Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970 Ethiopia 1994 Lesotho 2006 Romania 2011
Argentina 1980 Ethiopia 2007 Liberia 1974 Russia 2002
Argentina 1991 Fiji 1966 Liberia 2008 Russia 2010
Argentina 2001 Fiji 1976 Malawi 1987 Rwanda 1991
Argentina 2010 Fiji 1986 Malawi 1998 Rwanda 2002
Armenia 2001 Fiji 1996 Malawi 2008 Rwanda 2012
Armenia 2011 Fiji 2007 Malaysia 1970 Saint Lucia 1980
Austria 1971 Fiji 2014 Malaysia 1980 Saint Lucia 1991
Austria 1981 France 1962 Malaysia 1991 Senegal 1988
Austria 1991 France 1968 Malaysia 2000 Senegal 2002
Austria 2001 France 1975 Mali 1987 Senegal 2013
Austria 2011 France 1982 Mali 1998 Sierra Leone 2004
Bangladesh 1991 France 1990 Mali 2009 Sierra Leone 2015
Bangladesh 2001 France 1999 Mauritius 1990 Slovakia 1991
Bangladesh 2011 France 2006 Mauritius 2000 Slovakia 2001
Belarus 1999 France 2011 Mauritius 2011 Slovakia 2011
Belarus 2009 Germany 1970 Mexico 1960 Slovenia 2002
Benin 1979 Germany 1971 Mexico 1970 South Africa 1996
Benin 1992 Germany 1981 Mexico 1990 South Africa 2001
Benin 2002 Germany 1987 Mexico 1995 South Africa 2007
Benin 2013 Ghana 1984 Mexico 2000 South Africa 2011
Bolivia 1976 Ghana 2000 Mexico 2005 South Africa 2016
Bolivia 1992 Ghana 2010 Mexico 2010 South Sudan 2008
Bolivia 2001 Greece 1971 Mexico 2015 Spain 1981
Bolivia 2012 Greece 1981 Mexico 2020 Spain 1991
Botswana 1981 Greece 1991 Mongolia 1989 Spain 2001
Botswana 1991 Greece 2001 Mongolia 2000 Spain 2011
Botswana 2001 Greece 2011 Morocco 1982 Sudan 2008
Botswana 2011 Guatemala 1964 Morocco 1994 Suriname 2004
Brazil 1960 Guatemala 1973 Morocco 2004 Suriname 2012
Brazil 1970 Guatemala 1981 Morocco 2014 Switzerland 1970
Brazil 1980 Guatemala 1994 Mozambique 1997 Switzerland 1980
Brazil 1991 Guatemala 2002 Mozambique 2007 Switzerland 1990
Brazil 2000 Guinea 1983 Myanmar 2014 Switzerland 2000
Brazil 2010 Guinea 1996 Nepal 2001 Switzerland 2011
Burkina Faso 1985 Guinea 2014 Nepal 2011 Tanzania 1988
Burkina Faso 1996 Haiti 1971 Netherlands 1960 Tanzania 2002
Burkina Faso 2006 Haiti 1982 Netherlands 1971 Tanzania 2012
Cambodia 1998 Haiti 2003 Netherlands 2001 Thailand 1970
Cambodia 2004 Honduras 1961 Netherlands 2011 Thailand 1980
Cambodia 2008 Honduras 1974 Nicaragua 1971 Thailand 1990
Cambodia 2013 Honduras 1988 Nicaragua 1995 Thailand 2000
Cameroon 1976 Honduras 2001 Nicaragua 2005 Togo 1960
Cameroon 1987 Hungary 1970 Pakistan 1973 Togo 1970
Cameroon 2005 Hungary 1980 Pakistan 1981 Togo 2010
Canada 1971 Hungary 1990 Pakistan 1998 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Canada 1981 Hungary 2001 Palestine 1997 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Canada 1991 Hungary 2011 Palestine 2007 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Canada 2001 Indonesia 1971 Palestine 2017 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Canada 2011 Indonesia 1976 Panama 1960 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Chile 1960 Indonesia 1980 Panama 1970 Turkey 1985
Chile 1970 Indonesia 1985 Panama 1980 Turkey 1990
Chile 1982 Indonesia 1990 Panama 1990 Turkey 2000
Chile 1992 Indonesia 1995 Panama 2000 Uganda 1991
Chile 2002 Indonesia 2000 Panama 2010 Uganda 2002
Chile 2017 Indonesia 2005 Papua New Guinea 1980 Uganda 2014
China 1982 Indonesia 2010 Papua New Guinea 1990 Ukraine 2001
China 1990 Iran 2006 Papua New Guinea 2000 United Kingdom 1961
China 2000 Iran 2011 Paraguay 1962 United Kingdom 1991
Colombia 1964 Iraq 1997 Paraguay 1972 United States 1960
Colombia 1973 Ireland 1971 Paraguay 1982 United States 1970
Colombia 1985 Ireland 1979 Paraguay 1992 United States 1980
Colombia 1993 Ireland 1981 Paraguay 2002 United States 1990
Colombia 2005 Ireland 1986 Peru 1993 United States 2000
Costa Rica 1963 Ireland 1991 Peru 2007 United States 2005
Costa Rica 1973 Ireland 1996 Peru 2017 United States 2010
Costa Rica 1984 Ireland 2002 Philippines 1990 United States 2015
Costa Rica 2000 Ireland 2006 Philippines 1995 United States 2020
Costa Rica 2011 Ireland 2011 Philippines 2000 Uruguay 1963
Cuba 2002 Ireland 2016 Philippines 2010 Uruguay 1975
Cuba 2012 Israel 1972 Poland 1978 Uruguay 1985
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Israel 1983 Poland 1988 Uruguay 1996
Dominican Republic 1960 Israel 1995 Poland 2002 Uruguay 2006
Dominican Republic 1970 Israel 2008 Poland 2011 Uruguay 2011
Dominican Republic 1981 Italy 2001 Portugal 1981 Venezuela 1971
Dominican Republic 2002 Italy 2011 Portugal 1991 Venezuela 1981
Dominican Republic 2010 Jamaica 1982 Portugal 2001 Venezuela 1990
Ecuador 1962 Jamaica 1991 Portugal 2011 Venezuela 2001
Ecuador 1974 Jamaica 2001 Puerto Rico 1970 Vietnam 1989
Ecuador 1982 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 1980 Vietnam 1999
Ecuador 1990 Kenya 1969 Puerto Rico 1990 Vietnam 2009
Ecuador 2001 Kenya 1979 Puerto Rico 2000 Vietnam 2019
Ecuador 2010 Kenya 1989 Puerto Rico 2005 Zambia 1990
Egypt 1986 Kenya 1999 Puerto Rico 2010 Zambia 2000
Egypt 1996 Kenya 2009 Puerto Rico 2015 Zambia 2010
Egypt 2006 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Puerto Rico 2020 Zimbabwe 2012
El Salvador 1992 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Romania 1977
El Salvador 2007 Laos 2005 Romania 1992
Ethiopia 1984 Lesotho 1996 Romania 2002
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_AGE — Age
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General characteristics -- For all individuals

[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

4. What is your date of birth?

Write the date of birth. If unanswered, write the age as of the census date in the box. For those under one year write zero (0)

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
____ [Box for age]

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General characteristics


20. When you get to question number 4, you should register the date of birth, which means, the day, month, and year in which the person was born.

[An example for question 4 is not presented here.]


21. If the person you are enumerating does not remember his/her date of birth, you will register the age in completed years in the box on the extreme right.

The mother-in-law of Mr. Pereira does not remember the date of her birth. You will then note the age in [years completed].

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_AGE — Age
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C. Population

For all of the persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

3. What is his or her age? _ _

Mark the age in completed years at the date of the census for those younger than one year old mark 00. For those younger than 10 years old, mark 01, 02, 03, etc. For those older than 99 years old, mark 99.

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

3. What is your age?
You will mark the information of the enumerated person in completed years on the date of the census.

You will fill out the corresponding cells. In all cases, you should use both columns of cells. Writing in the first, the tens, and in the second, the single units. Consult the indications given on the back of the questionnaire.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons.]

3. What is his or her current age in completed years? _ _

For those younger than one year old mark 00. For those older than 99 years old mark 99.

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3. What is his/her current age in completed years?

Question No. 3 refers to the current age. In the case of less than a year, we fill out 00 in the corresponding box and if it is a person 99 or older, we fill out 99.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_AGE — Age
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3. How old are you?
[] Still under 1 year old
[] If one year old or older, mark the years with two digits _ _
[] Older than 99 years old, write down the age _ _ _

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Question 3: How old are you [is he/she]?
Register the age of the person in completed years by the day of the Census, filling in the bubbles or completing the boxes if the correspond to this age.

When the person being enumerated is less than one year old, you should complete the bubble that corresponds to "is less than one year old."

[Graphic not shown. See original document.]

When the person answering the Census is between 1 and 99 years old, you should mark the years with two digits. Always complete the units in the right hand column and the tens in the left hand column. In the case of children who are between 1 and years old, complete the tens by filling in the 0.

[Graphic not shown. See original document.]

When the person being listed in the census is one hundred years old or more, write the years in the spaces.

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_AGE — Age
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3. How old is this person (in completed years)?
If the person has not completed one year of age, write 000.

Years: _ _ _

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Question 3. How old is this person (in years)?
3. How old is this person (in years)?

If the person has not completed one year, write 000.

Register the age of the enumerated person in years, which means, the number of years completed on the day of the interview and not the age that the person will soon complete.

Age: years completed on the date of reference of the same census.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_AGE — Age
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Q9d: _ _ _ Your age in completed years (0-130 allowed)
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Question 9

The date (year, month, day) of your birth

[p. 18]
The answer of this question is written in numbers; in column "9a" the day of birth is written, in "'9b" the month and in '"9c" the year of birth.

For example if the replier was born in 1946, May 12 then in column "9a", 12 must be written, in "9b" 05 and in "9c" 1946, if for example in 200 1 October 8 then accordingly in "9a" 08, in "9b" 10 and in "9c" 2001.

The age written in years (column "9d")

After writing down the year of birth, without any additional question, the interviewer uses the "finding out the age by the year of birth" additional chart (appendix 1) to find out the person's age by the filled in years and writes it in column "9d". In using the chart the following fact must be taken into consideration: those who were born from January 1 to October 9 have their ages written in the first column and those who were born from October 1 to December 13 in the second column. For the children who are not even 1 year old 0 is written in column "9d".

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_AGE — Age
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7. Date of birth: day, month, year ___
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Question 9

The date (year, month, day) of your birth.

For answer to this question 4 columns are allocated. The day of birth is written in the column "9a", the month - in "9b" and in the year of birth is written in column "9c".
Example: if the interviewee was born in August 25, 1954, then in the column "9a" 25 must be written, in "9b" - 08 and in "9c" - 1954.

9. 9. 9C
2. 0. 1954

In the column "9d" the age written by years should be filled in.
After writing down the year of birth, without any additional questions, using "Finding out the age by the year of birth with an additional chart" (Appendix 1), the interviewer finds out the person's age by the filled in years and writes it in the "9d" column. For the above mentioned example "57" should be written.
Besides, in the chart the following fact must be taken into consideration: the age of those who were born from January 1 to October 11 is written in the first column and in the second column the age of those who were born from October 12 to December 13. For the children under the age of 1 year old "0" is written in "9d" column.

Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all persons]

3. Birth date:

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_AGE — Age
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(2) Birth Date:
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_AGE — Age
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2. Date of birth
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

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2, Date of birth:
Three writing fields (2-digit) for day, month, year. Please make sure notations are computer-readable.

many legislative provisions and public measures are based upon different age groups (compulsory education, legal age and the like).

The age structure of the population is used as a frame of reference for numerous statistically measured values. Gender and age are the prerequisites for the calculation of life expectancy and for populations projections. The development of the age structure (pupils, employed persons, retired persons) has more meaning than the change of the total population itself in the coming decades.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_AGE — Age
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1. Date of birth
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

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1. Date of birth:
The date of birth will automatically be converted to complete age on the day of the census.

Many regulations and public measures (compulsory school attendance, legal age and the like) are directed at different age groups.

The age structure of the population is used as a frame of reference for numerous statistical measures. Gender and age are requirements for the calculation of life expectancy and for population projections. The development of the age structure for the pupils, employed and retired persons will have more meaning in the coming decades than changes in the population in itself.

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_AGE — Age

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Bangladesh 1991 — source variable BD1991A_AGE — Age
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14. Age (In complete years) ____
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13/14: Name and age:
Write the name and age in complete years (at blank spaces beside "name" and under "age") of the members of the household who were in home at the household at census night. Of course, write the name and age accurately, start with the name of the head of the household and thereafter husband/wife and then children in ascending order(from youngest to elder), other relatives(including servant). Age must be written in complete years and in two digits. For example, write '01' if age is one year, '00' if age is less than one year. If age is not known by the respondents then ask questions highlighting some special events as mentioned in Appendix 'A'. Ask how many years before or after that event he/she was born? Somebody may answer date of birth in Bangla (local) calendar month. Please use the Calendar to convert Bangla (local) calendar month to English as attached in appendix 'B'. Keep in mind that age must not be reported depending on imagination. Therefore to verify whether you are informed the ages accurately, probe by the following questions:
a. Age difference between mother and child: usually the difference should not be less than 15 years, and age difference between father and children should not be less than 18 years.
b. Age difference between two children of the same mother (except twin) should not be less than one year and usually not more than 30 years.

If the actual age differs from certificate age or any other documents, write the actual age. If the actual age is 100 or more than that, write the actual age of the respondent in the box for age and mark '99' when coding. Write the successive information one after another whenever you complete to write the name and age of the household head and others.

Bangladesh 2001 — source variable BD2001A_AGE — Age
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18. Age (in complete years)
(Written the age by verifying with others)
Age _ _
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Question 18: Age (in completed years)
Enter the age of every household member in two digits in the specific oval box. Enter 00 for less than 12 month of age and 99 for more than 100 years. Age must be checked and verified before entering.

Question 18: Age
Always be aware to enter actual age of individual in complete years.

a) Enter the actual age in completed years in the right side square box and then fill out the oval box accordingly.

b) If the age of an individual is seven years then fill out the 0 oval box on the upper line and 7 oval box in the next line.

c) If the age is more than one year but less than two years fill out 01 and 00 for less than one year.

d) If the respondent could not say the actual age, give the reference of important events as annexed in annex A and ask how many years before or after the event the person was born? Someone could say the date of birth in the Bengali month. In this case, use the conversion table calendar to convert from Bengali to English as annexed in annex B. Remember that in any case do not enter age data on assumption. Verify that you have the correct age, whether you have been able to collect the actual information or not, with the help of the following information.

(i) The difference in age between a mother and child will not be less than 15 years and for father not less than 18.

(ii) Difference in age between two children (except twins) of a mother will not be less than one year. If the actual age is different from the age mentioned in the educational certificate enter the actual age.

(iii) Enter the actual age in the specified field for age and fill out 9 in the upper line and 9 in the next line for person aged 100 years and over. Finally, verify the age data of all members of the household doing the calculations of adding and subtracting when actual age of a person will find out.

Bangladesh 2011 — source variable BD2011A_AGE — Age
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14. Age (completed years) _ _

Q14. Age (completed years): write the age of each member in English digits in the blank boxes. If the age of some member is less than 12 months then write 0 0. If the age of any member is 100 years or more then write 9 9. Age is a very important indicator. Many people do not have accurate perception about their age. Therefore, age stated by the respondent is to be probed with historical events, such as, war of liberation, flood of 1988, age at marriage, age of youngest child and corrections should be made where necessary.

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Question-14. Age (in completed years)
Collect the age information of the head of household first from 14 to 25 following the horizontal rule and next information of age for the spouse and other members of the household. The probing question is required to justify the accurate age data. In this case age of the youngest child, age at marrige, liberation war, cyclone of 1970, flood of 1988, and justify with historical events to project the acurate age and enter in the specifie box. Verify with national Identity Card (ID card)or any other valid document if possible. Enter [0][0] for age less than one year and for 100 years of age or more enter [9][9] in the specific box.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_AGE — Age
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3. Date of birth
___ Day
___ Month
___ Year
___ Age (completed years)

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Question 3. Date of birth

The answer on the day, month and year of birth is to be recorded in numbers in special boxes. E.g., a person was born on 12 May 1946. It should be recorded "12", "5" and "1946" respectively.

After the date of birth has been entered, the enumerator without any additional questions being asked is to determine with the help of the "Supporting table for determining the number of years by the known year of birth as of 16 February 1999" and record in a special box the number of complete years. For children under one year, "0" should be entered (see Annex).

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_AGE — Age (in completed years)
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

1. Please, tell the date of your birth

Date _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
Years old _ _ _
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33.1. In question 1 "What is the date of your birth?", the day, month and year of birth are to be entered in numbers in designated boxes. For example, if a respondent was born on May 7, 1946, the numbers "7", "5", and "1946" should be entered respectively.

After the date of birth has been entered, the enumerator without asking any additional questions is to determine with the help of the "Supporting table for determining the number of years by the known year of birth as of October 14, 2009" provided in the Enumerator's notebook and enter in a special box the number of complete years. For children under one year, "0" should be entered;

Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_AGE — Age
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Demographic characteristics (for all person)

(5) Age_ _

Report the age in years followed by the word "years." For infants younger than 1, mark down "0 years."
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Demographic Characteristics (for each household member)

Column (5): Age
This is the characteristic that is the most difficult to determine. For this reason, great efforts must be taken to obtain the most accurate determination. The census agent must do the following:

- Ask the person for his/her date of birth or age. If the person does not know either information, ask if he/she has a birth certificate or any other document that could indicate his/her age. If he/she does not have any such document, the census agent must help him/her estimate his/her age either by using the historical calendar (see annex) or by comparison with other persons for whom the age is known.
- To do so, the agent shall ask him/her if he/she remembers given events and his/her age when the event occurred.
- He could also ask him/her to bring or name another person of the same age range with the hope that the latter possesses official documents or could give better information.
- If the person declares an age, the census agent must use common sense to ascertain the veracity of the given age. He must be aware that:
The age of a father must be at least 15 years higher than that of his first child;
The age of a mother must be at least 12 years higher than that of her first child.

How to report in the age: age must be written as the number of elapsed years i.e. the number of full years lived by the person. For children under the age of 1 (i.e. less than 12 months) report 0.
Thus, a child of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, or even 11 months of age, will be reported as having an age of 0 because he has not lived for one full year yet. For persons of 1 or more years of age, note the age from their latest birthday.
[Examples are not presented here]

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 9 asked of all persons.]

(6) Age _ _

Write in the declared or estimated age in fully lived years
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II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Column (6): Age
For those who do not know their date of birth, ask the following question "How old are you?" The declared age shall be written down in lived years i.e. the number of years lived by the person. It must be reported in the designated grid.
Example: for children younger than 1 year of age (less than 12 months), write down 00. For 20 and a half years, write down 20. For 51years and 11 months, write down 51
If the person does not know his/her date of birth or age, and does not have any official document proving his/her age, the census agent must estimate the age by using the historical calendar or by comparison to other persons whose age is known.
Notes: the census agent must keep in mind that:
The age of a father must be at least 15 years higher than his first child.
The age of a mother must be at least 12 years higher than her first child.

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

(6) Age _ _

What is the age of [the respondent]? Write in the age in years fully lived years.

[] 0 0 is age is less than a year
[] 9 8 if age is equal to or higher than 98
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i) Socio-demographic characteristics

Column (6): Age
This is one of the most important questions of the interview because almost all data analyses are based on age. You must obtain the age in years elapsed, i.e. the age on the last birthday. You must report the age for each person and according to four different methods depending on the type of available information:

a) The person knows his/her age. Simply write it down in the grids.
Example: -For children younger than 1 year of age (less than 12 months), write down in the grids |0|0|. For 25 and a half years, write down |2|5|
b) The person does not know his/her age, but the date of birth is reported in column (5). You could calculate his/her age by referring to the coherence table or if he/she celebrated his/her birthday this year, subtract the year of birth from the current year. If the person has not yet celebrated his/her birthday, subtract the year of birth from the previous year. If he/she does not remember when he/she celebrates his/her birthday, subtract the year of birth from the current year (refer to the coherence table on the next page).
c) He/she does not know his/her age and the birth year is not reported in column (5). You must try to estimate his/her age. Delving deeper into the question of age can be time consuming and is tedious; however, it is important that you take the time to try to obtain the best information possible. There are several ways to determine age:
i) You must approximate his/her age relative to the age of someone else in the household or in a nearby household whose age is known in a more reliable way;
ii) Try to determine the age he/she had during an important event (war, flooding, regime change, etc.) and add his/her age to the number of years elapsed since the event.
d) He/she does not know his/her age and insisting is not helping. You must then estimate his/her age. This estimation must only be made as a last resort, when all your efforts to obtain the information have failed.

Remember that you must absolutely give an answer in column (6).
Notes: the census agent must keep in mind that:
The age of a father must be at least 15 years higher than his first child.
The age of a mother must be at least 12 years higher than her first child.
For persons, whose age is higher or equal to 98 years, write down 98.
[Age coherence table omitted. This is table that indicates age based on birth year and whether a person has celebrated his/her birthday in 2002 or not]
[Example table omitted]
[This page contains a table with filled out lines provided as an example for the census agent]

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_AGE — Age
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6. Age - What is the age of [the person]?
_ _ _

Write the age in years fully lived years. Write "00" if age is less than one year. Write "98" if age is equal to or higher than 98
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Section 2: Individual characteristics of household members

Questions 1 [order number] to 12 [residency status] apply to all persons to count in the household.

6. Age

The age of an individual is the number of years lived by this individual since the day of their birth until today. The exact age of an individual is calculated as the difference between the observation date and the date of birth. Age in past years is the number of full years lived by this individual since their birth. The age that will be considered is the age in past years i.e. the age at the last birthday.

If an individual's exact date of birth is not known, but only the year of birth is, the age at the birthday is calculated as the difference between the years. Thus, a person born in 1993 will be 20 years old in 2013 i.e. will have their 20th birthday in 2012.

Example 1: Exact age on January 15, 2013.The exact age of an individual born on April 1st, 2000 is 12 years, 9 months, and 15 days, or 12.79 years. The age in past years for this individual is 12. Write down 12 in the boxes reserved to age.

Example 2: Exact age on July 15, 2013.The exact age of an individual born on April 1st, 2000 is 12 years, 3 months, and 15 days, or 13.29 years. The age in past years for this individual is 13.Write down 13 in the boxes reserved to age.

If the person does not know their age, or their date of birth, or has no document that can indicate the date of birth, estimate their age by referring to:
1. Certain time makers relating to historical, social, and economic events, well known in the zone;
2. By comparing them to other persons of the same generation in the neighborhood.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_AGE — Age
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A. General Information

For all individuals regardless of age (including newborn infants)
[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

4. What is your age in completed years?
For those under 1 year, write 00.

____ Years

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Question 4. How old are you in complete years?

Write down on the corresponding line the number of completed years at the last birthday, and not how old they will be.

For minors less than one year old, write down 00.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_AGE — Age
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4. What is your age in years completed?
(Write 00 for those under 1 year)
(Write 98 for those 98 and older)

_ _ Years

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Question 4. How old are you in completed years?

Age is one of the most important pieces of data in the Census because of its relationship to other characteristics contained in the Form, for example, when people's age is related to their level of instruction, or when one takes into account the number of children that women have had in relation to their age.

[p. 38]

Therefore, it is necessary to make the greatest effort possible to get good quality information. Age should be recorded in number of years completed and not in those that are going to be completed.

For those younger than one year you should record 00. For people who are 98 or older, 98 will be recorded.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_AGE — Age
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Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

29. What is your age in years completed?

For example, Maria is three years old. Write "3."

_____ Years

For those under one year, write 0. For those 98 or older, write 98.

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Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 29. What is your age in completed years?

The age should be recorded in years completed up to 0 hours [12 midnight] of the census day. If the person's birthday is the same day as the census, the age should be calculated to the day prior to the census.

For example:

Juan says that on the census day he turned 16.

15 years is recorded in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the age 15 being recorded in the boxes.]

If the person only remembers the year of birth, help the person by making the respective calculation. For example: Virginia says that she was born in 1932. Subtract:

2001 - 1932 = 69 . . . Therefore, she is 69 years old.

For those younger than one year of age, the number 0 is recorded in the boxes. The number 98 is recorded for those who are 98 years of age or older.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_AGE — Age
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F1. For all people

25. How old were you on your last birthday? _ _ _ [If under age 1, write 0]

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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

25. Age
Age information is obtained by directly asking how old the person was at their last birthday. For people under age 1, write 0.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_AGE — Age
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5. Age at last birthday (if under 1 year enter 00)
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Column [P5] age
This is one of the most important questions on the questionnaire. It is also one of the most difficult to answer correctly. You should take particular care with it. You should record the age of a person in completed years. For example, a person aged twenty- six years and four months should be recorded as "26". Similarly a person aged twenty-six years and 10 months should also be recorded as "26". A child aged under one year should be recorded as "00". For persons aged 98 years and over enter 98. Ask the person's age. Be sure to ascertain whether the stated age refers to last birthday or next birthday. Age last birthday should be recorded. If there is no other way you will have to estimate the person's age. Many people will not know their ages, when this happens ask first for the year in which the person was born then look up the age in the calendar provided. If the year of birth is not known you should find it out by using the Events Calendar. Ask how old was the person at the time of some known event. Check the answer by relating it to some other event the person can remember well. If you already know the age of some other person in the household you may find it helpful by asking if the person is older or younger and by how many years. If there is no other way you may have to estimate the person's age by looking at him. When you have made the best estimate you can, you should check if it is compatible with the person's position in the family. [For example, a child cannot be older than its mother]. Some people have fixed wrong ideas about their ages, others misstate their ages. Do not accept answers that are obviously wrong. Try and get accurate answers.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_AGE — Age
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A. Person Information

5. How old is the [the respondent's] in completed years? [List the age at last birthday. If under 1 year enter 00]

_ _ _
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J. The questions and the answers

Part A of the questionnaire

124. Columns A1-A6 collect the basic information about the persons in the household (name, relationship to head of household, sex, age, and citizenship). The sample questionnaire is shown on page 24.

129. Column A5: Age
Q. How old is the respondent in completed years?
This is one of the most important questions in the questionnaire. It is also one that is often difficult to answer correctly. You should take particular care with it. You should record the age of a person in completed years, i.e. as of last birthday. For example, a person aged twenty-six years and four months should be recorded as "26". Similarly, a person aged twenty-six years and 10 months should be recorded as "26". A child aged less than one year should be recorded as "00". For persons aged 98 years and over, enter 98. A person aged 98 will therefore be coded 98 and so will a person aged 99 or 104. However failure to estimate age must be avoided at all cost.

Some people may not know their ages. When this happens, ask first for the year in which the person was born, then look up the age in the Age Calendar provided inside the back cover of the EA book. If the year of birth is not known, you should try to find out the age by using the Botswana Events Calendar. Ask how old the person was at the time of some known event. Check the answer by relating it to some other event the person can remember well. The events listed in the Botswana Events calendar are arranged both by District and alphabetically, and corresponding to each event you will find listed the year in which the event occurred and the number of years ago the event occurred. From this information you can calculate the person's age.

If you already know the age of another person in the household, you may find it helpful to ask if the person is older or younger and by how many years. If there is no other way, you may have to estimate the person's age by looking at him (if present). Other documents such as Birth Certificates, Clinic Cards, Passports or Omang Cards could help you in accurately establishing ages. Suggest to the respondent(s) that they might refer to such documents. They might even show you these documents, but do not demand to see them.

When you have made the best estimate you can, you should check whether it is compatible with the person's position in the family/household. (For example, a child should be at least 12 years younger than his/her natural mother; of course, if the mother isn't the natural mother, then the age difference will be irrelevant). Some people have fixed ideas about their ages which are mistaken. Do not accept answers that are obviously wrong, but do it tactfully and diplomatically.
Try and get accurate answers.

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_AGE — Age in months/years
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D. Age (if over 1 year, note years completed; if less than 1, note months completed)

If less than 1 year, mark here: ___ 0
____ years
____ months

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Question D - Age

For persons age 1 or over, the age in years will be recorded in full (on the dotted line ____ years).
When the person being enumerated is under the age of 1, the enumerator will make two entries: an X in box 0 (zero) and the full age in months (on the dotted line ____ months); in the case of children who are not yet one month old, the box 0 (zero) marked and recorded 00 on the dotted line (____ months).
It should be noted that people's ages can always be obtained with relative precision. Thus, only in exceptional cases will the response unknown be acceptable.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_AGE — Age (months/years)
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5. Date of birth
____ Day ____ Month ____ Year
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Question 5 - Date of Birth

Record the day, month and year of birth. If the respondent does not know, fill out the question with lines and go on to the next question.

For respondents who state having been born before September 1, 1870, that is, those who are age 100 or older, there can be no information on this question, and the information should be recorded in Question 6, box of Over 1 year of age, code 99.

Records may only be written in Arabic numerals.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_AGETYPE — Units indicating age
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5. Date of birth
____ Day ____ Month ____ Year
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Question 5 - Date of Birth

Record the day, month and year of birth. If the respondent does not know, fill out the question with lines and go on to the next question.

For respondents who state having been born before September 1, 1870, that is, those who are age 100 or older, there can be no information on this question, and the information should be recorded in Question 6, box of Over 1 year of age, code 99.

Records may only be written in Arabic numerals.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_AGEYEARS — Age in years
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6. Month and year birth (do not register the day)
Month _ _
Year 1 _ _ _
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Question 6 - Month and Year of Birth

Record the person's month and year of birth. Do not record the day of birth. When the number of the month of birth is less than 10, complete with a zero the left. The year of birth will be recorded with three digits; for example:
940 and not 1940 or 40; 899 and not 1899 or 99.

[p. 43]

For persons who only know the day and/or month, without knowing the exact year of birth, the year cannot be calculated on the basis of information regard the presumed age.
This Question will remain blank when the person does not inform the date of birth.
Note - On Cd 1.02, the month and year of birth correspond to Question 4.

Question 7 - Presumed Age

This question will only be filled out when the respondent knows his or her date of birth. Presumed age should only be recorded after all attempts at finding out the exact date of birth have been made.
If the age is 1 or older, record the number of years completed in Box - 1 year or older. When the age is less than 10 years, complete with 00 to the left. If the age is between 10 and 99, complete with one 0 to the left.
If the age is less than 1 year, record the number of months completed in Box - Less than 1 year. For babies of less than 1 month, if it is impossible to inform the date of birth, record 000. When the number of months is less than 10, complete with 00 to the left. When 10 or 11 months, complete with 0 to the left.
Please note that the entry of the presumed age for children under the age of 1 should be very rare and admissible only in exceptional cases.
Note - On CD 1.02, the presumed age corresponds to Question 5.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_AGEYEARS — Age (in years)
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6. Month and year birth (do not register the day)
_ _ Month
_ _ Year
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Question 6 - Month and year of birth
Record the person's month and year of birth. Do not record the day of birth. When the number of the month of birth is less than 10, complete with a zero to the left. The year of birth will be recorded with three digits; for example: 940 and not 1940 or 40; 899 and not 1899 or 99.
[p. 59]
For persons who only know their day and/or month of birth, without remembering the year, the year cannot be calculated based on the information regarding presumed age.
This question will remain blank when the person is unable to state the month and year of birth.
Question 7 - Presumed age
This question will only be filled out when the respondent does not know his or her month and year of birth. Presumed age will only be recorded after all efforts at obtaining the month and year of birth have been exhausted.
If the age is 1 year or older, record the full number of months years in One Year or Older Field. When the presumed age is insufficient to fill in the fields reserved for this record, complete with zero(s) to the left.
If the age is less than 1 year, record the number of full months in the Less Than 1 Year Field. When the number of months is less than 10, complete with one zero to the left. For newborn children less than 1 month old, if it is not possible to inform the month and year of birth, record 00.
Note that the entry of the presumed age for children under the age of 1 should be very rare and admissible only in exceptional cases.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_AGE — Age
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Attention: Note the month and year of birth (Question 4.05) and the age on 31 July 2000 (Question 4.06). If it is not possible to obtain the month and year, after exhausting all possibilities, note the presumed age (Question 4.07) in years (if the age is greater than or equal to 1 year), or in months (if the age is less than one year), leaving questions 4.05 and 4.06 blank.

4.05 Month and year birth

_ _ month
_ _ _ _ year
4.06 Age on July 31, 2000
2 _ _ _ years old
4 _ _ months old
4.07 Presumed age
2 _ _ _ years old
4 _ _ months old
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Question 4.05 (Sample) and 4.03 (Basic) - What month and year were you born in?

Record the month and, with four digits, the year of the person's birth.

For persons who know only the day and/or month, without remembering their year of birth, the year cannot be calculated based on the information of presumed age. This question will be left blank when the person is unable to inform the month and year of birth.

The month should not be completed with zeros in this question.

[p. 98]

Question 4.06 (Sample) and 4.04 (Basic) - How old were you on July 31, 2000?

This question should be filled out only for those who also filled out Question 4.05 (month and year of birth).
If the age is one (1) year or over, record the number of full years in the Field: 1 year or more.
If the age is less than one (1) year, record the number of full months in the Field: In months.
For recently born children less than one (1) month of age, record 0 (zero) in the Field in months.

This question should not be completed with zeros.

Question 4.07 (Sample) and 4.05 (Basic) - What is your presumed age?

This question will be filled out only when the respondent does not know his or her month or year of birth. Presumed age should be recorded only after all efforts at obtaining the month and year of birth have been exhausted.

If the presumed age is one (1) year or over, record the number of full years in the Field: 1 year or more.
If the presumed age is less than one (1) year, record the number of full months in the Field: In months.
For recently born children less than one (1) month of age, record 0 (zero).
The entry of presumed age for children under one (1) year should be very rare, and admissible only in exceptional cases.

This question should not be completed with zeros.

From Question 4.08 until Question 4.27, only the data for CD 1.02 - Sample Questionnaire - will be investigated.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_AGE — Age
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6. Resident characteristics

6.03 How old were you on July 31, 2010?
[Question 6.03 was asked of persons for whom month and/or year of birth were missing, per question 6.02.]

6.031 If one year or more:
_ _ _ Years
6.032 If less than a year:
_ _ Months

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B 6.03
6.03 - How old were you on July 31, 2010?

Depending on the situation, record:

1 year or more: If the age is one (1) year or more, record the number of complete years in the field 1 year or more.

Less than one year: if the age is less than one (1) year, record the number of full months in the field Less than 1 year. For newborn babies under the age of one (1) month, record 0 (zero) in the field Less than 1 year.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_AGE — Age
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All persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked for all persons.]

6. Age or date of birth

____ Age in months or years
____ Date of birth

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Column six - age or birthdate:

This column is divided into two subcolumns:

- Age in months or years;
- Date of birth.

Only one of these sub-columns needs to be filled out for each individual.

For each person, it is necessary to obtain as much precision as possible concerning the day, month and year of birth. You should consult the personal documents of those being interviewed on an as-needed basis: birth certificate, ID card, family record book.

- If the exact date is known, write it in numbers. Example: 15/10/82 for someone born on October 15, 1982.
- If only the year of birth is known, write it directly. Example: 1939 for someone born in 1939.
- If only the age is given, record the given number followed by the letter "A".

For children under a year old, record the age in months if between 1 and 12 months, followed by the letter "M", and in days if the child is less than one month old, followed by the letter "J".


3 years write 3A
8 months write 8M
25 days write 25J.

In the case that someone has no idea what their age is (or has a very vague idea), it is necessary to ask them, or the person responding for them, if they remember an important event in the history of the city or area, of which the date is well-known, in order to estimate the age of the person concerned.

In certain cases, you may ask the respondent to search their memory for another person in the area that is of a similar age to them to see if this person can either provide more information on their age or serve as a reference.

[p. 26]

You may also consult the relationship between a person's declared age (even the date) and certain other replies, such as: education, the age of their first child and the number of children for a woman, etc.

If the responses to these questions seem erroneous in comparison to the age of the individual, you must probe while with the respondent to obtain logical responses.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_AGE — Age
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Entire Population
[Questions P01 to P14 were asked for all persons.]

Date of Birth or Age

P06. Date of birth

What is [person]'s date of birth? Write the month and year of birth.

_ _ Month
_ _ Year

P07. Age: If the date of birth is unknown, what is [person]'s age in full years?

_ _

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_AGE — Age
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II. Individual Characteristics
Entire Population

P07. Age

If the date of birth is unknown.

What is [the person's] age in full years?
_ _

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_AGE — Age
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5 Age (Age in completed years)

[] 00: Less than 1 year
[] 01: 1 year
[] 02: 2 years
[] 97: 97 years
[] 98: 98 years and over

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Column 5: Age

84. The age of every person must be stated in completed years only, as on March 3, 1998. For those who know their birthdays, the age to be recorded is the age as at last birthday. "Age in completed years only" means that all the ages must be recorded in full years discarding fractions of years and months.

84.1 For instance, 15 years 11 months should be written down as 15. Do not write down months. Only years are required. The age of all infants who are less than one year old should be recorded as "00". In this connection you are requested to make sure that infants of the household even if one day or less than one day old as on Census Night are invariably enumerated. It is again pointed out that you should take all precautions to enumerate children (less than age 14) and infants (less than 1 year). Unless you ask probing questions they are likely to be omitted. This is a very important instruction that you should bear in mind always.

84.2 What to do when a person does not know his/her age?

For such a person use any of the following methods to estimate his/her age:-

(1) You may ask him/her to state the year of birth according to animal calendar. Based on the information furnished and using the conversion table given to you, record the age in completed years.

(i) Ask him/her to name any historical event (preferably a local one) which he/she has been told as having occurred around the time of his/her birth. You may be given a list of historical events for this purpose and you may suggest a suitable event from this list also.

(ii) Ask him / her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when that historical event occurred.

(iii) Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if a respondent tells you that he/she was about 20 years old when Cambodia attained Independence, his or her age may be about 20 + 44 (November 9, 1953 to March 3, 1998) = 64 years.

(3) Sometimes the age can be ascertained with reference to the age of another person of a known age, who may be living in the same household or in the neighbouring household or that of a well-known person of the village such as the village chief.

(4) Only as a last resort you should estimate a person's age from his/her physical features. If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third person then obviously you have to rely on the information supplied by the third person in estimating the age in respect of the person who is absent. You should not leave this column blank under any circumstances.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_AGE — Age
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 2

Individual particulars
For all persons
[Questions 1 to 6 were asked of all persons]

[5] Age _ _

Age in completed years

[] 00 Less than 1 year
[] 01 1 year
[] 02 2 years
[] 97 97 years
[] 98 98 years and over
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52. Instructions for filing-in Column 1 to 23 of Form B: Part 2
You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in Statement and Statement 1.2 of Part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in Part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate columns.

