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3. Walls
[Question 3 was asked of persons in occupied private dwellings, per Questions 1 and 2.]

[] 1 Plastered adobe
[] 2 Adobe without plaster or mud-wall construction
[] 3 Brick, cement block, reinforced concrete, etc.
[] 4 Stone
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Cane, palm, logs
[] 7 Others (specify) ____

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Predominant materials in the dwelling

The next three questions refer to three parts of the dwelling: the walls, roof, and floors.

In each case, mark the appropriate code for the predominant material in the dwelling.

Question 3. Walls

1. Plastered adobe. When the predominant material in the walls is adobe and, furthermore, it is covered with another material that protects it.

2. Unplastered adobe or mud-wall. Dwellings with walls of uncovered adobe are included in this category.

3. Brick, blocks of cement, concrete, etc.When walls made of these materials are covered or uncovered.

4. Stone. In this category we take into account walls that are made of stones.

5. Wood.Included in this category are planks and boards. If the wood is only used as a covering for the wall, don't take it into account. Rather, instead record the material out of which the wall is actually made.

6. Cane, palm leaves, tree trunks.Whether they are covered or not.

7. Other. Those things not included in the previous categories, such as cardboard, tin, waste or other materials, in which case you should specify.