Questionnaire Text

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C. Population

For all of the persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

3. What is his or her age? _ _

Mark the age in completed years at the date of the census for those younger than one year old mark 00. For those younger than 10 years old, mark 01, 02, 03, etc. For those older than 99 years old, mark 99.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

3. What is your age?
You will mark the information of the enumerated person in completed years on the date of the census.

You will fill out the corresponding cells. In all cases, you should use both columns of cells. Writing in the first, the tens, and in the second, the single units. Consult the indications given on the back of the questionnaire.