media (INEM). It has a duration of six (6) years.

Normal is understood to be the branch of secondary education that has as its objective the formation of teachers for pre-school or primary education or for continuing studies of superior level. Its duration is six (6) years.

Superior or University is understood to be professional formation whether in intermediate careers whose initiation is required, as a minimum, the passing of dour years of bachelor, or in professional careers, that require having the grade of bachelor or normal.

The alternative of others means educational modalities like special (for high gifted children or with physical or mental deficiencies), the primary functional of adults, etc.

Question No. 13. Highest year completed

[Below the text is a form.]

This question refers to the last classes taken and passed by a person in the highest educational level reached: primary, secondary or superior.

Write down the last year passed in the corresponding space.

Point out with "x" the box "none".

a) When a person does not attend, and did not attend classes of primary, secondary or superior education.

b ) When a person attends or attended classes of primary, secondary or superior education but has not passed any year in the highest educational level reached. So, for example, for a person who is in the first year of Primary, Secondary, or Superior and has not passed it, "x" will be marked in the box "none".

[p. 49]

Take into account the following

For educational levels that are divided by semesters, make the annotation in complete years: two semesters equal one year.

For persons who take or have taken more classes of a career of superior education, the year of the highest passed level should be registered.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_EDGRADE — Last grade completed at level
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B. Educational characteristics (for persons five years old or more).
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

12. What is the highest level of education reached?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Primary
[] 1 Bachelor (bachillerato)
[] 2 Technical/vocational
[] 3 Normal (teaching) school
[] 4 College or university
[] 5 Other
13. What is the highest year completed at this level?
Last year completed ___
[] 0 None
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Section B. Educational characteristics

Fill out this section for all persons 5 years old or more.
[Applies to questions 10 - 13]

Question No. 12. Highest educational level that they have reached

[Below the text is a form.]

Always pick a single alternative.

Mark "x" in the box none, when a person does not attend nor has attended any establishment of primary, secondary or superior education.

[p. 47]

Also mark "x" in the box none, in the case of persons who only took literacy classes, or attended children's schools or kindergartens.

Mark "x" in the box primary in the case of persons who take or took classes for one year or many years of primary education but did not continue to secondary.

When a person has advanced to a higher educational level, secondary, "x" is marked in box three (3).

When the highest educational level reached by a person has been secondary in the technical or vocational branch, "x" is marked in box four (4).

When the highest educational in secondary is the normal branch, mark box five (5).

Mark "x" in box six (6) when a person takes or has taken classes for any years of superior or university education or has taken post-graduate classes.

When a person has taken classes of other studies that do not correspond to the concepts of primary, secondary or superior, mark "x" in box seven (7).

Primary is understood to be the first cycle of regular education, during which basic knowledge is imparted to continue to a secondary level of education. It consists of five courses or years.

Secondary is understood to be the second level or regular education, in which those who passed the first five years of primary can enter and who have the objective of being provided the necessary knowledge to continue to superior studies or to develop an occupation, art of craft.

Secondary education has many branches: secondary; technical or vocational and normal.

Bachelor is understood to be the branch of secondary education that has as its objective providing the necessary knowledge for the continuation of superior studies. This branch of secondary is called, generally, classic bachelor and has a duration of six (6) years when it is during the day and seven (7) when is it during the night.

[p. 48]

Technical or vocational is understood to be the branch of secondary education that looks to prepare students for the development of an occupation, art or craft in industry, arts and crafts, agriculture business, administration, etc. This branch is understood to be commercial, industrial and technical agricultural and livestock bachelors; poly-technical, vocational, artistic and diversified media (INEM). It has a duration of six (6) years.

Normal is understood to be the branch of secondary education that has as its objective the formation of teachers for pre-school or primary education or for continuing studies of superior level. Its duration is six (6) years.

Superior or University is understood to be professional formation whether in intermediate careers whose initiation is required, as a minimum, the passing of dour years of bachelor, or in professional careers, that require having the grade of bachelor or normal.

The alternative of others means educational modalities like special (for high gifted children or with physical or mental deficiencies), the primary functional of adults, etc.

Question No. 13. Highest year completed

[Below the text is a form.]

This question refers to the last classes taken and passed by a person in the highest educational level reached: primary, secondary or superior.

Write down the last year passed in the corresponding space.

Point out with "x" the box "none".

a) When a person does not attend, and did not attend classes of primary, secondary or superior education.

b ) When a person attends or attended classes of primary, secondary or superior education but has not passed any year in the highest educational level reached. So, for example, for a person who is in the first year of Primary, Secondary, or Superior and has not passed it, "x" will be marked in the box "none".

[p. 49]

Take into account the following

For educational levels that are divided by semesters, make the annotation in complete years: two semesters equal one year.

For persons who take or have taken more classes of a career of superior education, the year of the highest passed level should be registered.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_EDGRADE — Last year completed at highest educucational level
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C. For persons five years old or more.
[Applies to questions 35 - 41]

40. What is the last year of education you completed?

(If the person did not complete any years of schooling, write 0) _

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C. For persons 5 years old or older

(Question 35 to 41)

Take care to fill out this part C of Section V, only for persons who are 5 years old or older.

Question No. 40 Number of years of study passed

[Below the text is a form.]

Write in the box the last year of study passed. Take into account that the level (primary, bachelor, etc) is marked in the following question (No. 41). If a person has passed no year, write 0.

If they are taking university classes take into account that many careers are done by semesters and should be written down only in years passed; so, for example, if anyone is in their third semester of engineering school, they have passed a year of their career and consequently should be written down 1, not 3.