58. Column 5: Age
The age of every person must be stated in completed years only, as on March 3, 2004. For those who know their birthdays, the age to be recorded is the age as at last birthday. "Age in completed years only" means that all the ages must be recorded in full years discarding fractions of years and months.
58.1 For instance, 15 years 11 months should be written down as 15. Do not write down months. Only years are required.
The age of all infants who are less than one year old should be recorded as "00". In this connection you are requested to make sure that infants of the household even if one day or less than one day old as on Survey Night are invariably enumerated. It is again pointed out that you should take all precautions to enumerate children (less than age 14) and infants (less than 1 year). Unless you ask probing questions they are likely to be omitted. This is a very important instruction that you should bear in mind always.
58.2 What to do when a person does not know his/her age?
For such a person use any of the following methods to estimate his/her age:

(1) You may ask him/her to state the year of birth according to animal calendar. Based on the information furnished and using the conversion table given to you, record the age carefully in completed years.
(2) (i) Ask him/her to name any historical event (preferably a local one) which he/she has been told as having occurred around the time of his/her birth. You may be given a list of historical events for this purpose and you may suggest a suitable event from this list also.
(ii) Ask him/her to give an indication of how old he/she was when that historical event occurred.
(iii) Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if a respondent tells you that he/she was about 20 years old when Cambodia attained Independence, his or her age may be about 20+50 (November 9, 1953 to March 3, 2004) = 70 years.
(3) Sometimes the age can be ascertained with reference to the age of another person of known age, who may be living in the same household or in the neighboring household or that of a well-known person of the village chief.
(4) Only as a last resort you should be estimate a person's age from his/her physical features. If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third person then obviously you have to rely on the information supplied by the third person in estimating the age in respect of the person who is absent. You should not leave this column blank under any circumstances.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_AGE — Age
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5. Age
Age in completed years

_ _

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Column 5: Age

84. The age of every person must be stated in completed years only, as on March 3, 2008. For those who know their birthdays, the age to be recorded is the age at last birthday. "Age in completed years only" means that all the ages must be recorded in full years, discarding fractions of years and months.

84.1 For instance, 15 years 11 months should be written down as 15. Do not write down months. Only years are required. The age of all infants who are less than one year old should be recorded as "00". In this case, you are requested to make sure that infants of the household, even if they are one day or
less than one day old on Census Night, are invariably enumerated. It is again pointed out that you should take all precautions to enumerate children (less than age 14) and infants (less than 1 year). Unless you ask probing questions they are likely to be omitted. This is a very important instruction that you should always bear in mind. Most of the households have the Household Book. The date of birth of each person enumerated may be obtained from it. However, the date of birth has to be confirmed by the respondent before using it to calculate his/her age.

84.2 What to do when a person does not know his/her age?

For such a person use any of the following methods to estimate his/her age:

(1) You may ask him/her to state the year of birth according to the animal calendar. Based on the information furnished and using the conversion table given to you, record the age in completed years.


(i) Ask him/her to name any historical event (preferably a local one) which he/she has been told as having occurred around the time of his/her birth. You may be given a list of historical events for this purpose and you may suggest a suitable event from this list also.
(ii) Ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when that historical event occurred.
(iii) Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if a respondent tells you that he/she was about 20 years old when Cambodia attained Independence, his or her age may be about 20 + 54 (November 9, 1953 to March 3, 2008) = 74 years.

(3) Sometimes the age can be ascertained with reference to the age of another person of a known age, who may be living in the same household or in the neighboring household or that of a well-known person of the village such as the village chief.

(4) Only as a last resort you should estimate a person's age from his/her physical features. If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third person, then obviously you have to rely on the information supplied by the third person in estimating the age in respect to the person who is absent. You should not leave this column blank under any circumstances.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions 1 to 6 were asked of all persons]

5. Age _ _

Age in completed years

[] 00 Less than 1 year
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52. Instructions for filling-in column 1 to 25 of Form B: part 2

You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in statement 1.1 and statement 1.2 of part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate column.

58. Column 5: age

The age of every person must be stated in completed years only, as on March 3, 2013. For those who know their birthdays, the age to be recorded is the age as at last birthday. "Age in completed years" mean that all the ages must be recorded in full years discarding fractions of years and months.

58.1 For instance, 15 years 11 months should be written down as 15. Do not write down months. Only years are required. The age of all infants who are less than one year old should be recorded as "00". In this connection you are requested to make sure that infants of the household even if one day or less than one day old as on survey night are invariably enumerated. It is again pointed out that you should take all precautions to enumerate children (less than age 14) and infants (less than 1 year). Unless you ask probing questions they are likely to be omitted. This is a very important instruction that you should bear in mind always. It would be desirable to ascertain the date of birth wherever possible and calculate the age in completed years.

58.2 What to do when a person does not know his/her age?

For such a person use any of the following methods to estimate his/her age:

You may ask him/her to state the year of birth according to animal calendar. Based on the information furnished and using the conversion table given to you, record the age carefully in completed years.

[p. 22]

(i). Ask him/her to name any historical event (preferably a local one) which he/she has been told as having occurred around the time of his/her birth. You may be given a list of historical events for this purpose and you may suggest a suitable event from this list also.
(ii). Ask him/her to give an indication of how old he/she was when that historical event occurred. (iii). Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if a respondent tells you that he/she was about 20 years old when Cambodia attained Independence, his or her age may be about 20+59 (November 9, 1953 to March 3, 2013) = 79 years.

Sometimes the age can be ascertained with reference to the age of another person of known age, who may be living in the same household or in the neighboring household or that of a well-known person of the village chief.

Only as a last resort you should be estimate a person's age from his/her physical features. If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third person then obviously you have to rely on the information supplied by the third person in estimating the age in respect of the person who is absent. You should not leave this column blank under any circumstances.

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_AGE — Age
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9) Age
Mark the age in years passed for all these people. _ _
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a) Columns 1 to 16:

Fill out for each person.

First take inventory of all the people to mark by filling out columns 1 to 6 for each person. Next ask the other individual questions (columns 7 to 25), filling out line by line.

Column 9: age:

Mark the age in years passed (age at last birthday)

[Example omitted]

If someone doesn't know his or her age, do you best to estimate their age based on the other people whose ages you know, the age of his or her children, or other information that they can give you.

You can also use historic events.
[Example omitted]

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_AGE — Age
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[Questions on persons]

[Ask to] residents (list all persons usually residing in the household, whether present or absent) and visitors (list all persons who do not usually reside in the household, but who spent the night preceding the interview in the household.

The whole population
[Questions 1-14 were asked of all persons.]

P7. Age _ _

Put the declared or estimated age in full years (as of last birthday)

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c) Filling in pages 2 and 3

1. Columns P1 to P14: The whole population
These columns are to be filled in for all the members of the household: residents and visitors.
Ask the head of the household or the person who answers your questions to give you the names of all present and absent residents (for less than six months) of the household. Classify them under column P2 in the following order:
- Head of household,
- Unmarried children of the head of the household whose mother does not live in the household
- Spouse of the head of the household followed by his or her unmarried children beginning with the oldest.

Where the head of the household is a polygamist, each of his wives must be followed by her unmarried children beginning with the oldest, if they are members of the household.
- Married children of the head of the household or of his wife (wives) followed by their spouses.
- Relatives of the head of me household or of his spouse(s): ascendants (father, mother, grandparents), descendants (grandchildren, great grandchildren) whose parents are not members of the household; collaterals (brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, cousins)
- Persons not related to the head of the household or to his spouse(s): friends, lodgers, house servants, employees who are members of the household

All these persons who are related or not to the head of the household will be followed if necessary by their spouse (s) and children if the latter are members of the household
If after such classification, the head of the household realizes that he has forgotten a resident member of the household, write down his name after the other resident members.
Once all the residents of the household have been listed, ask if there are visitors in the household. If so, also classify them as in the previous case.
After this inventory of the members, first fill in columns P1 to P5 for all the members and, as from column P6 fill in, line by line, the individual questions for each of them.

Column P7: Age
Fill in this column only for persons who do not know their date of birth, that is those for whom you put a dash in column P6. Write their age in complete years (age at the last birthday).

39 for a person aged 39 1/2 years
00 for a child of 7 months
26 for a person aged 26 1/2 years.

If a person does not know his age; do your best to estimate it based on the age of his parents, children or information given by the person himself or other persons. You can also base your estimate on historic events.
- a person tells you he was born two years before Cameroon became independent:
Calculate his age as follows:
probable year of birth : 1960 - 2 = 1958
probable age: 1986 - 1958 = 28

To calculate the probable age, subtract the year of birth from 1986 and not 1987. This is because since the census will be conducted early 1987, most persons would not yet have celebrated their birthday in 1987.

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_AGE — Age
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6. Age _ _
Date of birth
Day _ _
Month _
Year _ _

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6. Age and date of birth

Date of birth:
The date of birth of an individual indicates the day, the month, and the year of their birth. There are individuals who know the exact date of their birth, there are some who do not know the full date of their birth but know at least the month and the year of their birth.

The age of an individual is the number of years lived by this individual since the day of his birth to today.

The age in years passed expresses the number of whole years lived by this individual since his birth. The age that will be considered is the age in years passed

If we do not know the exact date of birth of an individual, but only the year of his birth, calculate the age at the birthday reached in the year by calculating the difference of years. As such, a person who was born in 2000 will be 5 years old in 2005, meaning he will have reached his 5th birthday in 2005.

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_AGE — Age
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6. Month and year of birth

[] January to May
[] June to December

Year of birth

Fill one circle only
[] 186_
[] 187_
[] 188_
[] 189_
[] 190_
[] 191_
[] 192_
[] 193_
[] 194_
[] 195_
[] 196_
[] 197_

Actual year

Fill one circle only
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

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6. Print the month and year of your birth in the first section. Fill the appropriate circles in the second, third and fourth sections, one circle only should be filled for each of these sections. If the precise date of birth is not known, give the best estimate possible. Study the examples on the page on the left.

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_AGE — Age
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3. Date of birth
If exact date is not known, enter best estimate.
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_AGE — Age
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3. Date of birth
Print day, month and year.
Example: If this person was born on the 10th of February 1945, enter:
If exact date is not known, enter best estimate.
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year 1_ _ _

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_AGE — Age
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3. Date of birth
If exact date is not known, enter best estimate.
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

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Basic population information
Question 1 asks for the name of each person in the household so that no one is left out or counted twice. Names are not put on the census database.
Questions 2 to 6 ask about the people living in the household. From these questions we can learn about living arrangements, family size, the number of children living with one parent or two parents, and the number of people who are alone. This information is used for planning social programs, such as Old Age Security and the Child Tax Benefit. It is also used by towns and cities to plan a variety of services such as day-care centers, schools and senior citizens' homes.
[p. 5]
If you have questions or require further information, please phone the free Census Help Line at 1 800 591-2001.
Question 1 -- Name
Question 2 -- Sex
Question 3 -- Date of birth
Question 4 -- Marital status
Question 5 -- Common-law status
Question 6 -- Relationship to Person 1

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_AGE — Age
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3. What is this person's date of birth and age?

If exact date is not known, enter best estimate. For children under the age of 1, enter 0. If born before May 10, 1996, mark "x" in the "15+" box under the person's name.

Date of birth
Day: _ _ Month: _ _ Year: _ _ _ _
Age: _ _ _
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The Questions
Basic population information
Question 1 (on the paper survey) asks for the name of each person in the household so that the Questions can be asked person by person.

Questions 2 to 6 provide information about the living arrangements of people in Canada, family size, the number of children living with one parent or two parents, and the number of people who live alone. This information is used for planning social programs. It is also used by communities to plan services such as daycare centers, schools and senior citizens' residences.

Your NHS questionnaire contains all the information needed to answer questions 1 to 6. If you still have questions or require further information, please visit the NHS website at or phone the StatCan Help Line at 1-877-308-2777.

Question 3 -- Date of birth
Enter the date of birth and age of each person in the boxes provided.

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_AGE — Age
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4. Age. ____

Write the age in years completed. For those under 1 year write the months completed. For those under 1 month write 0 months.
0 months
1 month
2 months
3 months

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Column 4: Age. Age in completed years means the age that the person reached upon their last birthday. One way to verify the correctness of the age stated by the person being enumerated is to ask for their date of birth, if they are able to provide that information.

The enumerator must take into account the common tendency of people to round their age, particularly to figures that end in zero or five. It is especially important to find out the date of birth in these cases.

If the person doesn't know their age, and you can't find any way to determine it, be it by using documents belonging to the individual or references from neighbors, make an estimate of their age. If not present, use information from people present who know the person being enumerated. For those under one year of age, don't forget to write the word "month(s)" immediately after the corresponding number. So, 1 month, 3 months, etc.

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_AGE — Age
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4. Age:
How old are you in years completed? ____

For those less than one year old, write "00."
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Question No. 4--Age

You must remember that the information requested is the number of years that the person being enumerated has completed and not the number of years that they will have completed. You should exhaust all resources in order to obtain the exact age. If, despite you efforts, it is impossible to obtain it, estimate the age of the person if the person is present or, if absent, ask the informant for an estimate.

If the person being enumerated is less than one year old, write down zero, zero (00).

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_AGE — Age
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For all persons

3. How old are you? ____

For those under 1 year of age, mark '00'
For those younger than 10 years of age, mark 01, 02, 03, etc.
For those who are ten and older, mark 10, 19, 43, 65, etc according to the corresponding age
For those older than 99 years of age, mark 99.

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3. How old are you in completed years?

Fill in the ovals that correspond to the person's age in completed years on the date of the census, not the number of years that will be completed [at the next birthday].

For people who are less than 1 year old, fill in the ovals 0 and 0.
For people younger than 10, fill in 0 for the first oval and the age of the informant for the second.
For people 10 and older, fill in 10, 19, 23, 46, 54, 85, etc., as appropriate.

For people over 99, fill in the ovals 9 and 9.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 3 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_AGE — Age
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For all individuals [applies to questions 1 to 6]

3. What is your age in years completed? ____

[Fill-in ovals of two digits from 0 to 9]
For those under 1 year, fill in 00
For those under 10 years, fill in 01, 02, 03, etc. as appropriate
For those 10 years and above, fill in 10, 19, 43, 65, etc. as appropriate
For those over 99 years fill in 99

If a person does not remember his or her age, write the year of birth here.
____ Year of birth

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3. How old are you in completed years?

Fill in the circles that correspond to the person's age in completed years on the date of the census, not the number of years that will be completed [at the next birthday].

For people who are less than 1 year old, fill in circles 0 and 0.
For people younger than 10, fill in 0 for the first circle and the age reported by the informant for the second. Ex: 06
For people 10 and older, fill in 10, 19, 23, 46, 54, 85, etc., as appropriate.
For people over 99, fill in circles 9 and 9.

If the person doesn't remember their age, record the year of their birth in the corresponding box without calculating their age.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 3 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_AGE — Age
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For all individuals [applies to questions 17 to 23]

19. How old are you in years completed? ____

If the person is not yet 1 year old, write 00
If the person is between 1 and 99 years old, write 01, 05, 10, 19, 43 through 99
If the person is 100 years old or older, fill in the missing digits:
1 ____

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Question 19

Age is recorded in number of years completed [on the last birthday], not in number of years that will be completed [on the next birthday]. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 19 on the census form. An arrow points to a graphic of a birthday cake.]

Chile 2017 — source variable CL2017A_AGE — Age
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D. Personal information

9. How old are you?

If less than one year enter 0

Age at last birthday _ _ _

9.a. In which month and year were you born?

[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December

Year _ _ _ _
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Questionnaire section D: "Personal information"
Interview each member of the household using one page for each person. The order in which you must conduct the interviews is the same as you entered on question 6.c. Therefore, person No. 1 will correspond to the head of household, while person No. 2 will be the person you entered on the second row, and so forth.
It is very important that you follow the order as entered on question 6.c for conducting the interviews in section D. This way, you will avoid leaving someone out without being recorded for the census.

[Question 9, age]
The age reached as of April 19 must be considered, and not an age that is about to be reached.
If you feel that the informant is upset by this or another question from the questionnaire, you should point out that, by protocol, you must ask each of them.
[Figure omitted, image of questions 9 and 9.a from the questionnaire]

China 1982 — source variable CN1982A_AGE — Age
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IV. Age
Date of birth
____ Year
____ Month
____ Day
____ Years of Age
_ _ _

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4. Age. With regard to the date, month and year of birth, the Gregorian calendar is recommended. If it is recorded in Lunar calendar, fill in the questionnaire as it is, and conversion is not needed. Complete years of age is counted from the date of birth to the reference time. Just write down the number of years as counted, leave out the months. For example, for a child who is two years, eleven months and twenty-nine days old, "2" should be placed preceding the printed characters of "years of age"; for an eight-month-old baby, "0" is put before the printed characters of "years of age". Those who only know their nominal age [pg. 22] or zodiac sign or the sexagenary cycle may work out their complete years of age in reference to the "Age Conversion Table". The date of birth and the complete years of age should be written in Arabic numerals.

China 1990 — source variable CN1990A_AGE — Age
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4. Age: _ _ _
Born in the year: _ _ _ _
Born in the month: _ _

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4. Age -- Fill in the age, month and year of birth. For age, only count the number of full years from birthday to the standard time of Census. For those less than one year old, fill in "0". If there is an elderly in the household who is a hundred years old, fill in the "Remark" that this person is a hundred years old. Birth date is by the Gregorian calendar. Convert the birth date into the form of Gregorian calendar if the birth date is remembered in the form of Chinese calendar; the conversion should follow the cross-list of age in the appendix. As a rule of thumb, the difference between the month in the lunar calendar and that in the Gregorian one is about one month. When converting the lunar calendar to Gregorian one, enumerator can just add one to the birth date. Just need to pay attention that Dec in the lunar calendar is January the following year in Gregorian calendar.

Fill in the month and year of birth date and age in Arabic numerals.

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_AGE — Age
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4. Please provide the age and the month and year of birth

____ Age
____ Month of birth
____ Year of birth
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Part One. Personal Records

All persons should report R1 - R12.

R8. Birthplace
This should be the same as the permanent living place of a person's mother.
There are three standard answers for this question.

1. The same county/city/district
2. A different county/city/district in the same province
3. A different province

A person's birthplace is usually the same as their mother's permanent living place. In cases that a person's birthplace is a hospital, put their mother's permanent living place.

Colombia 1964 — source variable CO1964A_AGE — Age
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5. Age ____
Write the age in full years. For children younger than one year, write the months as 0/12, 1/12, 2/12, 11/12, etc.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image


Column No. 5 - How old did you become on your last birthday? In this column the exact age of a person in completed years at the last birthday should be registered. The age of children less than one year should be written down in twelve parts of the year, so: A child two months old will be written down 2/12; one of four months 4/12 and one of fifteen days that is less than a month 0/12.

Fractions of years or months in the age of persons should not be written down when they are older than one year. If they are five years a half years old they will be written down only as 5. Fractions and months are used only for those younger than one year (zero years).

If a person says that they do not know their age, they should find out by the approximate date of their birth with the help of known facts.

[p. 17]

If this is not possible, the age that they think they are should be written down. In no case should this information be left blank.

If the age that a person says to be ends in zero (0) or in five (5), it should be asked if this age is exact, with the purpose of eliminating the tendency to give round numbers.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_AGE — Age
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A. General characteristics (for all the persons in the household).
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

4. How old is the person? (For children under one, write 00)

Years completed __ __

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Section A. General characteristics

[Below the text is a form.]

Section A. General characteristics will be filled out for all the persons of a census household who spent the night of October 23 to 24 in the dwelling.

Do not forget to include newborns, minors and the elderly.
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

Question No. 4. Age in complete years

[Below the text is a form.]

The information that should be obtained for each person is the number of completed years on the last birthday and not the age a person is about to be.

When a person declares that they do not know their age, try to help them, making reference to historical or personal deeds. For example if married, the current age can be estimated, on the basis of the age when married and the amount of time married; or based on their age when the first child was born and the child's age now. In the last case, the collector should estimate the age related with any national, international or local event: the wars of One Thousand Days (1899-1902), (1939-1945), the death of Gaitán (1948), June 13. Only for persons from whom it is not possible to obtain information, should the space be left blank.

Write down in the corresponding space the age of the person in completed years.

Do not write down approximate ages in any case.

If the informed age is 99 years or more, always write down 99.

For persons younger than 1 year, write down in the corresponding space 00 (zero, zero).

If the informed age is between 1 and 9 years, write it down with a zero to the left.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_AGE — Age
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A. For all of the persons in the dwelling
[Applies to questions 26 - 33]

29. Age in complete years.

(For minors less than one, write 00, for persons more than 99, write 99)
_ _

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Question No. 29 Age in complete years

[Below the text is a form.]

The information that is obtained is the number of years that a person became on their last birthday and not the age that they are going to be.

When a person does not remember their age, request an identification document where their date of birth appears; in case they do not have one, help establish the age making reference to personal deeds such as their age when they were married, age of the oldest child, etc. In the last case, the enumerator should calculate the age related with any national, international or local event whose date is well known.

For minors under one year write 00; Examples: If a child is 11 months old write 00, if 4 months old write 00; if 15 days old write 00.

For those older than 99 write 99; Example: if a person is 103 write down 99.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_AGE — Age
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F1. Ask these questions to all persons.

27. Age in years completed:

[] 00 Less than one year
[] Age in years _ _
[] 98 years old or more _ _

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F1. Ask these questions to all persons

27. How old is [the respondent]?

The number of years refers to the complete age on their last birthday and not the number of years that they will be, nor fractions of years.

[Below the text is a form.]

Frequently the age of children is expressed in months. You should convert it to years. Example: a seven month old child is less than one year, a fifteen month old child is one complete year.

If a person is less than one (1) year old, mark with "x" option "00".

If a person is between one and 97 years old, write the number of years in the boxes.

For persons between 1 and 9 years old, write a zero to the left, for example, "08".

If a person is 98 years old or more, mark with "x" the option "98".

If a person does not know or remember their age, turn to the following:

Request an identity document where the date of birth appears.

Help them establish their age making reference to personal deeds. Examples: age at what age they got married and the time that they have been married; age when the first child was born and the current age of that child.

Help to calculate the age relating it with some historical event known by the person.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_AGE — Age
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Control 9: How many years has the person completed? (basic) _ _ _

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_AGE — Age
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4. Age
Write in one space only.

For those one year of age and older, write the number of years.

Number of years ____

For those under one year, mark the circle

[] YY Less than 1 year

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11.- Question No. 4.- Age

The enumerator should ask: How old are you in completed years?

When a person is one year old or more write down the number of years, using the space "Number of Years".

When a person is less than one year mark the corresponding circle only.

Generally persons have the tendency to lower the number of years of some ages, others on the other hand prefer to raise them, principally at older ages.

Another inconvenience that is possible is meeting persons with the tendency to declare their age approximately, principally stating the so called "attractive ages" like for example: 1-5, 10, 15, 18, 20, 25, 40, 60, 65 years old, etc.

All enumerators should insist in getting the exact age of every person, avoiding when possible, annotation of rounded numbers.

This information refers to the date of the census and not the date of the visit. If the person is not sure of the age of a person, the enumerator should suggest that they consult the date of the birth document or proof of birth.

When it is impossible to get the exact age of a person, try to help the person to get approximate information, it being good to know local and national historic events. When the information that you write down is approximate, you should indicate it as such in the space for "Observations".

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_AGE — Age
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3. Age in years completed
[] 00 Under one year
_ _ Years

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First block of questions: for all persons

Question 3: Age in years completed

This question investigates the age in complete years of persons, not those that they are going to be. Ask specifically: How old are you in complete years? (or how old is another member of the group). Remember that it concerns the age in complete years on the date of the census moment, and not the date of the visit. Simple in appearance, this question presents problems in reality. It is possible that the persons do not know there exact age, or that of another member of the household; in many cases they will give you an approximate age that can be higher or lower then their real age. Also it is very common that persons who do not remember ages tend to give this number ended in "0" or in "5" like for example: 5, 10, 15, 30, 40 years, etc. (phenomena known as preferred digits).

[Below the text is a form]

For students who do not remember their exact age of some members of the household, it is convenient that you help the person. Ask that they please look for any document that can offer the precise information (for example: birth certificate, identity bond, Social Security card), ask them to remember any significant event that has happened in any precise moment of their life, whether personal or of the locality where they live, or it concerns events that occurred in the country and that can serve as precise points of reference to determine the age.

{How the age in completed years should be written down}

If the person who you ask is less than 1 year old, mark an X in the circle that corresponds. Write down the other ages in the respective little boxes, always with two digits, that is to say, if a person claims to be 3 years old, write down 03. If someone is 100 or more years old, write down 99, but write down in observations the exact age: 101, 103, etc.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions 1 - 8 are] For all individuals

3. How old is ____?

[] 00 Under one year
_ _ Years
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

First block

For all persons

Question 3: Age in completed years

The objective is to determine the complete age of each person, given that also it is an important classification variable.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

For this, you should ask the question as it is presented, avoiding that the person confuses the correct age with their upcoming age.

In the case of a person less than one year old, mark with an "X" the corresponding circle.

For those older than one year write down the given age (01, 08, 15, 40, 85, etc.). When a person is 100 years old or older, write down 99 in the boxes and write the exact age to the side.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
3. How old, in completed years, is [the respondent]?

[] 1 less than 1 year
_ _ years
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 3: Age in completed years

3. How old, in completed years, is [name]?

[] 1 less than 1 year
_ _ _ years

You must ask the question as specified, avoiding that the informant confuses completed age with the age that he/she will complete.

When the person has less than 1 year of age, mark the oval that says "less than 1 year."

[p. 140]

For those that are a year or older, note the age in the boxes, putting a zero in front of the quantity as indicated (001, 015, 032, 102, 087).

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Information about the person

5. What is the birth-date and age in years completed?

Age _ _ _

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Question 5. What is his/her birth date and age in years completed?

When you arrive at question 5, you should register the day, month, and year of birth, as well as the age. For this, you should ask the person for the day, month, and year, then note the age without asking for it.

5. What is his/her birth date and age in years completed?
Day ____ / Month _____ / Year ____
Age [ _ _ _ ]

For noting the age, use the "Conversion Table for dates of birth to years completed for the Census Day", which appears in Annex 1 of the present manual, noting "00" for those who are less than one year old.

If the person does not remember the date of his/her birth, you will register the age in completed years in the corresponding space, marking dashes in the spaces for day, month, and year.

If the person does not remember even his/her age, you should refer to historic references to help him/her determine his/her age, as for example:

Second North American Intervention 1906
Beginning of the "Vacas Gordas" 1915
The bank crash 1920
The Fall of Machado 1933
The end of the Second World War 1945
Triumph of the Cuban Revolution 1959

In general, the person who do not remember their age tend to give it in numbers that end in 0 or 5, answering, 20, 35, 40 years old, etc. In these cases, you should not write these ages, but you should ask the person again to try to get an exact age by increasing or decreasing the age, and therefore avoid the error produced by the generalized practice of declaring ages ending in "0 or 5".

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Personal data
[Applies to questions 1-23]

5. What is your date of birth and age (in full years)?

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
Age _ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Personal Data.

Question 5. What is your date of birth and age in full years?
For question 5, you will record the day, month, and year of birth, as well as their age, by asking the person the day, month and year of their birth, as well as their age.
Next, verify that the age stated matches with their stated date of birth by consulting the "Conversion table for birth dates to years on the day of the census" which appears in Annex 1of this manual.
This is one of the most important pieces of information in the census; do not to forget to consult said Annex. For those who are less than 1 year old, write 0/0/0 in the boxes for age.
If the person does not remember their date of birth, you will record their age in full years in the corresponding box, placing dashes in the spaces for day, month and year.
If the person does not even remember their age, you should refer to historical events to help them determine their age, for example:
In general people who do not remember their age tend to give numbers ending in 0 or 5, saying they are 20, 65, 80 years old, etc. In those cases do not put those ages, instead you will ask the person again to better clarify their stated age, thus avoiding the error created by the tendency to state ages ending in those numbers.

Historical events
Second American Occupation - 1906
Start of the economic boom - 1915
Bankruptcy of the banks - 1920
Fall of Machado - 1933
End of World War II - 1945
Triumph of the Cuban Revolution - 1959

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_AGE — Age (in years)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
All individuals
[Question 17 through 28 were asked of all individuals]

22. Date of birth or age

Ask the question, "What is your date of birth?" Write:

____ a) For the date of birth, the day, month, and year. Ex: 6 January 1955 for a person born on 6 January 1955.

____ b) For age, the number followed by the letter D (days), M (months), Y (years). Ex: 5d (for 5 days old), 20M (for 20 months old), 19Y (for 19 years old)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
a) Questions to ask all members of the household

Question 22: Date of birth or age

Try to obtain as much precise information as possible (day, month, year). Check the civil status documents of the interviewed individuals, if they have any. The statement "around 1945" must be replaced with "1945" on the household questionnaire.

Do not convert an age into a year of birth: if you are told "42 years old," write "42 Y."

If the surveyed person has no idea of their age (or is too vague of an idea), ask them to show you someone who is in their age group (or generation) to allow you to estimate their age. Ask him/her if he/she remembers a particular event if he/she was a child when it occurred.

For individuals who show you an identification card (birth certificate, identification card, passport, driver's license, consular card, etc.), write the date of birth shown on the document under the coding table.

Otherwise, ask the question: "What is your date of birth"?

Write the answer given by the surveyed person, indicating the exact date of birth.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_AGE — Age (in years)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
All individuals
[Question 17 through 28 were asked of all individuals]

22. Date of birth or age

Ask the question, "What is your date of birth?" Write:

____ a) For the date of birth, the day, month, and year. Ex: 6 January 1955 for a person born on 6 January 1955.

____ b) For age, the number followed by the letter D (days), M (months), Y (years). Ex: 5d (for 5 days old), 20M (for 20 months old), 19Y (for 19 years old)
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a) Questions to ask all members of the household

Question 22: Date of birth or age

Try to obtain as much precise information as possible (day, month, year). Check the civil status documents of the interviewed individuals, if they have any. The statement "around 1945" must be replaced with "1945" on the household questionnaire.

Do not convert an age into a year of birth: if you are told "42 years old," write "42 Y."

If the surveyed person has no idea of their age (or is too vague of an idea), ask them to show you someone who is in their age group (or generation) to allow you to estimate their age. Ask him/her if he/she remembers a particular event if he/she was a child when it occurred.

For individuals who show you an identification card (birth certificate, identification card, passport, driver's license, consular card, etc.), write the date of birth shown on the document under the coding table.

Otherwise, ask the question: "What is your date of birth"?

Write the answer given by the surveyed person, indicating the exact date of birth.

Dominican Republic 1960 — source variable DO1960A_AGE — Age
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4. Age in years completed
Under one year, in months; under one month, in days.

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55. Question 4. Age in years completed. The age in years completed is recorded; the age followed by the word "years". E.g. 24 years. If the person is younger than one year of age, the number of months completed is recorded, accompanied by the word "months". If younger than one month, the number of days is recorded, followed by the word "days".

There is a tendency to declare the age in numbers ending in 0 or 5. The enumerator should insist in this aspect and try, in the most discreet manner possible, to obtain the true age of the person.

Some persons will claim to not know their exact age. However, they remember that their birth is related to certain events of national, regional, or historical importance. The following list gives a relationship between these events and the ages that should be recorded when the person claims to have been born in these dates:

In Spain (The Annexation): 97 years
In the beginning of the 6 years of Báez: 92 years
During the revolution of Puerto Plata: 86 years
During Cesáreo: 82 years
During the "Moya" revolution: 74 years
When Lilís died: 61 years
On the 23rd of March: 57 years
The fire of San Carlos: 57 years
The time of "the storm": 51 years
The time of "the comet": 50 years
When Mon Cáceres died: 49 years

p. 24

During the Los Quiquises War (Los Azulitos): 48 years
During Cambelén: 44 years
When the Americans came: 44 years
During "the evacuation": 43 years
During the influenza [outbreak]: 41 years
During the smallpox [outbreak]: 39 years
At the time of the coronation of the Virgin: 38 years
When the Americans left: 36 years
During San Zenón: 29 years
During the Centennial: 16 years
At the time of the earthquake: 14 years

Children younger than one year of age are also enumerated.

Dominican Republic 1970 — source variable DO1970A_AGE — Age
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All persons [Applies to questions 1-5]

3. Age. How old in years completed is the enumerated person? If under 1 year, how old in months is the enumerated person?

Give this information in numbers.
____ Years completed
____ Months
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11.5.1 Personal characteristics. The first five questions dealing with personal characteristics are presented to persons of all ages, from newborns to the very oldest persons. The last question, relating to de facto conjugal status, is only presented to those 15 years of age and older.

c) Question 3. Age. The age in years completed or in complete years is recorded for each enumerated person. The number of months completed is only requested if the enumerated person is younger than one year of age. The annotations should be made using numbers and not words.

Some informants cannot give an exact age or have doubts about their age but they remember, however, that the birth of the enumerated person is related to an important national or regional historical event. In these cases, the list of events given below can be used and the corresponding ages recorded:

Event: During the "Moya" revolution
Approximate age in years: 83

Event: When Lilís died
Approximate age in years: 70

Event: On the 23rd of March
Approximate age in years: 67

Event: The fire of San Carlos
Approximate age in years: 67

Event: The time of "the comet"
Approximate age in years: 60

Event: During the Los Quiquises War
Approximate age in years:57

Event: During Cambelén
Approximate age in years: 54

Event: When the Americans came
Approximate age in years: 53

Event: During the influenza [outbreak]
Approximate age in years: 51

Event: During the smallpox [outbreak]
Approximate age in years: 48

Event: At the time of the coronation of the Virgin
Approximate age in years: 48

Event: During San Zenón
Approximate age in years: 39

Event: During the Centennial
Approximate age in years: 26

Event: At the time of the earthquake
Approximate age in years: 24

Event: At the time of the Constanza, Maimón, and Estero Hondo Invasion
Approximate age in years: 11

Event: When Trujillo fell [from power]
Approximate age in years: 9

Event: At the time of Palma Sola massacre
Approximate age in years: 8

Event: The 27th of February encampment explosion
Approximate age in years: 6

Event: The April Revolution
Approximate age in years: 5

Event: At the time of Hurricane Flora that damaged the South
Approximate age in years: 4

Event: At the time of Hurricane Inés that damaged Barahona and Enriquillo
Approximate age in years: no age given

Event: When Balaguer was taken
Approximate age in years: 4

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_AGE — Age in years
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32. What is your date of birth?

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
(If unable to remember the date of birth, write the age.)
If a year or more old, write only the age in years completed. If less than one year old, write the age only in months completed.
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For all persons[Applies to questions 30-40.]

Question 32: What is your date of birth?

The day, month, and year of birth are recorded. The age, in completed years, is recorded and the circles corresponding to the recorded age are filled in.
On pages 76 and 77 of this manual, two tables are given that will facilitate the calculation of age, given the month and year of birth.

Either the table June to November or December to May, according to the month of birth, should be used.

If the date of birth is unknown, only the age in completed years is recorded and the corresponding circles are filled in.

Some informants cannot remember their exact age or their date of birth but they know, however, that they were born in conjunction with important historical event. On page 75 of this manual there is a list of events to be used as a guide that will allow the approximate age to be estimated.

[p. 52]

For those younger than 1 year of age: the date of birth is recorded, the number of months is recorded, and the circles corresponding to the number of completed months are filled in.

For those younger than one month: the date of birth is recorded and 0 (zero) is recorded for months and the circles 00 (zero, zero) are filled in.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_AGE — Age
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30. How old is [the respondent]? _ _

If less than one year old, put 00. If 98 or more, put 98.
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Question 30: How old is (NAME)?

Write down in the boxes the age as of the day of the census of the interviewee.
(If he/she is a child less than a year old, record 00. If he/she is a person of 98 years of age or older, record 98).

Sometimes the interviewee will not remember his/her date of birth or age, but might remember that he/she was born during a specific event. At the end of this manual you can find a list of different important events that can help you estimate the age of the person. Use the list for guidance.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_AGE — Age
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Section VI - Personal characteristics

28. When was [the respondent] born?

Day_ _
Month_ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Question 29. How old is [the respondent]?
The age refers to the years of age a person has lived until the present date from his/her date of birth. Ask the interviewee how old he/she is and then record the declared age in the boxes corresponding to the answer. If the person is less than one year old record '000' in the boxes.
If you have already questioned and attempted to help the person remember his/her age, and there is no way to establish the age of that person or any other member of the household, then you should record code 999.

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_AGE — Age
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VII. (10) ____Age (in years completed)
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Column 10: Age. Write down the number of years completed on the last birthday. For those younger than one year old, record "0". When the person being enumerated doesn't know their age or their year of birth, try to help them and, if you are not able to, estimate their age.

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_AGE — Age
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4. How old are you? For those under one year write "00".
____ Years completed

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Question No. 4

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 4, "how many completed years old are you?", in this section of the enumeration form.]

Ask and record the number of years completed on the last birthday. When the age of some member of the household is not known, try to help the person by making reference to some event or historic fact. When this information is approximate or estimated, put a letter E after the number of years. For those under 1 year old, record "00".

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_AGE — Age
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4. How old are you?
Write the age at last birthday. For those under one year write "00".

____ Years completed

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Question 4. How old are you in completed years?

Record on the corresponding line the number of completed years as of the last birthday, and not the number of years that the person is going to complete.

For those less than one year old, record 00.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_AGE — Age
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For all individuals
[Applies to questions 1-8]

4. How old are you?

Write the age at last birthday. For those under one year write "00".

Years completed ____

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Question 4. How old is the person? (In years completed)

Ask the question and wait for the answer, do not write the year that they will complete even if it is only a few days or a few months away; write the number of years that were completed on the day of the census.

It is possible that elderly persons may not remember their exact age, in this case, the enumerator should try to verify the age with the national identification card or birth certificate. If this is not possible, try to help them figure out their age, mentioning historic dates, age at marriage, age at the birth of first child, etc. Where possible, avoid writing vague answers such as "about ... years old".

Another problem that you might encounter is that some people will give approximate ages, for example, those that end in 0 or 5. Insist that the person give precise information.

For persons less than one year old, write 00.

How old are you? Write the age at the last birthday. For those under 1 year old, write 00.

_____ Years completed

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_AGE — Age
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3. How many years have you completed? Write the age at the last birthday.
Years completed _ _

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Question 3.- How old are you in completed years?

[There is a picture of question 3 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Ask this question and wait for an answer. Don't record the number of years the person is going to complete, even if [their birthday is] just one day off. Record the number of completed years on the day of the census.

It's possible that older people might not remember their exact age. Then, the enumerator will try to figure out their age by their identity card or birth certificate. If this is not possible, try to help them to calculate their age, mentioning historic dates, their age at marriage, age when they had their first child, etc. As much as possible, avoid vague statements such as: around .... years.

This question should always contain information.

