Questionnaire Text

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Only for persons 5 years and older
[Applies to questions L - N]

Questions M and N: If attending or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

M. Grade

[] 44 1st grade
[] 45 2nd grade
[] 46 3rd grade
[] 47 4th grade
[] 48 5th grade
[] 49 6th grade
[] 50 currently attending 1st grade
[] 51 didn't attend and never attended

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The following questions will be asked only of persons age 5 and over
[Applies to questions L - N]

Question M - Last year of school concluded with approval

Persons who are attending or who attended a regular school should inform the last year which they passed.

[p. 31]

Thus, 1st grade should be marked for a person who is attending 2nd year [or grade] of primary school; the 2nd year of junior high school [ginasial - 6th to 9th year] should be marked for a person who dropped out of the course in the 3rd year of junior high school [ginasial - 6th to 9th year] without terminating it or without passing; and the last year of the course should be marked for a person who concluded that course (example: the enumerator should mark 5th year for those who concluded a 5-year law course).
Attending first year should be marked only for persons who are attending the 1st year of primary school.
For persons who are not attending school or who never attended school, the last Box (51 - Does not attend and never attended) should be marked.