In some cases the information about education can be supplied in accordance with Decree 088 of 1976, which divides basic and medium education into 11 grades, equivalent to five of primary and six of secondary. In these cases use the table of conversions and write down the information according to old regulations. Example: If a person answers that the last year passed is 9 of basic education, write four of bachelor.

[p. 45]

6th grade = 1st Bachelor
7th grade = 2nd Bachelor
8th grade = 3rd Bachelor
9th grade = 4th Bachelor
10th grade = 5th Bachelor
11th grade = 6th Bachelor

In cases of persons who have done two university careers or who are doing post graduate work, all the years passed should be added up and the total should be written down.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_EDLEVEL — Highest level of education attained
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C. For persons five years old or more.
[Applies to questions 35 - 41]

41. What education level does the last year correspond to?

[] 1 None
[] 3 Primary
[] 5 Secondary
[] 7 College or university

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C. For persons 5 years old or older

(Question 35 to 41)

Take care to fill out this part C of Section V, only for persons who are 5 years old or older.

Question No. 41 Educational level

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in the corresponding box. Take into account the following situations:

Primary: It is the initial cycle of education. It consists of 5 years.
Secondary of bachelor: In this level classic or academic bachelor, technical bachelor (agriculture, commercial, industrial or of social promotion) and pedagogic or primary school teacher bachelor should be included.
Superior or university: It is the education that requires having taken bachelor courses.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_EDLEVEL — Educational level attained
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F.2 Ask these questions of all persons who are five years old or more.

34. What is the highest level of education that he/she attended?

[] 1 Preschool
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 University (Continue with F 3)
[] 5 Graduate studies (Continue with F 3)
[] 6 None (Continue with F 3)

35. How many years did he/she complete in this level?
_ _ Number of years completed

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F2. Ask these questions to all persons 5 years old or older

34. What is the highest educational level that [the respondent] attended?

It refers to the highest schooling achieved by a person, in accordance with the organization of formal education, preschool, primary, secondary, university and graduate school.

If a response corresponds to options 1, 2 or 3, continue with question 35.

If a response corresponds to options 4, 5 or 6, go to filter F3 and do not ask question 35.

[Below the text is a form.]

35. How many years did [the respondent] complete in this level?

Take into account that it concerns registering the number of years passed by a person, in the corresponding level and not the year that they are taking at the moment of the census.

If a person still has not passed any year of the respective level, write "00" in "number of years passed". For example, if currently a person is taking 1st of Secondary (or 6th grade), in question 34 you should have marked option 3 "secondary" and in question 35 you should write "0".

[p. 169]

Take into account that the interviewed person can respond in terms of grades (new nomenclature) or in years (old nomenclature); in the first case, you should make the conversion to years. For example, if they answer that they are taking 10th grade, you should mark "secondary" (question 34) and write "4" in "number of passed years" (question 35).

Remember that if in question 34 you marked options 4, 5 or 6, question 35 should remain unmarked.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_EDYEARS — Years of schooling completed within level
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F.2 Ask these questions of all persons who are five years old or more.

34. What is the highest level of education that he/she attended?

[] 1 Preschool
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 University (Continue with F 3)
[] 5 Graduate studies (Continue with F 3)
[] 6 None (Continue with F 3)

35. How many years did he/she complete in this level?
_ _ Number of years completed

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F2. Ask these questions to all persons 5 years old or older

34. What is the highest educational level that [the respondent] attended?

It refers to the highest schooling achieved by a person, in accordance with the organization of formal education, preschool, primary, secondary, university and graduate school.

If a response corresponds to options 1, 2 or 3, continue with question 35.

If a response corresponds to options 4, 5 or 6, go to filter F3 and do not ask question 35.

[Below the text is a form.]

35. How many years did [the respondent] complete in this level?

Take into account that it concerns registering the number of years passed by a person, in the corresponding level and not the year that they are taking at the moment of the census.

If a person still has not passed any year of the respective level, write "00" in "number of years passed". For example, if currently a person is taking 1st of Secondary (or 6th grade), in question 34 you should have marked option 3 "secondary" and in question 35 you should write "0".

[p. 169]

Take into account that the interviewed person can respond in terms of grades (new nomenclature) or in years (old nomenclature); in the first case, you should make the conversion to years. For example, if they answer that they are taking 10th grade, you should mark "secondary" (question 34) and write "4" in "number of passed years" (question 35).

Remember that if in question 34 you marked options 4, 5 or 6, question 35 should remain unmarked.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_EDATTAN — Level of studies and grades completed
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For persons age 3 + (generated by the DMC)
[Questions 41-44 were asked of persons age 3 and older.]

44. What is the last year of studies that [the respondent] passed? (basic)

[] 1 Preschool

[] 1 Pre-kindergarten
[] 2 Kindergarten
[] 3 Transition

[] 2 Basic elementary

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5

[] 3 Basic secondary

[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

(Basic baccalaureate)

[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th

[] 4 Academic track or classic education

[] 10
[] 11

[p. 23]

(Classic baccalaureate)

[] 5th
[] 6th

[] 5 Technical secondary

[] 10
[] 11

(Technical baccalaureate)

[] 5th
[] 6th

[] 6 Teacher training

[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] 13

Higher [education]
[] 7 Professional technical education/

[] 1
[] 2

[] 8 Technological

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3

[] 9 Professional

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

Post graduate
[] 10 Specialization

[] 1
[] 2

[] 11 Master's Degree

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3

[] 12 Doctorate

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

[] 13 None [ ]