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Marital status

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5. Marital status ____

Write as appropriate: S single, C married, CV consensual union, V widowed, SP separated de facto or legally, A annulled
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Column 5: Marital Status. Write down [the appropriate status for] each case, according to the following definitions:

Single: One who has ever been married and doesn't live in a marital situation [maritalmente].

Married: One who has established marital bonds (civil or religious, or both) and continues in that state.

Consensual Union: One who, without having married another person, lives in a marital union with that person.

Widow/er: One who, having been married, has had their spouse die and who has not remarried nor lives in a marital union.

De facto separated: A married person who lives separately from their spouse without a judicial ruling of legal separation or annulment of the marriage.

Legally separated: One who, having been married, lives separately, temporarily or transitionally, from their spouse due to a judicial ruling and who does not live in a marital situation.

Annulled: One who ceased to be married because their marriage was annulled by a judicial ruling, and who does not live in a marital situation.

If the first and last name of a woman who declares herself to be married don't include the last name of her spouse, the enumerator should make sure that this is the true marital status. Nevertheless, this question should be asked very discretely, as in any case where there is doubt about the reported marital status.