Questionnaire Text

Brazil 1960
Brazil 1970
Brazil 1980
Brazil 1991
Brazil 2000
Brazil 2010
Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_EDGRADE — Last grade concluded
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Only for persons 5 years and older
[Applies to questions L - N]

Questions M and N: If attending or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

M. Grade

[] 44 1st grade
[] 45 2nd grade
[] 46 3rd grade
[] 47 4th grade
[] 48 5th grade
[] 49 6th grade
[] 50 currently attending 1st grade
[] 51 didn't attend and never attended

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The following questions will be asked only of persons age 5 and over
[Applies to questions L - N]

Question M - Last year of school concluded with approval

Persons who are attending or who attended a regular school should inform the last year which they passed.

[p. 31]

Thus, 1st grade should be marked for a person who is attending 2nd year [or grade] of primary school; the 2nd year of junior high school [ginasial - 6th to 9th year] should be marked for a person who dropped out of the course in the 3rd year of junior high school [ginasial - 6th to 9th year] without terminating it or without passing; and the last year of the course should be marked for a person who concluded that course (example: the enumerator should mark 5th year for those who concluded a 5-year law course).
Attending first year should be marked only for persons who are attending the 1st year of primary school.
For persons who are not attending school or who never attended school, the last Box (51 - Does not attend and never attended) should be marked.

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_EDLEVEL — Level of course
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Only for persons 5 years and older
[Applies to questions L - N]

Questions M and N: If attending or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

N. Level

[] 52 elementary
[] 53 middle-1st cycle
[] 54 middle-2nd cycle
[] 55 higher education

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The following questions will be asked only of persons age 5 and over
[Applies to questions L - N]

Question N - Level or year concluded passed

This question should only be answered by persons for whom the enumerator marked one of the series in the preceding question. Nothing will be recorded in this question for persons who answered that they do not attend and never attended, in the preceding question.
The enumerator will mark an X in the field corresponding to one of the following responses:
Elementary - For those who have concluded one year of Primary school or its equivalent [first four years of schooling], such as elementary-level professional courses;

Junior high school [Médio 1º Ciclo, 5th or 6th, to 8th year] - For persons who have concluded one year of the Middle School, 1st Cycle [5th or 6th, to 8th year - Curso Ginasial or some other course on an equivalent level;
Senior high school [Médio - 2º ciclo] - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [college prep - 9th to 12th year] or some other course on an equivalent level;
Higher education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_EDGRADE — Last school grade concluded
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Only for people 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 15 - 17]

17. If currently in school or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

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Question 17 - If you attend or attended school, indicate the last grade/year and level passed

(Only for persons age 5 or over)

Record the last grade in the highest-level course passed.

For example: for those who are attending the 2nd grade of primary school, the 1st grade box will be marked; for those who interrupted their studies in the 3rd year of junior high school (ginásio), the 2nd year box will be marked.

In the cases listed below, indicate:

a) Box 1 for those who are attending the 1st grade elementary;
b) the course being taken and not the last grade concluded for persons who are attending junior high school preparation [admissão, usually 5th grade], college entrance exam, preparation (vestibular), Article 99, and adult literacy courses;
c) junior high school preparation for those who are attending the 6th grade of the primary course;
d) Box 0 - None, for those who are not attending or have never attended school;
e) 2nd grade/year for those who are simultaneously attending the 3rd year of senior high school and the college entrance exam course.


Elementary - For those who have concluded one year of Primary school or its equivalent [grades 1-4], such as elementary-level professional courses; and for persons who are attending the 1st grade elementary, adult literacy courses and junior high school preparation (admissão).

[p. 38]

Junior High School [6th to 8th year/grade] - For persons who have concluded one year of Junior High School [curso ginasial - 6th to 8th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for junior high school (ginasial) examination;
Senior high school (Médio - 2º ciclo) - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [High School - 9th to 11th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for the senior high school examination or college entrance examination;
Higher Education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.
None - for persons who answered No in the previous question.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_EDLEVEL — Level of the last grade concluded
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Only for people 5 years and older
[Applies to questions 15 - 17]

17. If currently in school or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

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Question 17 - If you attend or attended school, indicate the last grade/year and level passed

(Only for persons age 5 or over)

Record the last grade in the highest-level course passed.

