Questionnaire Text

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9. Education: (Please state entire educational background)
[] a. Compulsory education: e.g. Volksschule (elementary school), Hausptschule (extended elementary school), school for the handicapped, AHS Unterstufe (junior high school), polytechnic school

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] b. Apprenticeship: with examination certificate for master, apprentice, assistant, Chamber of Commerce, skilled worker (vocational school)

In which occupation: ____

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] c. Technical or trade school (= intermediate level, no diploma of secondary education)

Special field ____
(e.g. commercial school, school of hotel management, electro technical college etc.)

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] d. AHS Matura (General higher school with diploma of secondary education) e.g. Gymnasium, realschule, wirtschaftskundi, RG

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] e. BHS Matura (Vocational higher school with diploma of secondary education)

Which (special field): ____
(e.g. trade academy, higher technical school for mechanical engineering teaching's college. College for Fine Mechanics, etc.)

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

[] f. University, Academy

Which (faculty): ____
(e.g. liberal arts, pedagogic academy, academy for social work, Agricultural University, etc.)

Main field of specialization: ____
(e.g. German philology, law, architecture, forestry and wood industry, etc.)

[] Completed with diploma
[] Not completed

9. Education: If two professions were learned or two different college degrees obtained, it is sufficient to state the most important learned occupation or college degree (the one which is the most closely connected with your present occupation).

c. Technical or trade school: courses should only to be stated if they substitute the attendance and completion of a technical school and lasted at least half a year.

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9, Education:
Possible answers: (a) compulsory education, (b) apprenticeship, (c) technical school, (d) AHS Matura (general higher school with secondary education diploma), (e) BHS Matura (vocational higher school with diploma of secondary education), (f) university, academy

If two professions were learned or two different college degrees were obtained, it is sufficient to state the most important learned occupation or college degree (the one which is the most closely connected to the occupation practiced).

Part C of the question: Courses should only be entered if they substitute the attendance and completion of a technical school and lasted at least half a year.

Persons under 15 years of age are not required to answer this question.

Enumerator guideline:
All persons 15 years of age or older must answer this question. This questions is designed so that the entire course of education is collected.

Completed education should only be marked if all required final examinations for the relevant course of education have already been passed before May 15, 1991 or the diploma has already been issued.

Not completed can (does not have to be) be marked if an education was started but not completed or has not yet been completed.

[p. 70]

Regarding question 9a compulsory education:
Part A of the questions should be understood as the completion of the compulsory school age and should be answered with "completed" by all persons 15 years of age.

[List was not translated into English.]

Regarding question 9b apprenticeship:
Part b of the question refers to the practical apprenticeship training. The attendance at a vocational school (winter school, continuing education school and so forth) connected with that is included here and may not additionally be cited in part c of the question. "Completed" is marked by those who have passed the trade test or assistant test, for example.

In the state of Vorarlberg, girls must - according to the general compulsory education - attend the vocational school for home economics if they do not attend any other further education.

[List was not translated into English.]

Regarding 9c technical school:
In part c of the question the attendance at technical schools (examples see person questionnaire) should be entered. These are schools that can be attended after the compulsory education or instead of the polytechnic course of studies. They do not lead to a Matura (secondary education diploma). Length of education: 1 to 4 years. The completion certificate of a 3 to 4 year technical school usually substitutes for a training certificate. In the analysis, courses are only considered if they substitute for the attendance and certification of a technical school. In cases of doubt, it is nevertheless better to state the school visited. As already mentioned above, the vocational schools, continuing education and so forth that accompany the practical occupational training should not be entered in part c of the question.

[List was not translated into English.]

[p. 71]

Regarding question 9 d and e Matura (secondary education diploma) of an upper school:
In part d and e of the question educations that lead to Matura (school leaving examination) should be entered. You should also differentiate if a general higher school (AHS; part d of the question) or a vocational higher school (BHS; part e of the question) was completed. Persons with AHS and BHS Matura (secondary education diploma), for example, the graduates of a college, mark both parts of the question.

[List was not translated into English.]

Regarding question 9f university, academy:
All other educations that require Matura (secondary education diploma), like the academy for social work or the pedagogical academy, should be indicated in part fo of the question. University studies should also be indicated in part f of the question. Because around 150 different subject areas must be differentiated, the subject must be indicated as precisely as possible. For that reason the type of university (department) as well as the major is asked for.

[List was not translated into English.]

Purpose of the question:
From these statements, charts are created that show the number of persons that completed the different levels of education. These results are subdivided by skilled trade groups and fields of study as well as by age, profession and other characteristics.

This data is of meaning above all else for the educational planning but also for the regional job markets that are partially very different.

[p. 72]

The information on occupation learned and occupation practiced (especially for teaching apprenticeships) deliver basic information about the connections between education and profession and allow statements about the structure and scope of career changes. In addition, they can be called upon for planning essential educational, continuing educational and retraining activities for structural changes in the job market (e.g. skilled worker shortage).

While ongoing school and university statistics provides yearly the number of graduates by subject area with higher accuracy, these statistics can not give any information about the subsequent live paths of these persons. The educational background of the population - which changes through migrations and deaths - can only be determined with a population census. Due to partly only small quantities (e.g. academics) a random sample survey is not satisfactory. Only a complete census like the population can provide the corresponding data. This also goes for the regional qualification structure of the employed persons according to the location of work.