Questionnaire Text

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Only for persons 5 years and older
[Applies to questions L - N]

Questions M and N: If attending or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

N. Level

[] 52 elementary
[] 53 middle-1st cycle
[] 54 middle-2nd cycle
[] 55 higher education

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be asked only of persons age 5 and over
[Applies to questions L - N]

Question N - Level or year concluded passed

This question should only be answered by persons for whom the enumerator marked one of the series in the preceding question. Nothing will be recorded in this question for persons who answered that they do not attend and never attended, in the preceding question.
The enumerator will mark an X in the field corresponding to one of the following responses:
Elementary - For those who have concluded one year of Primary school or its equivalent [first four years of schooling], such as elementary-level professional courses;

Junior high school [Médio 1º Ciclo, 5th or 6th, to 8th year] - For persons who have concluded one year of the Middle School, 1st Cycle [5th or 6th, to 8th year - Curso Ginasial or some other course on an equivalent level;
Senior high school [Médio - 2º ciclo] - For those who have concluded one year in the Classical or the Scientific course [college prep - 9th to 12th year] or some other course on an equivalent level;
Higher education - For persons who have concluded a year in Higher Education, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Economics, Architecture, Agronomy, Military school, Denominational Seminary, Philosophy, etc.