For example: for those who are attending the 2nd grade of primary school, the 1st grade box will be marked; for those who interrupted their studies in the 3rd year of junior high school (ginásio), the 2nd year box will be marked.

In the cases listed below, indicate:

a) Box 1 for those who are attending the 1st grade elementary;
b) the course being taken and not the last grade concluded for persons who are attending junior high school preparation [admissão, usually 5th grade], college entrance exam, preparation (vestibular), Article 99, and adult literacy courses;
c) junior high school preparation for those who are attending the 6th grade of the primary course;
d) Box 0 - None, for those who are not attending or have never attended school;
e) 2nd grade/year for those who are simultaneously attending the 3rd year of senior high school and the college entrance exam course.


Elementary - For those who have concluded one year of Primary school or its equivalent [grades 1-4], such as elementary-level professional courses; and for persons who are attending the 1st grade elementary, adult literacy courses and junior high school preparation (admissão).

[p. 38]

Junior High School [6th to 8th year/grade] - For persons who have concluded one year of Junior High School [curso ginasial - 6th to 8th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for junior high school (ginasial) examination;
Senior high school (Médio - 2º ciclo) - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [High School - 9th to 11th year/grade] or some other course on an equivalent level and for persons who are taking the Article 99 course for the senior high school examination or college entrance examination;
Higher Education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.
None - for persons who answered No in the previous question.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_SCHGRADE — Current grade
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is attending school (if not attending, mark 0)
[Applies to questions 20 - 22]

20. Grade attending (for courses that are credited, in periods, in semesters, or supplemental)

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 0 none

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The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 20, 21 and 22 - For persons who attend school

Consider as attending the school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General Education (attending class on the radio or television), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Also consider as attending school persons who, are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the Census, are attending only short courses for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 20 - Grade currently attended

For persons who attend courses in grades/years, mark the grade/year they attend.
If the course attended is not organized by year, but according to a credit system, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, etc., these credits, periods, etc. should be converted into the traditional grades or years. Therefore, the 5th period of credits at a university is usually equivalent to the 3rd year; each phase or division of schooling generally corresponds to a grade or year in regular courses.
For persons who attend non-graded courses or who do not attend school. Box 0 - None - will be marked.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_CRSSTDY — Level now studying
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is attending school (if not attending, mark 0)
[Applies to questions 20 - 22]

For the person who attends graded courses (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 21 - 22]

21. Level of the grade attending

[] 1- primary or elementary
[] 2- middle/junior school
[] 3- first level
[] 4- 2nd level
[] 5- senior high or middle school
Supplemental general education:
[] 6- 1st level
[] 7- 2nd level
[] 8- higher
[] 0- none

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The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 20, 21 and 22 - For persons who attend school

Consider as attending the school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General Education (attending class on the radio or television), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Also consider as attending school persons who, are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the Census, are attending only short courses for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 21 - Level of the grade or year attended

For persons who recorded a grade or year in Question 20, indicate the level of the course attended, marking:

Primary or elementary - for persons who attend a grade or year of the primary course or its equivalent at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5692) has not yet been implemented;
Junior high school (Ginasial ou médio 1º ciclo) - for persons who attend a grade or year of junior high school (curso ginasial) or other equivalent level at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5692) has not yet been implemented;
1st level [Grades 1-8] - for persons who attend a grade or year in the 1st level course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has been implemented;
2nd level [Grades or years 8-11] - for persons who attend a grade or year in a 2nd level course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has been implemented;
Senior high school - 2nd cycle (Colegial ou Médio 2º ciclo) - for persons who attend a grade in a scientific, classical or other equivalent high-school course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has not yet been implemented;

[p. 48]

General Education - 1st level [Grades 1 to 8, Supletivo 1º grau] - for persons who attend a 1st-level grade or phase of a graded General Education course;
General Education - 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo 2º grau] - for persons who attend a 2nd-level grade or phase of a graded General Education course;
Higher education - for persons who attend a grade or credit period in a university course or other course of higher education; or
None - for persons who attend a non-graded course or do not attend school.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_NGRADATT — Ungraded course
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is attending school (if not attending, mark 0)
[Applies to questions 20 - 22]

For the person who attends graded courses (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 21 - 22]

22. For the person who is attending non-graded courses (if attending graded course, mark the 0 box)

[] 1- preschool
[] 2- adult literacy course
Supplemental, attending school:
[] 3- 1st level
[] 4- 2nd level
Supplemental via radio or TV:
[] 5- 1st level
[] 6- 2nd level
[] 7- college entrance exam
[] 8- masters or doctorate
[] 0- none

