Questionnaire Text

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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

For the person who is attending school (if not attending, mark 0)
[Applies to questions 20 - 22]

For the person who attends graded courses (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 21 - 22]

22. For the person who is attending non-graded courses (if attending graded course, mark the 0 box)

[] 1- preschool
[] 2- adult literacy course
Supplemental, attending school:
[] 3- 1st level
[] 4- 2nd level
Supplemental via radio or TV:
[] 5- 1st level
[] 6- 2nd level
[] 7- college entrance exam
[] 8- masters or doctorate
[] 0- none

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Questions 20, 21 and 22 - For persons who attend school

Consider as attending the school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General Education (attending class on the radio or television), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Also consider as attending school persons who, are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the Census, are attending only short courses for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 22 - For persons who attend a non-graded course

For persons who attend a non-graded course, mark:

Pre-school - a course for training children under the age of 7, that is, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, literacy class (C.A.);
Adult literacy course - for teaching reading and writing to persons over the age of 14, such as that administered by MOBRAL or similar institution;
General Education 1st level [Grades 1-8, Supletivo] Attending school - for persons who attend a preparatory course for the 1st-level General Education examinations (Supletivo ou Madureza, de 1º grau);
General Education 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo] - Attending school - for persons who attend a preparatory course for the 2nd-level General Education examinations (Supletivo ou Madureza de 2º grau);
General Education 1st level [Grades 1-8, Supletivo] - On Radio or Television - for persons who attend classes conducted by radio or television in preparation for 1st-level General Education examinations;
General Education 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo] - On Radio or Television - for persons who attend classes conducted by radio or television in preparation for 2nd-level General Education examinations;
College Entrance Exam Course (Vestibular) - for persons who attend a preparatory course to take college entrance examinations. Persons who are attending the 3rd year of senior high school (3ª série do 2º grau ou Médio 2º Ciclo) and simultaneously taking the college entrance exam course should inform only about the regular course in Questions 20 and 21;
Master's or Doctor's - for persons who are attending a master's or doctorate levels. Persons who are preparing theses without attending a course, if registered or enrolled, should also be considered as attending school; or
None - for persons who attend a graded course or do not attend school.