Questionnaire Text

France 1962 Ireland 1981 Portugal 1991 Spain 1981
France 1968 Ireland 1986 Portugal 2001 Spain 1991
France 1975 Ireland 1991 Portugal 2011 Spain 2001
France 1982 Ireland 1996 Romania 1977 Spain 2011
France 1990 Ireland 2002 Romania 1992 Switzerland 2011
France 1999 Ireland 2006 Romania 2002 Turkey 2000
Greece 2011 Ireland 2011 Romania 2011
Ireland 1971 Portugal 1981 Slovenia 2002
France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_BPL — Place of birth
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4. Date and Place of Birth

Born on ____
In: City: ____State [Departement] (or country): ____

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_BPLREG — Region of birth
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4. Date and place of birth
Born on (day, month, year) ____
in city (for Paris, Lyon, Marseille, include the city neighborhood ____
Department (or country for territories overseas and for foreigners) ____
If you were born in a overseas territory or abroad, specify the year of your arrival in France. ____

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5.6.1 Question 4: Date and place of birth.
Make sure, while collecting the completed forms, that the people born outside of Metropolitan France have clearly indicated the year of their arrival in France.
In the case of people who have come to live in France many times, it is necessary to indicate the year of the first time they lived in Metropolitan France.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_BPL — Birthplace
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5. Date and place of birth

Born : (day, month, year) ____
in (city): ____ (for Paris, Lyon, Marseille, specify the district)
County: ____ (country for foreigners, territory for the T.O.M.)

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Question 5: Date of and place of birth
a) The department to write down here is the present name of the place of birth, meaning at the time of the 1975 census. Thus, a person born in the Seine community or the Seine- et- Oise before July 10, 1964 will have to indicate, whatever the case may be, one of the seven new departments of that Parisian region, that is to say: Paris, Essonne, Hauts- de- Seine, Seine- Saint- Denis, Val- de- Marne, Val- d'Oise or Yvelines.
b) Ask for a complete birth date for each person. Then, carry out the following checks:
- a person born before January 1st, 1968: make sure that question 7 always has an answer.
- a person of 16 years of age or more (that is to say born before February 20th, 1959): make sure that questions 7 to 10 are always answered and check questions 11 to 18 on the back page of the individual form (see hereafter).

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_BPLREG — Region of birth
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[Questions 1 - 6 apply to all persons]

5. Date and Place of Birth

Born on (day, month, year) ____

In town or city of (For Paris, Lyon and Marseille, indicate the district within the city [arrondissement]) ____

State [département] (Country for aliens, or Overseas Territory for those from an overseas territory) ____

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_BPLREG — Region of birth
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5. Date and place of birth
Born ____
(day, month, year)
in (county): ____
Department: ____
(country for foreigners, territory those from the TOM (Overseas Territories))

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_BIRREG — Region of birth
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5. Date and place of birth.
Born on:
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
In (the city of) ____
County _ _
(Country if foreigner, territory for the TOM) ____
If you were born in an overseas department or abroad, in which year did you arrive in mainland France?
19_ _

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_BPLMUN — Municipality of birth
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C. Enumeration form of person

6. Place of usual residence of your mother when you were born.

[] 1 At place of enumeration
[] 2 In another location or foreign country (please state) ____
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Question 6 "Place of permanent residence of your mother when you were born"
Put X in box 1 or 2 depending of the place of residence of the mother of the individual when he/she was born.
For those who declare ''in another village or foreign country'' put X in box 2 and write in the following terms the Settlement, the Municipal / Local Community, the Municipal Unit and the Regional consolidation Community or foreign country where the individual resided permanently with his/her mother at the time of birth.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_BPL — Region or country of birth
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6. Place of birth____
County, if born in Ireland. Country, if born elsewhere.

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Question 6 - Place of birth.
The country of birth is required for every person born in Ireland (Thirty-two counties). County Boroughs should, for this purpose, be regarded as falling within their adjoining county, e.g. if a person was born in Dublin County Borough, the entry should be "Dublin" in Column 6. Only the name of the country is required for persons born outside Ireland.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_BPL — Region or country of birth
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Q.6 Place of birth ____
If born in Ireland, state the county. If born elsewhere, state the country.

Question 6: Place of birth

(i) Give the usual residence of the mother at time of [the child's] birth, not the location of the hospital or nursing home where [the child] was born.
(ii) If born in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland), give the name of the county of birth.
(iii) If born outside Ireland, whether now residing in or visiting Ireland, state the country of birth.