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The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 20, 21 and 22 - For persons who attend school

Consider as attending the school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General Education (attending class on the radio or television), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Also consider as attending school persons who, are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the Census, are attending only short courses for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 22 - For persons who attend a non-graded course

For persons who attend a non-graded course, mark:

Pre-school - a course for training children under the age of 7, that is, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, literacy class (C.A.);
Adult literacy course - for teaching reading and writing to persons over the age of 14, such as that administered by MOBRAL or similar institution;
General Education 1st level [Grades 1-8, Supletivo] Attending school - for persons who attend a preparatory course for the 1st-level General Education examinations (Supletivo ou Madureza, de 1º grau);
General Education 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo] - Attending school - for persons who attend a preparatory course for the 2nd-level General Education examinations (Supletivo ou Madureza de 2º grau);
General Education 1st level [Grades 1-8, Supletivo] - On Radio or Television - for persons who attend classes conducted by radio or television in preparation for 1st-level General Education examinations;
General Education 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo] - On Radio or Television - for persons who attend classes conducted by radio or television in preparation for 2nd-level General Education examinations;
College Entrance Exam Course (Vestibular) - for persons who attend a preparatory course to take college entrance examinations. Persons who are attending the 3rd year of senior high school (3ª série do 2º grau ou Médio 2º Ciclo) and simultaneously taking the college entrance exam course should inform only about the regular course in Questions 20 and 21;
Master's or Doctor's - for persons who are attending a master's or doctorate levels. Persons who are preparing theses without attending a course, if registered or enrolled, should also be considered as attending school; or
None - for persons who attend a graded course or do not attend school.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_YRSCHOOL — Last completed grade
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is not attending school (if attending school or never attended school, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 23 -24]

23. Last grade passed

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 0 none

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The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 23 and 24 - For persons who do not attend school

For persons who concluded or discontinued the course they were attending, mark, in Question 23, the last grade or year concluded in the highest level course and, in Question 24, the level of this course, according to the designation in effect at the time of the interruption or conclusion.
The criteria and concepts for entering the course that was concluded or interrupted are the same as those indicated for the courses attended, ministered in Questions 20 and 21. Consider recording master's degree or doctor's degree only when the person has earned the respective title or approval of thesis.

[p. 49]

For persons who are attending school or who never attended school, mark Box 0 in these two questions.
Only if the person is attending a course at the same level or on a level lower than one already concluded or interrupted, should there be, besides the information about the course they are attending (Questions 20, 21 and 22), information about the highest level course concluded or interrupted (Question 23 and 24).

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_YRSCHOO1 — Level of last course concluded
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is not attending school (if attending school or never attended school, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 23 -24]

24. Last level passed (For adult literacy courses, masters or doctorate, mark the box -none- in question 23)

[] 1 adult literacy course
[] 2 primary or elementary
[] 3 middle/junior school
[] 4 1st level
[] 5 2nd level
[] 6 senior high or middle school
[] 7 higher
[] 8 masters or doctorate
[] 0 none

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The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 23 and 24 - For persons who do not attend school

For persons who concluded or discontinued the course they were attending, mark, in Question 23, the last grade or year concluded in the highest level course and, in Question 24, the level of this course, according to the designation in effect at the time of the interruption or conclusion.
The criteria and concepts for entering the course that was concluded or interrupted are the same as those indicated for the courses attended, ministered in Questions 20 and 21. Consider recording master's degree or doctor's degree only when the person has earned the respective title or approval of thesis.

[p. 49]

For persons who are attending school or who never attended school, mark Box 0 in these two questions.
Only if the person is attending a course at the same level or on a level lower than one already concluded or interrupted, should there be, besides the information about the course they are attending (Questions 20, 21 and 22), information about the highest level course concluded or interrupted (Question 23 and 24).

