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Language spoken in home

Questionnaire Text

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8. What language do the members of this household habitually speak among themselves?
[] 1 Indigenous language ____ (specify)
[] 2 Spanish
[] 3 Foreign language ____ (specify)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 8. What language do the members of the household speak to each other?

This question can have only one answer. In the case that more than one language is spoken in the household, write the one that the members of the household use to speak to each other. If the answer is a native language, box 1, or foreign language, box 3, do not forget to ask what language they speak.

What language do the members of the household speak to each other?
[ ] 1 Native language (specify) _____
[ ] 2 Spanish
[ ] 3 Foreign language (specify) _____