Questionnaire Text

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9. Ethnicity or nationality - Which is the ethnicity or nationality of [the person]?

Write down FON, MINA, DENDI, etcetera for Beninese, and country for foreigners
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Section 2: Individual characteristics of household members

Questions 1 [order number] to 12 [residency status] apply to all persons to count in the household.

9. Ethnicity or nationality

Ethnicity is a person's belonging to a sociolinguistic and cultural community.

Nationality is a person's citizenship to a country or a given state.

First, ask the following question:

Q: "What is the ethnicity of [the respondent]?
Write down [in capital letters] the declared ethnicity on the line corresponding to the counted person's registration order number.

Example: For Beninese, a possible response is the following: Ditamari, Yoruba, Fon, Adja, Goun, Dendi, Yom, Nagot, Mahi, etc.;

NB: Write down "naturalized" for persons who acquired the Beninese nationality [through alliance [marriage] or any other way], since they cannot be attributed a national ethnicity.

For persons with foreign nationalities, ask the following question:

Q: "What is [the respondent]'s's nationality?"
[] Write legibly the name of the country on the line corresponding to the counted person's registration order number.
[] register the first declared nationality for individuals with dual citizenships.


[] Niger, for persons having declared being of the Nigerian nationality.
[] Lebanon, for persons having declared being of the Lebanese nationality.
[] France, for persons having declared being of the French nationality.