Another inconvenience that you may find in some people is the tendency to state approximate ages, which leads to declaring so-called attractive ages, which generally end in 0 or 5. Insist that the information be precise. For those under 1 year or age, record 00.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions 1-18 were asked of all persons.]

3. How old is [the respondent] in completed years?

Years completed ___

For boys/girls less than one year old, register 0.

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[Section 4]

Step 10: Section 4, information about the Population / B: General Characteristics, is divided into three parts: The first part corresponds to the questions that go from question one to ten.

[A copy of part of section 4B of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


(A) The information of the first person corresponds to the one listed this same section in subsection A - identification by person; row 1 (page 4 of the census questionnaire).

  • Follow the sequential order of the questions.

(B) Begin with the head of household (male or female), and for the rest of persons it register them according to the order established in relation to the head of the household. For each household, there should only be one head of household, and he/she will be registered as person 1.
(C) Register the exact age of the person in years completed. If a boy or girl is younger than one year, register 0 (zero).
(D) Pay attention to the leaps in question 5 and question 8.
(E) It will be registered that yes he/she has a citizenship certificate, even if it has been stolen or lost.

  • Pay attention to the instructions that are indicated in questions 3 and 9.
  • In question 7, do not include the insurance of the IESS.

(F) Remember that the question 9 can have several alternatives of answers.

  • The disabilities are of permanent nature and that prevent him/her from doing activities that other people would do without difficulty. If any person mentions that his/her hip hurts, that he/she has to use glasses because he/she no longer sees well, or that he/she must use an apparatus to hear because he/she no longer hears well, these will not be registered as disabilities.
  • If a person does not speak (mute person), register alternative 4 and note it in observations.

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_AGE — Age
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Part B: Individual data

6. Birth date or age (completed years)

Date ____
Age ____
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Data of birth or age in completed years: Column number (6)
Record the date of the person's birth relying on his birth certificate or his identification card or any formal document of the responder. If the date of birth is not available, record the age of the person in completed years and neglecting the months even if they are (11) months.
If the age is less than one year write (months) and if the age is less than one month write (days)

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_AGE — Age
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6. Birth date or age (completed years)
Date ____
Age ____

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The date of birth or age in complete years column No. (6)
Write the person's data date of birth according to his birth certificate or his identification card or any official certificate or according to the responder's answers. If the date of birth is not available, write the person's age in complete years with neglecting the months even they are (11) months.
Those who are less than one year, write (months) and if the age is less than one month, write (days).
If the date of birth is positively determined (-), is put in age column and vice versa.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_AGE — Age
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Table 1: Family characteristics
[Questions 1-7 for all persons]

[Questions in table 1 can be answered for up to 7 people]

3. Age in years _ _

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Table 1: Household characteristics

3. Age in integer years
There are two squares to complete the age of the household member from right to left, ignoring months; for children below one year of age, two zeros are written in the 2 squares.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_AGE — Age
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V. Information on members of the household

1. All persons

3. How old are you in years completed?

(write "00" for those younger than 1, and "98" for those 98 or older)

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3. Age
What is your age?
Age will be recorded in the box and in years exactly as told by the informant, without suggesting or calculating ages.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_AGE — Age (in years completed)
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3a. How old is this person in completed years?
Write "00" if younger than 1, and "98" if age 98 or older

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_AGE — Age
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19. Age

[Instructions illegible]
_ _
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Column 19 Age

Age is the time length (day, month, or year) since birth up to the census date. In this column the correct age of each household member at the time of the population and housing census is filled in full years. Age in full years means age measures beyond year such as months, weeks, days re truncated and only the years are taken and registered. For example if a person's age is 15 years 5 months and 11 days, the age to register will be only 15 years and must not be 15 years 5 months and 11 days. If a child's age is below one year "00" will be entered in column 19 card columns 35-36. If on the other hand a person's age is 98 years and over, only "98" is entered in card column 35-36.

It is expected that there are people who do not know their correct ages or do not want to report their ages. Therefore it is required to make an effort as much as possible without giving up obtaining the correct age. In order to resolve these problems it is appropriate to focus on the following method which is one among others.

It is important to attempt to estimate the respondent's age with reference to historical event that took place at national level or in the neighborhood of the respondent's birth place and based on the response to questions by asking the respondent how old he/she was when the event took place or how long was his/her birth date after the event .For example if the person was born ten years before the eruption of the Ethiopian revolution, then his/her age in 1984 is more or less /1984 - 974/ + 10 = 20 years, and this will be entered. A person's age can be estimated by relating his/her birth year with historical events. For this purpose list of major historical events by year is provided for reference in appendix 1 of this manual.

Some of the household members or people livening in the neighborhood may not know their ages. This time their ages can be estimated in contrast with those who know their ages.
If the age of one of the household member is known correctly, it may be possible to estimate ages of the other members. For example if the age of the first child in the household is known to be 13, it is possible to estimate the mother's age as 29. This is because most of the time mothers are assumed to have their first child at the age of 16 and hence her age would be 13 + 16 = 29. A person's age within a group of people having blood relationship can be estimated by making comparison among them. For example, most of the time mothers give birth every two years. If one of her child is known to be 7 years old then his/her elder one can be 9. Sometimes old people report their age much higher. Their age can be estimated in comparison with the ages of their older children and grandchildren. Hence if one of the household member's age is known then age of other members has to be estimated in relation to the others.

Furthermore if a member's age is known when he got married, his current age can be estimated by considering the number of years he stayed in marriage and also in relation with his children's age.

There are people who prefer or get it easy to report their ages in numbers ending with zero or five. However they don't have to report in figures easy for them or in figures they want but need to try to get their exact ages. In fact ages of certain people can be 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.

Parents can remember birth dates of their children under the age of 10 and the children's age have to be recorded correctly in full years. When determining the child's age becomes difficult a lot of effort has to be made to arrive at the correct ages.

The correct age of each of the household members is entered in column 19 card columns 35-36 after determining their ages on the basis of the above discussion and by making the necessary effort, posing questions towards getting the right age and by making the necessary computation.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_AGE — Age
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

18. Age

What is [person]'s age? Enter in completed years. If [person]'s age is less than one year, enter 00 in the column.
_ _
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Section 3: Particulars of household members

Before collecting information about household members, the definition of head of household and usual household member should be well appreciated. Therefore, the concept of household given in section 2 of chapter two should be appropriately understood.

A. Usual member of a household
A person is said to be a usual member of the household if he/she lives at least six months of the year continuously with the household. In addition, a person is considered to be a usual member of the household if he/she has the intention to live with the household forever even though he/she lived with the household less than six months. Persons who left their household temporarily for less than six months are considered as usual member of their households. However, persons are not considered as usual members of the household if they left their households for six months or more, or who left their households for less than six months but have the intention to leave for more than six months.

The following members of the household are considered usual household members:

a. All persons who lived with the household for at least six month during the census year.
b. All persons who have the intention to stay with the household for six months or more even though they stayed with the household for less than six months. For example, if a woman married a man and went to live in her husband's home during the census year, she is considered as a usual member of her husband's household even if she has lived in her husband's home for less than six months. Similarly, if a person got a job and went to live with another household forever, he is considered as the usual member of this new household where he is found during the census even if he has been living with this new household for less than six months.
c. House maids who usually stay the nights with the household and who do not have another residence.
d. Persons who left the household temporarily for less than six months. For example, persons who are on annual leave, persons who went to another place for holiday, inpatient persons, persons who went to visit relatives and persons who went to other places for business.
e. All persons who do not have permanent residence and who live with the household during the census. For example, if individuals do not have permanent residence but they live in various houses, they are considered to be usual member of the house hold where they are found on the enumeration day.
f. Students. Students who left their households, relatives or usual place of residence to attend school in regular schools, colleges, universities, etc. should be counted in the place where they are attending school. During the enumeration, if the students went back to their households or relatives due to a school break, they should be enumerated as usual members of their households. Students who are attending school by hiring service houses or who live with relatives away from their usual households, they should be enumerated in the area where they actually live during the census even though they commute weekly or monthly to bring their ration or to visit their households. However, students who commute daily to attend school are considered usual members of their households.
Orphanages, boarding school students, inmates of correctional facilities and other collective quarters
An inmate of an orphanage, boarding school (including universities and colleges which have lodging facilities), correctional facility or other collective quarters (e.g. homes for the elderly, monasteries, etc.) should be enumerated as a member of the collective quarters during the census. However, persons who are temporarily detained in a police station or in another temporary prison facility should be counted as usual members of their households regardless of the length of stay in these places.

B. Visitors
A visitor is any relative or non-relative person who is not a usual member of the household but spent the census night in the household.

C. Head of household
A head of household is a person who is a usual member (male or female) in the household acknowledged as head by the other members. If a man has two or more wives who live in separate households, he will be enumerated as head of the household with his oldest living wife (first married) if he is recognized as head. Other wives will be enumerated with their households as head or member of the households.

Column 13: Serial number of members of the household and visitors
The questionnaire has space to list up to ten members of a household. If the number of the members of the household is greater than ten, it is necessary to use an additional questionnaire. In this situation, the serial numbers given in column 13 (01-10) are corrected as 11, 12, 13, etc. until all members and visitors are listed.

Column 18: What is (name's) age in years?
The correct age in completed years of each member of the household during the enumeration should be recorded in the boxes provided in this question. Age in completed years means recording the completed years by ignoring the months and days after the completed years. For example, if the age of a person is 15 years, 11 months and 29 days, only "15" should be recorded. If the age of an infant is less than one year, code 00 should be recorded in this column, and if the age of a person is 97 years or older, code "97" should be recorded in the space provided under this column.

Expect to meet persons who do not know their age exactly or who are not willing to tell their age. In this case, great effort should be made to determine the exact age of each member of the household if it is possible. Techniques for determining age are given below.

Probing age by mentioning historical events
It may be necessary to estimate the age of a person by asking the respondent if there was a national or local historical event that occurred when the person was born or by asking the respondent the age of the person when the event occurred or by asking the respondent how long before the person was born did the event occur. For example, if the age of a person was 10 during the eruption of the Ethiopian revolution in 1974, the age of the person in 1994 is almost 30 years (1994 ? 1974 +10 = 30) and this number should be recorded in the given boxes. Therefore, it is possible to estimate the age of a person by relating the year in which the person was born with the year the historical event occurred. A list of the years in which the main historical events occurred is attached in appendix 1.
Computing age based on members who know their ages
Some of the members of the household or neighbors may know their ages. In this case, it is possible to estimate the age of a person based on the ages of the persons who do

It may be possible to estimate the ages of the members of the household if the exact age of a person among the members is known. For example, if the age of the first child of a household is known to be 13 years, it is possible to estimate the age of his mother to be at least 31 years. This estimation is based on the expectation that mothers usually give birth to their first baby at the age of 18 and the age of the mother can be estimated as 18+13 = 31 years. It may be possible to estimate the ages of the persons who are relatives by comparing the age of one person to others. For example, mothers give birth to their children usually in two year intervals. The age of an older child may be 9 years if the age of the younger child is exactly 7 years. Sometimes older people exaggerate their ages. The ages of these people can be estimated by considering the ages of their first child and their grandchildren. Therefore, as far as it is possible, appropriately estimate the age of the member and record the age if the exact age of one member of the household is known. In addition to this, it is possible to estimate the age of a member of the household if he/she knows the age at marriage and the number of years after marriage up to the time of the census.

Some people want to tell their ages in ending 0 or 5. Even though the respondent may tell the ages ending in these digits, enumerators should make great effort to determine the exact ages of the members by using the above probing techniques. The exact ages of some people may of course be 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.

Parents may easily remember the exact ages of their babies and children under age 10 and these ages should be appropriately recorded in completed years. Sometimes it is not possible to determine the ages of infants easily, and in this case great effort should be made to estimate the appropriate age by applying the above probing techniques

Using the appropriate probing techniques, the age in completed years of each member of the household should be recorded in the space provided in column 18.

Remark: It is necessary to mention the name of each member of the household when it is indicated in the question wording. For example, for a member of the household named Bekelech, the question "What is name's age in years?" should be asked as "What is Bekelech's age in years?"

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_AGE — Age
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

6. Age

What is [the respondent]'s age? Recorded in completed years. If less than one year, record '00.'
_ _
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Question 6:- What is [the respondent]'s Age in Years?

The correct age in completed years of each member of the household during the enumeration should be recorded in the boxes provided in this question and the appropriate code should be shaded. Age in completed years means recording the completed years by ignoring the months and days after the completed years. For example, if the age of a person is 15 years, 11 months and 29 days, only "15" should be recorded and shaded. If the age of an infant is less than one year, code 00 should be recorded and shaded in this question, and if the age of a person is 97 years and above Code "97" should be recorded and shaded in the space provided under this question.

It is expected to meet persons who do not know their ages exactly or who are not voluntary to tell their ages. In this case, great effort should be done without being fed up to get exact age of each members of the household as far as possible. To solve these problems, some of the possible techniques are given below.

Probing ages by mentioning historical events

It is necessary to estimate the age of the person by asking the respondent if there is a historical events occurred known nationally or specifically in that area when the person was born or by asking the respondent what was the age of the person during the occurrence of the event or by asking the respondent how long was the occurrence of the even before the person was born. For example, if the age of a person was 10 years during the eruption of the revolution in 1974, the age of the person in 2007 is almost 43 years (2007 - 1974 +10 = 43) and this code should be recorded and shaded. Therefore, it is possible to estimate the age of a person by relating the year in which the person was born with the year that the historical event was occurred and the list of the years in which the main events occurred is attached in appendix 2 of this enumerators' manual.

Computing age based on members who know their ages.

Some of the members of the household or neighbors may know their ages. In this case it is possible to estimate the age of a person by relating with the persons' ages who knew their age exactly.

It may be possible to estimate the ages of the members of the household if the exact age of a person among the members is known. For example, if the age of the first child of a household is known to be 13 years, it is possible to estimate the age of his mother to be at least 31 years. This estimation is done based on the expectation that mothers usually give birth to their first baby at the age of 18 years old and the age of the mother can be estimated as 18+13 = 31 years. It can be possible to estimate the ages of the persons who are relatives by comparing the age of one person to others. For example, mothers give birth to their children usually in two years interval. The age of the older child may be 9 years if the age of the younger child is exactly 7 years. Sometimes aged people exaggerate their ages. The ages of these people can be estimated by comparing with the ages of their first child and grandchildren's ages. Therefore, as far as possible appropriately estimated age of the member should be recorded if the age of one member of the household is exactly known.

In addition to this, it is possible to estimate the age of a member of the household if he/she knows the age at marriage and the number of years after marriage up to the time of the census. Some people want to tell their ages in 0 or 5 ending digits. Even though the respondents want to tell their ages in these digits, enumerators should make great effort to get exact ages of the respondents by using the above probing techniques. The ages of some people may off course, be 10, 15, 20, 25, ... etc.

Parents can easily remember specially the ages of their babies and children under age 10 years and these ages should be appropriately recorded in completed years. But sometimes there is a situation that is not possible to get the ages of infants easily, and in this case, great efforts should be done to estimate the appropriate age by applying the above probing techniques.

Based on the above appropriate probing techniques of getting ages and posing appropriate question to the respondent, the age of each members of the household in completed years should be recorded in the space provided in question 6 and the codes should be correctly shaded.

Remarks:- It is necessary to mention the name of the each member of the household when posing questions that have names in the questionnaire. For example, for the member of the household named Chaltu, the question "What is NAME's' age in years" should be asked as "What is Chaltu's age in years?"

Fiji 1966 — source variable FJ1966A_AGE — Age
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Household schedule to be completed by the enumerator, listing every man, woman and child in each household at midnight on Monday, 12th September, 1966.
[Questions 1-4 were asked of all persons]

4. Age in completed years.

If under 1 year write 0

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35. Column 4: Age: This should be shown in completed years, i.e., for a new-born child and children aged less than one year write their ages as "0"; if a child is aged more than one year but less than two years -- if it is aged one year and eleven months for example -- it should be recorded as '1".

36. Many people, particularly old people, may not know their age and you will have to help them work it out. One way of doing this is to ask about how old the person was at the time of a well-known happening in the past, the date of which is known, and then add his age at that time to the difference between the date of the happening and 1966. Or you could ask whether the person is older or younger than someone in the village whose age is known and who appears to be about the same age. For example, if a man does not know his age you could begin by asking him if he remembers the big influenza endemic which occurred in 1918 and if he does how old was he then? Was he less than 5 years old? Or more than 5 years old? If he was less than 5 years old, was he 4 years, or 3 years, or 2 years, etc.? If he was more than 5 years old, was he less than 10 years old? If he was less than 10 years you should try to find out which of the ages between 5 years and 9 years he was then. If he was more than 10 years old, was he less than 15 years? If he was less than 15 years old, you should try again to discover his exact age; if he was older than 15 years, you should then ask was he less than 20 years old? By continuing your questions in this manner, you should be able to arrive at a fair estimate of his age in 1918 and if you add 48 to this you can write down his age, now in 1966. You can discover the age of this man's wife by asking whether she is older than her husband or whether she is younger and by how many years is she older or younger? If the age of the eldest child of these parents is known you can find the ages of the parents by enquiring how old they were when this child was born, and adding these ages to the present age of the child. You should remember that it is unlikely that either parent would be younger than 15 or 16 years at the birth of their first child and this fact should always be used as a check on the accuracy of ages given by, or estimated for, the parents.
37. Some people may be able to tell you the years in which they were born and by subtracting this from 1966 you can calculate their age. Their year of birth is to be recorded in Column 8.

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions 1-11.]

4. Date of birth

Write day/month/year. If date unknown estimate year of birth and write year only
____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions 1-13 were asked of all persons]

4. Date of birth

If date unknown, estimate year

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Question 4 - Date of birth

86. "When was this person born?" Write the day, the month and the year of birth.

87. Whether or not the day and month are known, you must enter a year of birth for all persons.

88. And for children born 1980-1986 you must try particularly hard to get at least the month and the year.

89. This question is one of the most important in the census and it may be the most difficult to answer. You will find many people who do not know their date of birth. In these cases you will have to estimate the year of birth.

90. The best source of information will be birth certificates or baptismal certificates and some families have a Bible in which birth dates are recorded. Ask to see any documents which are available.

91. Some people may not know their date of birth but may know their age. Ask, "How old is this person?" If the age is known, calculate the year of birth.

92. One reliable birthdate in the household may help you to work out the birthdates of other members of the household if it is known whether they are younger or older and by how many years.

93. If all else fails, make the best estimate you can, judging by such things as the person's appearance and position in the household and by using your common sense knowledge that parents are seldom younger than sixteen years of age when their first child is born, that women do not usually bear children below the age of twelve or over fifty years, that people who were in the same class at school are generally closely similar in age and so on.

94. If you are entering only the year of birth, because day and month are not known, write the year in full -- for example, 1942 or 1969. In this way there can be no confusion between year of birth and age.

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D10 were asked of all persons.]

D4. Date of birth
If date unknown estimate year
Day ____
Month ____

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Question D4 - Date of birth

86. Ask,
'When was this person born?'

Write the day, the month and the year of birth.

87. Whether or not the day and month are known, you must enter a year of birth for all persons.

88.And for children born 1990-1996 you must try particularly hard to get at least the month and the year.

89. This question is one of the most important in the census and it may be the most difficult to answer. You will find many people who do not know their date of birth. In these cases you will have to estimate the year of birth.


90. The best source of information will be birth certificates or baptismal certificates and some families have a Bible in which birth dates are recorded. Ask to see any documents which are available.

91. Some people may not know their date of birth but may know their age.
'How old is this person?'

If the age is known, calculate the year of birth.

92. One reliable birthdate in the household may help you to work out the birthdates of other members of the household if it is known whether they are younger or older and by how many years.

93. If all else fails, make the best estimate you can, judging by such things as the person's appearance and position in the household and by using your common sense knowledge that parents are seldom younger than sixteen years of age when their first child is born, that women do not usually bear children below the age of twelve or over fifty years, that people who were in the same class at school are generally closely similar in age and so on.

94. If you are entering only the year of birth, because day and month are not known, write the year in full - for example, 1942 or 1969. In this way there can be no confusion between year of birth and age.

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D18 were asked of all persons.]

D4. What is [person's] date of birth?

If date unknown, estimate year.
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Question D1 through D9 were asked of all persons.]

[D4a] What is this person's date of birth? If date unknown, estimate year.

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

[D4b] What is this person's age? _ _

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_AGE — Age
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4. Date and Place of Birth

Born on ____
In: City: ____State [Departement] (or country): ____

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_AGE — Age
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4. Date and place of birth
Born on (day, month, year) ____
in city (for Paris, Lyon, Marseille, include the city neighborhood ____
Department (or country for territories overseas and for foreigners) ____
If you were born in a overseas territory or abroad, specify the year of your arrival in France. ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

5.6.1 Question 4: Date and place of birth.
Make sure, while collecting the completed forms, that the people born outside of Metropolitan France have clearly indicated the year of their arrival in France.
In the case of people who have come to live in France many times, it is necessary to indicate the year of the first time they lived in Metropolitan France.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_AGE — Age
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5. Date and place of birth

Born : (day, month, year) ____
in (city): ____ (for Paris, Lyon, Marseille, specify the district)
County: ____ (country for foreigners, territory for the T.O.M.)

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Question 5: Date of and place of birth
a) The department to write down here is the present name of the place of birth, meaning at the time of the 1975 census. Thus, a person born in the Seine community or the Seine- et- Oise before July 10, 1964 will have to indicate, whatever the case may be, one of the seven new departments of that Parisian region, that is to say: Paris, Essonne, Hauts- de- Seine, Seine- Saint- Denis, Val- de- Marne, Val- d'Oise or Yvelines.
b) Ask for a complete birth date for each person. Then, carry out the following checks:
- a person born before January 1st, 1968: make sure that question 7 always has an answer.
- a person of 16 years of age or more (that is to say born before February 20th, 1959): make sure that questions 7 to 10 are always answered and check questions 11 to 18 on the back page of the individual form (see hereafter).

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 1 - 6 apply to all persons]

5. Date and Place of Birth

Born on (day, month, year) ____

In town or city of (For Paris, Lyon and Marseille, indicate the district within the city [arrondissement]) ____

State [département] (Country for aliens, or Overseas Territory for those from an overseas territory) ____

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_AGE — Age
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5. Date and place of birth
Born ____
(day, month, year)
in (county): ____
Department: ____
(country for foreigners, territory those from the TOM (Overseas Territories))

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_AGE — Age in completed years
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5. Date and place of birth.
Born on:
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
In (the city of) ____
County _ _
(Country if foreigner, territory for the TOM) ____
If you were born in an overseas department or abroad, in which year did you arrive in mainland France?
19_ _

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_AGE — Age in completed years
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2. Date and place of birth
Born on:

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

In: ___________________
(Municipality or administrative district for Paris, Lyon, or Marseille,)

Department _ _

Overseas department number ___

Country for foreigners; territory for overseas territories residents _____________

If you were born in another country, in which year did you arrive in France? Year _ _ _ _

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_AGE — Age
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Individual form

2) Date and location of birth
Born on _ _ (day) _ _ (month) _ _ _ _ (year)
At ____ Municipality (district for Paris, Lyon, Marseille)

Department _ _
DOM (overseas department) number _
Country for those abroad, territory for DOM (overseas territory) ____

If you were born abroad, in what year did you arrive in France?

Year _ _ _ _

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_AGE — Age
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2. Date of birth
____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_AGE — Age
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3. Day, month, year of birth _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

3. Date of birth

_ _ Day
_ _ Month

[] 1870
[] 1880
[] 1890
[] 1900
[] 1910
[] 1920
[] 1930
[] 1940
[] 1950
[] 1960
[] 1970
[] 1980

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

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3. Day, month and year of birth: _____

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_AGE — Age
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3. Date of birth
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_AGE — Age
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1. Date of birth
____a) Year of birth

b) Month of birth

[] 1 Jan. to 24 May
[] 25 May to 31 Dec.

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_AGE — Age (in completed years)
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Answer for each person
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

3. Age ____

What was your age last birthday?
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
11a. Age on 21st March 1982.

The age of every person must be stated in completed years only. For those who know their birthdays, the age to record is the age as at last birthday. Age in completed years only means that all the ages must be recorded in full years discarding fractions of years and months. For instance 15 years 11 months should be written down as 15. Do not write down months. Only years are required. All infants who are less than one year should be recorded as being "0" years old.

11b. What to do when a person does not know his age.

For such a person, use the following method to estimate his age:
(1) (a) Ask him to name any historical event (preferably a local one) which he has been told occurred around the time of his birth.
(b) Ask him to give you an indication of how old he was when that event occurred or how many years elapsed before his birth.
(c) Then use this information to work out his age. For example, if a respondent tells you that he was about 15 years when Ghana attained her independence, this person would be 15+25 (i.e. 6th March 1957 to 21st March, 1982=40 years.)

If this method fails, you should try the foil owing approach.
2. (a) Simply estimate how old he may be.
(b) Then select from your list of local, regional or national historical events (see Appendix I)

pg. 45

some events which occurred about the time when according to your estimate, he must have been born.
(c) Ask whether he has heard about any of these events.
(d) If he has, ask him to give you an indication of how old he was when this event occurred or how many years elapsed before he was born.
(e) Then from this information work out his age.

If this second approach also does not elicit the required information, then base your estimate on biological relationships. For instance, a woman who does not know her age but who has two or three children of her own is unlikely to be less than 15 years old, however small she may look. You may then try to work out her age by the following method:

3. (a) Determine the age of her oldest child.
(b) Then assume that the average woman in Ghana gives birth to her first child at about 18. However, without further probing, you should not base your assumption on the oldest child who is at present living. There is the likelihood that in certain cases the child died later on or that the woman had miscarriages or still-born children before the oldest living child was born. Therefore if the woman tells you that she had one miscarriage or still-born before the oldest living child was born, you should make your estimation from the year of the miscarriage, stillborn or live birth.
Note also that some women do not have children early in life whilst others have children earlier than what generally obtains in the community. Therefore in every case you must find out whether she had her first child, miscarriage or still-born at the usual age before you assume she was aged 18 years at her first pregnancy.
(c) Then use the information obtained by means of (A) and (B) above to estimate her age.

4. (a) Only as a last resort, should you estimate a person's age from his physical features.

If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third person, then obviously you have to rely on the information supplied by the third person in estimating the age in respect of the person who is absent. Under no circumstances must you leave this column blank.

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_AGE — Age
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P03 Age: How old is (name), in complete years? (Fill in actual age if 00 to 98. If 99 or older, fill 99) _ _
Mark the box with X in the column to make up your code.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Age on 26th March 2000 (Census Night):- The age of every person must be stated in completed years only. For those who know their birthdays the age to record is the age as at last birthday. "Age in completed years only" means that all the ages must be recorded in full years discarding fractions of years and months. For instance 15 years 11 months must be written down as 15. Do not write down months. Only years are required. All infants who are less than one year old must be recorded as being "0" year old.

What to do when a person does not know his/her age:-

(i) For such a person, use the following method to estimate his/her age:-

a. Ask him/her to name any historical event (preferably a local one) as in Appendix 1, which occurred around the time of his/her birth.
b. Ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when that event occurred or how many years elapsed before his/her birth.
c. Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if a respondent tells you that he/she was about 15 years when Ghana attained her independence this persons must be 15 + 43 (i.e. 6th March 1957 to 26th March 2000) = 58 years.

(ii) If this method fails, you must try the following approach:-

a. Simply estimate how old he/she may be.
b. Then select from your list of local, regional or national historical events some events which occurred about the time when according to your estimate, he/she must have been born.
c. Ask whether he/she has heard about any of these events.
d. If he/she has, ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when this event occurred or how many years elapsed before he/she was born.
e. Then from this information work out his/her age.

(iii) If this second approach also does not elicit the required information, then base your estimate on biological relationships. For instance, a woman who does not know her age but who has two or three children of her own is unlikely to be less than 15 years old however small she

[p. 34]

may look. You may then try to work out her age by the following method:-

a. Ask her, at what age she had her first child.
b. Determine the age of her oldest child.
c. Then assume that the average woman in Ghana gives birth to her first child at about 18. Without further probing, you must not base your assumption on the oldest living child. There is the likelihood that in certain cases the first child died later on or that the woman had miscarriages or stillborn children before the oldest living child was born. Therefore, if the woman tells you that she had one miscarriage or stillbirth before the oldest living child was born you must make your estimation from the year of the first miscarriage, still-birth or live birth.

Note also that some women do not have children early in life while others have children earlier than what generally obtains in the community. Therefore, in every case you must find out whether she had her first child, miscarriage or stillbirth at the usual age before you assume she was aged 18 years at her first pregnancy.

d. Then use the information obtained by means of a and b above to estimate her age.

(iv) Only as a last resort should you estimate a person's age from physical features.

(v) If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third person, then obviously you have to rely on the information supplied by the third person in estimating the age in respect of the person who is absent. Under no circumstance must you leave the age column blank.

P03 Age: How old is (name)? (Age in completed years)

The age of every person must be written and marked in completed years only. For those who know their birthdays, the age to mark is the age at last birthday. "Age in completed years only" means that all the ages must be written in full years, discarding fractions of years and months. For instance, 18 years 11 months must be marked as 18. Do not mark the months. Only years are required. All infants who are less than one year must be recorded as being "0" year old. For those aged 99 years or more, code 99.

Example I: If a household member is 11 months, write 00 in the two boxes for the cross check header code and mark as show below.

[The exposition of the example has been omitted.]

Example 2: If the household member is 1 year 11 months. Write 01 in the two boxes for the cross check header code and mark as shown below.

[The exposition of the example has been omitted.]

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_AGE — Age
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

[Questions P00 to P03 were asked for all persons in the household (usual members or visitors) who were present on census night (per the roster in A16a).]

P02. Age.
How old is [respondent], in completed years? _ _

Fill in actual age if 00-98. If 99 or older, fill 99.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5. Age on 26th September, 2010 (Census Night) - The age of every person must be stated in completed years only and in two digits. For those who know their birthdays the age to record is the age as at last birthday with reference to the Census Night. "Age in completed years only" means that all the ages must be recorded in full years discarding fractions of years and months. For instance, 15 years 11 months must be written down as 15. Do not write down months. Only years are required. All infants who are less than one year old must be recorded as "00" year old. Ages of persons who are 99 years or more should be recorded as 99.

What to do when a person does not know his/her age:

(i) For such a person, use the following method to estimate his/her age:

  • Ask him/her to name any historical event preferably a local one (as in appendix 1), which occurred around the time of his/her birth.
  • Ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when that event occurred or how many years elapsed before his/her birth.
  • Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if a respondent tells you that he/she was about 15 years when Ghana attained her independence this person must be 15 + 53 (i.e. 6th March 1957 to 26th September, 2010) = 68 years.

(ii) If this method fails, you must try the following approach:

  • Simply estimate how old he/she may be.
  • Then select from your list of local, regional or national historical events some events which occurred about the time when according to your estimate, he/she must have been born.
  • Ask whether he/she has heard about any of these events.
  • If he/she has, ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when this event occurred or how many years elapsed before he/she was born.
  • Then from this information work out his/her age.

(iii) If this second approach also does not elicit the required information, then base your estimate on biological relationships. For instance, a woman who does not know her age but who has two or three children of her own is unlikely to be less than 15 years old however small she may look. You may then try to work out her age by the following method:-

  • Ask her, at what age she had her first child.
  • Determine the age of her oldest child.
  • Then add her age at first child to the age of her first child to obtain her age. You must not base your assumption on the oldest living child without further probing. There is the likelihood that (in certain cases) the first child died or that the woman had miscarriages or stillborn children before the oldest living child was born. Therefore, if the woman tells you that she had one miscarriage or stillbirth before the oldest living child was born, you must make your estimation from the year of the first miscarriage, still-birth or live birth.
  • Note also that some women do not have children early in life while others have children earlier than what generally obtains in the community. Therefore, in every case you must find out whether she had her first child, miscarriage or stillbirth at the usual age before you assume she was aged 18 years at her first pregnancy.
  • Then use the information obtained by the above means to estimate her age.

(iv) Only as a last resort should you estimate a person's age from physical features.

(v) If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third person, then obviously you have to rely on the information supplied by the third person in estimating the age in respect of the person who is absent. Under no circumstance must you leave the age column blank.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_AGE — Age
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8. Year of birth (For persons born in 1969, 1970, or 1971, also write the month of birth.)

For the householder, line number 1:
___ Year

For the remaining persons, currently present household members and visitors on line numbers 2-7 and temporarily absent household members, line numbers 1-2:
___ Year
___ Month

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_AGE — Age
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Questions 1-9 should be completed for all persons, regardless of their age. (Mark the answers by filling in an X in the appropriate space, wherever applicable.)

6. Year of birth: Fill in the last three digits of the year of birth. For persons born in 1979, 1980, or 1981, also fill in the month of birth (e.g., for October, fill in "10"; for December, fill in "12")

_ _ _ _ Person with line number 101-householder: Year of birth
_ _ _ _ Persons with line numbers 102-107 and 201-202: Year of birth
_ _ If born in 1979, 1980 or 1981, specify the month of birth

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_AGE — Age
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3. Year of birth
1 _ _ _ Fill in the last three digits
_ _ For individuals born in 1989, 1990, or 1991, also specify the month of birth (e.g., for January, write "01," for February, write "02," and so on.) (This does not apply to Individual 01, the householder.)

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13.3 The questions referring to the present individuals, members or non members of the household were the following:
1. Surname, name, name of father
2. Sex
3. Year of birth
4. Householder and kinship or relation to the householder.

The above questions were very simple and needed no clarification.
If there was no entry in one of these questions, an answer was entered relating to the other answers of the questionnaire.

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_AGE — Age
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3. Date of birth for person 1 (householder)
___ Day

[] Jan
[] Feb
[] March
[] Apr
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] Aug
[] Sep
[] Oct
[] Nov
[] Dec

___ Year

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_AGE — Age
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C. Enumeration form of person

3. Date of birth.

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Question 3 "Date of birth"
For all individuals, fill in the appropriate space the number of day, month and year they were born.
[p. 21]

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_AGE — Age (in years)
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General characteristics
[For all persons]

4. Age: What was your age on your last birthday?
Use the first line for people one year old or more, use the second line for people under one year of age, use the third line for people less than one month old.

[] 1 Number of years ____
[] 2 Number of months ____
[] 3 Number of days ____
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General characteristics

Ask these questions for all of the persons, independent of their age or other situation:

Question 4: Age

In this space write the age of the person in years completed, which means, his or her age at the last birthday.

You should make the annotation in only one of the three lines. For the persons one year old and older, you should write the number of years completed at the last birthday. If it deals with children less than one year old, indicate the number of months completed (two months, eleven months, etc.). In the case of children younger than one month, write the number of days alive (twenty-six days, three days, etc.). If a newborn is less than one day old, you will note zero days.

In some cases, persons reduce their age; in other cases, persons prefer to increase their age, for which in any case it would be convenient to verify the declared age by requesting the date of birth, even when there is necessary that the enumerated consults his or her national identification document.

The same procedure should be followed in the case of declared ages in numbers that end in zero or five (25, 30, 45 years, etc.), since there is a tendency to report ages in numbers like these, when the age is not known for sure. Every good enumerator should insist in obtaining the exact age of each person, avoiding whenever possible the noting of rounded ages.

[p. 38]

Since in Guatemala there is a very common custom of declaring age as the number of years that are going to be fulfilled and not those that were fulfilled at the last birthday, it is necessary that you always ask if the declared age corresponds effectively to that already completed. Such is the case of a person who is fifteen years old, so that person entered or is almost sixteenth years old, and abbreviating, he or she simply informs 16 when in reality at the last birthday he or she is 15 years old.

When it is impossible to obtain the exact age of a person, not even remembering the year in which he she was born, you should help the informant to obtain approximated data, using historic remembrances, local and national (revolutions, storms, plagues, earthquakes, etc.)

When the person is not present at the time of the enumeration, you have to try to find out his or her age, even if it is an approximation, either from other persons who inhabit the same dwelling or through the neighbors, noting in the space for "observations" that this is an approximate age. If there is no possibility to find out the age even in approximated form, you should write "unknown" in the corresponding box.

Guatemala 1973 — source variable GT1973A_AGE — Age
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A - Personal characteristics
(For all individuals)

4. Age

How old are you in years completed?

Years (under one year write 00) ____

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A) Personal characteristics (for all persons)

Question 4: age

1. How to ask the question:
Ask, "How old are you in completed years?"

The information you should get for each person is how old the person was at his or her last birthday, and not how old the person will be at his or her next birthday.

Because this is such an important question, you should do everything possible to get information that is as precise as possible. If this is not possible, get at least some approximate information so that there is always information for this category.

2. How to record the response:
Write on the appropriate line:
a) The number of completed years for persons aged one or older;
b) The digits "00" for persons aged less than one, including newborns.

3. Example:
[This box contains question 4 of the section VI "people in the census household."]

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_AGE — Age
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VII. People in the census household

For all individuals
[Questions 1 - 8 were asked for all persons]

4. Age

How old are you in years completed?

____ Years old (Under one year write 00)
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A. First block: personal characteristics (for all persons)

This part of the census form is designed to study the composition of the population according to the following characteristics: relationship to the head of household, sex, age, marital status, maternal orphanhood, ethnicity, and disabilities.

Questions 1-8 are presented to all enumerated persons, without exception, following the specific instructions presented below:

Question 4: age

1. How to formulate the question

What is your age, in years completed?

The information that should be obtained from each person is the number of years completed at the last birthday, not the age about to be completed by the enumerator.

Taking into account the importance of this information, all of the effort necessary to obtain the age in years completed should be made. If this is not possible, the enumerator should insist in obtaining, at least, approximate information, this way there will always exist information about "age".

2. How to record the data

The enumerator will write, in the space provided:

a) The number of years completed.

b) "00" for those younger than one year of age, including newborns.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 4 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_AGE — Age in completed years
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VII. People in the census household

2. Age

a. How many years old are you? _ _

Less than a year, write "00". From 98 years and above, write "98".
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3.3.4 Section VII: Persons in the census household

The first seven questions sets in this section refer to family relationship, age, sex, current marital status, ethnic group, death of mother and disability.

Questions 8-12 refer to the person's migration and ethnic characteristics. Only questions 11 and 12 are for persons aged three and older.

Questions 13-15 refer to literacy, level of education and attendance at school and are intended for persons aged seven and older.

The four following questions (16-19) refer to the person's type of economic activity, principal employment, branch of activity, and occupational category. They are also intended for persons aged seven and older.

The last five questions (20-24) cover fertility, and are intended only for females aged 12 and older.

The housing form has enough space to record a maximum of ten person, and so the section is repeated an equal number of times. The information about each person who spends the night in the homeless shelter should be written in the same order as they were listed in section V, "list of persons."

If the homeless shelter has more than ten persons, use an additional form.

Section VII is designed to allow you to record the complete information about one person. Write the person's order number in the grid space according to the list in section V. Spell out completely the first names and complete surnames of each person.

