Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
00 | NIU (not in universe) | 9,734 |
01 | Agriculture/forestry/livestock | 749,267 |
02 | Fisherman/fish farming | 45,758 |
03 | Agriculture labor | 512,482 |
04 | Non-agriculture labor | 99,930 |
05 | Handloom | 21,004 |
06 | Industry/factory | 31,656 |
07 | Business | 383,733 |
08 | Hawker | 8,945 |
09 | Transport | 97,686 |
10 | Construction | 45,545 |
11 | Religious work | 9,868 |
12 | Service | 304,995 |
13 | Rent | 7,225 |
14 | Remittance | 49,567 |
15 | Others | 248,564 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the source of income for the household.
- Bangladesh 2001: Permanent households
- Bangladesh: 2001
Questionnaire Text
16. Main source of income of the household
[] 1 Agriculture/Forestry/Livestock
[] 2 Fisherman/Fish farming
[] 3 Agriculture labor
[] 4 Non-Agriculture labor
[] 5 Handloom
[] 6 Industry/Factory
[] 7 Business
[] 8 Hawker
[] 9 Transport
[] 10 Construction
[] 11 Religious work
[] 12 Service
[] 13 Rent
[] 14 Remittance
[] 15 Others
[] 2 Fisherman/Fish farming
[] 3 Agriculture labor
[] 4 Non-Agriculture labor
[] 5 Handloom
[] 6 Industry/Factory
[] 7 Business
[] 8 Hawker
[] 9 Transport
[] 10 Construction
[] 11 Religious work
[] 12 Service
[] 13 Rent
[] 14 Remittance
[] 15 Others
Question 16: Main Source of Household Income
The main source of income of the household is organized into 15 categories. The household may have more than one source of household income from members of the household. Considering the regularity of the income and the source from where maximum income of the household is earned, fill out that oval box for the household. Ask the respondent the source from where maximum income earned for the household? If the respondent answers more than one source, then again ask him/her to specify from which source the maximum income is earned? Fill out the appropriate oval box for answer of this question.
(1) Agriculture/Forest/Livestock: Maximum income of the household earned from owned or leased land cultivation, from acquiring forest resource like collecting honey, bamboo, cane, candle or goalpata (one kind of leaves), or from agricultural nurseries or from raising livestock or poultry birds.
(2) Fishing/Hatchery: Maximum income of the household earned from catching and selling fish or from commercial hatchery or from fish farm.
(3) Agricultural Labor: Maximum income earned selling labor in agricultural work or day labor in agriculture.
(4) Non Agricultural Labor: Maximum income of the household earned from selling labor in non-agricultural activities,
(5) Handloom: Maximum income of the household earned from owned handloom or from handloom industries;
(6) Industry/Factory: Maximum income of the household earned from cottage industries, medium industries or from large industry or factories.
(7) Business: Maximum income of the household earned from shops, trade and commerce.
(8) Hawker: Do not own any permanent shop; maximum income of the household earned from hawking of different goods.
(9) Transportation: Maximum income of the household earned from mechanized or non-mechanized transport like rickshaw, bullock cart, boat, push cart, rickshaw van, bus, truck, minibus, scooter, launch/steamer, trailer, etc.
(10) Construction: Maximum income of the household earned from construction of roads, houses, culverts, bridge, industries and factories or from contracting works in this sector.
(11) Religious Works: Maximum income of the household earned from religious works.
(12) Employment: Maximum income of the household earned from employment in the government, semi government or private sectors.
(13) Rent: Maximum income of the household earned from rented out of houses, shops, farms, factories etc.
(14) Remittances: Maximum income of the household earned from remittances of money from abroad.
(15) Others: Maximum income of the household earned from other than the above 14 sectors.