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Q.6: Place of birth
The county of birth is required for every person born in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland). County Boroughs should, for this purpose, be regarded as falling within the county of the same name, e.g. if a person was born in Dublin County Borough, the entry should be "Dublin". Only the name of the country is required for persons born outside Ireland.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_BPL — Region or country of birth
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Q.7 Place of birth ___

If born in Ireland, state the county. If born elsewhere, state the country

Question 7: Place of birth

(i) Give the usual residence of [the child's] mother at time of birth, not the location of the hospital or nursing home where [the child was] born.
(ii) If born in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland), give the name of the county of birth.
(iii) If born outside Ireland, whether now resident in or visiting Ireland, state the country of birth.
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Q.7: Place of birth
The county of birth is required for every person born in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland). County boroughs should, for this purpose, be regarded as falling within the county of the same name -- e.g., if a person was born in Dublin county borough, the entry should be "Dublin". Only the name of the country is required for persons born outside Ireland.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_BPL — Region or country of birth
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Q.7 Place of birth ___

If born in Ireland, state the county. If born elsewhere, state the country.
Explanatory notes

Question 7: Place of birth

(i) Give the usual residence of [the child's] mother at time of birth, not the location of the hospital or the nursing home where [the child was] born.
(ii) If [the child was] born in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland), give the name of the county of birth.
(iii) If born outside Ireland, whether now resident in or visiting Ireland, state the country of birth.
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Appendix 1

Q.7: Place of birth
The county of birth is required for every person born in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland). County boroughs should, for this purpose, be regarded as falling within the county of the same name -- e.g., if a person was born in Dublin County Borough, the entry should be "Dublin". Only the name of the country is required for persons born outside Ireland.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_BPL — Region or country of birth
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Q.7 Place of birth ____

If born in Ireland, state the county
If born elsewhere, state the country
Explanatory notes

Question 7 - Place of birth

  • Give the usual residence of the person's mother at time of birth, not the location of the hospital or nursing home where the person was born.
  • If born in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) give the name of the county of birth.
  • If born outside Ireland, whether now resident in or visiting Ireland, state the country of birth.
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Questions which cover all persons

Q.7: Place of Birth
The county of birth is required for every person born in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland). If a person was born in a County Borough, the county name should be entered. The name of the country is sufficient for persons born outside Ireland.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_BPL — Region or country of birth
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5. What is your place of birth?
Give the place of residence of your mother at the time of your birth, not the location of the hospital where you were born.
________If Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county.
________If elsewhere abroad, write in the country.

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The purpose of questions 5 to 9 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. This information will give us a picture of where people are moving to or from and who is moving in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, etc.
Location is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for population estimates and projections and determining electoral boundaries.

5. What is your place of birth?

Give the place of residence of your mother at the time of your birth, not the location of the hospital where you were born.

If Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county. _____
If elsewhere abroad, write in the country. _____

Comparing place of birth (question 5) and place of usual residence (question 7) indicates longer-term migration.
Likewise, if a person lived outside the country for a continuous period of one year or more.
By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the census (question 8) and their residence at census time (question 7), we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence.

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_BPL — Region or country of birth
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B. Person Form

5. What is your place of birth? Give the place where your mother lived at the time of your birth. If Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county.


If elsewhere abroad, write in the country.

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[Questions 5-9]
The purpose of Questions 5 to 9 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. The resulting information will give us a picture of where people are moving to and from and their characteristics in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, etc.

5 What is your place of birth? _____________________________

Give the place where your mother lived at the time of your birth.
If Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county.
If elsewhere abroad, write in the country.
Comparing a person's place of birth (Question 5) and his or her current place of usual residence (Question 7) gives an indication of the extent of longer-term migration. Likewise, if a person lived outside the country for a continuous period of one year or more (Question 9) it is possible to determine the person's country of origin and the period he or she took up residence in Ireland.
Nationality (Question 6) was asked for the first time in the 2002 census and is important in the context of a more culturally diverse Ireland. [Note: give a table of usual residents by main nationality groupings.]
Location (Question 7) is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for the annual population estimates and for population projections. It is also key in determining changes to electoral boundaries.
By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the census (Question 8) and their residence at census time (Question 7) we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence. The responses to this question are particularly useful in monitoring internal migration within the State.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_BPLCNTRY — Region or country of birth
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6. What is your place of birth?
Give the place where your mother lived at the time of your birth.
If Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county. ____
If elsewhere abroad, write in the country. ____
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Question 6-10. The purpose of questions 6 - 10 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. The resulting information will give us a picture of where people are moving to and from and their characteristics in terms of age, sex, education, occupation etc.

Comparing a person's place of birth (question 6) and his or her current place of usual residence (question 7) gives an indication of the extent of longer term migration.

