Questionnaire Text

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[Questions on persons]

[Ask to] residents (list all persons usually residing in the household, whether present or absent) and visitors (list all persons who do not usually reside in the household, but who spent the night preceding the interview in the household.

The whole population
[Questions 1-14 were asked of all persons.]

P8. Place of birth ________

Where was [the respondent] born? If the person was born in Cameroon, put the subdivision of the district if it is known or the name of the locality and the division in brackets. If the person was born abroad, put the name of the country.

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c) Filling in pages 2 and 3

1. Columns P1 to P14: The whole population
These columns are to be filled in for all the members of the household: residents and visitors.
Ask the head of the household or the person who answers your questions to give you the names of all present and absent residents (for less than six months) of the household. Classify them under column P2 in the following order:
- Head of household,
- Unmarried children of the head of the household whose mother does not live in the household
- Spouse of the head of the household followed by his or her unmarried children beginning with the oldest.

Where the head of the household is a polygamist, each of his wives must be followed by her unmarried children beginning with the oldest, if they are members of the household.
- Married children of the head of the household or of his wife (wives) followed by their spouses.
- Relatives of the head of me household or of his spouse(s): ascendants (father, mother, grandparents), descendants (grandchildren, great grandchildren) whose parents are not members of the household; collaterals (brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, cousins)
- Persons not related to the head of the household or to his spouse(s): friends, lodgers, house servants, employees who are members of the household

All these persons who are related or not to the head of the household will be followed if necessary by their spouse (s) and children if the latter are members of the household
If after such classification, the head of the household realizes that he has forgotten a resident member of the household, write down his name after the other resident members.
Once all the residents of the household have been listed, ask if there are visitors in the household. If so, also classify them as in the previous case.
After this inventory of the members, first fill in columns P1 to P5 for all the members and, as from column P6 fill in, line by line, the individual questions for each of them.

Column P8: Place of birth.
a) For persons born in Cameroon

Write the name of the subdivision or district in which the person was born if he tells you.
If he knows neither his subdivision nor district of birth, write the name of the locality followed by the division, in brackets, in which the said locality is found.

b) For persons born out of Cameroon
Write the name of the country in which the person was born