2. Age
"Age" is understood to mean the length of time between the date of birth and the census date, expressed in completed years.

Ask, "How old are you in completed years?" Write the age in completed years in the corresponding grid spaces. If less than one year, write 00, and if more than 98, write 98.

[A graphic of box 2, "age," is reproduced on the left-hand side of the page.]

This question is an important one and you must make every effort to obtain the age in completed years. If that is not possible, insist on getting at least an approximate age so that there is always some information about age.

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_AGE — Age in simple years
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For all persons
[Questions 1 through 9 are for all persons]

3. How many years old are you? _ _

Less than one-year old, write 00; for age 98 and above, write 98.
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Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

3. Age
Ask, "How old is the person in completed years?"

[A graphic of question 3, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Write the age in completed years in the appropriate grid spaces. If the person is less than one years old write 00, and if 98 or more write 98.

Do not under any circumstances fail to write the person's age. If the respondent does not remember, help him/her figure it out by referring to important events in the country's history.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_AGE — Age
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Section E. Demographic characteristics of the whole population (individual characteristics)
[No label "E" on the questionnaire]

7. Age ____
(write the age in integer number of years, for persons whose age was estimated)

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Column (6): Age or Date of Birth
113. Age is a very important data for the census. It is crucial to make all possible efforts to obtain the most accurate estimate of age possible. For this doing, the census enumerator (AR) must proceed the following way:

Ask the person his/her date of birth. If it is known, write the month and year of birth. For example, for a person born October 12, 1953, write 10/53;

If the person does not know his/her date of birth, ask his/her age. If it is known, verify it and write it in completed years, that is, in the number of complete years lived by the person. For example, write:

00 years for a child aged less than one year old (fewer than 12 months)
09 years for a child aged 9 years and 3 months
43 years for a man aged 43 years and 11 months

-If the person knows neither his/her date of birth or age, ask if he/she has any identification (birth certificate, identity card, professional card or other) which might indicate his/her age. If he/she has nothing like that, estimate the age either through historic events or by comparison with other people whose exact age is known.

114. The census enumerator (AR) will refer to past events, which are recognized, in order to determine the age. If the enumerated person declares an age, the census enumerator (AR) must activate his or her common sense, and check the likelihood of this age.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_AGE — Age
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P06 Date of birth or age
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Column P06: Date of Birth or Age
An individual's age is a very important variable in the data analysis of the census. For this reason you should try your very best to obtain this information as accurately as possible. To do this you should try in every way possible to ensure that each individual gives you his/her date of birth, expressed as much as possible in the form of day, month and year. For example, for those who don't automatically remember the date of their birth, a national identity card, a passport, a driver's license, a vaccination form, etc., are all documents which you could resort to for information, either complete or partial, about individuals' birth dates. To record the answer in the questionnaire 2 cases should be distinguished:

a) The information related to the date of birth is complete. In this case, you know from the person whose presence you are in the day, month and year of his/her birth; for example, October 12, 1953. Convert this information to a numeric format, with the month of birth especially corresponding to an ordinal number. There are 12 months in a year, and an ordinal number is a 2-figure number from 1 to 12 (including 1 and 12), which indicates the order of the month in the year. Thus: January=01, February=02, March=03, April=04, May=05, June=06, July=07, August=08, September=09, October=10, November=11, December=12. So the 12th of October, 1953 is the same as 12/10/1953 or just 12/10/53. For the purposes of the census it is this last numerical expression of the date of birth, in which the year of birth is expressed as a function of the last 2 numbers, which should be applied. Thus, 1953=53; 1907=07; and 1996=96. A month has between 28 and 31 days. Here also, it is acceptable that the date of birth be expressed in numbers, in particular for the first 9 days of the month. Thus it is possible to fill in each of the spaces in the numbering grids reserved for the day (J), the month (M) and the year (Y) of birth. For someone born on October 12, 1953, you should record the information as follows:
/1/2/ /1/0/ /5/3/

If the information related to the date of birth is incomplete, which is generally the case of someone born around 19__ (year of only), in this case record the available information in the numbering grids as previously. Wherever the information is not available, the spaces in the corresponding numbering grid should remain empty.

[p. 38]

For all persons born in the year 1900 or earlier, for example 1896, 1892, etc., do not write anything in the space reserved for the date of birth, even if partial or complete information is available. In these cases, write "98" in the numbering grid reserved for age.

For example: an individual was born in March 1967, but no day is given; another was born around 1945, but no other information about the date is available; and a third was born around 1896. You should record the information as follows:

a) J:/_/_/ M:/0/3/ A:/_6/7/

b) J: /_/_/ M: /_/_/ A: /4/5/

c) J: /_/_/ M: /_/_/ A: /_/_/

Notice that the 2 spaces of the grid shown below are empty in the 2 cases where there is partial or incomplete information about the birth date when the birth date is after December 31, 1990, because this date is written in the grid space provided for that purpose.

If, however, the date of birth is prior to January 1, 1901, then simply write "98" in the grid space intended for age. You should remember this rule well.

d) In cases where, in spite of your best efforts you are not able to obtain complete or partial information related to age from the person being interviewed, you should, with his/her help or the help of a relative, estimate his/her age in complete years.

For children aged less than 10 months, write their age using 2 numbers: use 00 for 0 years old, that is, for a child of less than 1 year; use 01 for a child of 1 year; 05 for a child of 5 years, and so on.

Note: For all persons aged 98 or more or born before January 1, 1901, record the number "98" in the space in the numbering grid reserved for age. For example: for a baby of 4 months, a 9 year old individual, another aged 69, a third aged 98 and a fourth aged 103, you should write the information as follows:

[p. 39]

a) J: /_ /_ / M: /_ /_ / A: /_ /_ /
/ 0 / 0/

b) J: /_ /_ / M: /_ /_ / A: /_ /_ /
/ 0 / 9 /

c) J: /_ /_ / M: /_ /_ / A: /_ /_ /
/ 6 / 9 /

d) J: /_ /_ / M: /_ /_ / A: /_ /_ /
/ 9 / 8 /

e) J: /_ /_ / M: /_ /_ / A: /_ /_ /
/ 9 / 8 /

Note: For children younger than about 5, it is greatly desired that you get this information in the form of a birth date. You should do everything possible to help the parents give you exact information or a useful document (vaccination form, birth certificate, baptism record, etc) so that you can gather this information in the desired format.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_AGE — Age
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III. Individual characteristics

All members of the household
[Questions P00 through P12 were asked of all members of the household.]

P05. Age

What is the age of [the respondent]? _ _

Enter the years completed. If less than one, enter 00. If 95 or more, enter 95.

Haiti 1971 — source variable HT1971A_AGE — Age in years
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5. Age
For children less than 1 year old, write the age in months from 0 to 11
_ _ Years
_ _ Months

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Column 5- Age: The age should be indicated in completed years, i.e., the age of the individual at his/her last birthday. Write the age of each person enumerated in integers, for example: 15, 21, 35, 85, years. However, for newborns or babies of less than one year old write '0' and the number of months since the birth of the baby.

For example:

a) A person aged 43:

_ 4 3 _

_ _ _ _

b) An 8-month old baby:

_ _ 0 _

_ _ 8 _

If the person in question doesn't know his/her exact age, use the historical calendar. Estimate the person's age first by asking the following question: 'Who was the president of Haiti when you were born?' and then narrow in on the age using specific historical events known to the individual (see appendix I), or else by comparing him/her with a family member whose age you know for certain.

Please note: The head of household often forgets to declare young children without prompting. When you write down the youngest child declared by the head of household, be persistent [in finding out if it is the youngest child] by asking the following type of questions:
Is this in fact the youngest child? or
Are there any babies? Who are they?

pg 28

In the same way, you should systematically ask:

Are there any children aged less than one year, either present or absent?

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_AGE — Age
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4. Age: How old is this person?
(Children less than one year write 00.)
_ _

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Question 4: Age
65. Age is the interval of time in years which separate the date of birth from that of the census. No effort should be spared to determine the specific age of each person. Write down in whole numbers the age of the people.
Example: Jacques says that is age 18 and 9 months. Write down 18 years old.

However, for babies who have not yet celebrated their first birthday write down 00 years, no matter how many months are given for the child.
Example: Lucien is 11 months and a half. Write down 00 years.

If the person in question does not know his age precisely, it is recommended that you use the historic calendar placed in the appendix of the present manual. You will thus obtain an estimate of his age, first by asking this question: Under which president were you born? Then by specifying from some historical events known to the individual or furthermore by comparison with a person from the same family and background who knows his own age exactly.
It sometimes happens that the head of household will leave out the young children without thinking. When the enumerator writes down the youngest person mentioned by him, he should then insist of the head of household in asking questions such as:
  • Is he really the youngest child?
  • Are there any children younger than he is? Which ones?

In the same way he should regularly ask the question:
  • Are there any children less than one year old currently absent?

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_AGE — Age
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5. How old is this person on the day of the census? (Write 000 if less than one year)
_ _ _

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_AGE — Age
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General Characteristics

4. Age
[Age] in years completed. For people younger than one year, write the number of months followed by the letter "M". For people younger than one month, write the letter "X"

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Column number 4: Age
The age that the person had at his or her last birthday is recorded on the Census Day; i.e. the age in years completed.

For children who have not completed one year of life, the number of months completed, followed by the letter "M", is written down. E.g., for a child who was 2 months and 20 days old at the time of enumeration, the annotation in the fourth column would be "2M" which refers to the number of months completed, not counting of the number of days that have passed in the month.

For children who had not completed one month of life at the time of enumeration, an "X" is written down. It does not matter if the infant is 1 or 29 days old.

[p. 19]

Age is an extremely interesting piece of information and it should not, under any circumstances, be omitted. Try to record precise ages, avoiding estimated ages. For example: if a man claims to be "about 40", explain him that it is necessary to find out the exact number of years. If the person does not remember or does not know his or her age, try to help calculate it by any means; for example, if the person is a woman, ask how old she was what when her first child was born, with that information plus the age of the child the age is known.

Therefore, the enumerator can use any method in finding out the age of the enumerated person. If enumerating a stranger who, for any reason, spent the night prior to Census Day and at the time of enumeration is not present, ask to the family members the estimated age of that person.

As seen from the above comments, the enumerator should investigate, through any method, the age of all enumerated persons and make the corresponding annotation in the form.

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_AGE — Age
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A. - Personal and Geographic Characteristics (For all people resident in the dwelling)

4. How old are you in years completed?

If under one year write 00

____ Age (years completed)
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A) Personal and Geographic Characteristics

This section is for all residents in the dwelling. It is intended to find out information about the composition of the population according to their relationship with the head of household, sex, age, civil status, whether the mother is alive, place of birth, year of arrival in the country, nationality, and permanent residence in 1969.

Ask questions 1-9 of everyone who is enumerated, without exception and according to the detailed instructions below.

Question set 4: Age
How old are you/is the person in completed years?

[p. 32]

The information to obtain for each person is the age in completed years, and not how old the person is going to be at his/her next birthday.

Keeping in mind the importance of this question set, do everything possible to obtain the age in completed years as precisely as possible. If this isn't possible, insist on getting at least an approximate age so that there is always some information about the age.

Record on the appropriate line:
A) The number of completed years for persons aged one or older
B) 00 for persons aged less than one year, including newborns

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_AGE — Age
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A. General characteristics

2. How old are you in years completed?

(For those over 99 years write 99)

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2. How old are you in years completed?
"00" is recorded in the line provided for those younger than one year of age; "99" is recorded for those older than 99 years of age.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_AGE — Age
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For all persons
[Questions 1- 5 were asked of all persons.]

3. How old is the person in completed years?

Less, than one year, write 000
_ _ _
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

On the heading of each page of this section write the names of the persons that make up this household one-by-one, maintaining the order established in 'composition of the household' (question 2, section D).

You will begin with head of household [male or female] as person number 1 and will continue with the rest of the members of the household.

Always ask about the spouse or partner of the head of household; never assume that he or she does not exist. Whenever possible, in the case where both are present, you will ask the questions of each person separately.

For all persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

Question 3: How many years have you completed?
Read the question making emphasis on years completed, since you should register the age that the person is at the time of the census. Never leave this blank, obtain an answer, since it is very important to have this data.

When the informant declares his or her age, if he or she tells you the date of birth or gives you the identification card and you obtain the age from the difference, write the number of years completed using the three boxes available, for example, 003. When the person is less than one year old, write 000.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_AGE — Age
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I. General Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 1-10.]

3. Date of birth

_____ Day
_____ Month
1 _ _ _ Year

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Filling in part "I. General data on the enumerated persons"

1. Family and last name

In case of married, widowed, and divorced women, the maiden name should be marked.

3. Date of birth
Provided the enumerated person was born in 1879 or earlier, a cross (X) should be put on the upper right part of the Dwelling questionnaire.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_AGE — Age
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b) Date of birth

Year 1 _ _ _
Month ____
Day ____

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_AGE — Age
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5. Birth date:
____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_AGE — Age
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2. Date of Birth (year, month): _ _ _ _ _ _

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_AGE — Age
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Personal questionnaire

I. Demography

[Questions 1 through 3 were asked of all persons]

2. Date of birth:

Year_ _ _ _
Month_ _
Day_ _

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_AGE — Age
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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

2. Age

_ _
[] 100 100 or older

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6.5. Column (5): Age
Based on the information in column (4), which is date of birth, the age of that person should be filled in column (5). Age should be rounded down (see Attachment I). If the date, month and also year of birth are unknown, then try to obtain information about age by relating to the person some important national or regional events, for example: The Landing of Jepang (1942), Republic of Indonesia Independence Proclamation (1945) and other events. For households that will be visited again, after filling columns (1) to (5), do not fill the section in Question 3, Number of Household Members. Fill it after the second visit.

6.3. Question 2: Age
Refer to the Household Information column (5) in Questionnaire F1. Move the age to Question 2.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_AGE — Age
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A4. Age

How old are you?
Write age in years: _ _

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Column (8) Age
Based on the information in columns (4) through (7), that is, the month and year of birth, the age of the person in question can be calculated, and that number should be put in column (8). Write the age in terms of years only and rounded it downward. If the month and/or the year of someone's birth are unknown, try to get some information about his age. If it is difficult to get any information about his age, try to help the respondent by

- Asking his age when some important events occurred, for example, his age when he married,


age when his first child was born, etc. Based on this information, the enumerator must estimate the age of the person now.

- Ask the age of the person in question when important national or local events occurred by utilizing form SUPAS II.3. In SUPAS II.3 some important events, both national and local, have been noted. By knowing a person's age at the time of one of these particular events, the enumerator can easily calculate that person's age today.

Example: If it is estimated that a person's age is about thirty years, then estimate his age by referring to events more or less 30 years ago. In SUPAS II.3 the Independence Day of Indonesia (August 17, 1945) is noted. Ask the person his age at the time of that event. If the answer, for example, is 3 years old, then calculate his age as follows:

In form SUPAS II.3 the independence event occurred 30 years ago.

If at that time his age was 3 years, then his age now would be 30 years + 3 years = 33 years old.

If the age can be obtained directly, ask the age or an estimate, don't write the month and birth year. The month and birth year cannot be calculated from the estimate of the age. The month and year of birth can only be written if known by the respondent.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_AGE — Age
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All persons
VII. Characteristics of individual household members

5. Age

_ _ years

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_AGE — Age
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VII. A. All ages
[Questions 1-13 were asked of persons of all ages]

Q.3 Age

____ years old

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Column (5): Age (in years)
Ask the age of each member of the household and enter it in column (5). Age is written in years according to the Gregorian calendar rounded downwards.

If the age is younger than 1 year, enter "0". If the respondent does not know his exact age, try to estimate his age by relating his age to important local or national events to obtain a better estimate. To facilitate the estimation, use the conversion tables in appendix 7/8.

[pg. 42]

Some important events are:
  • Proclamation of independence RI (1945)
  • First general election (1955)
  • Communist rebellion of 30 September 1965 (G.30.S. PKI 1965)

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_AGE — Age
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VI. Household member characteristics

VI-A: All ages
[Questions 1-13.]

4. Age

_ _ years

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Question 4: Age (year of birth)
Information about age is very important, hence it should be asked correctly and carefully. Age is counted in years rounded downwards, or the age based on the last birthday.

If the respondent only knows another calendar system, then the age information should be converted into the Christian calendar. This manual only includes the conversion [table] between Javanese, Sundanese and Islamic calendars (Attachment 4 and Attachment 5).

Attachment 6 describes the method to calculate the age of the respondents if the date, month and year of birth are known. This list is made to calculate the age of respondents who were born from 1964/1965 onward.

There are some ways of calculating the age based on information gained from the respondent.
1. If the date, month and year in the Christian calendar are known, then age can be directly calculated.
2. If the date, month and year are known in the the Islamic calendar, then use Conversion I in Attachment 4 for birth years 1982-1990 (1402 H - 1410 H). Use Conversion II in Attachment 5 for birth years before 1982 (1402 H).
3. If month and year are known in the Islamic calendar, use Conversion II in Attachment 5 for birth years 1938-1981 (1356 H - 1401 H).
4. If only the month and year are known in the Christian calendar, then age can be calculated using the Assistance list in Attachment 6.
5. If only the year of birth is known in the Islamic calendar, use Attachment 4 and Attachment 5 for the birth years 1938-1990 (1356 H - 1410 H).

If the month of birth is unknown, try to gain this information using several ways that have been explained before in the procedure of getting information of age section.
1. Suwardi was born on January 1946 and the interview is held on October 1990; subtract 1946 from 1990, and because January is before October, then his age is (1990-1946) = 44 years.
2. Purwanti was born on the 30th of December 1954 and the interview is held on the 10th of October 1990. Thus the time between year of birth and year of interview is (1989-1954) = 35 because on the enumeration date Purwanti is not yet 36 years old, thus Purwanti's age is 35 years.
3. Aminudin says that he was born in 1925, but he does not know the exact date and month. Because the SP90 is conducted in October, then it is assumed that he is (1990-1925) 65 years old.

Enumeration is conducted in a society that uses the Islamic calendar. A child was born on the 12th of Zulkaidah two years before the interview. In Attachment 4, Table D (1987) can be seen that Zulkaidah can be converted [to a date between] June 27 and July 27, 1987. Therefore, the 12th of Zulkaidah equals (26 + 12 - 30) = July 8, 1987.

If the respondent was born on the 3rd of Zulkaidah two years before the interview, then the respondent was born on (26 + 3) = June 29, 1987.

If the respondents only know the age/birth year outside the Christian calendar, such as the Javanese calendar, Sundanese calendar, or Islamic calendar, convert the age/birth year into the Christian calendar.

If the respondents do not know their age at all, try to obtain the age by using [one of] several ways as follows:
1. Ask for the identity card, birth certificate or baptism letter that can give information about their age. Subtract the the date of issue of those documents from the date of the enumeration.
2. Relate the age of that person to the age of other household members whose age is known. For example, a mother says that she was 19 years old when her first child was born and her child is 13 years old now. Therefore, the calculation of the mother's age is (19 + 13) 32 years.
3. Associate the birth year with the important national/local event, then subtract [that year] from the year 1989. In some areas, age may be predicted from the seasons, cultural/religious ceremony, seed time/crop time, etc. Some important events are:
  • Indonesia's Independence Day: August 17, 1945
  • First election: 1955
  • The 30th September Movement/Indonesian Communist Party (1965): September 30, 1965

4. When obtaining information on age using the second and the third method above, an opinion from the religious/society leader or village administrator is needed.
5. Use the methods above to gain information about age. The enumerators are not allowed to fill out the age of respondent in the Questionnaire with N/A (not answered) or leave it empty.

Ask the date, month and year of birth for every household member. Write it down on the paper provided, and then calculate age using the methods that have been elaborated above.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

III. List of household numbers

304. How old is [the respondent]?

_ _ years

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Question 304: Age
The characteristic of age is very important in the population data because it is the basic data to calculate the birth, death, population projections and others that are related to population.

Even if only estimated, please fill in the age.

Ask the age of the respondent and put the answer in the box. Age is counted in years rounded downwards or the age based on the last birthday. The age is calculated using the Roman calendar. Experience shows that the respondent's answer on age is generally rounded upwards. It is best to ask whether the respondent has reached the age of the given answer.

If the respondent is not sure of his/her age, try to obtain the age by using several ways as follows:

1. Ask for birth certificate or birth documents. For children younger than five ask for a patient card, immunization card and Road to Health Card or another document recorded by their parents. Examine the issued date of those documents (example: residency card or family card) if the age/birth date is not written there.
2. Convert the Arabic months or others to the Roman calendar if the respondent only knows the Arabic calendar or others. In several areas with the majority of Muslims, they only remember several important religious events such as fasting, Eid, Hajj or the prophet's birthday. Use the conversion of age guide (Book 4),

3. Associate the birth of the respondent with a date, month and year when an event happened or an important matter occurred in Indonesia or in other areas, which is known nationally or regionally.
Example: mountain eruption, flood, fire, election of head of the village/kelurahan, the landing of Japanese in Indonesia (1942), Indonesia's Independence Day (1945), First Election (1955) or the 30th September Movement/Indonesian Communist Party (1965)

4. If the respondents are children, compare the age of household members with other siblings. Start with predicting the age of the youngest child, compare with the second youngest by asking approximately the age or what their capabilities are. The elder sibling was starting to crawl, sit, stand up, or walk when the younger sibling was born or still in the mother's womb. Do this procedure to find information on the elder child.

5. Compare with the neighbor's children or relatives whose ages are known. Calculate how many months are those neighbor children or relative, whether older or younger from the respondent's age.

The boxes for age are two boxes: For those who are younger than 10, the first box should add a zero ("0") and write "95" for those who are age 95 or older.

6.5 Block V. General characteristics of household members
This block is used to record personal characteristics such as sex, age, mobility of living, attained education, school participation and the daily language used by each household members, starting from the first serial number of the household member until the last one.

Indonesia 2000 — source variable ID2000A_AGE — Age
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5. Month and year of birth and age
a. Month: ____
Year: ____
b. How old are you? (in years): ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 05: Month, year of birth and age
Please ask for and fill out the month and year when the respondent was born. If the respondent remembers the year of birth only, please note the year and leave the space for month blank. If the respondent does not remember/know his/her age, please estimate his/her age and do not bother with the year of birth.

If the respondent does not know the month and year of birth based on the Islamic calendar, ask for the Javanese calendar and Sundanese calendar. Note: the characteristics of the calendars are available in the notebook and counted based on age conversion from the month and year into the Christian year.

Age data are very important for population data as the source of basic information for accounting and estimation of fertility, mortality, population projections and other population needs.

Age characteristics must be filled in, even if the result from best estimation

Please ask for the respondent's age and put it directly into the field box. Age is counted in rounded down years or according to the latest birthday celebration. Age counting is based on the Christian year. Field experiences on data collection show a tendency for the respondent to round up his/her real age. In order to ensure data quality, please reconfirm again whether he/she has passed his/her birthday age according to the prior answer.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the respondent's age, please probe [following] the steps below:

1. Go in search of personal identity information such as: official letter registration of birth, baptism card, immunization card, Health Monitoring Card (KMS, colloquially called kartu menuju sehat), other notes made by their parents. Please pay attention to the date of issue recorded.

2. Convert the respondent's birthday into the Christian year if respondents only remember and know how to account for their birthday in the Arabic calendar or others, as the majority of Indonesians are Moslem and only recognize and remember important Islamic occurrences, such as: Ied celebration, Hajj, Prophet Mohammad Birth Celebration. To do so, please apply the Age Conversion methods.

3. Please confirm the respondent's birth date by relating [it to] important well-known occurrences that happened in Indonesia at the regional and national levels; among others: disasters, floods, volcanic eruptions, fires, election of the village's head, Indonesian Independence Day (1945), the first Indonesian election (1995), September Communism Movement (G30 S/PKI).

4. The age of a child respondent can often be attained by comparing his/her age with [that of] a sibling. Please try to estimate the youngest child's age, subsequently tracing and comparing the age of older siblings and associated children with the abilities of the child at that age, such as: the first step, sitting, walking and standing when the younger sibling was born or during the mother's pregnancy.

5. Compare the age of the respondent's child with the age of neighbors' children and children of other relatives, then estimate the age.

6. For respondents with an age equal to or greater than 98 years old, please write "98" into the box.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

603. Write age at the last birthday.
If month and year of birth is unknown, ask:

How old are you now?
Year _ _

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Question 404: Age
Age is of vital importance in demographic data, because it is the basic for calculating fertility, mortality, population projections, and other demographic indicators.

Age must be estimated even if it is only a best estimate

Ask the age of the respondent and write the answer in the box provided. Age is calculated in years and rounded downwards or age at the last birthday. Age is calculated based on the Gregorian calendar. Experience indicates that respondents tend to round their age upwards. For this reason, asked if he/she has reached that age.

1. If the respondent's age is 27 years and 9 month, record the age as 27 years.
2. If the age is less than 1 year, record the age as 0 years.

If the respondent does not know his/her exact age, try to obtain an estimate of the age by the following methods:

[p. 66]

1. Ask the respondent to show some birth documents, such as, a birth certificate or a letter from someone who can certify the birth. For children younger than 5 years, ask for a doctor's record, an immunization card, health card, or other record made by the parents. Pay attention to whether the document mentions the age at the time the documents was prepared or the date of birth.

2. Convert Arabic or other calendars to the Gregorian calendar. In some areas where the majority of the population is Moslem, they may only be able to remember some important religious events, for example, fasting month, Idul Fitr, Idul Adha, or prophet day. Use the Age conversion guide (see Appendix 1).

3. Make a correspondence between the respondent's birth and the date, month, and year of important national and/or regional events in Indonesia. Some examples of important events are volcano eruptions, floods, fires, election of chief of the village, start of the Japanese occupation (1942), Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (1945), first general election (1955), and the communist rebellion of 30 September 1965 (G30S/PKI 1965).

4. If the respondent is a child, the age of the child can be compared to age of other siblings. Start by estimating the age of the youngest child. Then compare that age to the second youngest child and ask how old this child was when the younger sibling was born or what was this child able to do (taking steps, sitting up, standing up, walking) when the younger child was born or at the beginning of the pregnancy of the younger child. Continue this procedure to estimate the age of the older children.

5. Compare the age of the child to a neighbor child or other relative whose exact age is known. Estimate how many months older or younger this child is compared to the child in question.

Since only two boxes are provided to record the age, for those who are younger than 10 years put a zero in the first box and for those older than 95 years, write "95".

[p. 67]

11 months: "00"
5 years, 11 months: "05"
102 years: "95"

Question 603: Age (year)
Calculate the respondent's age based on the information in Q 602. If the answer is different from that written in Q 404, the enumerator must ask the respondent again to confirm his age and correct the age in Q 602.

Appendix 1
Age conversion guide
There are two methods of calculating age:
1. Calculate the respondent's age if date, month, and Gregorian year is known.
2. Calculate the respondent's age, if the respondent knows the information in the Islamic, Javanese, and Sundanese calendars from 1338-1426 H (Islamic) or from 1920-2005 G (Gregorian).

The respondent's knowledge about when he/she was born is quite variable. To facilitate the calculation of the respondent's age, use the following table:

No. 1
Respondent's knowledge: knows the Gregorian date, month, and year
Method used: method 1

No. 2
Respondent's knowledge: knows the Gregorian month and year
Method used: method 1

No. 3
Respondent's knowledge: knows the Islamic month and year 1338-1426 H
Method used: method 2, method 1

No. 4
Respondent's knowledge: knows the Islamic month and Gregorian year 1920-2005 G
Method used: method 2, method 1

No. 5
Respondent's knowledge: knows the date and month in the Islamic/Javanese/Sundanese calendar and the Islamic year, 1338-1426 H
Method used: method 2, method 1

No. 6
Respondent's knowledge: knows the date and month in the Islamic/Javanese/Sundanese calendar and the year in the Gregorian year, 1920-2005 G
Method used: method 2, method 1

Method 1
Method 1 is used to determine someone's age who knows the date, month, and year he/she was born in the Gregorian calendar. There are three steps in this method.

1. Divide the year into two periods:
Period 1 = 1 January through the date of the enumeration
Period 2 = the day after the enumeration through 31 December

[p. 148]
2. Determine whether the date born falls into period 1 or period 2.

3. Calculate the age as follows:
a. If date born is in period 1, the age = year of the enumeration minus the year born.
b. If date born is in period 2, the age = year of the enumeration minus the year born - 1.

1. Aminah was born on 26 January 1963 and the enumeration is conducted on 31 October 2002. Calculation:
  • 1 January through the date of enumeration = 1 January through 31 October. A day after the date of enumeration through 31 December = 1 November through 31 December.
  • Because 26 January is in period 1 (1 January through. 31 October), then the respondent's age = 2002 - 1963 = 39 years.
  • Thus, Aminah's age on 31 October 2002 = 39 years.

2. Siti was born on 12 December 1972 and the enumeration is conducted on 15 November 2002. Calculation:
  • 1 January through the date of enumeration = 1 January through 15 November. A day after the date of enumeration through 31 December = 16 November through 31 December.
  • Because 12 December is in period 2 (16 November through 31 December), then the respondent's age = 2002 -- 1972 - 1 = 29 years.
  • Thus, Siti's age on 15 November 2002 = 29 years.

[p. 149]
Method 2
Method 2 is used to determine someone's age who knows the date, month, and year he/she was born in the Islamic/Javanese/Sundanese calendar. There are four steps in this method.

1. Convert the date, month and year of the respondent's birth from the Islamic/Javanese/Sundanese calendar to the Gregorian calendar by using the Calendar Conversion Tables.

2. Carry out the three steps to calculate the age as detailed in Method 1.

Calendar conversion tables
The age conversion table consists of 2 columns. Column (1) contains the year, month and date in the Gregorian calendar and column (2) contains the month and year in the Islamic calendar. The date and month in the Gregorian calendar in column (1) is matched with the first day of the month in the Islamic calendar in column (2).

1. Andi was born on 1 Sya'ban 1366 H and the enumeration is conducted on 23 October 2002. Calculation. Calendar conversion:
  • Look for the Gregorian month in column (1) that corresponds with the Islamic month Sya'ban 1366 H in column (2).
  • The date 1 Sya'ban 1366 H corresponds with 20 June, 1947 in the Gregorian calendar in column (1).

Method 1:
  • The date 1 January through date of enumeration = 1 January through 23 October. A day after the date of enumeration through 31 December = 24 October through 31 December.
  • The date 20 June 1947 is in period 1 (1 January through 23 October); the calculation of the age is 2002 - 1947 = 55 years.
  • Thus, Andi's age on 23 October 2002 = 55 years.

[p. 150]

2. Dewi was born on 2 Zulhijah 1374 H and the enumeration is conducted on 5 November 2002.
Calculation: calendar conversion:
  • Look for the Gregorian month in column (1) that corresponds with the Islamic month Zulhijah 1374 H in column (2).
  • The date 1 Zulhijah 1374 H corresponds with 27 November 1954.
  • The date 2 Zulhijah 1374 H = 27 November + 1 = 28 November 1954.

Method 1:
  • The date 1 January through the date of enumeration = 1 January through 5 November. A day after the date of enumeration through 31 December = 6 November through 31 December.
  • The date 28 November is in period 2 (6 November through 31 December); the calculation of the age is 2002 -- 1954 - 1 = 47 years.
  • Thus, Dewi's age on 5 November 2002 = 47 years.

3. Kiki was born on 5 Rajab 1378 H and the enumeration is conducted on 25 October 2002.
Calculation. Calendar conversion:
  • Look for the Gregorian month in column (1) that corresponds with the Islamic month Rajab 1378 H in column (2).
  • The date 1 Rajab 1378 H corresponds with 11 January 1959.
  • The date 5 Rajab 1378 H = 11 January + 4 = 15 January 1959.

Method 1:
  • Period 1 = 1 January through 25 October; period 2 = 26 October through 31 December.
  • The date 15 January is in period 1; the calculation of the age is 2002 - 1959 = 43 years.
  • Thus, Kiki's age on 25 October 2002 = 43 years.

[p. 151]

4. Rian was born on 5 Ramadhan 1996 G and the enumeration is conducted on 27 November 2002. (Date and month are in the Islamic calendar, while the year is in the Gregorian calendar)
Calculation. Calendar conversion:
  • Look for the Gregorian month in 1996 in column (1) that corresponds with the Islamic month Ramadhan in column (2).
  • The date 1 Ramadhan in column (2) corresponds with the date 22 January 1996 in the Gregorian calendar in column (1).
  • The date 5 Ramadhan = 22 January + 4 = 26 January 1996

Method 1:
  • Period 1 = 1 January through 27 November; period 2 = 28 November through 31 December.
  • The date 26 January is in period 1; the calculation of the age is 2002 - 1996 = 6 years.
  • Thus, Rian's age on 27 November 2002 = 6 years.

5. Indah was born on 20 Rabiul Akhir 1375 H and the enumeration is conducted on 23 November 2002. Calculation. Calendar conversion:
  • Look for the Gregorian month in column (1) that corresponds with the Islamic month Rabiul Akhir 1375 H.
  • The date 1 Rabiul Akhir 1375 H corresponds with the date 17 November 1955.
  • The date 20 Rabiul Akhir = 17 November + 19 = 36 November.
  • Because November has only 30 days, then 36 November 1955 = 36 - 30 = 6 December 1955.

Method 1:
  • Period 1 = 1 January through 23 November; period 2 = 24 November through 31 December.
  • The date 6 December 1955 is in period 2; the calculation of the age is 2002 - 1955 -1 = 46 years.
  • Thus, Indah's age on 23 November 2002 = 46 years.

[p. 152]

The number of months in one year of the local calendars (Islamic/Javanese/Sundanese) is the same as the number of months in one year of the Gregorian calendar. The name of the months in the Islamic, Javanese and Sundanese calendars are presented in the table below:

Name of the months in Islamic, Javanese, and Sundanese calendars
Month no. 1
Islamic: Muharram
Javanese: Suro
Sundanese: Sura

Month no. 2
Islamic: Syafar
Javanese: Sapar
Sundanese: Sapar

Month no. 3
Islamic: Rabiul Awal
Javanese: Mulud
Sundanese: Mulud

Month no. 4
Islamic: Rabiul Akhir
Javanese: Bakdomulud
Sundanese: Silihmulud

Month no. 5
Islamic: Jumadil Awal
Javanese: Jumadil Awal
Sundanese: Jumadil Awal

Month no.6
Islamic: Jumadil Akhir
Javanese: Jumadil Akhir
Sundanese: Jumadil Akhir

Month no. 7
Islamic: Rajab
Javanese: Rajab
Sundanese: Rajab

Month no. 8
Islamic: Sya'ban
Javanese: Ruwah
Sundanese: Rewah

Month no. 9
Islamic: Ramadhan
Javanese: Pasa
Sundanese: Puasa

Month no. 10
Islamic: Syawal
Javanese: Sawal
Sundanese: Sawal

Month no. 11
Islamic: Zulkaidah
Javanese: Selo
Sundanese: Hapit

Month no. 12
Islamic: Zulhijah
Javanese: Besar
Sundanese: Rayagung

Before using Method 2 the following points must be noted:
  • In the Islamic/Javanese/Sundanese calendar the number of days ranges from 29 to 30.
  • The number of days in corresponding months of the Islamic/Javanese/Sundanese calendars is not always the same if the years are different.
  • The sequence of months in the Islamic/Javanese/Sundanese calendars does not always correspond with the sequence of months in the Gregorian calendar.
  • Example: The months of Suro/Sura/Muharram do not always correspond with the month of January.
  • One month in the Islamic/Javanese/Sundanese calendar can fall within two consecutive months in the Gregorian calendar.

Method 1 and Method 2 are only used to determine the date, month, and year of birth in the Gregorian calendar.

[p. 153]

[The Gregorian and Islamic calendar conversion tables 1920-2005 are not reported here]

[Page 168 is blank]

[p. 169]

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

204. On what day, month, and year was [the respondent] born?
_ _ Date
_ _ Month
_ _ _ _ Year

Age: _ _ years

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 204: Date, Month, Year of Birth and Age
Ask the date, month and year of birth and calculate the age of the household member. Write the date, month and year of birth, and age in the boxes provided. Then put a mark in the oval beside the two numbers matching with respondent's age; the ten's digit is marked in the column on the left and the unit's digit in the column on the right. Age must be filled in, even it is only a best estimate. If the respondent does not know his/her date and/or month of birth, then leave the boxes for date and/or month blank, and ask only the year. If the respondent knows his/her year of birth, write the birth year completely in the boxes for year. If, however, the respondent also does not know the birth year, leave the boxes for date, month and year blank. Then ask the respondent to estimate his/her age and fill in only the boxes for age. If the respondent does not know the date, month, and year of birth, then his age must be estimated. Leave the boxes for date, month and year blank.
Steps to be taken in questioning are:
1. Read the entire question: "On what date, month, and year were you (Ali, for example) born?"
2. If the respondent can answer then record the date, month and year, and calculate the age of the household member, and then ask to be sure: "Is it correct that (Ali, for example) is now (27, for example) years old?" (27, for example) is the number calculated by the enumerator.
3. If the respondent does not know his/her date and month of birth, ask the year of birth only: "If you do not know the exact date and month, what year were you (Ali, for example) born?"
4. If the respondent does not know his/her year of birth, then ask the age of this household member: "How old are you (Ali, for example)?"Then fill in the answer directly in the boxes for age without filling in the boxes for date, month and year of birth.

Write the month as a number: January is written as "01", February as "02", March as "03", April is written "04", May as "05", June as "06", July as "07", August as "08", September as "09", October as "10", November as "11", and December as "12".
[p. 112]
If the respondent gives the name of the month according to the Islamic calendar, for example, Ramadhan, write the name of the month given in the space below the question and then convert that month into the Gregorian calendar. For conversion guidelines see Procedures for Calculating Age (see appendix). The same procedure is to be followed if the year of birth is given in the Islamic calendar. Calculate the age based on the month and year in the Gregorian calendar and put the result in the boxes provided.
Age is calculated in years by rounding downwards which means the age at the last birthday will be used. Explanation:
1. If the respondent is 27 years and 9 months, record 27 years.
2. If less than 1 year old, record the age as 00 year.
3. If the respondent is 98 years or older, record the age as 98 years; for example, for someone 100 years old, enter the number 98 in the boxes with the understanding that the person is 98 years or older.
4. If the age is less than 10 years (that is, the age is only 1 digit), enter 0 in the first box provided to record the age, for example 01, 02... 09.