[Examples omitted.]

Location (question 7) is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for the annual population estimates and for population projections. It is also used to determine changes to electoral boundaries.

By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the Census (question 8) and their residence at Census time (question 7), we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence. The responses also provide data on the extent of internal migration within Ireland.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_BPL — Place of birth: NUTS 3-digits [modified]
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

5. Place of birth

[] If you were born in the country, please write in the municipality: ____
[] If you were born abroad, please write in which country: ____

Question 5 - Place of birth

  • In case you were born in Macau, write this word in the line destined for "municipality".
  • In case you were born in a territory which is currently independent, but was under Portuguese administration when you were born, write the name of the territory in the line for "foreign country"
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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Question 5 - Place of birth

If the individual was born in Portugal or in Macau, he has to report the municipality as well.

Individuals born abroad have to identify the country.

If the individuals were born in territories that are now independent, but were under Portuguese administration at the time of birth, they must write in the name of the country in the country option.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_BPLEU — EU subregion of birth
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

6. Place of birth

Place of residence of the mother at the time of birth

[] 11 In the municipality where you live
[] 22 In other municipality, please write in: ____
[] 33 Macau
[] 35 Timor
[] 40 Angola
[] 42 Mozambique
[] 44 Cape Verde
[] 55 Brazil
[] 63 Spain
[] 66 France
[] 69 Germany
[] 77 Any other country, please write in: ____

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 6: Place of birth

(Place of residence of the mother at the time of birth)

If the mother of the individual was living in Portugal he/she has to provide information regarding the municipality.

If the mother was living abroad the enumerated person has to identify the country (either by choosing one of the available options or by writing the country's name).

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_BPLN — EU subregion of birth
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

6. Place of residence of the mother at the time of birth:

[] 12 In the parish where you live
[] 13 In other parish of the municipality where you live
[] In other municipality, please specify: ____
[] 15 Timor
[] 16 Macau
[] 17 Angola
[] 18 Mozambique
[] 19 Cape Verde
[] 20 Germany
[] 21 France
[] 22 Brazil
[] 23 Venezuela
[] Any other country, please specify: ____

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Question 6 - Place of residence of the mother at the time of birth

If the mother of the individual was living in Portugal he has to give us information in which municipality and parish.
If the mother was living abroad he has to identify the country where.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_BPLNUTS3 — NUTS3 place of birth
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Individual questionnaire

8. Nationality (Indicate the place of residence of your mother when you were born)

[] 01 In the parish where you currently reside
[] 02 In another parish of the municipality where you currently reside
[] 03 In another municipality, please specify: ____
Countries must be indicated according to their current designation and borders.
[] 04 Germany
[] 05 Angola
[] 06 Brazil
[] 07 Cape Verde
[] 08 Spain
[] 09 France
[] 10 Guinea-Bissau
[] 11 Mozambique
[] 12 Venezuela
[] 13 In another country, please specify: ____
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 8- Nationality (indicate the place of residence of your mother when you were born)
[There is an image of question 8]
This question asks about the nationality of the population, having as reference the place of residence of the mother on the individual's date of birth and not the place corresponding to health center where the person was born.
If the mother lived in Portugal, you must indicate the corresponding municipality:
If it coincides with a parish or the municipality where the individual actually resides you must choose the respective option;
If it is some other, indicate the name of the respective municipality.
[p. 120]
If the mother lived abroad:
In a country mentioned on the questionnaire, mark the corresponding country;
If she lived in a foreign country not mentioned in the questionnaire, you must indicate the country writing in capital letters in the boxes provided.
Indicating the country should be done with reference to currently existing borders and designations.
Example: An individual that was born in the ex-colony of Mozambique in 1966 (a place where the mother held residence), you must respond Mozambique.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_BPL — Place of birth: 1977 county or country
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07. Place of birth
____ County
____ Type of area

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54. The place of birth (column 07). For persons born in a place other than where they are enumerated the name of the county where the person was born and the corresponding area of the birthplace -- municipality/town or commune/ sub-urban commune will be recorded. For the persons born in the same place where the census enumeration staff is recording them, "in the same locality" will be written.

Persons born in another village of the same commune, where they are enumerated, or in another locality component of the same municipality/town where they are enumerated will be not considered as born in another place, but in the locality of enumeration.

The place of birth represents the locality where the mother of the enumerated person had the legal residence at the date when the birth took place. So, for persons born in maternities or birth houses situated in other places than of the mother's legal residence (residence), the locality where the birth house is located or the maternity, etc. (even this is mentioned on the birth certificate or on the identification card) is not considered the place of birth.

