Questionnaire Text

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Only for persons 5 years and older
[Applies to questions L - N]

L. School attendance and literacy

Attending school:

[] 40 can read
[] 42 can't read

Not attending school:

[] 41 can read
[] 43 can't read

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The following questions will be asked only of persons age 5 and over
[Applies to questions L - N]

Question L - Attendance at school and literacy

a) Attendance at school
Only persons attending regular schools during the year of the Census should be considered as attending school. The term Regular schools refers to those schools which follow a progressive curriculum or course based on successive years - 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, etc. - and whose type of education is regulated by law. This includes Regular ecclesiastical courses are included in this category.
Persons who are on vacation or for any other reason are temporarily unable to attend classes on the date of the Census should nevertheless be enumerated as attending school. Likewise, persons who are attending adult courses, junior high-school preparation [admissão] courses or primary courses given at home will be recorded as attending school.
Persons who receive individual classes or who attend short professional specialization courses, cultural extension courses (sewing, dancing, foreign languages, typing, mechanics, art, cooking, etc.) will be recorded as Not attending school. Students in Kindergarten will also be recorded as Not attending school.

b) Literacy
Persons able to read and write at least a simple note, even if in a foreign language, should be considered as Knows how to read. Persons able to write only their name will be marked as does not know how to read.
Persons who learned how to read and write and who for any reason forgot will be recorded as does not know how to read.