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_SCHGRADE — Current grade in school
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For persons attending school (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 24 - 26]

24. Grade attending (for person who is attending adult literacy courses, masters or doctorate, mark 0 "none")

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 0 none

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Questions 24, 25 and 26 - For persons who attend school
Consider as attending school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General education (organized or not by years or grades), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Consider as attending school persons who are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
[p. 67]
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the census, are attending only some short course "on the radio or television," for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 24 - Grade currently attending
For persons who attend courses in grades/years, mark the grade/year they attend.
If the course attended is not organized by grade or year, but according to a credit system, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, etc., these credits, periods, etc. should be converted into the traditional grades or years. Therefore, the 5th period of credits at a university is usually equivalent to the 3rd year; each phase or division of schooling generally corresponds to a grade or year in regular courses.
For persons who attend non-graded courses or who do not attend school, Box 0 - None - will be marked

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_LEVELATT — Level now studying in graded course
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For persons attending school (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 24 - 26]

25. Level of the grade attending

[] 1 primary or elementary
[] 2 middle/junior school
[] 3 higher
Supplemental general education:
[] 4 1st level
[] 7 2nd level
[] 0 none

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Questions 24, 25 and 26 - For persons who attend school
Consider as attending school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General education (organized or not by years or grades), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Consider as attending school persons who are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
[p. 67]
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the census, are attending only some short course "on the radio or television," for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 25 - Level of the grade which the person attends

1 - First level [grades 1-8] - a person who attends a grade in the 1st level course;
2 - Second level [grades 9-11] - a person who attends a grade in the 2nd level course;
3 - Higher education - a person who attends a year or credit period in a university or other higher education course;
4 - General education organized by grades or years - First level [grades 1-8] - a person who attends a grade or phase in a general education course organized by grades or years on the 1st level;
5 - General education organized by grades or years - Second level [grades 9-11] - a person who attends a grade or phase in a general education course on the 2nd level; or
0 - None - a person who attends a non-graded course or does not attend school.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_NGLEVATT — Level now studying in non-graded course
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For persons attending school (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 24 - 26]

26. For the person who is attending non-graded courses (if attending graded course, mark the 0 box)

[] 1 preschool
[] 2 adult literacy course
[] 3 1st level
[] 4 2nd level
[] 5 college entrance exam
[] 6 masters or doctorate
[] 0 none

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Questions 24, 25 and 26 - For persons who attend school
Consider as attending school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General education (organized or not by years or grades), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Consider as attending school persons who are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
[p. 67]
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the census, are attending only some short course "on the radio or television," for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 26 - For persons who attend a non-graded course

1 - Pre-school - course organized for the education of children under the age of 7, that is: maternal, kindergarten, literacy class (C.A.);

[p. 68]
2 - Adult literacy course - course organized for alphabetizing persons over the age of 14, such as those ministered by specialized institutions;
3 - Non-graded general education - First level [grades 1-8] - preparatory course ministered at a school for first-level general examinations [1st-level supletivo or madureza];
4 - Non-graded general education - Second level [grades 9-11] - preparatory course ministered at a school for second-level general education examinations [2nd-level supletivo or madureza];
5 - Pre-college entrance exam course (Pré-vestibular) - preparatory course for entrance examinations to the university (Exame Vestibular).
For persons who are attending the 3rd grade or year of the 2nd level and simultaneously taking a pre-college entrance exam course, the following should be indicated in Question 24 - 3rd grade or year and, in Question 25 - Second level [grades 9-11] and in Question 26 - 0 - None;
6 - Master's degree or Doctor's degree - will be marked not only for persons who are attending a master's or doctor's degree course, but also for those preparing theses, even without attending classes, provided that these person are registered in a course of this nature; or
0 - No - for persons who attend a course by grades or years or does not attend school.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_YRSCHOOL — Last grade completed
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For persons not attending school. (If attending school or never attended school, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 27 - 28]