For persons born in another country the actual name of the country will be recorded (in the corresponding space of county).

The enumerator will inscribe in column 07 the county's name or "in the same locality", will inscribe the code of the county or country in the code box from this column (according to the list below) and the mark x will be written in the corresponding box for the area type of the birth place.

The recording of the county's name will be done according to the actual administrative-territorial division and not what existed when the enumerated person was born.

[p. 38]

[table of codes not presented here]

For persons born in the locality where they actually reside, code 44will be written.

For persons born abroad, one of the following codes will be written:
[table of codes not presented here]

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_BPL — County or country of birth
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10 Place of birth
[] 90 Locality where the person was enumerated
_ _ In other locality of county (country)
Category of locality:
[] 1 Municipality/town
[] 2 Commune

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 10 Place of birth

57. The place of birth represents the locality where the mother of the enumerated person gave birth to the person. Write down the legal residence of the mother at the date when the birth took place and not the actual locality of the birth. Thus, in the case of persons born in maternity unitsor birth houses situated in places other than the mother's legal residence, do not consider the locality of the birth house or maternity unit, etc. to be the place of birth, even if this is mentioned on the birth certificate or on the identification card; instead, record the mother's place of legal residence at the time of the birth.

For persons born in the same place where the census enumeration is recorded, mark code 90, in Q. 10.1- and fill in the spaces designated for the county. The areas for municipality / town / commune (Q. 10.2) will remain empty.

For persons born in a place other than that where they are enumerated, the corresponding spaces of Q 10.1 write the name of the county where the person was born, as well as the county's code (in the open boxes on the right), in conformity with the list of county codes used for recording the previous legal residence (see above mentioned paragraph 51); after that, at item 10.2 record the corresponding area type of the birth place - municipality/town (code 1) or commune (code 2).

Recording of county name will be done according to the actual administrative-territorial division and not that existing when the enumerated person was born.
Persons born in another village of the same commune where they are enumerated, or in another locality/sector of Bucharest or a component of the same municipality / town where they are enumerated will be not considered as born in another place, but in the locality of enumeration (mark an x in the code 90 box).

For persons born in another country or in foreign territories, record in the corresponding space the actual name of the country and in the code box record the corresponding code from the list below. For this case, item 10.2 will not be answered.

Country - Code
Albania - 51
Austria - 52
Belgium - 53
Bulgaria - 54
Czechoslovakia - 55
Denmark - 56
Switzerland - 57
Finland - 58
France - 59
Germany - 60
Hellenic Republic - 61
Italy - 62
Yugoslavia - 63
Norway - 64
Netherlands - 65
Poland - 66
Portugal - 67
United Kingdom of Great Britain - 68
Spain - 69
Sweden - 70
Hungary - 71
Moldavian Republic - 72
Ukraine Republic - 73
Other URSS Republics - 74
Other European countries - 75
Countries from other continents - 76
Undeclared - 99

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_BPL — County or country of birth
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8. Place of birth
[] 90 In the same place as the enumeration locality
_ _ In another locality in the country
[] 1 Municipality/town
[] 2 Commune

_ _ In another country

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Place of birth (item 8)

55. The place of birth represents the locality where the mother of the enumerated person had the legal residence at the date when the birth took place, and not the locality where the child was actually born..
So, in the case of the persons born on maternities, birth houses, situated in other places than of the mother's legal residence, are not considered as place of birth- the locality where the birth house is located or the maternity, etc. (even this is mentioned on the birth certificate or on the identification card), but the mother's place of her legal residence, at the date of birth.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will be written on the box of the code 90 --for the persons born in the same place where the census enumeration staff is recording them and the spaces designated for the county (municipality/town/commune)/country, will remain empty;
-- the name of the county where the person was born - will be recorded for persons born in other place than that where they are enumerated. The recording of the county's name will be done according to the actual administrative-territorial division and not of that existing when the enumerated person was born.
-- the mark x will be recorded on the code boxes 1 or 2 for persons born in place other than where they were enumerated, on the municipalities/towns or communes, according to the situation existing at the date of birth of the enumerated person;
-- the actual name of the country will be written -- for persons born in another country or in the territories being actually under other country's administrations.

Later, the enumerator will codify, on the corresponding spaces the codes for county or country (paragraphs 126 and 125).

