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District of residence 1 year ago

Questionnaire Text

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[This question were asked of all persons in present residents aged 1 plus]
9. Where did (the person) lived this time last year?
[] 0000 Not born
[] 0001 In this housing unit
[] 0002 Elsewhere in this locality
[] _ _ _ _ Elsewhere in Botswana (see list)
[] 77XX Other country (see list)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column [P9] migration
This question deals with the place where each person being enumerated was living a year before the census. Proceed as follows:
For children who are under one year of age at the time of enumeration, enter 0000.
For a person who is living in the same dwelling now as last year, enter 0001.
For a person who was living somewhere else in the locality enter 0002.
For a person who was living somewhere else in Botswana, write down the name of the place and also check the appropriate code from the village list. Enter the code below the name of the place you have just written.
For a person who was living outside Botswana a year before the census enter the code number for the country. See column P7 for the list of the country codes. If the country is not listed, write down the name of the country.