27. Last grade passed (for the person who passed adult literacy courses, masters or doctorate, mark 0 "none")

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 9 never attended
[] 0 none

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Question 27 and 28 - For persons who do not attend school
For persons who concluded or discontinued the course they were attending, mark, in Question 27, the last grade or year concluded in the highest level course and, in Question 28, the level of this course.
The criteria and concepts for entering the course that was concluded or interrupted are the same as those indicated for the courses attended, ministered in Questions 24 and 25. Consider recording master's degree or doctor's degree only when the person has earned the respective title or approval of thesis.
For persons who are attending or attended school and did not conclude the 1st grade of the First level [grades 1-8] or equivalent, mark - 0 - None - in Question 27 and Box 0 - None - in Question 28.
For persons who never attended school, mark Box 9 - Never attended - in Question 27 and 0 - None - in Question 28.
Only if the person is attending a course at the same level or on a level lower than one already concluded or interrupted, should there be, besides the information about the course they are attending (Questions 24, 25 and 26), information about the highest level [p. 69] course concluded or interrupted (Question 27 and 28).
Note - In CD 1.01, Questions 6 and 7 - Grade or Year, and Level of the Grade or Year passed.
If CD 1.02 is transcribed to CD 1.01, when the Head of the family or household is attending school (Questions 24 to 26), the grade or year to be recorded will be that prior to the one now being attended and for persons who never attended school (Question 27, Box 9), convert to Box 0 - None - in Question 6.
Example: 1) CD 1.02
Question 24 - 3rd grade or year
Question 25 - Second level [grades 9-11]
CD 1.01
Question 6 - 2nd grade or year
Question 7 - Second level [grades 9-11]
Example: 2) CD 1.02
Question 27 - Never attended
Question 28 - None
CD 1.01
Question 6 - None
Question 7 - None
The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, born before 1980.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_YRSCHOO1 — Last level completed
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For persons not attending school. (If attending school or never attended school, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 27 - 28]

28. Last level passed

[] 1 adult literacy course
[] 2 primary or elementary
[] 3 middle/junior school
[] 4 1st level
[] 5 2nd level
[] 6 senior high or middle school
[] 7 higher
[] 8 masters or doctorate
[] 0 none

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Question 27 and 28 - For persons who do not attend school
For persons who concluded or discontinued the course they were attending, mark, in Question 27, the last grade or year concluded in the highest level course and, in Question 28, the level of this course.
The criteria and concepts for entering the course that was concluded or interrupted are the same as those indicated for the courses attended, ministered in Questions 24 and 25. Consider recording master's degree or doctor's degree only when the person has earned the respective title or approval of thesis.
For persons who are attending or attended school and did not conclude the 1st grade of the First level [grades 1-8] or equivalent, mark - 0 - None - in Question 27 and Box 0 - None - in Question 28.
For persons who never attended school, mark Box 9 - Never attended - in Question 27 and 0 - None - in Question 28.
Only if the person is attending a course at the same level or on a level lower than one already concluded or interrupted, should there be, besides the information about the course they are attending (Questions 24, 25 and 26), information about the highest level [p. 69] course concluded or interrupted (Question 27 and 28).
Note - In CD 1.01, Questions 6 and 7 - Grade or Year, and Level of the Grade or Year passed.
If CD 1.02 is transcribed to CD 1.01, when the Head of the family or household is attending school (Questions 24 to 26), the grade or year to be recorded will be that prior to the one now being attended and for persons who never attended school (Question 27, Box 9), convert to Box 0 - None - in Question 6.
Example: 1) CD 1.02
Question 24 - 3rd grade or year
Question 25 - Second level [grades 9-11]
CD 1.01
Question 6 - 2nd grade or year
Question 7 - Second level [grades 9-11]
Example: 2) CD 1.02
Question 27 - Never attended
Question 28 - None
CD 1.01
Question 6 - None
Question 7 - None
The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, born before 1980.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_COURSE — Course being taken
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For the person who attends school
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

4.30 What course do you attend?

[] 1 child care
[] 2 preschool
[] 3 literacy class
[] 4 adult literacy class
[] 5 basic instruction or 1st level - regular graded
[] 6 basic instruction or 1st level - regular non-graded
[] 7 supplemental (basic instruction or 1st level)
[] 8 midlevel instruction or 2nd level - regular graded
[] 9 midlevel instruction or 2nd level - regular non-graded
[] 10 supplemental (midlevel instruction or 2nd level)
[] 11 college entrance exam preparation course (pre-vestibular)
[] 12 superior - undergraduate
[] 13 masters or doctorate

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For Persons Who Attend School
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

Question 4.30 - What course are you taking?

