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6. Age - What is the age of [the person]?
_ _ _

Write the age in years fully lived years. Write "00" if age is less than one year. Write "98" if age is equal to or higher than 98
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Section 2: Individual characteristics of household members

Questions 1 [order number] to 12 [residency status] apply to all persons to count in the household.

6. Age

The age of an individual is the number of years lived by this individual since the day of their birth until today. The exact age of an individual is calculated as the difference between the observation date and the date of birth. Age in past years is the number of full years lived by this individual since their birth. The age that will be considered is the age in past years i.e. the age at the last birthday.

If an individual's exact date of birth is not known, but only the year of birth is, the age at the birthday is calculated as the difference between the years. Thus, a person born in 1993 will be 20 years old in 2013 i.e. will have their 20th birthday in 2012.

Example 1: Exact age on January 15, 2013.The exact age of an individual born on April 1st, 2000 is 12 years, 9 months, and 15 days, or 12.79 years. The age in past years for this individual is 12. Write down 12 in the boxes reserved to age.

Example 2: Exact age on July 15, 2013.The exact age of an individual born on April 1st, 2000 is 12 years, 3 months, and 15 days, or 13.29 years. The age in past years for this individual is 13.Write down 13 in the boxes reserved to age.

If the person does not know their age, or their date of birth, or has no document that can indicate the date of birth, estimate their age by referring to:
1. Certain time makers relating to historical, social, and economic events, well known in the zone;
2. By comparing them to other persons of the same generation in the neighborhood.