Questionnaire Text

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A. General characteristics (for all the persons in the household).
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

4. How old is the person? (For children under one, write 00)

Years completed __ __

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section A. General characteristics

[Below the text is a form.]

Section A. General characteristics will be filled out for all the persons of a census household who spent the night of October 23 to 24 in the dwelling.

Do not forget to include newborns, minors and the elderly.
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

Question No. 4. Age in complete years

[Below the text is a form.]

The information that should be obtained for each person is the number of completed years on the last birthday and not the age a person is about to be.

When a person declares that they do not know their age, try to help them, making reference to historical or personal deeds. For example if married, the current age can be estimated, on the basis of the age when married and the amount of time married; or based on their age when the first child was born and the child's age now. In the last case, the collector should estimate the age related with any national, international or local event: the wars of One Thousand Days (1899-1902), (1939-1945), the death of Gaitán (1948), June 13. Only for persons from whom it is not possible to obtain information, should the space be left blank.

Write down in the corresponding space the age of the person in completed years.

Do not write down approximate ages in any case.

If the informed age is 99 years or more, always write down 99.

For persons younger than 1 year, write down in the corresponding space 00 (zero, zero).

If the informed age is between 1 and 9 years, write it down with a zero to the left.