Mark, as the case may be:

1 - Day-care center - organized to give daytime assistance to children in the early years of life, whether such establishments are legally regulated or not;
2 - Pre-school - generally addressed to children under the age of seven (7); this type of school is referred to by several different names, depending on the region and level attained by the children: maternal, kindergarten, jardim, etc.
3 - Literacy class - a course aimed at teaching children to read and write;
4 - Adult literacy course - a course which has the purpose of teaching reading and writing to youth and adults.
5 - Regular elementary education or first level [grades 1-8] - organized by grades or years - a course in elementary or 1st level education, organized by annual grades;
6 - Regular elementary or first level education [grades 1-8]- not organized by grades or years - a course in elementary or 1st level education not organized into annual grades; that is, it is organized by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc.;
7 - General education (elementary education or first level [grades 1-8]) - a general elementary education or 1st level course, whether organized by grades or years, or not;

[p. 112]

8 - Regular senior high school [grades 9-11] or second level school [grades 9-11] - organized by grades or years - courses in senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11], organized into annual grades;
9 - Regular senior high [grades 9-11] or second level school [grades 9-11]- not organized by grades or years - a course in senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11] not organized into annual grades; that is, it is organized by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc.;
10 - General education (senior high school [grades 9-11] or second level [grades 9-11]) - a senior high school or 2nd level general education course [grades 9-11] organized by grades or years, or not;
11 - College entrance exam course - a course to prepare students to take entrance examinations for an undergraduate course (Exame Vestibular);
12 - Higher education - Under-Graduate
13 - Master's or doctor's degree - a master's or doctorate course, including persons registered in order to prepare theses.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_SCHYR — School year now attending
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For the person who attends school
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

4.31 What level do you attend?

[] 1 first
[] 2 second
[] 3 third
[] 4 fourth
[] 5 fifth
[] 6 sixth
[] 7 seventh
[] 8 eight
[] 9 course non-graded
(If 10 years old or older, go to 4.36. If not, end interview.)

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For Persons Who Attend School
[Applies to questions 4.30 - 4.31]

Question 4.31 - What grade do you attend?

If the course attended is not organized into annual grades, but by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc., it should be converted into regular grades. For example, the 7th period of credits at a university is usually equivalent to the 4th year. Likewise, each phase or division of general education courses usually corresponds to a grade in the regular educational system.

If the person attends subjects in different grades (acceleration, multi-graded or make up classes), record the grade in which he or she is registered.

For persons who attend Elementary Education [grades 1-8] or Senior High School [grades 9-11], that is, courses currently equivalent to the 1st [grades 1-8] and 2nd [grades 9-11] levels, respectively, and the course is structured into modules, cycles, phases, etc. and there is no way to convert to grades, it should be recorded as a non-graded course.

[p. 113]

Mark the grade attended, either by grades or years, or a non-graded course:

1 - first
2 - second
3 - third
4 - fourth
5 - fifth
6 - sixth
7 - seventh
8 - eighth
9 - non-graded course

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_COURSAT — Highest course attended, having concluded at least one year
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For person who is not attending, but has in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

4.32 The highest course attended, in which you completed at least one grade?

[] 1 adult literacy course
[] 2 former primary
[] 3 former junior high (ginásio)
[] 4 former classical, scientific, etc. [senior high school]
[] 5 elementary instruction or 1st level
[] 6 secondary instruction or 2nd level
[] 7 higher - undergraduate
[] 8 masters or doctorate
[] 9 none

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For persons who do not attend school now, but have attended in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

Question 4.32 (Sample) and 4.07 (Basic) - What is the highest course you have attended, in which you concluded at least one grade or year?

Mark, as the case may be:

1 - Adult literacy course - a course which has the purpose of teaching reading and writing to youth and adults;
2 - Primary - for the elementary course [grades 1-4];
3 - Formerginásio - for junior high school course [grades 5-8];
4 - Former clássico, científico, etc. - for a senior high school course [grades 9-11];
5 - Elementary school or 1st level [grades 1-8];
6 - Senior high school [grades 9-11] or 2nd level [grades 9-11];
7 - Higher education - undergraduate;
8 - Master's or doctorate - A course for master's or doctor's degree. This item will only be marked if the person has received a diploma as a master or doctor, or had a thesis approved, even if the diploma has not yet been issued; and
9 - None - for persons who:

  • attended but did not conclude the 1st grade of elementary school, first level, or equivalent;
  • attended or concluded only literacy class,
  • attended but did not conclude an adult literacy course; or
  • attended only day-care center

[Comment and examples were not translated into English]

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_YRPASSED — Last year of school passed
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For person who is not attending, but has in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

4.33 What was the last grade passed?

[] 1 first
[] 2 second
[] 3 third
[] 4 fourth
[] 5 fifth
[] 6 sixth
[] 7 seventh
[] 8 eight
[] 9 non-graded course
[] 10 none

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For persons who do not attend school now, but have attended in the past
[Applies to questions 4.32 - 4.35]

Question 4.33 (Sample) and 4.08 (Basic) - What was the last grade concluded and approved?

