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Socio-economic group (of supporter) in recent/last occupation

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

(11) Exact Job Description:
(a) (For example "paint mixer"--not "support staff"; or for example "booking/reservations machine operator"--not "office employee; or for example "civil servant in higher country-archive-work"--not "civil servant") ____

(b) Key word description of your occupational activity ________

(12) Employed as:

[] With worker(s)
[] Without workers

[] Unpaid family worker
[] Employee, civil servant
[] Skilled worker
[] Semi-skilled worker
[] Unskilled worker
[] Apprentice

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For questions 11 and 14, Job title, Branch of industry

The answers for questions 11 and 14 checked in the systematic distortions at the Statistic Central Office, so that they can be properly encoded for processing with the computer. Concerning a general held answer, i.e. "office employee", the editor however does not know if the person should be classified as an authorized signatory, accountant, shorthand typist, or paper sorter. If in question 14 for example only "metal branch" is marked, then this could just as well be a rolling mill or a car factory, an art-lock making or an ironware store. Therefore the most accurate possible answers are requested.

In Question 11b, the professional occupation should be described in addition in note form. If someone remarks that they are not able to describe their profession, then they should refer to the auxiliary questions from the explanations (on the fourth page of the household list). During the test census before the people's census, it was found that keyword descriptions of professions were very practical for the encoding of answers.

For Question 12, position in profession:

Persons, who declared themselves as a co-owner, should classify themselves as self-employed in case of doubt.