Mean to acquire the housing unit or plot
Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | Tribal authority | 2,897 |
02 | Land board | 9,279 |
03 | Purchase | 345 |
04 | Inheritance | 2,212 |
05 | SHHA (Self Help Housing Agency) | 1,630 |
06 | Rent, BHC (Botswana Housing Corportation) | 700 |
07 | Rent, government | 471 |
08 | Rent, council | 408 |
09 | Rent, individual | 3,613 |
10 | Rent, company | 1,054 |
11 | Free | 2,247 |
12 | Self allocation | 2,664 |
98 | Unknown | 141 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 1,580 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates how the housing unit was acquired.
- Botswana 1991: Private households
- Botswana: 1991
Questionnaire Text
Section E
(Circle response)
7. Acquisition
How was this housing unit/plot acquired?
[] 01 Tribal authority
[] 02 Land board
[] 03 Purchase
[] 04 Inheritance
[] 05 SHHA
[] 06 Rent: BHC
[] 07 Rent: government
[] 08 Rent: council
[] 09 Rent: individual
[] 10 Rent: company
[] 11 Free
[] 12 Self allocation
[] 01 Tribal authority
[] 02 Land board
[] 03 Purchase
[] 04 Inheritance
[] 05 SHHA
[] 06 Rent: BHC
[] 07 Rent: government
[] 08 Rent: council
[] 09 Rent: individual
[] 10 Rent: company
[] 11 Free
[] 12 Self allocation
Columns E7: Method of Acquisition of Housing Unit/Plot
Some of the above codes need further explanation:
How was this housing unit/plot acquired by the household?
Enquire from the household what entitles them to live in this particular housing unit/plot.
01 Tribal Authority
02 Landboard
03 Purchase
04 Inheritance
06 Rent: BHC
07 Rent: Government
08 Rent: Council
09 Rent: Individual
10 Rent: Company
11 Free
12 Self-Allocation
02 Landboard
03 Purchase
04 Inheritance
06 Rent: BHC
07 Rent: Government
08 Rent: Council
09 Rent: Individual
10 Rent: Company
11 Free
12 Self-Allocation
Some of the above codes need further explanation:
01 Tribal Authority: These are housing units on plots which were allocated by tribal authorities a long time ago before the formation of landboards.
04 Inheritance: These are housing units on plots acquired by inheritance regardless of means of previous acquisition.
05 SHHA: These are housing units on plots which were acquired through the Self Help Housing Agency Scheme. Only households who own the SHHA plot on which they live are to be coded 05. Those living in a rented SHHA house (or room in a SHHA house) are to be coded 09.
06 Circle code 06 for households renting from BHC
07 Circle code 07 for households renting from Government
08 Circle code 08 for households renting from Council
09 Circle code 09 for households renting from private individuals
10 Circle code 10 for households renting from companies and institutions other than Government
11 Free: Circle code 11 for households who don't own their housing unit but who don't pay any rent either. They may be living in a housing unit provided by relatives or an employer. Members of the Police Force or BDF and some domestic servants are examples of persons who obtain housing free from their employers.
12 Self-Allocation: Circle code 12 for households occupying tribal/estate land or a freehold farm where no allocation was made by any authority or employers
04 Inheritance: These are housing units on plots acquired by inheritance regardless of means of previous acquisition.
05 SHHA: These are housing units on plots which were acquired through the Self Help Housing Agency Scheme. Only households who own the SHHA plot on which they live are to be coded 05. Those living in a rented SHHA house (or room in a SHHA house) are to be coded 09.
06 Circle code 06 for households renting from BHC
07 Circle code 07 for households renting from Government
08 Circle code 08 for households renting from Council
09 Circle code 09 for households renting from private individuals
10 Circle code 10 for households renting from companies and institutions other than Government
11 Free: Circle code 11 for households who don't own their housing unit but who don't pay any rent either. They may be living in a housing unit provided by relatives or an employer. Members of the Police Force or BDF and some domestic servants are examples of persons who obtain housing free from their employers.
12 Self-Allocation: Circle code 12 for households occupying tribal/estate land or a freehold farm where no allocation was made by any authority or employers
In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 139, the plot on which the household stays was inherited, so code 04 is circled.