Mark the last grade concluded with approval in courses by grades or years. For persons who concluded part or all of an adult literacy course, master's degree or doctor's degree, record Box 9.

1 - first
2 - second
3 - third
4 - fourth
5 - fifth
6 - sixth
7 - seventh
8 - eighth
9 - non-graded course
10 - none

If the course attended is not organized into annual grades, but by a system of credits, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc., it should be converted into the regular grades which the person concluded with approval. The 8th period concluded at a university, for example, is usually equivalent to the 4th fourth year concluded, while the 7th period concluded is equivalent to the 3rd year concluded. Likewise, each phase or division of general education usually corresponds to a grade or year in the regular education system.

In cases where the person was attending subjects in different years or grades (acceleration, multi-graded or make-up classes), record the last grade or year concluded with approval where this person was officially registered.

Persons who attended Elementary Education or Senior High School [grades 9-11], that is, courses currently equivalent to the 1st [grades 1-8] and 2nd levels [grades 9-11], respectively, and the course was structured by modules, cycles, phases, etc., and where there is no possibility of conversion to grades or years, must be recorded as non-graded courses.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_EDLEVEL1 — Level of school attending
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For persons who attend school or day care.

6.29 What type of school or day care do you attend?

[Question 6.29 was asked for persons who reported that they attended school or day care, per question 6.28.]

[] 01 Day care (skip to 6.36)
[] 02 Pre-school (kindergarten and maternal) (Skip to 6.36)
[] 03 Literacy class (Skip to 6.36)
[] 04 Youth and adult literacy (Skip to 6.36)
[] 05 Regular elementary school (Go to 6.30)
[] 06 Youth and adult elementary education -- or supplementary elementary school (Skip to 6.36)
[] 07 Regular high school (Skip to 6.31)
[] 08 Youth and adult upper secondary education -- or supplementary high school (Skip to 6.36)
[] 09 College (skip to 6.32)
[] 10 Graduate specialization (at least 360 hours) (Skip to 6.35)
[] 11 Master's degree (Skip to 6.35)
[] 12 Doctorate (Skip to 6.35)

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For residents that go to school or day care

6.29 - What level of school do you attend?

Depending on the situation, record:

01 - Day care: for the day care of children in their first few years, institutions could be accredited or not.
02 - Pre-school (or kindergarten): course for children under the age of 6 (six) years, where physical, psychological, intellectual and social development, complementing family and community practices.

[page 219]

03 - Literacy class - CA: literacy course for children of all ages.
04 - Youth and Adult Literacy: literacy course for young people and adults.
05 - Elementary School: basic education courses, organized in years, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc.
06 -Youth and Adult education or alternative elementary school ? EJA: basic elementary education courses for youth and adults.
07 - High School: high school course (former 2nd level), organized by credits or classes during years, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, cycles, etc., including technical courses.

[page 220]

08 ? Youth and Adult education or alternative high school ? EJA: basic high school education for youth and adults.
09 - College: undergraduate/college level.
10 - Professional degree (minimum of 360 hours): a post-graduate specialization (non-degree seeking). This type of course should last a minimum of 360 hours.
11 - Master's degree: a master's degree course, even for those who are in preparation for the dissertation.
12 - Doctorate: a doctorate course, including those who are working on writing a thesis.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_GRADE1 — Elementary grade/year attending
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For persons who attend school or day care.

6.30 What grade/year are you attending?

[Question 6.30 was asked for persons who reported attending regular elementary school, per question 6.29.]

[] 01 First year
[] 02 First grade/second year
[] 03 Second grade/third year
[] 04 Third grade/fourth year
[] 05 Fourth grade/fifth year
[] 06 Fifth grade/sixth year
[] 07 Sixth grade/seventh year
[] 08 Seventh grade/eighth year
[] 09 Eighth grade/ninth year
[] 10 Non-graded course

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6:30 - What is your highest grade/year in school?
01 - First year
02 - First grade/Second year
03 - Second grade /Third year
04 - Third grade /Fourth year
05 - Fourth grade/Fifth year
06 - Fifth grade /Sixth year
07 - Sixth grade /Seventh Year
08 - Seventh grade /Eighth year
09 - Eighth grade/Ninth year
10 ? Non-leveled course

Record the grade or year that the respondent is attending, according to the duration of the course, 8 or 9 years.

