Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970
Argentina 1980
Argentina 1991
Argentina 2001
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_BPLPROV — Province of birth
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General characteristics -- For all individuals

[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

5. Where were you born?

If born in the locality or place where enumerated, mark only the box "here." Otherwise, write the name of the locality, department and province, respectively. If born abroad, write only the name of the country.

[] Here
____ Locality or place
____ Department or division
____ Province or foreign country

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General characteristics


23. Now you must move to question number 5. If the person you are enumerating was born in a location or place where he/she is completing the census, you should mark the box: Here.

[An example for question 5 is not presented here.]


24. If the person to be enumerated was not born in the place where the census is completed, you will register the location, department or area and province.

[An example for question 5 is not presented here.]


25. If the enumerated person was born in a foreign country, you will complete the line that corresponds to the Province of foreign country.

[An example for question 5 is not presented here.]


26. For the persons who were not born in the place where you are completing the census, you should register the name of the location, department or area, and province.

If a person does not remember the name of the department, you will complete, at least, the lines that correspond to location and province.

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_BPL — Place of birth
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C. Population

For all of the persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

5. What is the locality and province, or foreign country [of his or her birth or residence]?

In each case if it is the locality or place where the person is answering the census mark only the box "here." Otherwise, write the name of the locality or place and the province. If it is in another country, write only the name of the country.

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

5. What is the location or province or foreign country
a) where you were born?

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

b) where you live usually?

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

[p. 10]

c) where you lived in 1975?

In each case, if it is a location or place where enumerated, only fill out the cell "here". If not, write down the name of the location or place and the province.

If it is abroad, only write down the country.

You should consider a person who lives in the place where enumerated for six months or more a usual resident, or who not being one, has decided to permanently reside in this place.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_BORN — Province or country of birth
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[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons.]

7. Where he or she was born?

[] In this province
[] In another province in Argentina: Province (consider the Federal Capital as a province) ____
[] In Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, or Uruguay

Name of the country ____
Year of arrival in Argentina (if before 1900, write 00) 19_ _
[] Unanswered

[] In another country

Name of the country ____
Year of arrival in Argentina (if before 1900, write 00) 19_ _
[] Unanswered

[] Unanswered

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Questions 5, 6 and 7 permit us to study migrations.

7. Where was he or she born?

Important : We fill out the information completely and with details about Locality, Department, Province or foreign Country. In locality of administrative area we do not register names of neighborhoods. No line should be left blank. If something is not known we write: Not known. We register as year of arrival in Argentina the last entrance to the country.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_PROVBPL — Province of birth
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9. Were you born in Argentina?
[] Yes. Province of Birth: ____ [skip question 10]
[] No. Country of Birth: ____