[p. 41]

Will be not considered as born in another place, but in the locality of enumeration -- the persons born in another village of the same commune, where they are enumerated, or in another locality, component of the same municipality / town where they are enumerated.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_BPLCNTY — County of birth
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Questions 11, 12 and 13 apply only to persons who are temporarily absent (i.e. persons who are away from the household for less than 12 months)

14. Place of birth (the mother's residence at the moment of the enumerated person's birth)

[] 900 In the enumeration locality
[] In another locality____
[] ____county
[] Municipality/city/commune____
_ _ _ _ _ _
[] In another country____
_ _ _

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_BPL — Region of birth
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24. Your first residence after birth was
[] In the town entered under question 2 [skip to question 27]
[] In a different locality in Slovenia (write in):

____ Locality
____ Municipality [skip to question 27]

[] In a foreign country (write in):

Country ____

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24 Your first residence after birth was

The first residence after birth is the place (settlement and municipality or foreign country) in which the mother had her residence when the enumerated person was born. The enumerator thus does not enter the actual birthplace (e.g. place of the maternity hospital) but data on the first residence after the person's birth.

In the town entered under question 2 is marked by the enumerator if the person still lives in the settlement in which (s)he lived after birth.

In a different locality in Slovenia is marked by the enumerator if the person no longer lives in the same settlement in which (s)he lived after birth. In this case the enumerator enters the full name of the settlement in which the person lived after birth and the name of the municipality to which the settlement belongs.

In a foreign country is marked by the enumerator if after birth the person did not live in Slovenia but in a foreign country. In this case the enumerator enters the name of the foreign country.

The enumerator must take into account countries that are internationally recognised at the time of the census, which is especially important for persons who after birth lived in the former Yugoslavia. In addition to Slovenia, in the territory of former SFRJ the following countries existed at the time of the census: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Yugoslavia.

For persons born during World War II whose mother was deported into another place in Slovenia or into another country, the enumerator enters as the first residence after birth the place from which the mother was deported.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_BPL — Province or country of birth
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6. Place and date of birth.
Write the name of the municipality and province (or country, if you were born in another country) and your date of birth.
___ Municipality
___ Province _ _
_ _ / _ _ / 1 _ _ _ Day / month / year

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_BPLPROV — Province of birth
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13. Place of birth
[] 1 This municipality
[] 2 Another municipality in Spain:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[] 3 In a foreign country
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_BPLPR — Province of birth
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Place of birth: Province
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Municipality (or country)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_BPLPROV — Province of birth
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Country of birth:
[] Spain. Write the municipality and province:

Municipality _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Province _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[] Other country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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1.A.5 Place of birth

For those people that have been born in Spain this variable refers to the place of habitual residence of the mother at the moment of birth, or if this is unknown, that in which the birth took place.

For the people that have been born outside of Spain this variable will contain the value of the country of habitual residence of the mother at the moment of birth, or if this is not available, that in which the birth took place following the international borders on the date of reference of the census.

It deals with a variable relevant to the effect of determining collectives of migrants and their origin. In fact the variable determines the group of immigrants and, because of that, it is essential together with nationality to be able to study their characteristics, their life conditions, and their level of integration.

[p. 27]

Categories of this variable:

Municipality of Spain (for those people that have been born in Spain)
Country (for those people that have been born outside of Spain)

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_BPLCANTON — Canton of birthplace
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3.1.3 Basic output
The basic statistics of the population provide annual information.

T2 Information provided by the basic statistics of the population

Size and structure of the population

- Permanent and non-permanent resident population by age, sex, marital status, nationality, place of birth, type of residence permit (foreign nationals), reason for immigration, and length of stay in Switzerland

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_BPLPROV — Province of birth
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18. What is the present name of the province and the district in which you were born?
(For those who were born abroad write only the name of the country.)
Province name ____
District name ____
Country name ____

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Question 18. What is the current name of the province and district that your birthplace belongs to?

(For those born abroad, write only the name of the country)

To be entered into the appropriate boxes for those born in Turkey, are the current names of the province and district that the place where they were born belongs to, whereas for those born abroad, the name of the country is to be entered.

In answering the question about birthplace, the person being administered the census may reply by giving the name of the village where he/she was born. In such a case, asking for the current names of the province and district that this village belongs to, the current name of that district and province are to be entered into the pertinent box.

The province and district names corresponding to our country's current administrative structure are provided in Appendix 2.

If the province and district names specified in response to this question are wrong, or if there is doubt about whether a specified district belongs to [the stated] province, the correct names shall be entered, by referencing the province and district list in Appendix 2.

In writing the names of the province and district that the birthplace belongs to, care should be taken to determine if the district is not one of the central districts in the 8 provinces with metropolitan areas (Adana, Ankara, Bursa, Gaziantep, Istanbul, Kayseri, and Konya). In these provinces, the provincial center is comprised of the districts displayed below.

In all provinces except those provinces specified above, "Center" is to be written for the provincial center, into the space for "District name".