Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

F1. Ask these questions to all persons.

27. Age in years completed:

[] 00 Less than one year
[] Age in years _ _
[] 98 years old or more _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

F1. Ask these questions to all persons

27. How old is [the respondent]?

The number of years refers to the complete age on their last birthday and not the number of years that they will be, nor fractions of years.

[Below the text is a form.]

Frequently the age of children is expressed in months. You should convert it to years. Example: a seven month old child is less than one year, a fifteen month old child is one complete year.

If a person is less than one (1) year old, mark with "x" option "00".

If a person is between one and 97 years old, write the number of years in the boxes.

For persons between 1 and 9 years old, write a zero to the left, for example, "08".

If a person is 98 years old or more, mark with "x" the option "98".

If a person does not know or remember their age, turn to the following:

Request an identity document where the date of birth appears.

Help them establish their age making reference to personal deeds. Examples: age at what age they got married and the time that they have been married; age when the first child was born and the current age of that child.

Help to calculate the age relating it with some historical event known by the person.