Questionnaire Text
Questionnaire form
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4. Age
Write in one space only.
For those one year of age and older, write the number of years.
Number of years ____
For those under one year, mark the circle
[] YY Less than 1 year
Questionnaire instructions
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11.- Question No. 4.- Age
The enumerator should ask: How old are you in completed years?
When a person is one year old or more write down the number of years, using the space "Number of Years".
When a person is less than one year mark the corresponding circle only.
Generally persons have the tendency to lower the number of years of some ages, others on the other hand prefer to raise them, principally at older ages.
Another inconvenience that is possible is meeting persons with the tendency to declare their age approximately, principally stating the so called "attractive ages" like for example: 1-5, 10, 15, 18, 20, 25, 40, 60, 65 years old, etc.
All enumerators should insist in getting the exact age of every person, avoiding when possible, annotation of rounded numbers.
This information refers to the date of the census and not the date of the visit. If the person is not sure of the age of a person, the enumerator should suggest that they consult the date of the birth document or proof of birth.
When it is impossible to get the exact age of a person, try to help the person to get approximate information, it being good to know local and national historic events. When the information that you write down is approximate, you should indicate it as such in the space for "Observations".