If the respondent doesn't know anything about his date of birth or his age, then estimate the respondent's age using various approaches, references, and information. The estimate must be a best estimate. If the age is obtained based on an estimate, the enumerator may not fill in the year of birth by working backwards, but should leave the boxes for date, month, and year of birth blank.
Marking the ovals should be done after the age of the household member has been obtained; fill in the oval in the left column corresponding to the ten's digit of the age and fill in the oval in the right column corresponding to the unit's digit of the age. (See the example which follows.)
Example: Household member Atika was born 23 October 1983 and the enumeration took place on 25 May 2010; Akita's age is 26 years 7 months. Record the age for Q204 as follows:
[The graphic illustrating this example is not presented here.]
[p. 113]
Method of Estimating Age
If the respondent doesn't know his age with certainty, try to obtain some information about his age using, among others, the methods described below:
1. Use a birth certificate, a letter about the birth, baptismal certificate, doctor's record, immunization record, health record or any other record. Pay attention to the date, month and year the population registration card or the family registration card was issued if only the age is recorded.
2. Relate the respondent's birth with the date, month, and year of known events or important events which happened in Indonesia or national or regional events.

Example: General elections, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, fires, election of local officials, and the like. Some other important events that can be used in estimating age are:

a. Landing of the Japanese in Indonesia (1942).
b. Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (1945).
c. First elections (1955).
d. Communist Rebellion G30S/PKI (1965).

[Note within graphic box:] If the respondents have a tendency to give their age in numbers that end in 0 or 5, the enumerator must investigate further to be sure that the age is correct.

[p. 114]
3. Compare the age of a household member with the ages of his family members which are known. For example, begin by estimating the age of the youngest child, then for the next oldest child asking the approximate age or what things the older child could do such as sit up (about 6 months), crawl (8 months), stand up (9 months), walk (12 months) at the time of the birth of the younger child or at the time the mother became pregnant with the younger child. Then use this same technique to estimate the ages of all of the older children.
4. Make a comparison with a neighbor's child or with another family member whose age is known with certainty. Estimate how many months or years this child is older or younger than the child whose age is known.

It is not so rare that a respondent who says he doesn't have any idea what his age is, when asked again and again about his age will say "Whatever you want it to be." In cases like this, the enumerator must patiently follow again the methods outlined for determining the age.
Information on age must be filled in directly at the time Q204 is asked. Don't procrastinate.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_AGE — Age
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10. Age
Age at last birthday? _ _
For younger than 1 year, include (- -)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

16. Age (at last birthday), Column 10
Write down the individuals' age in two digit numbers. In this case, age means the number of full years passed from the individual's birth. For instance, everyone between 15 and 16 years old is considered 15. Calculate the individuals' age as follows and write it down in column 10.
If the month and year of birth mentioned in columns 8 and 9 is based on hijri solar calendar, do as follows:
If the person was born in Farvardin (April), Ordibehesht (May), Khordad (June), Tir (July), Mordad (August), Shahrivar (September), Mehr (October) or Aban (November), deduct his year of birth from 1385. For example, the age of someone who was born in Mordad (August) 1334, is 51 (1385 - 1334 = 51).
If the person was born in Azar (December), Dey (January), Bahman (February) and Esfand (March), deduct his year of birth from 1384. For example, if he was born in Dey (January) 1334, he is 50 (1384 - 1334 = 50) years old.
- For children younger than 1 year old (0 years old), write "--" in this column.
- If the person is age 100 or older, you don't need to calculate their age and just write "RR" in this column.
- For people whose date of birth is based on the hijri lunar calendar, deduct their year of birth from 1427 and write the result in column 10. For example, if someone was born in 1340 (in the hijri lunar calendar), he is 87 (1427 - 1340 = 87) years old.
- For those who have "--" in columns 8 and 9, write their age based on what they claim. If the respondent is unable to answer precisely, try to help them indicate their age based on other members of the household.
- For those whose month of birth is unidentified and their year of birth is on the hijri solar calendar, deduct the year of birth from 1385 to calculate their age.
Remember that filling out some other information later on in the questionnaire is directly related to individuals' age and any errors in calculating or writing down the age will also affect those columns.
- For your convenience, the ages of people who were born in 1285 and the following years in the hijri solar calendar have been calculated and are available in a table at the back of the maps folder. You can use this table to determine their ages.

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Birth date

_ _ 5. Month
_ _ 6. Year

7. Age at last birthday _ _

[] Lunar calendar (check if date of birth is stated in the lunar calendar)
[] Under one year
[] Aged 100 or over
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 7 -Age
This column is concerned about the number of full years an individual has lived e.g. all individuals older than 15 and less than 16 are considered 15 year-old.
? For infants less than one-year old put X in the "les than one-year old" box and leave the rest blank.
? For individuals 100-year or older put X in the "100-year and older" box and leave the rest blank.
? For the rest of individuals, write the age as a two-digit number in the corresponding boxes in column 7.
? For all individuals whose date of birth is based on lunar hidjri calendar, subtract the year from 1432 and write the result in column 7.
? For individuals whose date of birth is unclear, accept the age that respondent reports. If the respondent is not sure, try to calculate the date of birth by comparing the individual's age with the ages of other members of the family.
To fill some of other columns in the questionnaire correctly, ages of individuals should be calculated accurately. Consider the summary table on page 86 when filling columns 5-7.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_AGE — Age
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37. The date of birth:
Recorded in this field in numbers the date of birth of the person by day, month and year. The numerator has to notice that number (19) is fixed on the field of year means thousands and hundreds. If the person was born in 1945 it is recorded beside number (19) number (45). The numerator has to regard and to work hard in collecting these data accurately especially children and the year of birth and if the name of the month is not available he has to confirm the year of birth only. He does not have to mention the age in years but only does the year of birth. To ensure the accuracy of data he has to go back to the documents available to fix the data of birth and it depends first on the birth certificate then the identification card and if it is not available he depends on army service certificate or nationality certificate or passport and if all these documents are not the same and there is some difference in them the numerator has to estimate the year of birth on the basis of the person appearance and the rest person of the household opinion and to connect the year of birth with national, religious and historical events and the ages of the rest persons of a household.
Note: If the date of birth in the identification card includes (1/7) in day and month the numerator has to ask the person about the real date of his birth although the day and month (1/7) is available in his identification card. If it is obvious that the person really doesn't know the day and month of his birth the numerator doesn't have to record that and to record the year of birth only.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_AGE — Age
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7. Date of birth

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Question 7 - Date of birth.
The exact date of birth (day, month and year) must be entered in Column 7. The dates of birth of all persons in a private household on a Form A should be compared with one another, bearing in mind their relationships. In particular, parents' ages and children's ages should be consistent with one another and with any relevant date of marriage entered in Column 9.

Ireland 1979 — source variable IE1979A_AGE — Age
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4. Date of birth
Use numbers: e.g., 14/2/1936


Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_AGE — Age
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Q.4 Date of birth
Use numbers: e.g., enter 14 February 1936 as 14/2/36.


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The exact date of birth (day, month and year) must be entered numerically for this question. The year of birth of all persons in a private household should be compared with one another, bearing in mind their relationships. In particular, parent's age and children's ages should be reasonably consistent with one another.

[p. 35]

If this question has not been answered and you have been unable to obtain the information by questioning the householder, you should enter your own best estimate of the year of birth. The note about entering such amendments in red should be borne in mind.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_AGE — Age
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Q.4 Date of birth

Use numbers: e.g., enter 14 February 1956 as 14/2/56

Day ___
Month ___
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Q.4: Date of birth
The exact date of birth (day, month and year) must be entered numerically for this Question. The year of birth of all persons in a private household should be compared with one another, bearing in mind their relationships. In particular

[p. 36]
parents' age and children's ages should be reasonably consistent with one another.

If this question has not been answered and you have been unable to obtain the information by questioning the householder, you should enter your own best estimate/of the year of birth. The note about entering such amendments in red should be borne in mind.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_AGE — Age
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Q.4 Date of birth ___

Use numbers: e.g., enter 14 February, 1956 as 14/2/56.

Day ___
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Appendix 1

Q.4: Date of birth
The exact date of birth (day, month and year) must be entered numerically for this Question. The year of birth of all persons in a private household should be compared with one another, bearing in mind their relationships. In particular, parents' and children's ages should be reasonably consistent with one another. If this question has not been answered and you have been unable to obtain the information by questioning the householder, you should enter your own best estimate of the year of birth. The note above regarding entering such amendments in red should be adhered to.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_AGE — Age
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Q.4 Date of birth

Use numbers, e.g. enter 14 February 1956 as 14/2/56.
_ _ Day
_ _ Month
_ _ Year
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Questions which cover all persons

Q.4: Date of Birth
The exact date of birth (day, month and year) must be entered numerically for this Question. The year of birth of all persons in a private household should be compared with one another, bearing in mind their relationships. In particular, parents' and childrens' ages should be reasonably consistent with one another.

*The Note(s) referred to throughout this Appendix are the Explanatory Notes - pages 7 and 8 - of Form A.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_AGE — Age
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4. What is your date of birth?
_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ (day/month/year)

A4 What is this person's date of birth?

_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ (day/month/year)

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4. What is your date of birth?
Information on the age profile of the population is essential for measuring economic, social and demographic change. It helps to target the delivery of health, education, social welfare, housing and other community services.

_ _/_ _ / _ _ _ _ day/month/year

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_AGE — Age
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B. Person Form

4. What is your date of birth?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4 What is your date of birth?

Day ____
Month ___
Year ___
Question 4: Information on the age profile of the population is essential for measuring economic, social and demographic change. It helps to target the delivery of health, education, social welfare, housing and other community services.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_AGE — Age
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Person 1
[Questions 1-35 were asked for each person included List 1, household residents who were present on census night.]

3. What is your date of birth?

_ _ Day
_ _ Month
_ _ _ _ Year
Absent persons who usually live in the household

[Questions A1-A8 were asked for each usual member of the household who was reported to be absent on census night.]

A3. What is this person's date of birth?

_ _ Day
_ _ Month
_ _ _ _ Year
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Question 3. Information on the age profile of the population is essential for measuring economic, social and demographic change. It helps target the delivery of health, education, social welfare, housing and other community services.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_AGE — Age (5-year groups)
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3. What is your date of birth?

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question 3: What is your date of birth?]

Information on the age profile of the population is essential for measuring economic, social and demographic change. It helps target the delivery of health, education, social welfare, housing and other community services.

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_AGEG — Age, 5-year groups
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7. Year of birth _ _ _ _

8. Month of birth _ _
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Question 7: Year of birth/age

You have to ask this question although the answer is printed on the questionnaires with the population register data. We ask this question in the census since occasionally, the register data is not accurate. The pre-printed number is supporting information only.

7a. Write the year of birth in four boxes.

7b. If only the age is known, write it in the two right-hand side boxes, and in the remaining two boxes write zeros.

7c. If only the Hebrew year is known, you have to use the conversion table from Hebrew to civilian (Gregorian) year, that you can find on the last page of the enumerator's report book.

7d. If the year of birth or the age are unknown, and the questionnaire has the register's data, copy the preprinted data from the upper part of the questionnaire, after finding out if the printed year (of birth) matches approximately the age of the member of the household.

7e. In a rare case, where year of birth and age are unknown, and there is no questionnaire with register data for that person, or the preprinted register data does not match with the person's real age, try to estimate the age with the help of the family members.

Question 8: Month of birth

8a. Write down the civilian (Gregorian) month number, as in the following example:
[The original form includes an illustration of: October as 10; February as 2; January as1]
The months' numbers are written in parentheses in the conversion table from Hebrew to civilian (Gregorian) month on the back cover of the enumerator's report book.

8b. If only the Hebrew month is known, use the conversion table from Hebrew to civilian (Gregorian) month in the enumerator's report book.

8c. If the month of birth is unknown, leave these boxes empty.

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_AGEG — Age (grouped)
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3. Year of birth: _ _ _ _

4. Month of birth:
[] 1 January through May
[] 2 June through December

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3. Question 3 - explanations: Year of birth

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 3.]

Write the person's year of birth and not his/her age.
A. If the age and month of birth are known, use table I -- converting number of years into date. The table is found on the back cover of the enumerator notepad. Look in the table for the person's age and determine the year of birth according to the month born in.
For example: if the person is aged forty-seven and was born on May, look in the table for the corresponding year of birth. You will find that the year is 1937. If born in January -- the year of birth is 1936.

B. If only the Hebrew year and month of birth are known, use table G to convert Hebrew year into calendar year.

If only the age or Hebrew year of birth are known, but not the month of birth, write the earlier of the two possible calendar years, according to the table. For example: if a woman is 35 and her month of birth is unknown, write year 1947 (the years appearing in the table are 1947 or 1948).

4. Question 4 -- explanations: Month of birth

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 4.]

It is important to know a person's month of birth, in order to determine his/her exact age. This is especially important for persons born in 1968, due to the need to check if they have turned 15, in order to decide whether to fill details for them in part B of the extended questionnaire.
For persons born between January and May, mark answer 1.

For persons born between June and December, mark answer 2.

[p. 16]

If only the Hebrew month is known, use table H, on the back cover of the enumerator notepad, to convert Hebrew month into calendar month.

If month of birth is unknown (either Hebrew or calendar) -- the question should not be answered. Meaning: do not circle any of the possible answers.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_AGEG — Age, 5-year groups
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3. Birth date
_ _ _ _ Year
_ _ Month
_ _ Day

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10. Question 3

3. Date of Birth

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Date of birth includes the year of birth, month and day.

[p. 27]

10.1 Year of birth

Write the Gregorian year of birth of a person, like: 1937, 1992. You may encounter cases in which the Gregorian year of birth is unknown, but the age or the Hebrew date of birth is known. For these cases use tables g and i in the enumerator's report book (On the inner side of the back cover).

a. The age is known

By using table g you will be able to determine the year of birth.
a1. If the Gregorian month of birth is known, you can find the year of birth according to the age and the month.


-- A 52 year old was born on February: His year of birth is 1943.
-- A 52 year old was born on December: His year of birth is 1942.

a2. If the month of birth is unknown, look for the age in table g and write the later Gregorian year of the listed two.

Example: A 42 year old woman whose month of birth is unknown: Write 1950. (1949 and 1950 are the options in the table,).

b. The Hebrew date of birth is known

By using table i you will be able to determine the year of birth.
b1. If the year and the month of birth are known, find the Gregorian year.

Example: [An example of Hebrew date translated to 1933]

b2. If the Hebrew year of birth is known but the month is not, write the later Gregorian year of the possible two.

Example: [An example of Hebrew date translated to 1943] (1942 and 1943 are the options in the table).

If the age in unknown and the Hebrew year of birth is unknown: Do not answer this question. Leave the boxes empty.

10.2 Month of birth

Month of birth is needed for determining the exact age of a person, and to know who are 15 years old and over who have to fill-in Part C of the long-form questionnaire. Those who were born before November 4th 1980 (including), will be considered 15 year old and over and will fill-in Part C. Those who are younger will not fill it in.

Write the number of the month in two digits: January will be written as 01, February as 02 etc.
If the Gregorian month of birth is unknown but the Hebrew month is: Use table h in the enumerator's report book -- "Conversion of Hebrew month to Gregorian month".

If the Hebrew month of birth is also unknown, do not answer the question. Leave the boxes [of the month] empty.

[p. 28]

10.3 Day of birth

If the day of the month of birth is unknown, leave the boxes empty.
If the day in the Hebrew month is written (For example: [Hebrew letters]) -- it is not possible to convert it. If the Hebrew day is written with pencil, erase it with an eraser and leave the boxes empty. If it is written with a pen, cross it with several lines.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_AGE — Age
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Identifying data and demographic data
[Questions 10-32]

13. What is your birth date (Hebrew or Latin)?

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Part D: Identification Details and Demographic Details

2. Instructions for answering questions :

c. Age
Age is one of the population's features and allows us to understand the population's characteristics in many fields, such as: education, employment, income, family composition and size, etc.
Information on the population's age structure is an important element in planning local-level services for the residents, such as: schools, kindergartens, youth clubs and community centers, health services, retirement homes and many other services.
Question 3.40-3.60 - What is your date of birth? Day, month and year
- Sometimes the full date of birth is unknown. In these cases, empty values will appear in the ID card instead of the day and month. For example, 00/00/1946. In this case you must type 'unknown' (Ctrl+K) in the day of birth and month of birth questions.
- If the date of birth is unknown, you will be directed to the question about age.

Question 3.60.4 - How old are you?
- Type 0 for a baby whose age is less than a year.
- You must type whole years, rounded downwards. For example, if a person is aged 24 and a half, type 24.
- If the exact age is unknown, ask about the person's approximate age. If the interviewee does not know whether a person is 42 or 43, choose one of his answers.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_AGEGR — Age in categories
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1.3 Date of birth
_ _ Day
_ _ Month
_ _ _ _ Year

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Question 1.3
The date of birth must be written in numbers and not in letters. For example: 06/02/1954.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_AGE — Age
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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

1. Personal information

1.3 Date of birth

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

1 - Personal information

Question 1.3
The date-of-birth question allows us to minimize the risk of errors in the information used to calculate ages in years.

The date of birth should be written in numbers, not letters. The day and the month should be indicated using two digits, adding a prefix of 0 as needed (for example: 05/06/1967).

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_AGE — Age
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Section 2: Characteristics
[All persons]

9. Age, in completed years: _ _

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Section 2 - Characteristics

5.20 General
Question 7 to 14, which comprise Section 2, provide some basic characteristics about the individual and are to be answered for all members of the population except those exempted as special cases. Special Cases are always handled by Special Census Takers and instructions for identifying and handling these Special Cases are given in Part 6.

5.23 Question 9 - Age

[Image omitted here.]

Ask the question this way: "When I ask you for the age of each member of the household, I would like you to give me the age at the last birthday. If any member of this household has had a birthday since June please let me know."
Mark the individual's age (in years) at his last birthday before June 8, 1982, that is, his age in completed years. For infants less than one year old at that time record "00" years. For persons over 99 years, record "99". If the individual answers this question by giving a birth date, calculate his age at the last birthday on or before June 8, 1982 and record the result.
Appendix 1 should be used to assist you in the calculation.
If the individual does not remember his age or does not know it, you should make every effort to obtain the best estimate of it, by referring him to some outstanding events which may have occurred during his lifetime and determining his approximate age at that time.
Appendix 2 gives a list of events which may be used for this purpose.
There must be an entry on age for each individual.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_AGE — Age at last birthday
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b. Age at last birthday? _ _
For persons 100 years and over, record "99".

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Section 3 - Characteristics

Questions 3.1 - 3.10 which comprise Section 3 provide some basic characteristics about the individual and are to be answered for all members of the household.

5.39 Question 3.3 Age
Record the Month, Day and Year of Birth of the Individual in the relevant boxes at Q3.3a. Based on this information, calculate the age at last birthday and record in the space provided at Q3.3b. Use Appendix I as a guide. There must be an entry at age for each individual. It is possible that some persons may not remember the exact date of birth but can tell you the age". Others may only know the year of birth and so on. You must however make every effort to obtain an estimate. For persons 100 years and over, record "99".

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 1.1 - 1.5 for all persons]


a. What is your/ [the respondent's] date of birth?

Year _ _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
[] Not stated

b. What was your/ [the respondent's] age at September 10th, 2001?

_ _
[] Not stated

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5.41 Question 1.2: Age
It is possible that some persons may not remember the exact date of birth but can tell you the age. Others may only know the year of birth, and so on. If the respondent gives you the date of birth record, the year, month and day in the relevant boxes at Q1.2a. Based on this information, calculate the age in completed years at September 10, and record in the space provided at Q1.2b. If the age is given for Q1.2b, there is no need to enter the date of birth at Q1.2a. Only when the respondent gives the date of birth as the first answer, (in which case you must calculate Q1.2b), will there be answers in both Q1.2a and Q1.2b. You must make every effort to obtain an estimate of age, as this question must be completed. For persons 98 years and over, record "98" and for babies younger than one year old record "00". Refer to the appendices and use the age table to guide you in calculating the age on Census day.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_AGE — Age in completed years
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209. Age (in completed years) _ _

Kenya 1969 — source variable KE1969A_AGE — Age
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e. Age: _ _
(State age in completed years.)

Kenya 1979 — source variable KE1979A_AGE — Age
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For all persons

d. Age: ____

How old was this person at his or her last birthday?

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Column (d): Age

85. 'How old is this person?'

86. Write the person's age in completed years -- that is, the person's age at his or her last birthday. For babies under one year of age, write the age in months, for example '7 months' or '7/12'.

87. Be careful not to round ages up to the next birthday. A child who is aged four years and eleven months should, for example, be entered as '4' and not '5'.

88. Many people do not know their ages. If a person's age is not known you must make the best estimate possible. Avoid the use of 'NK' in this column.

89. There are various ways in which you can estimate a person's age. Sometimes people have documents, such as baptismal certificates, which show the year of birth, in which case it is easy to calculate age.

pg 20

90. Generally it is not so easy. Concentrate first on establishing the ages of one or two people in the household. One reliable age may help in working out the ages of others if it is known whether they are older or younger and by how many years.

91. It is sometimes possible to estimate a person's age by relating his or her birth to some notable event. With these instructions is a calendar of events which lists the dates of events in the history of each district. If the person can remember how old he or she was at the time, you can work out the person's age.

92. Some tribes have systems of 'age grades' or 'age sets' from which a person's age can be worked out. A person's age grade may only give a rough idea of his or her age since the same grade may have in it people of widely different ages, but it is better than nothing. Some tribes have age grades for men but not for women, but you can often obtain an idea of a woman's age by asking which age grade of men she associated with, or which her brothers belonged to and whether they are older/younger. Some age grades are listed in the Event Calendars, you can enquire about others from chiefs and elders.

93. If all else fails, you will have to make the best estimate you can, judging by such things as the person's appearance and position in the household and using your common sense knowledge that parents are seldom younger than 15 or 16 years of age when their first child is born, that women do not normally bear children below the age of twelve or over the age of fifty and so on.

94. When you have arrived at the best estimate you can make of a person's age, check that it is compatible with his or her relationship to others in the household. Obviously children cannot be older than their parents; women seldom marry before they are 12 and men before they are 18 and so on. Check these points. If necessary adjust your estimates of age.

95. Any estimate of age, however rough, is better than 'NK' in this column. Do the best you can to report ages accurately.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_AGE — Age
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P12. Age:

How old is [the respondent]? Age in completed years _ _
Use two digits in completing age; if under one year, write '00'

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Column P12 - Age

82. 'How old is this person?'

83. Write the person's age in completed years - that is, the person's age at his or her last birthday. For babies under one year of age, write 00. Use two digits in completing age; e.g. 01, 02, etc. Persons ages 97 and older should be coded as 97.

84. Be careful not to round ages up to next birthday. A child who is aged four years and eleven months should, for example be entered as 04 and not 05.

85. Many people do not know their ages. If a person's age is not known, you must make the best estimate possible. The use of' NK' in this column is forbidden.

86. There are various ways in which you can estimate a person's age. Sometimes people have documents, such as baptismal certificates, which show the year of birth, in which case it is easy to calculate age.

87. Most people have Identity cards showing when they were born. Avoid using the IDs as a means of estimating a person's age. More often than not if a person does not know when he/she was born, then the age in the ID is also wrong.

88. Generally it is not so easy. Concentrate first on establishing the ages of one or two persons in the household. One reliable age may help in working out the ages of others if it is known whether they are older or younger and by how many years.

89. It is sometimes possible to estimate a person's age by relating his or her birth to some notable event. With these instructions is a calendar of events, which lists the dates of events in the history of each district. If the person can remember how old he or she was at the time of the event, you can work out the person's age. .

90. How to use the calendar of events to estimate the respondent's age.


(a) Ask him/her to name any historical event (in their district) which he/she has been told occurred around the time of his/her birth/childhood.

(b) Ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when that event occurred or how many years elapsed before his/her birth.

(c) Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if a respondent tells you that he was about 15-years old when Kenya attained her Independence, this person should be 15 + 25 (i.e. 12th Dec. 1963 to 23 August 1989) = 40 years. If this method fails, you should try the following approach:


(a) Simply estimate how old he/she may be.
(b) Then select from your list of local, or district historical events, some events which occurred around the time when, according to your estimate, he must have been born.

(c) Ask whether he/she has heard about any of these events.

(d) If he/she has, ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when this event occurred or how many years elapsed before he was born.

(e) From this information you can work out his/her age.

91. Some tribes have systems of 'age grades' or 'age sets' from which a person's age can be worked out. A person's age grade may only give a rough idea of his or her age since the same grade may include people of widely different ages, but it is better than nothing. Some tribes have age grades for men but not for women, in which case you can often obtain an idea of a woman's age by asking which age grade of men she is associated with. Some age grades are listed in the event calendar, you can inquire about others from chiefs and elders.

92. If all else fails, then base your estimate on biological relationships. For instance, a woman who does not know her age but who has two or three children of her own is unlikely to be less than 15 years old however small she may look. You may then try to work out her age by the following methods:

(a) Determine the age of her oldest child.

(b) Then assume that the average woman in Kenya gives birth to her first child at about 18 years. However without further probing, you should not base your assumption on the oldest child who is at present living. There is the likelihood that in certain cases the first child died or that the woman had miscarriages or stillborn. Therefore if the woman tells you that she had one miscarriage or stillbirth before the oldest living child was born you should make your estimation from the year of the first miscarriage/still-birth or live birth.

93. Note that some women do have children early in life. Therefore in every case you must find out whether she had her first child, miscarriage or still-birth at the usual age before you assume she was aged 18 years at her first pregnancy.

94. Only as a last resort should you estimate a person's age from his/her physical features. If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third person then rely on the information he/she gives you to estimate the absent person's age.

95. When you have arrived at the best estimate you can make of a person's age, check that it is compatible with his or her relationship to others in the household. Obviously children cannot be older than their parents, women seldom marry before they are 12, and men before they are 18, and so on.

96. Any estimate of age, however rough, is better than 'NK' in this column. Do the best you can to report ages accurately.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_AGE — Age
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P-12. Age: ____

How old is [the respondent]? (Record age in completed years using two digits. If under one year, write '00')
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Column P12: Age

64. Age is one of the most important pieces of information to be sought in a census. You must try as much as possible to record the correct age of the respondent. Under no circumstances should this column be left blank. You must probe to make sure that you get even a rough estimate.

65. How old is this person?'

(a) Always start by asking the person's age and follow up with the question on the date of birth as a consistency check on the former. Write the person's age in completed years - that is, the person's age at his or her last birthday. For babies under one year of age, write 00. Use two digits in completing age; e.g. "01", "02" etc. Persons aged 97 years and over should be coded "97". Make sure always that your writing is legible and within the appropriate box.

(b) Be careful not to round ages up to the next birthday. A child who is aged four years and eleven months should, for example be entered as "04" and not "05".

(c) Many people do not know their ages. If a person's age is not known, you must make the best estimate possible. The use of 'dk' in this column is strictly forbidden.

(d) There are various ways in which you can estimate a person's age. Sometimes, people have documents, such as baptismal certificates, which show the year of birth, in which case it is easy to calculate age.

(e) Most people have identity cards showing when they were born. These ID cards may be grossly inaccurate for people aged above 40. Avoid using the IDs as the sole means to estimate such a person's age. However, for persons below 40 years of age the ID cards may generally give a more accurate representation of age.

(f) Generally, it is not so easy to estimate age for members of the household if all of them are ignorant of their ages. Concentrate first on establishing the age(s) of one or two persons in the household. One reliable age may help in working out the ages of others if it is known whether they are older or younger and by how many years. '

(g) It is sometimes possible to estimate a person's age by relating his or her birth to some notable historical event. With these instructions is a historical calendar of events (see Appendix 2) which lists the dates of events in the history of each district. If the person can remember how old he/she was at the time of the event, you can work out the person's age.

66. How to use the historical calendar of events to estimate the respondent's age

(i) Ask for any historical event (national or local) which occurred around the time of the birth/childhood of the respondent.

(ii) Ask how old the respondent was when that event occurred or how many years elapsed before his/her birth.

(iii) Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if a respondent was about 15 years when Kenya attained her Independence, this person should be 15 + 35 (i.e. 12th Dec.1963 to 23rd, August 1999) = 50 years. If this method fails, you should try the following approach.

(i) Simply estimate how old he/she may be.
(ii) Then select from your list of local, or district historical events, some events which occurred about the time when according to your estimate, he/she must have been born.

(iii) Ask whether he/she has heard about any of those events.

(iv) If he/she has, ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when this event occurred or how many years elapsed before he/she was born.

(v) Then, from this information, work out his/her age.

67. Some tribes have systems of 'age grades' or 'age sets' from which a person's age can be worked out. A person's age grade may only give a rough idea of his or her age since the same grade may have in it people of widely different ages, but it is better than nothing. Some tribes have grades for men but not for women, but you can often obtain an idea of a woman's age by asking which age grade of men she associated with, or which her brothers belonged to and whether they are older or younger. Some age grades are listed in the calendar of events. You can inquire about others from chiefs and elders.

68. If all else fails, then base your estimate on biological relationships. For instance, a woman who does not know her age but who has two or three children of her own is unlikely to be less than 15 years old however small she may look. You may then try to work out her age by the following methods:

(a) Determine the age of her oldest child.

(b) Ask her to give an estimate of her age at the birth of this child. However without further probing, you should not base your assumption on the oldest child who is presently living. There is the likelihood that in certain cases, the first child died or that the woman had miscarriages or stillbirths. Therefore, if the woman tells you that she had one miscarriage or stillbirth before the oldest living child was born, you should make your estimation from the year of the first miscarriage/still-birth or live birth.

69. Note that some women do have children earlier than what generally obtains in the community. Therefore, in every case, you must find out whether she had her first child, miscarriage or stillbirth at the usual age before you estimate her age.

70. Only as a last resort should you estimate a person's age from his physical features. If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third party then rely on the information given to you to estimate the absent person's age.

71. When you have arrived at the best estimate you can make of a person's age, check that it is compatible with his or her relationship to others in the household. Obviously children cannot be older than their parents, women seldom marry before they are 12 and men before they are 18, and so on.

72. Note that any estimate of age, however rough, is better than 'dk' in this column. Do the best you can to report ages accurately.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_AGE — Age in years
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A: Information regarding all persons
[Questions P-00 to P-23 were asked of all persons in conventional households or refugee camps].

P-12. How old is [person]? _ _

Record age in completed years using two digits. If under 1 year, record "0". If 95 years and above code 95.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

- Section A: Information regarding all persons. This information is contained in columns P00 to P23. Questions in this section will apply to all persons.

25.4 Column P12: Age

Age is one of the most important pieces of information to be sought in a census. You must try as much as possible to record the correct age of the respondent. Under no circumstances should this column be left blank. You must probe to make sure that you get even a rough estimate.

- How old is '[the respondent]'?
- Always start by asking the person's age and follow up with the question on the date of birth as a consistency check on the former. Write the person's age in completed years ? that is, the person's age at his or her last birthday. For babies under one year of age, write "0". Persons aged 95 years and over should be coded "95". Make sure always that your writing is legible and within the appropriate box.
- Be careful not to round ages up to the next birthday. A child who is aged four years and eleven months should, for example be entered as "4" and not "5".
- Many people do not know their ages. If a person's age is not known, you must make the best estimate possible.
- There are various ways in which you can estimate a person's age. Sometimes, people have documents, such as baptismal certificates, which show the year of birth, in which case it is easy to calculate age.
- Most people have identity cards showing when they were born. These ID cards may be grossly inaccurate for some of the older people. Avoid using the IDs as the sole means to estimate such a person's age. However, for persons below 50 years of age the ID cards may generally give a more accurate representation of age.
- Generally, it is not so easy to estimate age for members of the household if all of them are ignorant of their ages. Concentrate first on establishing the age(s) of one or two persons in the household. One reliable age may help in working out the ages of others if it is known whether they are older or younger and by how many years.
- It is sometimes possible to estimate a person's age by relating his or her birth to some notable historical event. With these instructions is a historical calendar of events (see appendix 1) which lists the dates of events in the history of districts. If the person can remember how old he/she was at the time of the event, you can work out the person's age.

- How to use the historical calendar of events to estimate the respondent's age:

- Ask for any historical event (national or local) which occurred around the time of the birth/childhood of the respondent.
- Ask how old the respondent was when that event occurred or how many years elapsed before his/her birth.
- Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if a respondent was about 15 years when Kenya attained her Independence, this person should be 15 + 45 (i.e. 12th Dec. 1963 to 24th August 2009) = 60 years. If this method fails, you should try the following approach.

- Simply estimate how old he/she may be.

- Then select from your list of local, or district historical events, some events which occurred about the time when according to your estimate, he/she must have been born.
- Ask whether he/she has heard about any of those events.
- If he/she has, ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when this event occurred or how many years elapsed before he/she was born.
- Then, from this information, work out his/her age.
- Some tribes have systems of 'age grades' or 'age sets' from which a person's age can be worked out. A person's age grade may only give a rough idea of his or her age since the same grade may have in it people of widely different ages, but it is better than nothing. Some tribes have grades for men but not for women, but you can often obtain an idea of a woman's age by asking which age grade of men she associated with, or which set her brothers belonged to and whether they are older or younger. Some age grades are listed in the calendar of events.
- If all else fails, then base your estimate on biological relationships. For instance, a woman who does not know her age but who has two or three children of her own is unlikely to be less than 15 years old however small she may look. You may then try to work out her age by the following methods:
- Determine the age of her oldest child.
- Ask her to give an estimate of her age at the birth of this child. However without further probing, you should not base your assumption on the oldest child who is presently living. There is the likelihood that in certain cases, the first child died or that the woman had miscarriages or stillbirths. Therefore, if the woman tells you that she had one miscarriage or stillbirth before the oldest living child was born, you should make your estimation from the year of the first miscarriage/still?birth or live birth.
- Only as a last resort should you estimate a person's age from his physical features. If you are obtaining information about an absent person from a third party then rely on the information given to you to estimate the absent person's age.
- When you have arrived at the best estimate you can make of a person's age, check that it is compatible with his or her relationship to others in the household. Obviously children cannot be older than their parents.
- Any estimate of age, however rough, is better than leaving the column blank. Do the best you can to report ages accurately.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_AGE — Age
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4. Date of birth
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year 1 _ _ _
Age _ _ _

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Question 4. Date of birth

The answer on the day, month and year of birth is to be recorded in numbers in special boxes. E.g., a person was born on May 12, 1946. It should be recorded "12", "5" and "1946" respectively.

After the date of birth has been entered, the enumerator without any additional questions is to determine with the help of the "Supporting table for determining the number of years by the known year of birth as of February 24, 1999" (see Annex 1) and record in a special box the number of complete years.

For children under one year "0" should be entered.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_AGE — Age
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4. Date of birth
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
Age _ _ _

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Question 4. Date of birth

The answer about the day, month and year of birth is to be recorded in Arabic figures in special boxes (cells).
For instance, if the person questioned was born on September 5, 1976, the enumerator is to record "05", "09", "1976" respectively.
After the date of birth has been entered, the enumerator without any additional questions being asked is to determine with the help of the "Supporting table for determining the number of years by the known year of birth", attached as Annex 1, and record in a special box the number of complete years. For children under one year, "0" should be entered.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_AGE — Age
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B. For all persons
[Questions 1- 10 were asked of all persons]

4. How old was [the respondent] at his/her last birthday? _ _ _

Enter age in completed years. ('0' for children less than 1 year.)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section B: For all persons

Question 4: How old was [the respondent] at his/her last birthday?
Age is one of the most important questions as much analysis of data depends on respondent's age, for example, fertility rates are calculated by age of woman etc. Age also determines whether certain questions are to be answered or not. Be careful not to round ages up to the next birthday.
Entries should be made in completed years as follows:

"0" for children aged less than a year
Actual age in completed years for other respondents, e.g., 8 years and three months is recorded as "8"
"999" for not known (very limited cases)

If the age is not known, probe to try to estimate age. This is time-consuming and sometimes tedious. But it is important to take time to try to get the best possible information. There are several ways which can be used to probe for age:
[pg. 19]
You may use the calendar of events found in Appendix 3 to improve the reporting of age data. A person's age can sometimes be better assessed in relation to events which he/she can recall or which occurred near to his/her birthday. The age of the person's relatives is sometimes a useful indicator.'
If probing does not help, you may have to estimate the age as a last resort when all other efforts failed. The use of the code "999" (viz. not known) is for rare cases.
In case the respondent knows the year when he/she was born only in Lao year or lunar calendar, or he/she gives date of birth in solar calendar, you must refer to tables for age conversion in the Appendix 4 of this manual.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_AGE — Age
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Section B. For all persons

7. How old was (the respondent) on his/her last birthday?

Enter age in completed years (00 for children less than one year). Enter 99 for Don't know

_ _ Age
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
2. Part B of questionnaire
(Questionnaire concerning the individual members of the household) the questions are marked by numbers to be read from left to right.

The first two columns must be completed before entries are made anywhere else in the questionnaire.

112. Column 7: Age
Age in completed years: The question to be asked here is "Lilemo Ii kae tseo u Ii qetileng?" (how old are you in completed years?)
e.g. if a person is aged 37 years and 11 months, the exact age in completed years to be recorded is 37. Sometimes the person will not directly remember his age, but will remember his birth year and you will have to work out his age in completed years. In the event that the person does not know his age but remembers historical event associated with his birth, use the calendar of events. If the event is not included in the calendar asks how old the person was at some recorded event. Note that the question on age is one of the most important ones on the questionnaire. If the above methods on ascertaining age prove to be fruitless, obtain an estimate of his/her age from the village headman and the neighbors, and then put a circle around it after recording it in column 5 e.g. (74). (This will be the only instances where ages are surrounded with circles).

113. Always try to get answers that are accurate or reasonable in the sense that they are consistent with the person's status in the family. For example, a 65 year old grandmother is not expected to have a 1 year old child, or an 18 year old son be mothered by a 19 year old woman. Please note that children under the age of 1 should be entered as '00' in the column of age.

114. These five columns must be completed before entries are made anywhere in the questionnaire.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section B. List of household members

4. How old was (the respondent) on his/her last birthday?

Enter age in completed years (000 for children less than one year).
_ _ _ Age
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part B of the questionnaire
For all persons

74. Column 4. Age

Age in Completed Years: The question to be asked here is " Lilemo tsa hao Ii kae tseo o Iiqetileng?" (How old are you in completed years) e.g. if a person is aged 37 years and 11months, the exact age in completed years to be recorded is 37. Sometimes the person will not know hishe/her age, but will remember hishe/her birth year and you will have to work out hishe/her age in completed years. In the event that the person does not know hishe/her age, but remembers historical event associated with hishe/her birth, use the calendar of events. If the event is not included in the calendar, ask how old the person was at some recorded event. Note that the question on age is one of the most important ones on the questionnaire. If the above methods on ascertaining age prove to be fruitless, obtain an estimate of hishe/her age from relatives, the neighbors, and the village headman and then put a circle around it after recording it
Always try to get answers that are accurate or reasonable in the sense that they are consistent with the person's status in the family. For example, a 65-year-old grandmother is not expected to have a 1-year-old child, or an 18-year-old son be mothered by a 19 year old woman. Please note that children under the age of 1 should be entered as 00 in the column of age.