Currently, a change is being implemented on the duration of basic education in which regular school of 8 years will now last 9 years, with mandatory enrollment at 6 years of age, according to the Law 11.274 of February 6, 2006. This process has been gradually taking effect in municipalities, states and the Federal District, although it is until 2010 that there is the expectation that every municipality, state and Federal District have made the change.
In cases where the person attends courses in different grades (accelerated classes, multi-grade or dependencies), check the box corresponding to the year/grade in which the person is registered. In case a person attends a course that is structured by modules, stages, cycles etc., and is not possible to count the time in the regular system, check box 10 - Non-leveled course.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_GRADE2 — High school grade attending
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For persons who attend school or day care.

6.31 What grade are you attending?

[Question 6.31 was asked for persons who reported attending high school, per question 6.29.]

[] 01 First grade
[] 02 Second grade
[] 03 Third grade
[] 04 Fourth grade
[] 05 Non-graded course

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6.31 - What level are you attending?
01 - First grade
02 - Second grade
03 - Third grade
04 - Fourth grade
05 ? Non-leveled course

This question should be filled in only if the person is attending the basic education system.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_COLLEGE — Completion of additional undergraduate degree
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For persons who attend school or day care.

6.32 Have you finished another higher education course?

[Question 6.32 was asked for persons who reported attending college, per question 6.29.]

[] 1 Yes (Skip to 6.35)
[] 2 No (Skip to 6.36)

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6.32 ? Have you completed a college course?
1 - Yes
2 - No

This question inquires if the person that is attending college has already completed another undergraduate degree.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education attended
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6. Resident characteristics

For people aged 5 years or more
[Questions 6.27 to 6.36 were asked for persons 5 years old or over.]

For people who were not attending school or day care, but had attended before.

6.33 What was the highest level course you have attended?

[Question 6.33 was asked for persons who were older than age 5, not attending school or day care, but had attended school or daycare in the past, per question 6.28.]

[] 01 Day care, pre-school (kindergarten and maternal), literacy classes (Go to 6.34)
[] 02 Youth and adult literacy (Go to 6.34)
[] 03 Former primary education (elementary) (Go to 6.34)
[] 04 Former lower secondary education ( ginásio or middle 1st cycle) (Go to 6.34)
[] 05 From 1st to 3rd grade / from 1st to 4th year (if person is 10 years or older, go to 6.37. If person is less than 10 years of age skip to 6.70)
[] 06 From 4th to 5th year (if person is 10 years or older, go to 6.37. If person is less than 10 years of age skip to 6.70)
[] 07 From 5th to 8th grade / from 6th to 9th year (Go to 6.34)
[] 08 Supplementary elementary school or 1st level (Go to 6.34)
[] 09 Former upper secondary education (scientific, classical, etc., or middle 2nd cycle) (Go to 6.34)
[] 10 Youth and adult upper secondary education (Go to 6.34)
[] 11 College (Go to 6.34)
[] 12 Graduate specialization (at least 360 hours) (Go to 6.34)
[] 13 Master (Go to 6.34)
[] 14 Doctorate (Go to 6.34)

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For residents who are currently not in school but previously attended school or day care

6.33 - What was the highest level of school that you attended?

01 - Day care, Pre-school (or kindergarten), Literacy classes - CA
02 - Youth and Adult Literacy
03 - Elementary (Old system)

[page 223]

04 - Middle school (old system)
05 - New system elementary school (from 1st to 3rd grade/from 1st to 4th year)
06 - New system elementary School or 1st level (from 4th grade /5th year)
07 -New system elementary School or 1st level (from 5th to 8th grade/from the 6th to 9th year)
08 - Alternative elementary school or the first level
09 - Middle school or 2nd level (Old system: scientific, classic, etc.)
10 - Alternative middle high school or 2nd level
11 - College
12 - Professional degree (minimum of 360 hours)
13 - Master's degree
14 - Doctorate

If the person attended elementary school (or first level) in the new system, record the information in detail according the grade/year as given in answers 5, 6 or 7.

If the person attended primary school (or first level) or middle school (or second level) in the EJA (Youth and Adult Literacy programs) model, you must register item 8 or 10, according to the interviewee's answer.