Questionnaire Text

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Section A

(12 years and over)

12. During the past 30 days did [the respondent] work for cash?

[] 1 Yes for someone else (Go to Q. 14)
[] 2 Yes, for self (Go to Q. 14)
[] 3 No (Go to Q. 13)

13. Then what did [the person] do during the last 30 days?

[] 1 Family business
[] 2 Work at lands/farms/cattle post
[For responses 1 or 2,] go to Q.14
[] 3 Actively seeking work
[] 4 Housework
[] 5 Student
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Other (specify)
[For responses 3 to 6,] go to Q.16 if female, else go to next person

15. Industry

What was the main product, service or activity of [the person's] place of work? (Probe as necessary) ____
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Column A15: Industry

What was the main product, service or activity of [the respondent]'s place of work?

The industry identifies the main kind of product produced or the main service provided by the establishment or the work unit in which the individual works. It is important to understand the difference between industry and occupation. An occupation summarizes the tasks performed by an individual who is working. The industry has to do with the products or services, or main functions or activities, of the workplace. For example, a woman may be an Accounts Clerk who is employed by a Dairy Farmer. Her occupation is "Accounts Clerk" and the industry in which she works is "Farming". If the same person were employed by a mine, the occupation would still be "Accounts Clerk" but the industry would be "Mining". A man working in the same mine might be a Mine Sampler - his occupation would be "Mine Sampler" or "Miner", but he also belongs to the Mining industry. Clearly, an industry may include a number of different occupations, and the same occupation may be found in many different industries.

Probing for better industry information: You will usually have to probe the respondent to get good information about the industry in which a person works. Some general tips for probing are given below, and specific examples of how to probe are given on page 34.

General Tips:

first ask the respondent the name of the business or establishment - if you abbreviate, write out the name in full in the comments box

if the name of the business is not known, or if the individual is self-employed, working on a farm, lands or cattlepost, or working for another individual/household rather than for a company or business, ask the respondent what kinds of goods are produced at the place where the person works - if you need more space, use the block at the top of column A15; see section I below for some examples of goods produced

if the business or workplace does not produce goods, ask what kinds of services are provided; see section 2 below for some examples of services provided

in recording the response, be sure to indicate whether the business is making or selling goods (if relevant); e.g. write "makes beer" or "sells beer", not just "beer"

if the above approaches do not work, ask the respondent what type of business the person works in and, if necessary, list some examples from section 3 below; a complete list of industry groups is given on page 35

1 Examples of Goods Produced: bread, traditional beer, biltong, textiles, tinned meat, glass, bricks, tiles, metal tools, shoes, leather bags, rope, books, baskets, clothing, fat cakes, brooms, newspapers, plastic pipes, kgotla chairs, boilers, mats, pots, wooden spoons, plastic pipes, vaccines, maize flour, milk, soap

2. Examples of Services Provided: repairing cars, repairing shoes, repairing watches, cleaning houses, guarding houses, taking care of children, typing, hawking goods, driving a taxi, cutting and styling hair, treating illnesses, teaching, selling property, selling airline tickets, renting videos, dry-cleaning clothes, selling beer, running a restaurant, running a shop

3. Examples of Types of Businesses or Economic Activities: building houses, building roads, wholesale trade, general retailer, hotel, restaurant, butchery, petrol station, airline, railway, selling cars, transporting goods, bank, insurance, real estate, prospecting,
architectural services, church, school, hospital, clinic, local government, brigades, traditional farming, fishing, hunting, blacksmith, traditional healing, performing at nightclubs, travel agency, employers' organisation, labour union, co-operative, electrical construction, law firm, accounting firm, market stall, dairy fanning, commercial farming.

In the sample questionnaire on page 26, James works for DeBeers. Since the name of the business is known, it is written in the unshaded area of column A15. Anne works on the landsĀ· since she is engaged in the economic activity of fanning on the lands (as opposed to making baskets, for example), this information is included in the unshaded area. The question does not apply to Mimi or Molelo because they under 12 years old, nor to Anthony, because he is a student. Dashes are entered for these three. David drives his own taxi, so his industry can be recorded as "taxi driving". Thembe is retired, so a dash is entered in column A15 for her.

If the person is female, go to column A16 after completing column A15. If the person is male, put dashes m columns A16 - A21 and continue on to the next person listed in column A1.


Specific examples of how to probe for better industry information:

[Column headings:]
(A) Response
(B) Suggested probing questions

(A) Factory
(B) What is the name of the factory? What kinds of goods does the factory make?

(A) Manufacturing
(B) What is the name of the company? What kinds of goods does the company manufacture?

(A) Construction
(B) What is the name of the company? What does the company build? (houses, roads, buildings, electrical plant, dams, etc.)

(A) Government
(B) Does [the respondent] work for Central Government or Local Government? In which department or ministry?

(A) Transport
(B) Does [the respondent] work for a transport company? If so, what is the name of the company? What kind of transport does the company provide? (rail, air, truck, combi, taxi) If [the respondent] does not work for a company, what kind of transport does [the respondent] provide? (driving a taxi, truck, tractor, etc.)

(A) Education
(B) Is [the respondent] a teacher? If so, at what level does [the respondent] teach? If not, what does [the respondent] do in the school?

(A) Business
(B) What is the name of the business? What kinds of goods does the business provide? What kinds of services does the business provide? (see page 32 for examples)

(A) Mining
(B) In which mine does [the respondent] work? What kind of mine is it? (diamonds, copper/nickel, coal, soda ash/salt)

(A) Farming
(B) What is produced on the farm? Are the crops or livestock sold for profit or used mostly for consumption by the family?

(A) Domestic, private Mrs. or Mr. family
(B) What is [the respondent] doing for the private household or individual? (gardening, minding children, cleaning house, cooking, working as a night watchman) If none of the above, what is the main activity of the household or individual for which [the respondent] works? (building a house, making baskets, brewing beer, selling beer, collecting wood, cutting poles, sewing, driving a taxi, threshing, stamping mealie, etc.) What is [the respondent] doing to help the household or individual in this activity?

(A) Cattle post, lands, farm
(B) What is [the respondent] doing at the cattle/post/lands/farm? Do not assume that the activity is farming - if the person is making baskets, for example, the economic activity may be "making baskets".

(A) Self
(B) Does [the respondent] have a company or shop? What is the name of the company or shop? What kind of shop? What kinds of goods does [the respondent] make/sell? What services does [the respondent] provide? (see page 32)

(A) Bread, fat cakes, beer, clothes
(B) Did [the respondent] make or sell this product? If [the respondent] sold the product, was it sold in a shop? If not, where did [the respondent] sell the product? If [the respondent] made the product, did [the respondent] also sell it? Whenever the respondent mentions a finished product such as food, clothing or manufactured goods as the industry, ask similar questions.

(A) Poles, wood, thatch, water, maize
(B) Did [the respondent] sell this item? Did [the respondent] gather/cut/collect/stamp this item? For whom did [the respondent] work? What was the item used for, and by whom was the item used? Did [the respondent] grow the item? Whenever the respondent mentions an agricultural product or other raw material (wood, thatch, water, etc.), find out whether the person was growing, gathering, cutting, or otherwise processing the item.