Liberia 1974 — source variable LR1974A_AGE — Age
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4. Age
Last birth date ____
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6. Age Column 4

a. Enter the age (in completed years) of the-persons at last birthday.

Children under 1 year should be entered as "00" years old, unless it is obvious that the child is older but is unable to crawl. If the person does not know his age determine the age by applying whatever information you can obtain which will give a close approximation of his age.

b. Methods of estimating age.

1. Relating ages of family members:
a. If you know the age of one or more persons in the household it may be possible to relate the ages of persons of unknown age to those with known ages. For example, parents under normal circumstances can be 15 to 25 years older than their oldest child, depending on whether the parent is a woman or a man. Failing this, it may be possible to relate the number of rice or other annual crops sown since the occurrence of a marriage or birth.

b. In some areas where circumcision rites are performed when a child has reached a certain age, reference to when these rites should be or have boon performed on the person may provide good estimates of the person's age. In areas where the Poro or Sandi has operated, reference to attendance in such schools may provide estimates of the person's age.
2. The Estimation of Age on the Basis of Annual Groups:
a. Since most persons in the hinterland operate or work on small farms, it is often possible to estimate reasonably well the person's age and the ages of members of his household by reference to the number of times he has "made farm" since the occurrence of an event. This takes advantage of the fact that farms are made only once a year.

b. Since the most recent events are most readily recalled it is better to estimate the ages of children first, proceeding from the youngest to oldest.

c. Estimating Children's ages: Ask the head of the household: "how many times have you made farm since the birth of your youngest child?" Enter the answer in column (4) adjacent to the child's name. Then ask,'how many times did you make farm between the births of the next older child and the birth of the youngest child?" Add mentally the answer to the age of the youngest and enter the answer in column (4) adjacent to the child's name. If there are more than two children, repeat procedure of finding out the number of times farm was made between the birth of successively older children. Add this figure to the age of the younger of the two children and enter the younger of the two children and enter the answer in column (4). For example, suppose a family had three children. Farms have been made four times since the birth of the youngest child. The age of the youngest child is therefore four. This figure should be entered in column (4). Farms were made twice between the birth of the younger child and the next older child. The age of the next older child is six, the age of the youngest child plus the number of times farms was made between the birth of two children, six (6), should be entered in column (4) adjacent to the child's name. Farms were made three times between the births of the next oldest child (or middle child) and the oldest child. The age of the oldest child is therefore nine (the age of the next older child, plus the number of times farms were made between the next older child and the oldest child), nine (9) should be entered in Column (4). Circle each of these estimated ages.

d. Estimating the Mother's Age. Find out the number of times farm was made between the mother's marriage and the birth of her oldest child. Add this number to the age of the oldest child. Add fifteen (15) to the answer thus it the oldest child is nine years old and farm was made once between the birth of the oldest child and the mother's marriage, the mother should be approximately twenty-five years old, unless it is obvious that she is much older. In such a case the older age should be entered. Again, circle the estimated age.

e. Estimating the Father's Age. In general, the father's age can be approximated by adding 7 years to the age of the mother, unless it is obvious that the father is much older or somewhat younger. In such a case enter in Column (4) the age that seems most reasonably correct.
3. Relating Age to a Calendar of National, Local of International Historical events.
a. Although many people do not know what year they or others in the household were born, they may remember that they were born on or about the same time that a famous national, local or perhaps international event occurred. For example, they might know that they were born when World War II started (1939), then by subtraction you know that the person is 1974-1939 = 35 years old.
b. In some case the person knows that they were born before a given event but after another memorable occasion, such as born after president Tubman died but before President Tolbert's first Inauguration celebration, or, between 1971 and 1972.
c. In order to help you help people to estimate their age by relating it to some well-known event we have enclosed in the Appendix a Calendar of National and Local historic Events.
4. A Last Resort, Assignment of Ages.
a. In the event the above procedure is impractical a last effort should be made to determine whether a person is (a) an infant; (b) a junior child; (c) a senior child; (d) an adult in the economically active age; (e) a female in the child-bearing age; (f) an adult in the economically inactive age. The following criteria are given to distinguish between these functional groups specified above.

b. An Infant is one who may be a suckling or is suckling age but is not old enough to walk. The age of an infant is under 1 year. The age column should be double zero (00) if the child falls in this category.

c. A Junior Child is on the lower side, one who has ceased suckling or has passed suckling age, and is able to walk. On the higher side he is not yet old enough to take full care of himself on the road, or to be fully entrusted with the carrying of water for the family from a well, or with making simple purchases for the family (though he may have started these things) or attend an elementary school. The age should be marked three (3) if the child falls in this category. The range, however, is from 1 to 5 year. It is possible, by asking other questions to make a more accurate estimation [text almost completely faded on document]

c. A Senior Child is, on the lower side, one who is old enough to take full care of himself on the road, and can be entrusted safely, with the carrying of water for the family from the well, or, making simple purchases for the family or attending elementary school. On the higher side, he is not yet old enough to marry or has not fully reached the age of puberty, ie., the age of begetting or bearing children. His age group is 6-15 inclusive. As in the case of Junior Child, try, by asking questions to assign the age within the range the child most nearly approximates. Failing that, assign an age of eleven (11).

e. An Adult Male is a person who has fully reached the age of puberty and is old enough to marry or has already married, having reached that age (excluding the case of child marriage). His age group corresponds to the age group of 16 and above. If he is not yet too old to work ho is considered as in the economically active group. (It is assumed that persons over 60 years of age are not economically active). The lower limit is 16 years of age and the upper limit is 60 years of age. Again, if at all possible try to determine the approximate age within the range of 16-60. If this cannot be done although it is unlikely that it cannot, assign thirty-eight (38) as the age.

f. An Adult Female is in the child-bearing age if she is an adult and is not yet too old to bear children. This age group for women is roughly from 15 to 45. As before, an effort should be made to ascertain the correct age. Failing that, an age of 31 should be assigned females falling in this group. Women over the child-bearing age but not yet too old to work should be reported as 53 years of age. The range, however, is from 46-60. If it is possible to approximate the true age more accurately you should do it.

g. A Senior Adult is in the economically inactive age if he is too old to work. This age corresponds to 61 and above. Again, effort should be made to ascertain the true age as nearly as possible.
A guessed age is better than no age.

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_AGE — Age (completed years)
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P04. Age (completed years)
How old is [the respondent]?
(Record age in completed years, if under 1 record '00'. For 98 and over record '98')

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_AGE — Age
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f. Age (years) _ _
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36. Information on age is to be collected in years completed in respect of each member of the household, including babies and visitors who slept in the DU(s) belonging to the household the previous night. For example this can be done by asking questions such as "How old is John?" followed by "When was John born?" Record the age in years completed and not the date of birth.

37. If a person gives his age with a fraction of a year, such as 8 years and 6 months or 27 years and 3 months, ignore the fraction: that is, use the 8 years or 27 years only. If a child's age is given as, for example, 9 months, record "00": that is, under one year old.

38. For the purpose of recording ages, the date of 11th September, 1987 has been selected as the reference point of the census. Note especially, therefore, that children born on or after 11th September, 1986 will be recorded as under 1 year, i.e. as "00"; those born from 11th September, 1985 to 10th September, 1986 will be recorded as "01"; those from 11th September, 1984 to 10th September, 1985 will be recorded as "02", and so on.

39. There are some people who do not know exactly how old they are. You are, however, required to write the age of every person and must, therefore, try your best to get as accurate ages as possible. You have been given a Calendar of Events to help you assess individuals' ages. This calendar presents a fairly good record of events which people may associate with either their own births or the births of their children. For example, a person may be unable to tell you his/her age. You should look at the person and form an impression about his/her age. Having done this you refer to the Calendar of Events and spot the earliest event which the person remembers. Find out how old the person was at that time. It is possible that the person indicates his/her age at the time of occurrence of the event by showing a child or by gestures of how tall he or she was at that time. If a person names an event and your calendar tells you that this would make him of an age which is very unlikely according to his appearance, then you must ask further questions.

40. If the person does not know or remember any of the events given in the calendar of events, then make the best possible assessment of the age by looking at him/her, or relating his/her age to that of other members of the household or other relatives whose ages are known.


41. Once you have a correct age or a good estimate for one person within the same household, try to relate ages of other persons to that age. The older the people are, the more uncertain the assessment of age is likely to be, but you should put down the age which appears most probable from the evidence you are able to collect through questions and the appearance of the person, if he is present. Particular care must be taken in assessing and recording the ages of young children. In every instance you must make the best assessment possible and you must put down the age of every person recorded.

Persons of all ages

(f) Age: Write down the age in years completed of each member of the household in two digits in columns 19-20.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_AGE — Age
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B5. Age (years) _ _
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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

1. All persons

Age: Information on age is to be collected in completed years in respect of each member of the household, including babies and visitors who slept in the DU(s) belonging to the household the previous night. This can be done by asking questions such as "How old is John?" followed by, "When was John born?" Record the age in completed years and not the date of birth. If a person gives you his age with a fraction of a year, such as 8 years, 6 months or 27 years and 3 months, ignore the fraction: that is, use the 8 years or 27 years only. If a child's age is given as, for example, 9 months, record "00", that is, under one year old.
In some cases, a respondent may give you his/her date of birth. In such a case you should compute the person's age with reference to the date of the interview. For example, if the individual reports that he was born on 20 March 1956 and the interview is conducted on 8 September 1998, then his age will be 42 years, 5 months. However, you will record his age in completed years as only 42 years. Similarly, if a baby was born on 12 September 1997 and the interview is on 10 September 1998, the age of the baby would be exactly 11 months, 28 days. You will record the baby's age in completed years as "00": that is, the baby has not yet completed one year. In the case where only the year of birth is given and it is difficult to establish an individual's month of birth, it will be difficult to record the age in completed years. In this case, compute the individual's age by simply subtracting the year of birth from the year of interview; that is, 1998. For example, suppose a person was born in 1971 then his/her age would be 27 years (that is, 1998 - 1971).
In yet other cases, there are some people who do not know exactly how old they are. You are, however, required to write the age of every person and must therefore try your best to get as accurate ages as possible. You have been given a Calendar of Events to help you assess individual's age. The calendar presents a fairly good record of events which people may associate with either their own births or the births of their children. For example, if a person is unable to tell you his/her age, you should look at the person and form an impression about his/her age, having done this you refer to the calendar of events and spot the earliest event which the person remembers. Find out how old the person was at that time. If a person mentions an event and your calendar tells you that this will make him of an age which is very unlikely according to his appearance, then you must ask further questions.
If the person does not know or remember any of the events given in the Calendar of Events then make the best possible assessment of the age by looking at him/her, or relating his/her age to that of other members of the household or other relatives whose ages are known.
Once you have a correct age or a good estimate for one person within the same household try to relate ages of other persons to that age. The older the people are, the more uncertain the assessment of age is likely to be, but you should put down the age which appears more probable from the evidence you are able to collect through questions and the appearance of the person, if he is present. Particular care must be taken in assessing and recording the ages of young children. In every instance you must have the best assessment possible and you must put down the age of every person recorded. Never leave space blank.

B5. Age: Write down the age in completed years of each member of the household in two digits in column B5. For example, if a girl was born on 6 June, 1992 and you interview a respondent on 12 September, 1998 then her age is 6 years, 3 months. However, you should record only "06" (in completed years) in column B5.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_AGE — Age
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P5. How old was [the respondent] at his/her last birthday? _ _
Enter age in completed years ("00" for children younger than one year)

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P04. Age
Ask and record the age of each household member. Record age in completed years in the boxes provided; shade the appropriate codes neatly. You should take great care to obtain an accurate answer.

For persons who cannot remember their age, try and find from the following documents
- Health passport book for children
- Baptismal certificate
- Passport
- Ulendo wa banja lathu
- Other records, e.g. a driving license

If the above documents cannot be obtained, your last resort is to use the calendar of events given to you. The age of a person is obtained in the column titled "years ago". Do not try to place much reliance on a single event - check the reported year of birth with an event which the person clearly remembers.

If the person in question does not know of an appropriate event coinciding exactly with his date of birth, ask him to remember an event which occurred nearer to his date of birth and do some arithmetic to reach his date of birth either backwards or forward depending on whether he/she was born after or before the event.

Finally, if everything else fails you can look at the person, check his/her position in relation to his/her siblings (brother/sister) whose ages are known in the family and through common sense establish his/her probable age. Alternatively, you can ask the person to think of his/her age-mates who know their ages, establish their ages and record the same age for him/her. Never leave P04 un-shaded.

Note: If the person is 100 years old, record "100" in one box and do not shade.

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

4. How old are you?
Completed years: _ _
Months from last Birthday to C. Day: _ _

5. Age (from I/C Birth Certificate, etc.): _ _
Day of birth: _ _
Month of birth: _ _
Year of birth: _ _ _ _

6. Chinese date of birth:
Day: _ _
Moon month: _ _
Animal Year: ____

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_AGE — Age in completed years
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4. How old are you?
Completed years ____

Month from last birthday to Census Day ____

5. What is your date of birth?
Day ____
Month ____
Year ____

6. What is your Chinese date of birth?
Day ____
Month ____
Year ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 4
The information needed for question 4 is the age in completed years, and the number of months between the person's last birthday and Census Day. Write the information on age in completed years and months from last birthday on the lines provided. If the person is less than 1 year old, record the age as '00' years. If a person is 100 or over years of age, we will consider him to be '99', as this is the highest age you will record.

For older persons and for persons not so well educated, difficulty may be encountered with this question. If the person has an I.C. (or other documents) handy, he may use them to answer the question.

If the information on 'age in completed years' cannot be obtained by direct question, the information may still be obtained by asking probing questions, for example, by stating some important events in the person's life like number of years married, years lived in this kampung, etc.

[p. 67]

A calendar of notable events is also supplied to you (see Form 14(a)/14(b)/14(c)). If you can relate some important event in the person's life with an event in your calendar, you may be able to make a reasonable guess at the person's age. A simple example would be the following:
You ask a woman whether she was married before the Japanese came. She might say that she got married just after they left. You then ask her whether she was a very young woman when she married. She then may give you some idea that her age at marriage was about twenty in 1945, then her present age (in 1980) must be about 55.

An even better calculation could be made if you know the age of her eldest child.

You may be able to ask a person to show you how old he was at the time of an event on your calendar. He could do this by pointing out a child who is about the same size as he was then. If he was about 10 years old in (say) 1930 then he must be about 60 years old in 1980.

As a last resort, you may have to make a guess using the appearance of the informant and the appearance or known ages of his relative as a guide.

Under no circumstances are you to leave Question 4 blank. However, where information on months is not obtainable, this may be left blank. But you must note that information on completed years must be obtained in all cases. After writing the age in completed years, you are also to mark the code boxes for this question. Since there are only 2 digits in this case, you must mark the first digit in the 't' row and the second digit in the 'u' row. Those aged below 10 must have a '0' box marked in the 't' row. Therefore, age nine is marked as '09' , age six is marked as '06' and so on.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_AGE — Age in completed years
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions C1-27 were asked of persons who live in their households on Census Days.]

C6. How old are you? _ _

(In completed years)
(If age is less than 1 year write "00". If age is 99 years or more, write "99".)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question C5

The purpose of this question is to get complete information on the date of birth for each individual.

How to ask the question
Ask this question as follows:
"What is the date of birth of ____ (name of member)?"

As far as possible you must get complete information on date of birth that is day, month and year.

How to record the answer
Write the information given on day, month, year in the relevant boxes provided.
[An example has been omitted]


Nevertheless, you may come across cases where respondent cannot give complete information on date of birth as in the following examples:
Example 1: If the respondent informs that he/she was born on Jun 1931 but do not know the day, write the answer as follows:
_ _ Date 06 Month 1931 Year

Example 2: If the respondent informs that he/she was born in 1925 but do not know day and month, write the answer as follows:
_ _ Date _ _ Month 1925 Year

Example 3: If the respondent does not know his/her date of birth at all (day, month and year), leave all the boxes blank. Then ask Question C6 to get the estimated age on Census Day (in completed years).
_ _ Date _ _ Month _ _ _ _ Year

Special Note: Information on date of birth is very important in census data collection. As far as possible, you must get complete and accurate information on date of birth.

Question C6
[Question C6 of the enumeration form is not presented here.]


The purpose of this question is to get the estimated age in complete years for cases where the respondent cannot remember his/her date of birth.

How to ask the question
Ask this question as follows:
"How old is ____ (member's name) on 14 August 1991?'

Information required is age in completed years at last birthday on Census Day.

How to record the answer
Write information on age in 2-digit in the boxes provided.
If age is less than one year, (e.g., 3 months old) write age as "00".
If age is 99 years or more, write "99".


Special Cases:
For older and less educated persons, problems may arise for this question. If the information on age cannot be obtained with a direct question, it may still be obtained by probing, for example, by promoting the individual to recall important events such as, how many years he/she has been married, how many years he/she has lived in the kampung and so forth.

As a guide to estimate age, several important events in the history of Malaysia are given below:

1914-1918 First World War
1931-1932 Recession time
1942-1945 Second World War (Japanese War)
1948 Declaration of Emergency
1957 Independence Day
1960 Emergency ended
1963 Formation of Malaysia
1974 Formation of Federal Territory, Kuala Lumpur

You can also use local events which can assist you to estimate age such as occurrences of a serious food, fire, etc.

As a last resort, you can guess his/her age by comparing the physical appearance of the respondent with the appearance of his/her relatives whose ages are known.

Special note:
In any situation, you cannot leave both Question C5 and C6 blank. If information on the date of birth cannot be obtained, ensure that age in completed years is obtained in all cases.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_AGE — Age (in completed years)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C5. What is your date of birth?

Date _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

(If no information for C5, ask C6.)

C6. How old are you? _ _

[Question C6 is asked of persons who have no information for C5.]

(In completed years)

(If age is less than 1 year, write "00". If age is 99 years or more, write "99".)

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_AGE — Age in years
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

7. Age
Day ____
Month ____
Year ____
Age _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

6. and 7. Column P6 and P7: Date of birth and age

The census enumerator should devote to this part a special care, since these questions are by themselves of utmost importance, since the age variable will play a major role in the analysis of the data collected.

Principles for determining age from the correspondence tables:

Determining the age shall be done, whenever possible, from a birth certificate. If this is true that in urban areas most children will have a birth certificate, this is however not the case in rural areas. Indeed, the high rate of illiteracy is a major handicap for the functioning of vital registration in rural areas. Therefore, in these areas, the age is expressed as the number of rainy seasons seen by the person.

Furthermore, one should note that in rural areas, references are made to the lunar calendar, translated into vernacular languages.

This is why a correspondence table was established, in order to allow the precise determination of the date of birth for children less than 10 years of age, according to the Gregorian calendar. This technique is based on the knowledge by the respondent of three elements:

1. The number of rainy seasons lived by the child;
2. The name of the lunar month of the birth of the child;
3. The day of birth of the child in the lunar calendar.

Example: A respondent tells you that his or her child has lived 6 rainy seasons, that he or she was born on Ramadan 27. What is the exact date of birth of the child?

[Page 23]

Response: Refer to the correspondence table provided in Annex 2. Read the intersection of line "sounkalo" and Column "6 rainy seasons". You will find that the date of birth lies between February 23, 1993 and March 23, 1993. To obtain the precise date, add 26 (that is 27 - 1) to February 23, which gives 49. Then Subtract 28, corresponding to the number of days in February, and one obtains 21. The child is therefore born on March 21, 1993. Then, one can calculate the age of the child, as if he or she had a birth certificate. If the date of enumeration is March 16, 1998, the child's age is therefore: 4 years and 11 months, or 59 months.

If the child is born on Ramadan 3, the precise date of birth will be obtained as 23+3-1 = 25, and the child's birth date would be February 25, 1993.

In general, if the result of the computation for days is higher than the number of days in the months, one shall subtract this number from the result to obtain the corresponding date.

If the first element of the calendar is known, and the two others are unknown, one could use, when needed, the approximate agricultural calendar (see Annex 3), for an estimation of the child's date of birth.

7. Column P7: Age

Age will be determined for the individuals who know their date of birth, as well as for those who do not have any official document, with their month and year of birth.

Ask for the age of the person, and write it in the two boxes located in Column P7. Do not forget to circle the number of the unit in which the age is expressed: 1 = Days, 2= Months, 3= Years.

Age will be determined in integer number of years for the persons aged 1 year of more, and in integer number of months for the infants (less than 1 year or less than 12 months). For example:

- A person aged 30 years and 8 months will be written:
- A person born in 1950 will be written: 1998 - 1950 = 48 years
- A baby aged 4 months and 28 days will be written.
- A new born baby aged 15 days will be written = 15 days

Please pay special attention to the writing of the age of infants (less than 1 year of age). The age of these children shall be determined in integer number of months. Use, when possible, the seasonal calendar in Annex, for which the principle of use has been described in the "Date of birth" section.
[Page 24]

N.B. The age in integer number of years is obtained the following way:
a) By subtracting the year of birth from 1998, if the birthday date (day and month) is already passed at time of the interview.

b) By subtracting the year of birth from 1997, if the birthday date (day and month) is not yet passed at time of the interview.

Remark: Providing the date of birth does not exclude mentioning the age.

Persons who do not know their age:

It might happen that during the census operations, that you encounter persons who do not know their age. You shall then help these persons to estimate their age, using one of the following methods:

Method 1: Historical calendar

The historical calendar is a list of noticeable events (national or local), with their dates, which have a special influence on national life in general, or on the life of local communities in particular.

The determination of the age of a person using the historical calendar is done by estimating his or her age at time of one of these events, and as a consequence to estimate his or her date of birth. Then one subtracts it from the census date in order to obtain an approximate age.

For using this historical calendar, one shall proceed as such:

- One starts with a rough estimation of his or her age, by looking at the person.

- Let us assume "30 years". To obtain the departing point on the calendar, one adds 5 years to the age, that is, 30 + 5 = 35 years. Then one subtracts this number from the census year, that is: 1998 - 35 = 1963.

- One then looks in the historical calendar for events located around 1963, and one quotes the event to the person, asking: "Do you remember this event?"

a) If the answer is "yes", then one asks: how old were you at that time?
Assume that the person answers with certainty "10 years". Then this person is born around 1963 -- 10 = 1953, and his or her age is then = 1998 - 1953 = 45 years.

b) If the answer is "no", then go to another event.

Method 2: Classifying persons among themselves

Some household members do not know accurately their age, but may remember being somewhat older or younger than other household members, or in the neighborhood.

If one can determine with precision the age of one or several of these persons, then one could deduce an estimation or the age of the person who does not know his or her age.

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
P9) Age
Circle the code of the unit used to tell the age. Record the age in the two spaces provided.

[] 1 Day
[] 2 Month
[] 3 Year

_ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Age (Column P9)
Age must be inquired on regardless of the method used to determine the date of birth for any individual. After asking date of birth and determining the age in completed year, the agent records the age in the two boxes provided. The agent must specify the unit (day, month, year) by circling the appropriate code ("1" = day, "2" = month, "3" = year).

The age in "completed years" refers to the age at last birthday. Age will be determined in completed years for people over a year and in months for children under one year (twelve months).

[Omitted examples]

Instructions: Write in the age column "99" for the people over 99 years.

Age must be obtained in completed years for those over one year of age, in months for those who have not reached a year, and in days for infants less than one month.

Special Case: People who don't know their age - During the enumeration, you may encounter of people who do not know their age. The agent must help these individuals to determine their age by one of the two methods below.

Method 1: Estimated from historical calendar
The historical calendar is a list of important events (national or local) with the dates, influencing national life or the life of local communities. Determining the age of a person from this calendar is to identify the date of the event closest to his birth date. From that date, the officer estimates the year of birth of the individual and his age by subtracting (RGPH Year (2009) - Year of birth estimated).
More specifically, we proceed as follows:
1. The officer estimated by observation the age of the individual (example of an individual whose age is estimated at 30 years). The first estimate is a starting point in the calendar. The agent adds 5 years over and under to this age for a period of estimation. In this case, it is estimated that the individual is between 25 and 35 years old, so that the event period nearest to his birth is: 1974-1984 (2009-25 = 1984 and 2009-35 = 1974).
2. The agent searches the calendar an event occurring in 1974 and asks the individual: "Do you remember this event?"

a. If the answer is "Yes," ask him: "How old were you at that time?"

[pg. 23]

Suppose he confidently answers 10 years. Yet this individual was born in 1964 (1974-1910) and his age then 45 years (2009-1964).
Suppose he answers: "This event took place when my mother got married, two years before I was born." The year of birth is 1976 (1974 + 2). (The agent estimates the age of the individual at age 33 (2009 - 1976).
b. If the answer is "No," then the agent proposes another date of an event falling in the period and again raises the question: "Do you remember this event?"
The agent asks these questions to obtain the age. For this information, he can ask other questions such as: "Are you born before or after this event?" Or "How much time elapsed between this event and your birth?"

Method 2: Classification
Some household members do not know their age, but know how to situate their age according to the age of household members or their families. Thus, if the agent can determine the exact age of one or two of these people, he can deduce an estimate of the age of the individual.

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_AGE — Age
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990


1. Persons by whom the return is to be made
In the case of:

(i) households: the Head of the household or person for the time being acting as head;
The head of a household is any adult member, whether male or female, who is acknowledged as head by the other members. A household is either (i) a person living on his own or (ii) a group of two or more persons who may or may not be related, but who live together and make common provision for food and other essentials for living. Two families living in one house constitute one household if they have common housekeeping arrangements, but should be considered as separate households if they have separate housekeeping arrangements and should then be entered on two separate census forms.
(ii) hotels, clubs, boarding houses: the Manager or other person for the time being in charge of the premises;
(iii) hospitals, infirmaries, asylums, prisons or any other residential institution: the Chief Resident Officer or other person for the time being in charge of the institution;
(iv) Naval Forces, Air Forces, the Special Mobile Force or the Police Training School: the Commanding Officer or the officer presently in charge;
(v) ships, barges or other vessels in any port or harbor in Mauritius: the Captain, master or other person for the time being in charge of the vessel;
(vi) persons arriving after midnight on the night 1-2 July 1990 and who have not been enumerated elsewhere: the person specified above by whom the return is to be made with respect to the persons present at midnight on 1 July 1990 in any of the premises mentioned above;
(vii) persons not included in any of the above-mentioned categories: the person in respect of whom the return is to be made.

2. Persons in respect of whom the return is to be made

(i) All persons who spend census night 1-2 July 1990 on the premises whether they are members of the household, visitors, guests, boarders or servants;
(ii) all persons who arrive on the premises and join the household on Monday July 2 1990 without having been enumerated elsewhere; and
(iii) all temporarily absent members of the household, i.e. all persons who usually live in the household, but who are away on census night, for example, on a business trip, on vacation, in hospital or studying abroad; include them even if you know that they are being enumerated elsewhere.

3. Legal provisions

(i) The Census is taken by the Central Statistical Office under the Statistics Act. Every person is required by law to give to the person responsible for making the return such information as may be necessary to enable the return to be made. No use may however be made of such information by the person to whom it is given except for the purpose of making the return.
(ii) Any person who refuses or neglects to fill in the form or to supply the particulars required therein or who knowingly makes in this form any statement which is untrue in any material particular shall commit an offence under the Statistics Act, and shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year and to a fine not exceeding Rs. 1,000.
(iii) All information obtained in the course of the Census is treated as confidential. No information about named individuals is ever passed on by the central Statistical Office to any other Government Department or to any other Authority or person. All enumerators and other officers engaged in the taking of the Census are under oath and are liable to prosecution if they improperly disclose any information which has come to their knowledge while performing their duties.

4. Completion of the form

The form should be completely filled in by the person designated in section 1 above. If any difficulty is experienced, particularly with columns 24 to 37, guidance should be sought from the Enumerator when he calls to collect the form. If the answers are incomplete or inaccurate, the enumerator will ask any questions necessary to enable him to complete or correct the form.
The information should be entered in the space provided using ink or a ball-point pen. Nothing should be written in the boxes which are reserved for codes.

5. Collection of the form

The form will be collected on 2 or 3 July 1990 by the appointed enumerator.
Before completing the census form, please consult the guide which is in both English and French.

I declare that the information in this return is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature or mark of the person making the return: ____
Signature of authorized officer: ____

Please do not write anything in the boxes
Complete a line for every person present on Census night (1-2 July 1990) and also for every person who usually lives in the household but was absent on Census night.
See instructions in section 2 on front page.

5 Age ____

Give age in completed years. For children who have not attained 1 year, write '0 years'.
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form
The Census form has to be filled in completely by the head of the household.
A household is either one person living alone, or a group of persons, who may or may not be related, but who live together and make common provision for food and other essentials for living. The head of household is any adult member, whether male or female, who is acknowledged as head by the other members.

The census form can contain information for up to 10 persons. If there are more than ten persons, continue on a new form which can be obtained from the Census enumerator. Please note that nothing should be written in the shaded boxes [][]: they are reserved for inserting codes.

[Next page]

After completing the form, have it ready so that the enumerator can collect it on Monday 2 July 1990 or soon after. If you are not sure how to complete any of the entries, please ask the enumerator to help you when he or she calls. He or she will also check your answers and ask any questions necessary to complete the form and correct inaccurate entries.

Column 5
Write the age of the person in completed years. Thus if the person is 15 years and 11 months old on Census night, write '15 years'. For a baby who has not yet attained 1 year write '0 year';
If you are not sure about the age of a person, consult the birth certificate if available; otherwise enter the best estimate and indicate that the figure is an estimate e.g. 85 years (est).

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Population census form]

5. Age _ _

Give age in completed years. E.g., if person was 15 years 11 months on census night, write: '15 years'. For children who have not attained 1 year, write '0 year'.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

Column 5 - Age
Write the age of the person in completed years. Thus if the person is 15 years and 11 months old on Census night, write "15 years". For a baby who has not yet attained 1 year write "0 year".
If you are not sure about the age of a person, consult the birth certificate if available; otherwise enter the best estimate and indicate that the figure is an estimate e.g. 85 years (est).

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_AGE — Age
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Individual form

P05. Age

Write the age in completed years _ _ _
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P04, P05 and P06 - Sex, age and Date of Birth
Almost all decisions made by government and businesses depend on knowing how many men, women and children of different age groups are located in each part of the country. This helps to work out the needs for services such as schools, retirement homes and health services.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P05 - Age
Write the age of the person in completed years, e.g. if the person is 25 years and 11 months old on Census night, write "25 "with one digit per box.

For a baby who has not yet attained 1 year, write "0" as follows:

[figure omitted]

If you are not sure about the age of the person, consult the ID card or birth certificate, if available; otherwise, enter the best estimate and write "EST" in the grey space just below the box for the respective person.

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_AGE — Age
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9. For persons over one year old
Years completed ____

10. For persons less than one year old
Months completed ____

If one column is filled, do not fill the other one.

Columns 9 and 10: Insist that the person answering the census provide the correct age of all the persons, writing the age for persons over one year. In column 10, for persons less than one year old, write the months completed. For those under one month old, write 0 in the column 10.

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(Very Important)

Columns 9 and 10. In column 9, [P. 17] write the number of years attained for those who are older than 1 year. In column 10 write the number of months for someone less than one year old. For those younger than one month, write a (0) in column 10. If one column is filled out, the other should not be filled out. The enumerator should try to obtain the correct age for each person enumerated. When a person does not know their age, the enumerator will ask them relevant questions in order to estimate the age correctly, for example, they will ask them if they remember, and what age they had approximately, when a notable act occurred, especially related with the place in which they are enumerated.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_AGE — Age, years and months
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2. Age

How many years has this person completed?
_____ years completed

If less than one year old. How many months has this person completed?
_____ months completed

Is the person less than one month old? Mark with an X
[ ] 800

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image


Column 2

Never fail to write an answer to this question.

[Drawing] Write down the age of the person in attained years for persons older than one year, that is, the number of years they completed on their last birthday.

[Drawing] For children less than one year old, obtain the age in attained months.

[P. 33]

In the case of children less than 1 month old, mark the corresponding circle with an X.

If the exact age is not known, as occurs for some older people, ask: "What year were you born?" If that date cannot be obtained either, try to associate the age which they had at the time of an important occurrence. For example: the beginning of the Revolution of 1910, the Expropriation of the Petroleum Industry in 1938, etc.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

3. Age

How many years has this person completed?
_____Write the number

If this person is less than one year old. Mark with an X
[ ] 0

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions that are asked of all of the persons

You should ask questions 1: relationship; 2: sex; 3: Age; 4: place of birth of all of the persons that normally live in the dwelling, no matter what their age is.

3. Age

Do not forget that you must always get and write down an answer.

There are persons who have the custom of answering the number of years that they will complete, for example: "I am almost 23." Since you are asking the number of years completed, you should write:


Write the number
If the person is less than one year old, mark the corresponding box:
If this person is less than one year old
Mark with an x

If the person does not remember his/her age, help the person remember by trying to remember an important activity in his/her life, for example, how old were you when you got married and how many years have you been married?

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For all people
[Applies to questions 2.4 and 2.5]

2.5 Age
How many completed year old is (Name)? ____

Less than one year 000
Does not know 999

[Below the text is a box labeled "Years," and under the text are three boxes.]
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3.6 Age

The same as the question about sex, age provides some of the most important information to know, among other things, how much the birth rate ascended, what part of the population is young, what is adult and what part is in the third age, that is the composition of the population by age. Because of this, it is indispensable to have an answer.

The age of a person is defined as the number of completed or lived years of a person, from the date of birth to the moment of the interview.

Read the whole question and ask for completed years, mentioning the name of the person. If the answer is the date of birth, calculate the age together with the informant.

If the answer is not known, help the person to get an approximate age. Remember that an answer must exist.

To calculate the age starting from the date of birth, subtract the year of birth of the person from 1995 (current year).


Juan was born in 1969, therefore he is 26 years old (1995-1969=26). Another necessary aspect is the month of birth, to know if the age completed results in being a year off or not. Continuing the same example of Juan, he was born in April and the interview is in November, which means that he already completed [p. 88] 26 years. So the answer to the question is 26 years completed. On the contrary, if the month of birth were December, then the answer is 25 years.

When the person is less than a year old, (it is hours, days, weeks or less than 12 months old), write zeros in the spaces meant for it.

Be careful that the informant mentions the age in completed years and not the age they will be. If the answer is "I'm almost 38" or "close to 38" clarify affirming, "that is, you are 37 completed years old." One has to keep in mind that the answer normally corresponds to the age they will be and not the current one. When they answer "around 38," investigate the completed age, confirming if it 37 or 38.

If a person does not remember the age, help with some life event (marriage, birth of a child, school year passed, etc.) or ask that they show their driver's license, birth certificate, voter credentials, or another document where the date of birth appears.


On this certificate, the year of birth is 1988, subtract from 1995, and considering being born in July and the interview is in November, the answer is 07.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

[p. 89]

On this vaccination card, the date of birth is October of 1988, subtract 1995 and the result is seven, considering that the interview is in November, the year was completed and 07 is written down.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

When they show you their voter credentials, do not look directly at the age, the document was made one to four years before. To get the information, identify the month and the year of birth in the voter key and keep in mind the date that the Poll is carried out.

On this voter credential, the year of birth is 1960, which is subtracted from 1995 and the result is 35; considering that the interview is in November, the year has not been completed, the month of birth being in December, 34 should be written down.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

When the age is 98 or more write 98. 99 is used after trying to get the information by many means, finally you do not get it. It has to be emphasized that one should try to obtain an approximate age, since information with a margin of error is preferable to "does not know" as an answer.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_AGE — Age
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3. Age

How many years has this person completed?
_____Write the number

If this person is less than one year old write 000
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3. Age

Make sure that they always give you the age of the person in completed years.

If the informant does not remember the age of some person, help them with some occurrence (marriage, birth of a child, year in school, among others) or ask them to consult their drivers license, their birth certificate, or another document where the date of birth appears, and help them to calculate the age.

When the person is less than one year old (is only hours, days, weeks, or less than 12 months old), write zeros in the spaces meant for it.

When the answer is imprecise, confirm or inquire about the age attained.

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_AGE — Age
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3.3 Age
How many completed years old is (Name)?
Under one year, write down "000"

Write down with a number

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Questions 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 are asked to all people whatever their age.

3.3 Age

The question makes reference to the age that people have in completed years.

When a person is younger than a year, (is hours, days or weeks old or is still not a year), write down 000 in the boxes.

If an informant does not remember the age of any person, help to think about any event (marriage, birth of a child, school year taken, among others) or ask him or her to consult the birth certificate, voter credential, driver's license or other document where the date of birth appears, to be able to calculate the age.

[p 72]

If an answer is not precise, investigate the age in complete years, asking for the date of birth.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

If they tell you the year of birth, help the informant calculate the age.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_AGE — Age
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

2. Age
How old is [the respondent] in completed years?

If less than one year old write "000".

Write the number of years _ _ _

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]

2. Age
With this question, it is known that the age represents the completed years of the people in the dwelling at the moment of the interview.

If the informer doesn't remember or [cannot] specify the age of some person, help him with some event (marriage, a child's birth, year in school, among others) or ask him to consult a birth certificate, voter's ID, personal identification card (CURP), driver's license, or some other document where the birth date appears; help him calculate the age.

[p. 91]

Register three zeros ("000") if the person is younger than 1 year, and [if he/she] is hours old, days old, weeks old, or younger than 12 months.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_AGE — Age
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2. Age
How many years old is [the respondent]?
[If less than one year, record "000"]

_ _ _ [record years old]
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2. Age
This question identifies the age (in completed years) of each resident of the dwelling at the time of the interview. Moreover, this information allows you to apply age cutoffs of the questionnaire.

[Figures are omitted]

Read the question for each person, listen the answers and record the age in years in the space intended for it. If the respondent does not remember or does not specify the age of any person, support him/her mentioning some event, such as marriage, birth of a son or daughter, grade at school, among others or asked him/her to verify the birth certificate, the credential of the voter, the CURP, the driver license or another document that shows the date of birth; help him/her to calculate the age. When the informant says phrases like "33 turning 34", "2 and a half" or "almost 5", verify with him/her the years of age at the time (33, 2 and 4, respectively). Registers three zeros (000) if the person is less than one year, either by hours, days, weeks, or less than 12 months of age.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_AGE — Age
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4. Age: How old is [the respondent]?

If under one year old, write 000

_ _ _ Age in years
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15.2 Section II. List of people and general data
The section is made up of questions that allow us to know the number of people who are habitual residents of the housing unit, and in addition, to record the gender, age, and relationship of each person with respect to the head of the housing unit.

Remember that it is very important to record all the residents of the housing unit since the 2020 Population and Housing Census must count all the people living in the country.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

4. Age
This question helps to find out how old the residents of the housing unit are at the time of the interview. In addition, it allows to apply the age cutoffs of the questionnaire. Read the question for each person, listen to the answer, and record the age in the space provided.

If the respondent does not remember or does not know the age of a person, support them by mentioning an event, such as a marriage, the birth of a child, school year, among others, or ask them to consult the birth certificate, voter's credential, CURP, driver's license or other documents where the date of birth appears; help them to calculate the age.

When the respondent says phrases such as "33 in the age of 34", "2 and a half" or "almost 5", rectify with them the age in years completed at that moment (the correct answer in these cases is: 33, 2 and 4, respectively). Enter three zeros (000) if the person is younger than one year old, whether it is hours, days, weeks, or younger than 12 months old.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_AGE — Age
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4. Age: How old is [the respondent]?

If under one year old, write 000

_ _ _ Age in years
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.2 Section II. List of people and general data
The section is made up of questions that allow us to know the number of people who are habitual residents of the housing unit, and in addition, to record the gender, age, and relationship of each person with respect to the head of the housing unit.

Remember that it is very important to record all the residents of the housing unit since the 2020 Population and Housing Census must count all the people living in the country.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

4. Age
This question helps to find out how old the residents of the housing unit are at the time of the interview. In addition, it allows to apply the age cutoffs of the questionnaire. Read the question for each person, listen to the answer, and record the age in the space provided.

If the respondent does not remember or does not know the age of a person, support them by mentioning an event, such as a marriage, the birth of a child, school year, among others, or ask them to consult the birth certificate, voter's credential, CURP, driver's license or other documents where the date of birth appears; help them to calculate the age.

When the respondent says phrases such as "33 in the age of 34", "2 and a half" or "almost 5", rectify with them the age in years completed at that moment (the correct answer in these cases is: 33, 2 and 4, respectively). Enter three zeros (000) if the person is younger than one year old, whether it is hours, days, weeks, or younger than 12 months old.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mongolia 1989 — source variable MN1989A_AGE — Age
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4. Date of birth:
Year ____
Month ____
Day ____
Age _ _

Aimag (province) _____

Soum (district) _____

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Question Four.

114. A person's date of birth shall be filled out as it is written in their registration number. (for example: 1940 -- 2 -- 25). However, the age shall be taken as the years aged. Age shall not be added up even if there is only a few days are left before the actual birth day. For example: if a child is 12 years and 11 months and 25 days old his/her age shall be filled out as being 12 not13. The age for young children up to 12 months shall be filled out as 0.

115. People ages shall be defined through the following method: Age for people who were born before January 5 of each year shall be defined by subtracting their year of birth from 1989. For example: if Baldan was born January 3, 1939 then he will be 50 years old (1989 -- 1939). Age for people who were born after January 5 of each year shall be defined by deducting their year of birth from 1989, then subtracting 1 from the remainder. For example: if Dash was born January 10, 1943 then he will be 45 years old (1989 -- 1943 - 1). (For defining age please, refer to the Table in the Appendix 5).

116. Table 1 shall be used to determine the age for old people who are not able to say their DOB but knows them in the old lunar calendar.
Year of Birth, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 8, 9, 10
Mouse, 5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77, 89, 101, 113
Cow, 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76, 88, 100, 112
Tiger, 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87, 99, 111
Rabbit, 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 98, 100
Dragon, 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97, 109
Snake, - , 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108
Horse, - , 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83, 95, 107
Oxen, - , 10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, 94, 106
Monkey, - , 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81 93, 105
Hen/Rooster, - , 8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80, 92, 104
Dog, - , 7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79, 91, 103
Pig, - , 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78, 90, 102

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_AGE — Age
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All persons should answer.
[Questions 1-9.]

4. Age (in completed years) _ _ _

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Question 4

Age (in completed year) Information on age should be recorded by completed years. Even when there are only a few days left to reach to complete year, the enumerator should not raise the current year of the respondent. The age of a child under 1 year should be recorded as "OO". Information on age will be estimated directly by asking the respondent his or her birth date: year, month and day. After asking the birth date (year, month, day) of a respondent, the enumerator should compare it with 5th January 1999 and if does not match the estimation, then re-ask the respondent. In the case the birth year is known, the enumerator should fill out the respondent's age from appendix N5. See annex 5A, if the respondent does not know his/her age in accordance with a calendar estimation, but knows the age according to the lunar new year.

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_AGE — Age (in years)
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Q06: Date of birth or age
(Specify the date of birth or the age, depending on declaration)

- Date of birth:
(Example: a persons declares being born on February 4, 1967, write down 4 February 1967, in write in the appropriate boxes: 0 2 / 1 9 6 7
MM in months _ _
YYYY in years _ _ _ _

- Age:
(Example: a persons declares being 47 years of age, write down 47 boxes: 4 7
(For children younger that 1 year of age, write "00")

_ _

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6. Date of birth or age

Show clearly date of birth or age according to declaration.

a. Date of birth example: Declared 9 July 1953, write "07" "1953"

b. Age in years example: Declared [to be] 48 years old. Put "48".

For [persons] younger than 1 year, write "00".

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_AGE — Age in years
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Date of birth or age. Show clearly date of birth or age according to declaration.

Q6a. Date of birth

Example: declared 9 July 1953, write 09 1953


Q6b. Age in years

Example: declared 48 years old. Put 48. For [persons] younger than one year, write "00".
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Individuals: (multiple records)

Date of birth or age. Show clearly date of birth or age according to declaration.

Q6b. Age in years____

Example: declared 48 years old. Put "48". For [persons] younger than 1 year, write "00".

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_AGE — Age in years
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Individual form / population structure

7. Date of birth or age

Specify the date of birth, the year of birth, or the age of the enumerated person, depending on the declaration


Q07b. Age

If the age is 49 years, write down "49" and code: 4 9

_ _ _

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Q07: Date of birth or age
(Specify the date of birth, the year of birth, or the age of the enumerated person, depending on declaration)

Q07B: Age

If the age is 49 years, write down "49" and code: [4][9]

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_AGE5 — Age (5-year intervals)
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Population structures

07. Date of birth or age

Specify date of birth or age according to statement
Date of birth
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
If the person states, ''March 28, 1960,'' write ''March 28, 1960'' and the code: 03 1960
If the person states, ''1960,'' write ''[1960]'' and the code: 1960
Age _ _
Example: If the person states, ''54 years old,'' write ''54 years'' and the code: 54

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_AGE — Age
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4. What is (the person)?s age?
Age in completed years: _ _
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P4. How old are you?
This is one of the most important questions of the Census, since all data analysis is done on the basis of information crossed with the age of the respondents. For example, rates of illiteracy, unemployment, mortality, etc., are calculated using data on age. Therefore, one must correctly identify and write down the age of each household member.
The age of each person should be given in number of completed years. For example, if the person has less than 1 year of age (had not yet completed one year of age in August 1, 1997), then you should write: |0|0|.
If the person is 9 years old, write this: |0|9|, etc.
Keep in mind that:

Age is recorded in 2 digits. If registered to vote has one younger than 10 years, type 0 before the age. For example, a person with 7 years of age, write down: 07.
If age is over 99 years (e.g. 100, 101) you can write the last digit in two boxes for example, |1|0|1|

To determine the age you should:

1 - Ask the age and year of birth of the person.
2 - Ask for ID Card, Voter Registration Card, or equivalent document which can be recorded the age or year of birth (SEE TABLE FOR CONVERSION) of the respondent.
If using this method you are still not able to determine the age, the Enumerator should try to get it through comparisons with other surveyed with a known age or by the following:
a) Use dates of historical local or national events who can recall their age or date of birth. From the age that the person had at the time of the historical event you should add the years since that time and calculate his/her current age.
b) Compare the physical characteristics of the person whose age is unknown, with another person with known age
- Special attention should be given to children (see if they already run - 1 year or already speak - 2 years).
c) To determine the age of a child, and the mother has more children, you should proceed as follows:
- Knowing the age of one of them,
- Following the order and interval in which the mother gave birth, calculate the age of the child whose age is unknown.
d) In cases where it is difficult to estimate the age you should not look for an arbitrarily solution assigning ages ending in zero or five. You should always distinguish between the ages year by year, for example: 36, 43, 78, etc..

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_AGE — Age
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Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

4. What is (the person)'s age?
_ _write the age in completed years

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P4. What is (the person's) age?

This Question is also important because it will allow us to analyze all the information in terms of age. For example, illiteracy, unemployment and mortality rates are calculated based on people's ages.

Write the age of each member of the household correctly.

The person's age should be indicated in numbers of completed years according to their last birthday. For instance, if the person was born on August 31, 2006, they has not yet completed 1 year old on August 1, 2007. In this situation, the Enumeration Form should be filled out as follows: |0|0|0|. If the person is 9 years old, you should write |0|0|9|in the Enumeration Form.

Be aware that:

The age is to be written in 3 digits. If the person being enumerated is 7 years old, write 00 before the age, as in: |0|0|7|.

To determine the age of persons who do not know how old they are:

1- Ask when the person was born and look up that date in the table for age conversion (Attachment A)
2 - In case the person does not know their birth year, request their I.D., Birth Certificate or other document issued by official establishments which can be used to see the person's age or birth year. (Please see in Attachments the CONVERSION TABLE).

If the Enumerator cannot determine the age through those methods, they should try to obtain it by comparing it to other members whose age is known, or using the following procedure:

a) Use the dates of local or national historical events so that the person can try to remember their age or date of birth. To the age the person was at the time of that event, you should add up the number of years passed since the event and calculate their actual age.

b) Compare the physical characteristics of the person whose age is unknown with someone else's whose age is known.

Pay close attention to the children (if they can walk already they may be around 1 year old, or if they can speak they may be around 2).

c) To determine a child's age, if the mother has more children, you should:
  • Know the age of one of the children
  • Follow the order and interval between their birth so you can calculate the age of the child whose age is unknown.
d) For the cases which are difficult to calculate the age do not look for easy solutions by simply attributing them ages ending in zero or five. One should always distinguish the ages in years, as for example 36, 43, 78, etc.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_AGE — Age
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For all members of the household (1 through 18)
[Question 1 through 18 were asked of all persons living in the household.]

5. Completed age_ _

If age greater than or equal to 98, write "98". If less than one write "00".
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Part 2: For all Members of the Household

Question 5: Age in completed years

116. Ask "what is the age of [the respondent] in completed years?". Write the age in completed years (two digits) in the boxes provided. Age in completed years means the person's age at his/hers last birthday. Always start by asking the person's age and follow up with the question on the date of birth as a consistency check on the former. For babies under one year of age, write 00. Use two digits in recording age, e.g. "01","02", etc. Persons aged 98 years and over should be coded "98". Make sure always that your writing is legible and write only within the boxes.

117. Be careful not to round ages up to the next birthday. In Myanmar, it is common to report the coming age rather than completed age. A child who is aged four years and 11 months should for example be entered as "04" and not "05". When recording age you must confirm carefully that it is completed age.

118. It is also possible that some respondents will give you the year when they were born based on the Myanmar year. You must verify if the year given is in normal English year or Myanmar year. A conversion table has been prepared so that if any respondent gives the age in Myanmar year so that you can check the corresponding age in English and record accordingly. Age in the census must be filled in English year.

119. The column on age must not be left blank. Some people may not know their ages. If a person's age is not known, you must make the best estimate possible. There are various ways in which you can estimate a person's age. Sometimes, people have documents such as religious certificates, birth registration certificates, identity card which shows the year of the birth, "Household Registration List" with date of birth of each member (in case you were given the Household Listing") in which case it is easy to calculate age. Use such information to get correct information on age.

[p. 26]

120. Generally, it is not so easy to estimate age for members of the household if none of them know their age. When you come across a household where all members do not know their ages. In such cases concentrate first on establishing the age of one or two persons in the household. One reliable age may help in working out the ages of others whether they are older or younger and by how many years.

121. It is sometimes possible to estimate a person's age by relating his/her birth to some notable historical event. With these instructions is a Calendar of Events, which lists the dates of major events in the history of Myanmar. If the person can remember how old he/she was at the time at the event, you can work out the person's age.

122. This is how to use the calendar of events to estimate the respondent's age.

a) Ask for any historical event, which occurred around the time of the birth/childhood of the respondent.
b) Ask how old the respondent was when that event occurred or how many years elapsed before his/her birth.
c) Then use this information to work out his/her age. For example, if respondent was about 3 years when the U Thant Conflict happened in Myanmar. First, check which year U Thant conflict happened and, it is in 1973 according to English year and 1334 in Myanmar year. When we check the current age of a person born in 1973 from the table, it is 40 years. So this person should be 3 + 43 = 46 years at the time of the census in 2014. You can use the same approach to establish the age of a person in the household. If this method fails, you should try the following approach.

123. Simply estimate how old he/she may be.

a) Then select from the list of historical events, some events which occurred about the time when according to your estimate he/she must have been born.
b) Ask whether he/she has heard about any of those events.
c) If he/she has, ask him/her to give you an indication of how old he/she was when this event occurred or how many years elapsed before he/she was born.
d) Then, from this information work out his/her age.

124. If this still fails, then base your estimate on biological relationships. For instance, a woman who does not know her age but who has two or three children of her own is unlikely to be less than 15 years old, however, small she may look. You may then try to work out her age by the following methods.

a) Determine the age of her eldest child.
b) Ask her to give an estimate of her age at the birth of this child. However, without further probing, you should not base your assumption on the eldest child who is presently living. There is the likelihood that in certain cases, the first child died or that the woman had miscarriages or stillbirths. Therefore, if the woman tells you that she had one miscarriage or stillbirth before the oldest living child was born, you should make your estimation from the year of the first miscarriage/stillbirth or livebirth.

125. When you have arrived at the best estimate you can make of a person's age, check that it is compatible with his or her relationship to others in the household. Obviously, children cannot be older than their parents, women seldom marry before they are 15 years old and men before they are 18 years old, and so on.

[p. 27-29 contain a figure titled "Table 2: Historical Calendar of Events in Myanmar/Current". The figure has been omitted.]

126. For a person who remembers the year of birth or through checking the "Household Registration List" if voluntarily given and upon getting the date of birth; you can, use the Age Conversion Table (Figure 3) to get his/her age at the time of the census. For example, if a person was born in 1960. According to this table, he/she will be 53 years old.

Any estimate of age, however rough, is better than a response of "don't know". Do the best you can to report ages accurately.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_AGE — Age
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4. What is ____ age?
(Completed age must be given and 00 for age less than a year)

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Column 4: What is ____ age?
The age of the person denotes how much time has passed since birth. There is a trend of denoting time in years, month and day. While counting, the age completed by the person should be written, not the running age. Babies younger than 1 year of age or the age of an infant baby born a few days back should be written as "00".

Many parents have no idea about the age of their own children. While asked "What is the age?" the answer is generally "don't know". When answering about the age, the answer is often given in digits ending with "0" or "5". This type of reported age can be different than real age by 5 to 10 years. If the answer given is incorrect, then the outcome of the census can also be incorrect.

If the age cannot be answered clearly, then the approximate calculation can be done by finding out the age gap relative to other members. Relating to some major incidents or happenings in the past, the age can be calculated. For example, when you were born, how long it had been since the earthquake of 1990 B.S. took place? How old you were during the revolution of 2007 B.S.? What was your age when the general elections of 2005 B.S. took place? etc. can be helpful to know the real age of the person.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_AGE — Age
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Personal Information

[5] What is the age of [the respondent]?

[Write down completed years, enter "00" if less than one year]
Years ____
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Individual information
After collecting the introductory and household information of data sheet 1, there are questions for individual information collection on the right side of the page. To write individual information, a row has been allocated for each member of the family. Sequence and rules for information collection have been put accordingly. In line with this, ask the question and fill the information. The response of each individual question should be written in the respective column.

Column 5: what is the age of [the respondent]?
While writing the age of a person in the enumeration form, write the completed age in years.
The age of a person means the time spent from the birth to the till date. It is common practice to indicate the time in years, months, and days. While writing the age, write only the completed years by a person. E.g. If Kamala is now 13 years, 6 months, and 29 days, then only write her age as 13 years. For children born some time ago or who have not reached 1 year, then write "00".

Some parents might not know their children age. It is common if we ask what the age is of..., we generally get the answer "don't know". It is also common that while responding, some respondents give the answer for the age with the figure ending either "0" or "5". Such response might differ from the real age. With wrong answer, the result of the enumeration also comes wrong. Similarly to collection of other information, the age of each person should be written correctly.

If the respondent could not say the exact age, then we can identify the age by comparing the age difference with other members. Similarly, if a person was born at or around the time of some major events of the past, these events might be the basis for identifying age. E.g.: What was your age at the time of mega earthquake in 1934? What was your age when there was people's revolution in 1951? What was your age at the first general election of 1959? Or, how many years after the general election you were born?

Netherlands 1960 — source variable NL1960A_AGE — Age
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3. Date and year of birth ____

Netherlands 1971 — source variable NL1971A_AGE — Age
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3a. Month of birth
[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December

3b. Year of birth (First three digits)
[] 186
[] 187
[] 188
[] 189
[] 190
[] 191
[] 192
[] 193
[] 194
[] 195
[] 196
[] 197

3c. Year of birth (last digit)
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

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Question 3 b and c [Birth year]
For the birth year, always check two boxes, for example:

Birth year 1893
3b = 189
3c = 3

Birth year 1946
3b = 194
3c = 6

Netherlands 2001 — source variable NL2001A_AGE — Age

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Netherlands 2011 — source variable NL2011A_AGE — Age

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_AGE — Age
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4. Age

How old are you in years completed?
For those younger than one year, write "00"

____ Years

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Question #4: Completed age
a. How to ask the question:
What is the person's age, in years completed?

The information obtained for each person is the number of years completed at the last birthday and not the number to be completed at the next birthday.

Taking into account the importance of this topic, all possible effort should be made in order to obtain the age in the most exact manner possible. It should be remembered that persons, when declaring their age, tend to raise the number in some cases, and to lower the number in other cases. It is also frequent that persons declare, because of ignorance or other reasons, the age in numbers ending in zero or five (20, 30, 40, or 25, 35, 55, etc.). In these cases, it is convenient to request the year of birth as a control. If there is an inconsistency between the two pieces of information, it should be pointed out to the informant and an attempt should be made to obtain the correct information. If a person claims to not know their age, indirect questions should be asked to deduce the age; for example: if the person is married and has children, the age of the oldest child and the age of the person at the time of the birth of the child can be asked. As a last resort, the age should be estimated based on whichever resources are available, such as relating the age to a national or international event such as the beginning of the century, the Earthquake of Managua, the Second World War, etc. Only if the informant does not know the age of a household member and there is no other way to confirm the information is this fact recorded on the census form.

[p. 49]

b. How to record the information:
The following is written above the line located before the word "Years":

1) For those age 1 year or older, the number of years completed;
2) For those younger than 1 year, the digits "00";
3) The word "Unknown" is recorded for those persons whose information was impossible to obtain.

c. Examples:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 4 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_AGE — Age in years
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V. Persons in the dwelling
For all persons
[Questions 1-4 were asked of all persons]

3. How many years old is the person? (If less than one year old put "00", if over 98 put "98") _ _

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_AGE — Age
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3. How old is [the person]? (years) _ _ _
If younger than 1 year, write "000"

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Question 3. How old is [the person] in completed years?
(If s/he is less than one year old write "000")

Write the age in completed years at the time of the interview

If the informant doesn't remember his/her age, or that of one of the members of the household, help out by [reminding the person of] an event (earthquakes, hurricanes or wars, among others) or ask him/her to check a document that might contain the birth date, such as a birth certificate, ID card, etc.

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_AGE — Age
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5. Age (in completed years) _ _
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4.7 Age (Column-5)
The age of every person will be written in this column. It may be inquired, "what is the age of that person?" (by asking his name.) Age is the interval, which is estimated or calculated in completed years between the period of birth of person and the time of survey.

For children who are less than one year, 0 (zero) will be entered for their age. The age of every person will be counted from the starting date of survey. The child who has not attained the age of one year, his age will be written [Pg. 29] zero (0) in that column. For the person whose age cannot be known, the enumerator should try to estimate correct age of the member while reminding him memorable past historical events, these can be both local and national. For example, the date of creation of Pakistan in 14th August, 1947, Indian attack on Pakistan in September 1965, a starvation in Bengal in 1943, and an earthquake in Quetta in 1934, etc. In most of cases the correct estimate of age can be guessed with reference to the age of the different members of the household. Estimation of age is a very important task, so the enumerators will have to do hard work and use their wisdom in this connection. Sometimes it is better to guess the age of the members of household. The relation between them should be kept in view for it. It has to start from the youngest child and finish on the oldest person of the household. The age of wife/husband can be estimated from age at which they got married. The age of first child can be calculated/known by the difference of age between his parents at the time of marriage and the time of birth of first baby. The age of other children can be guessed by the intermediate interval of their birth.

Pakistan 1981 — source variable PK1981A_AGE — Age
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5. Age
In completed years i.e., age on last birthday (in two digits e.g., 02, 24, 99). Put "00" for infants younger than one year.
_ _

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2.4.6. Column number 6 - Age

For age, you will inquire the age on the last birth day and write age in two digits (age 02 will be written for those who have completed two years, age 34 will be written who have completed thirty four years and 99 years for those who are of ninety nine age or more). Those infants who are of age less than 1 will be written as "00". In some cases the respondent may not be able to tell correct age of a few persons; then he may be helped in determining the age.

National or international events like World War II 1939-45, creation of Pakistan 1947 Quaid-e-Azam's death in 1948, Indo-Pak War in 1965 and 1971, etc. or the reference of certain local events can help in determining correct age.

The age of some persons can be determined with reference to those people whose age is known, especially when you start with youngest person. The married people know their age with reference to their marriage. They may also remember after how many years of marriage their eldest child was born and after how many years gap was there between later children. If age of one member of the household is known the correct age of other members can be determined.

Pakistan 1998 — source variable PK1998A_AGE — Age
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5. Age
Write age in completed years in two digits.
(Enter "00" for age less than one year)
_ _

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_AGEGR1 — Age in completed years (grouped)
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37. Age by years (for the persons who are less than one year, put 0) _ _

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_AGE — Age group
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44 Date of birth
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

45. Age in years (for individuals less than a year, please put "0") _ _

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_AGEGRP — Age (5-year intervals)
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Part two: Household members data

For all members of the household
[Questions 50 to 62 are asked of all persons]

55. Age in complete years (for individuals less than a year put 00) _ _

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Chapter Two: Concepts and Definitions
The following concepts and definitions were used in data file:

Age in completed years:
The completed age in years of the person enumerated, which is the difference between the date of birth and the census reference period.

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_AGE — Age
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4. Age in years completed:
Write the age completed at last birthday. If under 1 year write the date of birth: (day, month and year)


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(Applicable to persons of all ages)
(Questions 1-10)

Question 4 Age in complete years

Write down the person's age in completed years, that is to say, the age at the last birthday. For children less than one year old, write down the birthday. Example: January 10, 1960.

[p. 35]

Some persons have the tendency to reduce or increase their age or round their age to numbers ending in 0 or 5. Example: They say they are 50 when they are actually 49, or that they are 55 when they are actually 56. If any doubt about answering the question is observed, try to obtain the exact age.
If the person does not know the current age as happens to older persons who live in the country, estimate the age and write it down followed by the letter E. For example: 54-E, 60-E. In these cases the estimation can be more closely approximated if the likely date of birth is associated with a local, national or international event of great effect on the public. For example: The age of our Independence from Columbia (1903), when World War One began (1914), the year in which Doctor Porras became president for the first time (1912), the time of the earthquakes (1913); etc.
If it is not possible to estimate the age after having made an effort, write "unknown".

Panama 1970 — source variable PA1970A_AGE2 — Age, unedited
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4. How old are you?
Write the age in years. If under 1 year of age, write 00. If the age is unknown, write "doesn't know."

Years ____

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Question 4 How old are you?

Write down the person's age in completed years, in other words, the age of the person on the last birthday. For those less than a year old, write down "00". Use numbers, not letters, to make the annotation.
If there is some doubt in the person when answering the question, try to get the exact age. One resource is the Personal Identity Card.
When a person does not know his/her age, as occasionally happens among persons of advanced age, try to help by making references to historical events or simple local happenings. The age of a person also can be estimated with enough precision, relating the age of a woman when she had a baby to the current age of that child; or how old when getting married or consensually united and remembering how many years that they have been married or consensually united. In these cases, when writing down the estimated age, this age should be followed by the letter "E". Example: 53E; 68E; etc.
If after having exhausted all resources it is not possible to get or estimate the age of the person, write "not known".

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_AGE — Age
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4. How old are you?
Write the age in years. If under 1 year of age, mark the appropriate box. If the age is unknown, ask the person to make an approximate guess.

Person 01

Years _ _

Persons 02 and 03

Years _ _
[] 00 Under 1 year

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Question 4 How old are you?

Write down in the corresponding spaces, the age in completed years of the person on the last birthday. For those less than one year old, mark the corresponding box.

[p. 70]

If there is some doubt in the person when answering the question, try to get the exact age. One resource is the Personal Identity Card.
When a person does not know his/her age, as occasionally happens among persons of advanced age, try to help by making references to historical events or simple local happenings. The age of a person also can be estimated with enough precision, relating the age of a woman when she had a baby to the current age of that child; or how old when getting married or consensually united and remembering how many years that they have been married or consensually united.
If after having exhausted all resources it is not possible to get or estimate the age of the person, write "not known".

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_AGE — Age
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3. What is your age in complete years?
Years _ _

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Question Number 3: What is your age in complete years?
Write down the age of the person in complete years on their last birthday. For those under one year, mark the corresponding circle.
If the person is 99 years old or more write down "98" in the corresponding spaces; and if the person is less than 10 years old, put a 0 in front of it [the age]. Example:

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

[p. 52]

Some persons have the tendency to lower or raise their age or round their age to numbers ending in 0 or 5. They say they are 50 when they are actually 49, or that they are 55 when they are actually 56. If any doubt about answering the question is observed, try to obtain the exact age through their personal identity card.
When the person does not know their age and does not have a personal identity card, estimate the age based on the age of a woman when she had her oldest baby to the current age of that child; or how old when getting married or [consensually] united and remembering how many years that they have been married or [consensually] united.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_AGE — Age
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For all individuals in the household

[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all individuals.]

3. What is your age in years completed?

_ _ Years
Date of birth

Day ____
Month ____
Year ____

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Question No. 3: What is your age in years completed?

Through this question is known the structure of the population by specific age and groups of ages.
It refers to the age of an enumerated person at the moment of the census, that is, at the last birthday.

[p. 68]

Write down, with two digits, the age in complete years of the person.
If the person is 99 years old or more write down "98" in the corresponding spaces; and if the person is less than 10 years old, put a 0 in front of it [the age].
Immediately ask the day, month and year in which the enumerated person was born.
If any doubt about answering the question is observed, try to obtain the exact age through their personal identity card, social security card or other documents that contain this information.
When the person does not know their age and does not have personal identity documentation, estimate the age based on their age when their first son was born and put next to the age the letter E (estimated).

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_AGE — Age in years
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all individuals.]

3. How old is the person in completed years?

Age _ _ _
What is the person's birth date?

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

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[For persons of all ages]
[Questions 1 to 12a]

Question No. 3: What is your age in years completed?
With this question we know the structure of the population by specific age and groups of ages.
Age: It refers to the age of an enumerated person at the moment of the census, that is, at the last birthday. Write down, with three digits, the age in complete years of the person.
If the person is 100 years old or more write down the number, with three digits, in the corresponding spaces; and if the person is less than 100 years old, put one or more zeros in front of it [the age], when necessary. If the person is less than one year old, mark circle 000. Immediately ask the day, month and year in which the enumerated person was born.
If any doubt about answering the question is observed, try to obtain the exact age through their personal identity card, the social security card or other documents that contain this information.
When the person does not know their age, does not have a personal identity card and has children, estimate the age based on her age when her first child was born and put next to the age the letter E (estimated).
[p. 121]
[There is a sample image of the form above the text.]
The head of the household declares that Engell, his youngest son, will be 6 as he was born on June 18, 2004.
[There is a sample image of the form below the text.]

Papua New Guinea 1980 — source variable PG1980A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 4-14 were asked of all persons who stayed in the residence last night.]

4. What is your date of birth?

Ask for birth record care. If date of birth, unknown, estimate age in years

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
____ Age in years
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Section 6 - The census questions

Parts A and B - Urban and RNVs - Questions 1 to 5
Your job as an interviewer to find out and write down on the census form the names of

(i) All people who usually live at the dwelling. Make sure you probe for any old people living in the dwelling (grandparents etc.), any young babies, any adopted children.
(ii) Any people who are visiting the dwelling. This could be people who are only staying a few days; on the other hand they may have been there a few months already.
Note: For the census we do not wish to define a visitor. If a person says he is a visitor, put him/her in the visitors section.
(iii) Any people who slept at the dwelling the night before you are interviewing there

You write down the names of these people in the answer boxes for Ql.

Question 4

What is your date of birth?

In this question you must use probing and the notable events book to work out people's ages.

Quite often parents have health record cards for young children. So always ask if the health record cards are available.

Always try to obtain the day, month and year of birth. If this is not available then try your best to get the month and year. Sometimes you will be able to get an estimate of the month and in these cases you must give the estimate of the month.

A father knows his son is definitely 5 years old and not yet 6 because he was born just a few weeks before Independence in 1975. In this case the month of birth is probably August and you write 8/75 on the census form.

Age conversion chart
The back page of this manual has an age conversion table. Always use this table. That is you must always enter both the age in years and the year of birth in the boxes in question 4. When the month is known or you can estimate it then enter month as well. When day of birth is known then enter this also.

How to use the notable events book
The procedure for using the Notable Events Book is given in the front of the Notable Events Book. You will be shown how to use this book during training.
For easy reference copy the notable events for the District or area you are working in onto the inside of the back of this manual.


Don't suggest ages to people
There is a strong temptation to suggest ages to people, particularly to someone who is taking a long time to work out their age or to someone who has got no idea of their age. Don't do this. Use the Notable Events Book.

Check ages with rest of family structure
You can do a rough check to see if someone's age looks about right by checking it against the family structure and the ages of other people in the family.

A woman tells you she is 28, but later on during the interview it turns out that she has a 17 year old son. That would make her 11 when she gave birth. In this case either the son's or the mother's age is incorrect.
Part C - Rural Villages

Questions 1 to 5

Question 4

What is your date of birth?

The PDS Man will do most of the work on ages. He will work out the age of each person on the Family Record Card
Interviewers copy down the Date of Birth and the Age in Years onto the Census Form.
If a Household has some visitors, the Interviewer must work out their ages because visitors will not be written on the Family Record Card.
Where possible, Health Cards or Clinic Cards should be used to find out the exact date of birth of children. Most mother will have these cards.

Working out ages
The PDS Man is to convert 'Year of Birth' to 'Age in Years', by using the 'Age Conversion Table' on the back of this Manual.
The PDS Man must check these ages. Look to see if the person appears to be the age that is written down.
Also look for 'Impossible Ages' i.e. when a woman has a child that is almost as old as she is.
If you think that the age written on the Family Record Card is wrong you must change it. You must work out how old that person really is.
The way to work out how old that person's age is by using the Notable Events Book.
Whenever possible you should write down the month of birth as well as the year. This is especially important for young people under 10 years old. If the mother does not know the month, you can guess by asking if the child was born before or after the Independence Month (September).
Interviewers must ask visitors if they know how old they are. If they are not sure of their age you must work it out by using the Notable Events Book.

Writing ages onto the census form
You must fill in the date of birth and the age in years. You should write down the Month as well as year of birth if at all possible.

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

4. Date of birth or age

If date of birth is unknown, write age in completed years. If a child is less than one (1) year, enter "00"

_ _ Day
_ _ Month
_ _ Year
_ _ Age in years

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons.]

4. What is the person's date of birth or age in years?

Write date of birth in the six boxes provided. If not known, write age in completed years.

_ _ Day
_ _ Month
_ _Year
_ _Age in years
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Questions on Personal Characteristics
Questions 1 to 7 provide information on personal characteristics such as age, sex, marital status and religion. They help us to plan for the needs of communities.

Question 4: Date of birth or Age
Every community has people of different ages, ranging from very young to very old.
Peoples' needs change according to their age. Policy makers and planners need to know the number of people of each age group in every community, so they can plan for enough schools, aid posts and other community needs. Here are examples of how information on age is used.

-Identify the balance between people who can work and people who are too young or too old to work. This helps to identify people who are likely to be dependent on other people.
-Identify certain proportion of the population who are likely to be in need of immediate attention to the authorities. 1990 census information tells us that about 43 percent of the population in New Ireland were less than 15 years old.
-Certain age groups are most likely to move around within the country. According to the 1990 Census findings in East Sepik Province, about 6, 000 persons in the age group 20-24 moved to other provinces. This information helped the national government policy makers and planners to address the issues related to internal migration.

When answering the question, make sure that the age of every person is recorded.

Q4. What is the person's date of birth or age in years?
(Write date of birth in the Boxes provided day / month / year. If not known write age in completed years)
_ _ _ _ _ _
Age in years: _ _

Who to ask: Ask for all persons in the Household.

Get this information for: Every person listed in Question 1.

Paraguay 1962 — source variable PY1962A_AGE — Age (in years)
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General characteristics

For individuals of all ages

4. Age in years completed.

For those under one year of age, write the number of months completed. For those under one month, write 0 (zero) months.

____ [] 1 Years completed
____ [] 2 Months completed

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Item IV: Age In years completed

131 - "Age in years completed" means the age that the person has reached on their last birthday. One form of verifying the exactness of the age declared by the enumerated is asking for the date of birth, always, of course, when they are in conditions to provide this information.

132 - The enumerator should have in mind people's common tendency to round their age, declaring numbers that end in zero or five. Especially in these cases it would be good to find out the date of birth, that is, make sure that the person is not rounding their age, whether it be higher or lower.

133 - If the person does not know their age and no way is found to acquire it, be it utilizing their personal documents or asking their neighbors, the enumerator should make an estimation of their age. If the enumerated person is not present, obtain the information from those present who know the person.

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_AGE — Age
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IV. Population information

A. Personal characteristics

4. How old are you in years completed?

(For those under one year write 00)

____ Years old

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IV. Information about the Population

A. Personal characteristics:

4. Age
Note with numbers, the age in completed years; for those under one year old, note "00".
When the persons have doubts or do not know their age, try or identify it through some document, through reference to other persons in the household, or through the relationship to historical markers: national, local or family. For example: the age that he/she had during the War of Chaco (1932-35); age that he/she had when he/she got married and the number of years of marriage; age the he/she had at the time of birth of his/her eldest child and the child's current age, etc.

If resorting to these resources it is impossible to determine the age, note the age given and make the corresponding observation.

4. How old are you?
Write the age in years completed.
For persons less than one year old, write "00"
Years completed _____

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_AGE — Age
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4. How old are you in years completed?
For those under one year write 00

____ Years old

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I. For all persons. General characteristics

Question 4. What is the attained age?

Write the age on the line for "attained age."

[A drawing of people and depiction of question 3 is omitted here.]

[P. 39]

If the person giving the information does not know their age help them in some of the following ways:

Ask some of the other members of the household about their age.

Ask for their birth years and make the corresponding calculation. If they say that they were born in 1932, they will be 50 years old (1982-1932 = 50 years). Ask them for a personal identification document (I.D. card, baja [dismissal], election card, proof of conscription, etc.) or deduce their age, in the way done in the previous example.

By making a relation to certain historic, national, local or family events, such as: their age at the time of the revolution of 47, age when they were married and how many years of marriage they have, age when their oldest child was born and the actual age of that person, etc.

If it impossible to determine their age through these resources, estimate the age by simple observation.

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Population information

4. How old are you in years completed?

(For those under one year write 00)

_ _ Years old

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Question 4: How old are you in years completed?

4. How old are you in years completed?

(Write 00 if the person is less than one year old)
Years completed [2 2]

This refers to the years that he/she has already completed and not the age that the person will complete on his/her next birthday (even if it is only one day before his/her birthday). If the child is less than one year old, write 00.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Population Information

Chapter E. For all persons.

4. What is your age in years completed?

____ Years old (if under 1 year, write 0)
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D. List of persons

E. Population information for all persons

Before enumerating each of the members of the household, you should note the order number, the name and last name and relationship on the page that corresponds to each of them in the same order as chapter D (Question 28). After registering all of the persons, you should complete the information for each of them, beginning with the head of household, male or female.

Question 4: How old is the person in completed years?

The age of each person is one of the most important pieces of information for the analysis.

You register the age in years completed, which means, the number of years completed at the date of the interview and not the age that the person will soon complete.

[p. 35]

If the birthday of the person being interviewed is the day of the interview, you should consider as years completed those that the person completes on this day.

If you encounter twins or triplets, you should write the word twin or triplet next to the age.

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_AGE — Age completed, years
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3. What is your age in years completed?
Years completed _ _

For those under 1 year, write the number of months, for those under 1 month write 00.

Months completed _ _

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For All People
[Applies to questions 1 - 6]

Question No. 3: What is your age in years completed?
Read the question and wait for the informant's response. Then, record the information in the appropriate box.
[There is a picture of a completed question 3 from this section of the Enumeration Form.]
Remember that:
The information in this question should be recorded to two digits. When necessary, put a zero before it. Example: if the informant states that they are 7, record: 07.
In "Box 1" Completed years: The age, in completed years, of people older than one will be recorded. If the informant states that they are over 98, record 98.
In "Box 2" Months: For children younger than a year, the number of months will be recorded.
For children who are less than a month old: record "00" in "Box 2."
Remember that the boxes are exclusive: This means that if the person is one year or older, their information will be recorded in box 1 "Completed Years" and you will leave box 2 "Completed Months" blank.
If the informant doesn't remember their age, help them in one of the following ways:

Ask for their year of birth and make the necessary calculation. For example, if the person says that they were born in May of 1942, at the time of the Census they will be 51 years old (1993 - 1942 = 51).
Request a personal identity document (military I.D., voter registration card, birth certificate, etc.) that helps you determine their age.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_AGE — Age in years
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For all persons
[Applies to questions 1-8]

3. How old are you in completed years?

If one or more completed years, write only years: _ _
(If more than 98, write 98)

If less than one year, write only months: _ _
(If less than one month, write 0)

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For All People
[Applies to questions 1-8]

Question 3: How old are you in completed years?
Record the age of the respondent on Census Day, and not the age he/she is going to be.
Do not record information in both the "Record years only" and the "Record months only" spaces.

  • If the person is one year old or more, write the number of years only in the "Record years only" space. If the person is more than 98, write 98. For those aged less than 10 years, write the number using a single digit.

[Next to the text, there are graphics of the "How Old Are You?" box show examples for a seven year old and a one-hundred-and-one year old.]
  • If the person is less than one year old, write the number of months only in the "Record months only" box. For those aged less than 10 months, write the age with a single digit. If less than one month, write 0 (zero) in the grid for months.

[p. 46]
[Next to the text, there are graphics of the "How Old Are You?" box show examples for a nine month old child and a child who is only a few days old.]
Example: Lupita Sandoval was born in March,1967. On October 21, 2007, she is 40 years old in completed years, so you write "40" in the box "Record Years Only."

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_AGE — Age in years
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Section V. Characteristics of the population

4. How old is he/she?

Years old: _ _ _

(If younger than 1 year old, write 0)
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For all persons
[Questions 1 to 10 are asked of all persons]

Question 4: How old is he/she?

Record the age of the respondent on census day, not the age of the respondent's next birthday.
For children under 10 years of age, enter the age to one digit in the appropriate box.
If the respondent is less than 1 year old, enter zero (0).

[Four examples of a filled out question 4 are omitted here.]

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_AGE — Age in years
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Section V. Characteristics of the population

4. How old is he/she?

Years old: _ _ _

(If younger than 1 year old, write 0)
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For all persons
[Questions 1 to 10 are asked of all persons]

Question 4: How old is he/she?

Record the age of the respondent on census day, not the age of the respondent's next birthday.
For children under 10 years of age, enter the age to one digit in the appropriate box.
If the respondent is less than 1 year old, enter zero (0).

[Four examples of a filled out question 4 are omitted here.]

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_AGE — Age
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P4. Date of Birth

Enter month and year
___ Mo.
___ Yr.

P5. What is [respondent]'s age as of his/her last birthday?

___ If age is less than one year, enter "00".
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P5 What is age as of his/her last birthday?

Age, sex and marital status are essential for inclusion in a census for the purposes of analyzing factors of population changes and preparing population estimates and forecasts. Information on these topics are also needed for actuarial analysis of probability of survival and other related life-table functions.

For purposes of this census, age as of last birthday refers to the interval of time between the date of birth and before May 1, 1990, expressed in completed years.

Determine the age of each household member by asking the respondent "What is ______'s age as of his/her last birthday?".

If during your visit, a member of the household has just celebrated his last birthday on or after May 1, 1990, then you have to report his age in his previous birthday. For example, a person has just celebrated his 24th birthday on May 2, 1990, then the age to be reported for this person should be 23 and not 24.

Enter the age of every person 1 year old and over in completed years. However, for persons less than 1 year old, enter 00. Entries on age should consist of two digits. For ages 1 to 9, prefix zero (0). For example, 02, 07, etc.

However, for persons 100 years and over, enter the age in three digits as reported.

Always ask the age of the person even if the date of birth is already given. Do not compute for the person's age from the reported date of birth.

If the exact age is not known, ask for an estimate.

Note that the examples are expressed in whole years. Never make an entry containing a fraction such as 7 1/2, 5 years and 2 mos., etc.

Extra care should be exercised as the respondent may give incorrect information either from ignorance or forgetfulness, or for some other reasons like a desire to conceal one's age. Therefore, probe the answer for unreasonable inconsistencies of the ages among husband and wife and children.

It may also help to ask an aged person to recall some well- known local, national or world event in the past by which his age may be associated, or if he is older or younger than some prominent persons. If all possible means have been exhausted and the respondent is unable to give the correct information, enter his best estimate.

Age as of Last Birthday Conversion Table (Appendix D) will help you check the reported age of a person against his date of birth. Refer to this table when checking your entries on age for consistency.

Philippines 1995 — source variable PH1995A_AGE — Age
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All Persons
[Applies to questions P1-P10]

P4. What was [respondent]'s date of birth?

_ _ Month
_ _ Year

P5. What is [respondent]'s age as of his/her last birthday?

Was [respondent]'s birth registered with the LCR?
If yes, check line

___ Reg?

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Age as of Last Birthday and Birth Registration (P5)

Age, sex and marital status are essential for inclusion in a census for purposes of analyzing factors of population changes and preparing population estimates and forecasts. For the POPCEN, age as of last birthday refers to the interval of time between the date of birth and before September 1, 1995, expressed in completed year. Thus, ages are recorded as whole numbers, counting the whole years completed on or prior to September 1, 1995.

Determine the age of each household member by asking the respondent "What is 's age as of his/her last birthday?". Always ask the age of the person even if the date of birth is already given. Do not compute for the person's age from the reported date of birth. Enter the age on the first line provided.

After recording the person's age, ask if his/her birth was registered with the Local Civil Registrar (LCR). If the answer is yes, enter a check on the line provided. If the birth was not registered or the respondent does not know, put an X mark on the second line.

Here are some basic guidelines for your reference:

[p.90 ]

100 --Y0 105 --Y5
101-- Yl 106 --Y6
102 --Y2 107 --Y7
103 --Y3 108 --Y8
104 --Y4 109 and over-- Y9

1. Do not record ages such as 71/2, 5 years and 2 months, etc. Record the age according to the last birthday prior to September 1, 1995.

2. Check for inconsistencies in the ages of husband, wife and children. The respondent may have given incorrect information for one reason or another. Probe and verify further, as needed. An example is when the mother is only 15 years older than the eldest child.

3. If the exact age is not known, ask for an estimate. It may also help to ask an aged person to recall some well-known local, national or world event in the past by which his age may be associated, or if he is older or younger than some prominent persons. If all possible means have been exhausted and the respondent is unable to give the correct information, enter his best estimate.

4. There must be a report of age in P5 for every household member.

Age as of Last Birthday Conversion Table (Appendix 9) will help you check the reported age of a person against his date of birth. Refer to this table when checking your entries on age for consistency.

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_AGE — Age
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P6. What is [respondent]'s age as of his/her last birthday?
_ _

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P6 Age as of last birthday

Age, sex and marital status are essential for inclusion in a census for the purposes of analyzing factors of population changes and preparing population estimates and forecasts. Information on these topics is also needed for actuarial analysis of probability of survival and other related life-table functions.

For purposes of the census, age as of last birthday refers to the interval of time between the date of birth and before May 1, 2000, expressed in completed year. Thus, ages are recorded as whole numbers, counting the whole years completed on or prior to May 1, 2000.

Determine the age of each household member by asking the respondent "What is ______'s age as of his/her last birthday?" Always ask the age of the person even if the date of birth is already given. Do not compute for the person's age from the reported date of birth. Enter the age on the space provided.

Here are some basic guidelines for your reference:

1. If during your visit, a member of the household has just celebrated his last birthday on or after May 1, 2000, then you have to report his/her age in his previous birthday. For example, a person has just celebrated his 24th birthday on May 2, 2000, the age to be reported for this person should be 23 and not 24.

2. Enter the age of every person one-year-old and over in completed years.
However, for persons less than 1 year old, enter 00. Entries on age should consist of two digits. For ages 1 to 9, prefix zero (0). For example, 02, 07, etc.

3. For persons born before 1900 (aged 100 and over), code the age as follows:

[Table is omitted]

4. Note that the examples are expressed in whole years. Do not record ages such as 7 1/2, 5 years and 2 mos., etc. Record the age according to the last birthday prior to May 1, 2000.

5. Check for inconsistencies in the ages of husband, wife and children. The respondent may have given incorrect information for one reason or another. Probe and verify further, as needed. An example is when the mother is only 15 years older than the eldest child.

6. If the exact age is not known, ask for an estimate. It may also help to ask an aged person to recall some well-known local, national or world event in the past by which his age may be associated, or if he is older or younger than some prominent persons. If all possible means have been exhausted and the respondent is unable to give the correct information, enter his best estimate.

7. There must be a report of age in P6 for every household member.
Age as of Last Birthday Conversion Table (see code book) will help you check the reported age of a person against his date of birth. Refer to this table when checking your entries on age for consistency.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_AGE — Age
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Population Census Questions

For all persons.
[Question 2 through 12 were asked of all persons.]

P5. Age - What is [the respondent]'s age as of his/her last birthday?

Write the age in the boxes.

Age _ _ _
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Columns P1 to P12 for All persons
Columns P1 to P12 are to be accomplished for all household members regardless of age.

Data on age is essential in analyzing population changes and in preparing population estimates and forecasts needed for the provision of basic health and social services like immunization, education, and others. This information is also needed for actuarial analysis of probability of survival and other related life-table functions.
For purposes of this census, age as of last birthday refers to the interval of time between the person's date of birth and May 1, 2010. It is expressed in completed years, thus, recorded in whole number.
Determine the age of each household member by asking the respondent, "What is [The respondent]'s age as of his/her last birthday?" Enter the age in the boxes provided.
[pg. 107]
Important notice: You should still ask P5- Age even if the date of birth is already given in item P4.
Here are some basic guidelines for your reference:

[] 1. If During Your Visit, A Member Of The Household Has Just Celebrated His/Her Last Birthday On Or after May 1, 2010, then you have to report his/her age as of his/her previous birthday. For example, a person born on May 2, 1986 has just celebrated his/her 24th birthday, the age to be reported for this person should be "023", and NOT "024".
[] 2. Three boxes are allotted for the age of household members. Enter the age of every person one year old and over in completed years. Prefix zeroes (0's) for ages 1 to 99 years, for example: "002", "010", and others. For persons 100 years old and over, record the actual age, that is, "100", "101", and so on. However, for persons less than one year old, enter "000". Do not record ages such as 7.5, 5 years and two months, and others. Instead, record "007" and "005", respectively.
[] 3. Check for inconsistencies in the ages of mother and her children. The respondent may have given incorrect information for one reason or another. Probe and verify further, as needed: for example when the age difference between the mother and her eldest child is less than 15 years.
[] 4. If the exact age is not known, ask for an estimate. It may also help to estimate the ages of siblings with reference to one of them whose age is known. In some cases, you may ask the respondent to recall some well-known local, national, or world event in the past by which the age may be associated with, or if the member is older or younger than some prominent persons. If all possible means have already been exhausted and the respondent is still unable to give the correct information, record his/her best estimate.
[pg. 108]
[Table of reference dates omitted.]
Important Notice: There must be a report for age in Column P5 for every household member. Check for the consistency of age and date of birth using Table 1 (Age as of Last Birthday Conversion) found at the inside back cover of this manual. Resolve any inconsistency while you are still in the household.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_BIRTHYR — Year of birth
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9. Year of birth (four-digit number) _ _ _ _
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39 Year of birth (four-digit number) (Question 9) [p.54]
Year of birth shall be provided in the form of a four-digit number.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_BIRTHYR — Year of birth
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Census of population (inhabitants)

7. Year of birth _ _ _ _

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_AGE5YR — Age in 5-years age groups
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2. Date of birth
_ _ Day
_ _ Month
_ _ _ _ Year
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Question 2. Date of birth [p. 28]

Exact date of birth should be written in. If it is impossible, please give the year of birth only.

Poland 2011 — source variable PL2011A_AGEGRP — Age group

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

6. Date of birth

Day _ _
Month ____
Year 1 _ _ _

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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Question 6 - Date of birth

The indication of the year is of extreme importance.

Note: This question cannot be left blank, (day-month-year).

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

4. Date of birth

____ Day ____ Month ____ Year

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 4: Date of birth

The indication of the year is of extreme importance.

Note: This question cannot be left blank (day, month and year).

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

4. Date of birth:

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

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Question 4 - Date of birth

This question cannot be left blank. (Day-month-year)

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_AGE — Age
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Individual questionnaire

5. Date of birth:

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 5- Date of Birth
[There is an image of question 5]
The answer to this question is very important.
If the person does not remember his/her date of birth, the enumerator must ask about other member's date of birth or important events to obtain it.

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_AGE — Age
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4. Month and year of birth and age last birthday







5. Month of birth

Fill one circle

[] January - March
[] April - June
[] July - September
[] October - December

6. Year of birth

Fill one circle for first three numbers

[] 186_
[] 187_
[] 188_
[] 189_
[] 190_
[] 191_
[] 192_
[] 193_
[] 194_
[] 195_
[] 196_
[] 197_

Fill one circle for last number

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_AGE — Age
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4. What is ____'s age, month, and year of birth?
a. Age at last birthday ____

b. Month of birth ____

[] Jan. - Mar.
[] Apr. - June
[] July - Sept.
[] Oct. - Dec.

c. Year of birth _ _ _ _

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_AGE — Age
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4. Age and year of birth

a. Age _ _ _

b. Year of birth 1_ _ _ _

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_AGE — Age
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4. What is this person's age and what is this person's date of birth?
_ _ _ Age on April 1, 2000
Print numbers in boxes.
_ _ Month
_ _ Day
_ _ _ _ Year of birth

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_AGE — Age
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2. What is this person's age and what is this person's date of birth? Print numbers in boxes.
Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _ Day _ _Year of birth _ _ _ _

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2. For each person, print the age at last birthday (print "00" for babies younger than 1 year old). Also print the month, day, and year of birth.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons.]

4. What is [the respondent?s] age and what is [this person's] date of birth?

Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month of Birth _ _
Day of Birth_ _
Year of Birth _ _ _ _

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_AGE — Age
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4. What is person 1's age and what is person 1's date of birth?

(Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.)

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _
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Answer person questions 1 through 6 for the first five people listed on pages 2,3, and 4 of the questionnaire.

4. For each person, print this person's age and month, day, and year of birth. Print the age at the last birthday. Do not round the age up if this person is close to having a birthday. If the exact age is not known, provide an estimate. Print "0" for babies less than 1 year old.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_AGE — Age
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4. What is person 1's age and what is person 1's date of birth?

(Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.)

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _
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Answer person questions 1 through 6 for the first five people listed on pages 2,3, and 4 of the questionnaire.

4. For each person, print this person's age and month, day, and year of birth. Print the age at the last birthday. Do not round the age up if this person is close to having a birthday. If the exact age is not known, provide an estimate. Print "0" for babies less than 1 year old.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_AGE — Age
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Person 1
(Person 1 is the person living or staying here in whose name this house or apartment is owned, being bought, or rented. If there is no such person, start with the name of any adult living or staying here.)

4. What is person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth?

For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age. Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _

[Repeat for persons X = 2 - 5.]

4. What is Person X's age and what is Person X's date of birth?

For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age. Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _
If there are more than five people living or staying here, print their names in the spaces for Person 6 through Person 12. We may call you for more information about them.

[Repeat for Persons Y = 6 - 12.]

Age (in years) _ _ _

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Person questions 1-6

Answer questions 1-6 for the first five people living or staying at this address.

  • Include everyone who is living or staying here for more than 2 months.
  • Include yourself if you are living here for more than 2 months.
  • Include anyone else staying here who does not have another place to stay, even if they are here for 2 months or less.
  • Do not include anyone who is living somewhere else for more than 2 months, such as a college student living away or someone in the Armed Forces on deployment.

P4. For each person, print this person's age and month, day, and year of birth.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_AGE — Age
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Person 1
(Person 1 is the person living or staying here in whose name this house or apartment is owned, being bought, or rented. If there is no such person, start with the name of any adult living or staying here.)

4. What is person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth?

For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age. Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _

[Repeat for persons X = 2 - 5.]

4. What is Person X's age and what is Person X's date of birth?

For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age. Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _
If there are more than five people living or staying here, print their names in the spaces for Person 6 through Person 12. We may call you for more information about them.

[Repeat for Persons Y = 6 - 12.]

Age (in years) _ _ _

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Person questions 1-6

Answer questions 1-6 for the first five people living or staying at this address.

  • Include everyone who is living or staying here for more than 2 months.
  • Include yourself if you are living here for more than 2 months.
  • Include anyone else staying here who does not have another place to stay, even if they are here for 2 months or less.
  • Do not include anyone who is living somewhere else for more than 2 months, such as a college student living away or someone in the Armed Forces on deployment.

P4. For each person, print this person's age and month, day, and year of birth.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_AGE — Age
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12. Birth date
Year _ _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _

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59. The date of birth (column 12). For each person the enumerator will record the exact date of birth: the year, the month, the day, written in Arabic figures using, in all the cases two Arabic figures. So, for the months and days to the numbers between 1 to the 9, in front of each figure "0" will be written first (01,02, . . . , 09).

For the persons who do not remember the year, month and the day of birth exactly, the enumerator will ask the other members of the household or for the identification card or the birth certificate. When neither of these documents are available (for aged persons), additional questions will be asked aiming the indirect finding at the birth date, or at least the year of birth (as temporal reference point as: 1907 rebellion and the relation to the age of the person at the moment of event, the participation of Romania to the first world war etc.).

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_AGE — Age
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10. Date of birth
_ _ _ _ Year
_ _ Month
_ _ Day

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Date of birth (item 10)

57. For each person the enumerator will record the exact date of birth: the year, the month, the day, written in Arabic figures -using, in all the cases two Arabic figures. So, for the months and days to the numbers between 1 to the 9, in front of each figure "0" will be written first (01,02, . . . . 09). For the year all 4 numbers will be written.

For the persons who do not remember the exact year, month and the day of birth, the enumerator will ask for identification card or the birth certificate. When none of these documents are available (for aged persons), additional questions will be asked aiming to track the birth date, or at least the year of birth (as temporal reference point as: historical and social events and the relation to the age of the person at the moment of event).

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_AGE — Age
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To be filled in for persons present in the household or who are temporarily absent.

4. Date of birth

[] Year _ _ _ _ Month _ _ Day_ _

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_AGE — Age
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3. Your date of birth
____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
____ Age
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Question 3. Your date of birth
Ask the question precisely in this wording, do not ask ''How old are you?"
The response on the day, moth and year of birth should be recorded in digits.
For example, if the respondent was born on May 12, 1946, the entry will be "12", "5" and "1946" respectively.
After you have recorded the date of birth, without additional inquiry and with the help of the "Auxiliary table for determining the age by the known date of birth as of October 9, 2002" you should determine the age of the respondent in complete years and indicate it in the appropriate field. Children younger than one year should be identified by the "0'' years option. You will find the table on the back page of the cover, Census Documents for the Dwelling.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_AGE — Age
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3. Date of your birth

Consult the attached table.
____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
____ Number of complete years
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Question 3. Your date of birth
The question shall be asked exactly as it is written in a population census.
The day, month and year of birth shall be written in numbers.
For example, if a respondent was born on 12th May, 1946, then it shall be written as "12", "5" and "1946".
After writing date of birth without additional inquiry one shall identify the age by the additional tables on the basis of the known birth year as of the moment of enumeration and write it in numbers in a special zone.
Census taker shall not ask "how old are you" question.
Age shall be identified solely on the basis of a table.
For children under one year of age "0" shall be written.
Information on the age will be used by census taker during further survey in order to promptly identify whether a person shall be asked a question of a population census (for example, a question 8.1 is asked only to individuals of 10 years old and over).

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_AGE — Age
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For all persons
[Questions P1 to P15 were asked of all persons]

P7. Age _ _

Write down the declared age in years, or the estimated age in integer number if the date of birth is unknown.

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_AGE — Age
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A. Questions to be asked to all members of the household
[Questions 1-14.]

[Question P06 was asked when age was unknown, per question P05]

P06. _ _ _ Age at last birthday

If the date of birth of ____ is unknown, what is his/her estimated age?

Try to estimate the age by using the historical calendar.

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P06: Age at last birthday (see remark above)

Fill in column P06 with the number of years (only) for the persons ignorant of the day and month of birth. One will write the number of years in column P06. For this person having given the month and year of birth, or only the year of birth, do not write anything in P06.

For a person who does not know the exact birth year, but who can locate the period by referring to some historical noticeable events, the census enumerator will utilize the historical calendar found in the annex of this manual to approximate the age.

If using the historical calendar does not give anything, the census enumerator will do his/her best to obtain an estimation, for instance by enquiring about the age of the parents, of the children or by comparing the information given with those provided by the immediate family circle.

One writes the age in integer number of years, without counting the additional months. All the boxes must be filled, starting from the right side. If the number of years is lower than 100, the first box will include a "0", and in the following boxes the number of years.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_AGE — Age
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 1-6 were asked of all members of the household.]

5. How old was the respondent at his/her last birthday?

Record age in completed years

Age _ _ _
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P05: Age at last birthday: How old was [the person] at his/her last birthday?
[For private and institutional household questionnaires]
Always start by asking the person's age and follow up with the question on the date of birth as a consistency check on the former question (P05). Write the person's age in completed years - that is, the person's age at his or her last birthday. For babies under one year of age, write 000.

Use three digits in completing age; e.g. "001", "002", etc.

Many people do not know their ages. If a person's age is not known, you must make the best estimate possible. There are various ways in which you can estimate a person's age. Sometimes, people have documents, such as baptismal certificates, which show the year of birth, in which case it is easy to calculate age. Most people have identity cards showing when they were born.
It is sometimes possible to estimate a person's age by relating his or her birth to some notable historical event. With these instructions a historical calendar of events [see Appendix] which lists the dates of events in the history of each district can be helpful. If the person can remember how old she/he was at the time of the event, you can work out the person's age.

Check that it is compatible with his or her relationship to others in the household. Obviously children cannot be older than their parents; a women seldom of 19 years old who is a mother of young boy of 18 years old, and so on.

Note: Note that any estimate of age, however rough, is better than 'blank' in this question. Do the best you can to report ages accurately.

If the response is 3 years to be completed in the given boxes with two digits, enumerator writes as follows: 003.

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_AGE — Age
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7. Age (in completed years)
[] 0
[] 10
[] 20
[] 30
[] 40
[] 50
[] 60
[] 70
[] 80
[] 90

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_AGE — Age
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2.4 What is ____'s date of birth?
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _

If not known, ask:
How old was ____ on his/her last birthday?
Age _ _

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_AGE — Age
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P4. Date of birth______
For persons born before 1900, write "98"
For persons who know their date of birth, write the month and the year.

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P4) Date of birth

The date of birth allows one to compute the age of the persons, and is therefore a very important piece of information in a census. You must therefore do your best in order to obtain precise information on this matter. Two cases can be found:

1st case: For all persons who have a birth certificate or an identity card with a complete date of birth, ask whether this date is from a proper birth registration or whether it is based on a court decision (jugement supplétif).

If this is a formal birth registration, register the last two digits of the year of birth in the boxes under which is written "year" [année], and the month number in the boxes under which is written "month" [mois].

When it is a court decision, estimate by yourself his or her date of birth with the help of the historical calendar, or with any other method for checking ages (age at first marriage, comparison with other persons of the same age, age of the first child for instance).

2nd case: The person does not have any birth certificate or ID card; then estimate his or her age as rigorously as possible, with the help of the historical calendar and of any other means of estimation, and compute and write the estimated year of birth in the "year" box, with "99" in the months box.

Note: For under-five children, do accept the birth certificates and possibly the health cards. For those whose age is known, but not the date of birth, use the correspondence table that was given to you to estimate the year of birth.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_AGE — Age
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

Total Population

B6. Age________

Record the age as declared or the estimated age in completed number of years.
Write "98" for persons aged 98 years and above.

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B05. B06. Date of birth and Age

The date of birth allows one to compute the age of the persons, and is therefore a very important piece of information of the census. You must therefore do your best in order to obtain precise information on this matter. Two cases can be found:

1st case: For all persons who have a birth certificate or an identity card with a complete date of birth, ask whether this date is from a proper birth registration or whether it is based on a court decision [jugement suppletif].

If this is a formal birth registration, register the month number (two digits) in the boxes under which is written month, and year of birth in the boxes under which is written year.

[A birth date example from the original was omitted]

Remarks: if the month and the year of birth are unknown, leave the boxes blank, and go to the next question.

When this is a court decision, estimate by yourself his or her age with the help of the historical calendar, or with any other method for checking ages (age at first marriage, comparison with other persons of the same age, age of the first child for instance).

When the person does not have any birth certificate or ID card: then estimate his or her age as rigorously as possible, with the help of the historical calendar and of any other means of estimation, and write the estimated age in the "age" box; for persons aged 98 years and above, write "98".

Note: For children under five years of age, do accept the birth certificates and possibly the health cards.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_AGE — Age
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B. Individual characteristics

The entire population
[Questions B01 through B10 were asked of all persons.]

B08. Age _ _ _

In B07 estimate the age of any persons who are unable to provide their month and year of birth
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B08: age (on the last birthday)
For every person in the household who has not been able to give date of birth in B07, record their age in complete years. This is the age on their last birthday. If, for example, on the day of the interview, an individual tells you that he will be 25 years in two weeks, that is, after the date of the survey, the recorded age will be 24. Generally speaking, the person must have celebrated their Xth birthday to be aged X years. If the person has not already celebrated their Xth birthday in the current year, their age is equal to (X-1) years.
[p. 35]
If a given member does not know his or her age or date of birth, you must insist on determining it, even if you have to settle for an estimate. To do so, you can refer to significant historical events occurring at a date that may correspond to the person's date of birth; you can also use other methods of estimating age. There are two methods of estimating age using the historical calendar:

- If you are not in front of the individual investigated, and the respondent claims that the person surveyed was born on the same day as the occurrence of an event appearing on the historical calendar then the age is given directly with the help of the historical calendar;
- On the other hand, if the respondent remembers a given event, ask them about their age when the event occurred. It is then up to the AR, with the help of the historical calendar, to estimate the age of the respondent.

Before registering the estimated age, make sure that the person surveyed deems it acceptable.
For persons aged nine years or younger, the age will be recorded preceded by two zeros; For example, we record: '001', '002', '003', '004', '005', '006', '007', '008' and '009' for children aged 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 8 years and 9 years respectively.
For children under one year old, the registered age will be '000'.
Record the declared or estimated age in past years.
With the PDA the age is automatically generated after the date of birth is recorded.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_AGE — Age
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P5. Age (completed years)
If younger than 1, record "00". For 95 and over, record "95".
_ _

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Section 1 - Population
Columns P1 to P18 -- These should provide particulars of all members who slept in the household/institution on census night. They therefore apply to all persons.

Column P5 -- Age
83. This is one of the most important questions in the questionnaire. It is also one of the most difficult to answer correctly. Take particular care with it.

84. Ask, "How old is this person?" If the age is not known, ask for the year of birth. If this is provided, use it to get the person's age. Record the age of the person in completed years i.e. age as at last birthday). For children under one year of age, write "00". For example, a person aged 26 years and four months should be entered as "26". A child aged three months should be entered as "00".

85. Many people will not know their ages. If neither the person's age nor the year of birth is known, you must refer to the "Events Calendar" and try to relate the person's age to an event in the calendar. For example, ask the person whether he was born by the time of the Second World War (the so-called Burma War). If the answer is "Yes", then probe further and ask, "How big were you at that time?" This way, his/her age will be estimated.

86. When you have made the best estimate you can, you should check that it is compatible with the person's position in the family. For example, a child cannot be older than its father, a mother aged 22 cannot have a child aged 17, and a woman aged over 50 is unlikely to have a child aged "00".

87. Some people have fixed and wrong ideas about their ages. Do not accept any answers that are obviously wrong. Try and get accurate answers. Be careful to probe if you observe a tendency for people to consistently give ages ending in particular digits e.g. 0 and 5).

P5 Age in completed years: age at last birthday

If younger than 1, record "00". For [persons age] 95 or older, record "95".

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_AGE — Age
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All persons [Questions P01-P20]

[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

P05. Age

If less than 1 year record '000'
If greater or equal to 120 years record '120'

Age at last birthday (completed years) ____
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Column (P05) -- Age
91. This is one of the most important questions in the questionnaire. It is also one of the most difficult to answer correctly. Take particular care with it.

92. Ask, "How old is this person?"

  • If the age is not known, ask for the year of birth. If this is provided, use it to get the person's age.
  • Record the age of the person in completed years; i.e. age as at last birthday. (For example, a person aged 26 years and four months should be entered as "26".
  • For children under one year of age write "0". For example, a child aged 11 months should be entered as "0".)
  • For persons 120 years old and above write '120'.

93. Many people will not know their ages. If neither the person's age nor the year of birth is known, you must refer to the "Events Calendar" and try to relate the person's age to an event in the calendar. For example, ask the person what time linked to the event calendar he/she was born. If he/she says by the time of Rebel incursion in Sierra Leone (March 1991), then probe further and ask, 'how big were you at that time'? This way, his/her age will be estimated. Note you may not know the exact month and day; hence, it is an estimate.


94.When you have made the best estimate you can, you should check that it is compatible with the person's position in the family. (For example, a child cannot be older than his/her father; a mother aged 22 cannot have a child aged 14, and a woman aged over 50 is unlikely to have a child aged '0').

95. Some people have fixed and wrong ideas about their ages. Do not accept any answers that are obviously wrong. Try and get accurate answers. Be careful to probe if you observe a tendency for people to consistently give ages ending in digits 0 and 5.

96. Note that question on Age also applies to the Special Population Questionnaire. Write the age of all persons who spent census night in institutions.

Slovakia 1991 — source variable SK1991A_AGE — Age (grouped)
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Part A - Information about persons
Instructions for completing Part A - Information about persons
[Instructions include an example that is omitted here.]

5. Date of birth ____

Day, month (Arabic numerals), year

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_AGE — Age (grouped)
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Personal form

3. Date of birth

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_AGE — Age (grouped)
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A. Data on population

3. Date of birth ____

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Census form A. Population data
Census form A. Population data was completed by each member of the household. For a minor citizen or a citizen who could not provide data on his/her own, the data should be provided by their legal representative, a family member or the owner of the house.

Age is one of the two basic biosocial characteristics of each human individual (in addition to gender).

Age structure
It represents the division of the population according to age into one-year or multi-year groups. Usually these are five-year age groups; i.e. 0- to 4-year, 5- to 9-year, 10- to 14-year, etc.), but also others, e.g. 99 +- year, or 60 +- year, 80 +- year, etc.
The main age groups are defined according to the relation of the population to economic activity, by approximating age limits to the potential beginning and the potential ending of their economic activity.

According to the relation to economic activity we distinguish the following groups:

- Pre-reproductive age (residents 0-14) is the age at which the population is not yet economically active,
- Productive age (population aged 15-64) is the age at which the majority of the population is economically active,
- Post-productive age (65+) is the age at which the majority of the population is no longer economically active.
Date of birth
The date of birth is an indication of the day, month, and year of birth of a resident.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_AGE — Age

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_AGE — Age
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Section A:

To be completed for each person in the household in a separate column. Remember to include babies. Please include yourself.

2. What is (the person's) date of birth? (Give as much information as is known.) Or else, please give this person's age in years or give an estimate.

[] DD = Day
[] MM = Month
[] YY = Year
____ YRS = Age: For babies under one year, write "0" years, if date of birth is not known.

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_AGE — Age
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Section A: Information for persons in the household -- ask of everyone
[Section A of this form, each question has 10 answer rows for writing individual answers for up to 10 individuals in the household. Only the first is shown here, which is exactly the same as the other nine.]

P-02. Date of birth

What is (the person's) date of birth and age in completed years? If date of birth not known give (the person's) age in completed years. If age not known give an estimate of age.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of Birth
_ _ _ Age
Date of birth is recorded as DD/MM/YYYY. DD is for day / MM is for month and / YYYY is for year. For example, if the person was born on 7 September 1963, write [0] [7] for the day DD, [0] [9] for the month MM, and [1] [9] [6] [3] for the year YYYY.
For babies less than one year write [0] [0] [0] for the age, and for persons 7 years and 10 months old write [0] [0] [7] for age.

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Question P-02 -- Date of birth and age

What is (the person's) date of birth and age in completed years?

First ask the person's date of birth. Then ask the age, and check together that it is consistent with the date of birth given. The reason we ask both is for cross-checking. Also, some people do not remember their age but remember their date of birth.

Notice that the age must be given in completed years, i.e. age at last birthday.

Date of birth should be written in digits, with no words. The boxes are marked DD MM YYYY. Write 2 digits for the day in the boxes marked DD, 2 digits for the month in the boxes marked MM, and four digits for the year in the boxes marked YYYY.

e.g. September 7 1993 should be entered 07 09 1993.

Remember that some people mention the month first and some mention the day first, but always record the day first and the month second.

Age should be entered using three digits, e.g. 052 for 52. Again do not use words. If the respondent is 29 years old write "029'"and not "29 yrs" or "29 years". In the case of a baby younger than 1 year write 000.

e.g. For a person who is 29 years old you write "029" and for a baby who is younger that 1 year you write "000".

[P. 36]

Give as much information as is known, i.e.:
if the exact date of birth is not known, but the person knows the month and the year, or even just the year, fill that in.

if the age is not known at all, give an estimated age.

Where neither the date of birth nor the age can be given, the person's age in years should be estimated as accurately as possible. The enumerator should try to elicit this estimate by probing. For example ask about a historical event at the time of the birth of the person, such as the end of World War I, or a significant local event. Lists of such events are found in Appendix 2.)

You must never leave this question without an answer.

Now copy each person's age onto the flap next to his or her name.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_AGE — Age
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P-03 Age
What is (the person)'s age in completed years?
If age not known ask for an estimate of age. If no one is able to estimate, write 998.
For babies less than 1 year write 000 for age. For a person 7 years and 10 months write 007 for age.
Age (in years): _ _ _ _
Transcribe the answer to F-02 on the flap

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(P-03) Age: What is (the person's) age in completed years?
Ask the age for each person.

Note that the age must be given in completed years, i.e. age at last birthday.

For babies younger than one year, write 000 for age and for person 7 years and 10 months old write 007 for age.

If the age is not known at all, ask for an estimate. If no one in the household is able to estimate the age, write in 998. Please note an answer for each person must always be provided in the boxes for this question.
  • Remember to transcribe the age (or 998) given to F-02 to the flap for each person in the household.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_AGE — Age in completed years
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F-02 Age in completed years
_ _ _
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2. Flap: Particulars of all individuals
Purpose: This page will collect information on name, age and gender of every household member and all visitors present on census night.

The first person to be listed on the census questionnaire must be the head or acting head of the household (a household member that makes decisions for the household).
If the household has two equal decision-makers, then the oldest person of the two will be put as the head of household (person 01).
F-00: Complete the leading zeros for each person in the household (depending on the number of people in the household). E.g. First person in the questionnaire (head of household) must be 01, followed by person 02, then 03 for the third person, etc.
If there are more than 10 people in the household, use a second questionnaire (start with 11 in the second questionnaire until person 20).
Names are used for reference purposes when completing the questionnaire. Names will not be processed.
The names of the head of the household must be written in full (name and surname). For the rest of the household members sharing the same surname as the head of household, only their names can be completed. Those members with a different surname to that of the head of the household must complete their names in full (name and surname).
For age, please provide completed years, e.g. if a baby is nine months old, complete
000, as the baby is not yet a year old. For a person aged 17 and 11 months, complete
017 as the person is not yet 18 years old.
a. Example ? Flap (below):
This household had three people on census night. Note that the examples are there to guide you when completing information for your own household.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_AGEGRP5 — Age (5-year groups)
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.1] Demographics

[] What is the respondent's age in completed years? ____

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_AGE — Age
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Details of persons in the household -- All household members
[Questions 1 to 14: All persons]

4. What is [the respondent's] age in completed years?

If less than one year, code "0", if over 95, code "95".
_ _

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Q4 "What is [respondent's] age in completed years?"
  • Starting with the first person listed "Person 01"; ask, "What is [respondent's] age in completed years?"
  • You must record the person's exact age in completed years on census night.
  • For babies less than one year, write and shade "00" because the child has not yet lived one complete year.
  • If the person is over 94 years of age, write and shade "95". For example, if a person is 98 years old, write and shade "95".
  • In recording the age of a person check whether any documentary evidence such as birth certificate, age assessment certificate, passport, identity card, etc. is available and use it.

[Below the text is a form showing questions 4. This illustration is omitted here]

  • If the respondent does not know the age of a person, ask them to estimate the age using the calendar of historical events, ask them if the person was born around some event listed or what events the person remembers.
  • Historical calendar example with ages of persons born in the last column:

The following is a table showing examples of historical events [table]:
[Column headings:]
(A) Event description
(B) Month
(C) Year
(D) Age/duration in years

Event description: Independence
Month: Blank
Year: 1956
Age/duration in years: 51

Event description: Coup by General Abboud
Month: Blank
Year: 1957
Age/duration in years: 50

Event description: Juba and Wau massacre
Month: Blank
Year: 1965
Age/duration in years: 42

  • Do a quick check to make sure the ages given make sense in relation to the age of other household members. For example, if a child's age is 15 years and the parent's age is 25, then this would mean that the parent was 10 years old when the child was born.
  • If an age seems incorrect, ask the respondent if the information seems correct and work with the respondent to get the correct ages of all persons.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_AGE — Age
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6. Place and date of birth.
Write the name of the municipality and province (or country, if you were born in another country) and your date of birth.
___ Municipality
___ Province _ _
_ _ / _ _ / 1 _ _ _ Day / month / year

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_AGE — Age
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7. Date of birth.
For example: for a person born on March, 11, 1947
Write: day 1 1 month _ 3 year 1 9 4 7
_ _ day _ _ month _ _ _ _ year

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_AGE — Age
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_ _ Person
___ [Name]
Date of Birth:
_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ day/month/year
If this person does not normally reside here, continue on to the next person.

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_AGE — Age
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Date of Birth
_ _ day _ _ month _ _ _ _ year
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1.A.3 Age

Age refers to the number of completed years that a person has lived.

This variable together with the previous variable, from which it is derived, allows for an analysis of the population by year of birth as well as by age in years completed.

Categories of this variable:

Age year by year (this only groups the people 100 years or older)
Age in five-year groups (ages in groups of 5 years and only groups the people 90 years or older)
Age in large groups (of 0 to 15, of 16 to 64, and of 65 years or older)

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_AGE — Age
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4. What is [the respondent's] age in completed years?
If less than one year, code "0", if over 95, code "95".
_ _

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Q4 "What is [respondent's] age in completed years?"
  • Starting with the first person listed "Person 01"; ask, "What is [respondent's] age in completed years?"
  • You must record the person's exact age in completed years on census night.
  • For babies less than one year, write and shade "00" because the child has not yet lived one complete year.
  • If the person is over 94 years of age, write and shade "95". For example, if a person is 98 years old, write and shade "95".
  • In recording the age of a person check whether any documentary evidence such as birth certificate, age assessment certificate, passport, identity card, etc. is available and use it.

[Below the text is a form showing questions 4. This illustration is omitted here]

  • If the respondent does not know the age of a person, ask them to estimate the age using the calendar of historical events, ask them if the person was born around some event listed or what events the person remembers.
  • Historical calendar example with ages of persons born in the last column:

The following is a table showing examples of historical events [table]:
[Column headings:]
(A) Event description
(B) Month
(C) Year
(D) Age/duration in years

Event description: Independence
Month: Blank
Year: 1956
Age/duration in years: 51

Event description: Coup by General Abboud
Month: Blank
Year: 1957
Age/duration in years: 50

Event description: Juba and Wau massacre
Month: Blank
Year: 1965
Age/duration in years: 42

  • Do a quick check to make sure the ages given make sense in relation to the age of other household members. For example, if a child's age is 15 years and the parent's age is 25, then this would mean that the parent was 10 years old when the child was born.
  • If an age seems incorrect, ask the respondent if the information seems correct and work with the respondent to get the correct ages of all persons.

Sex, relationship, and age should never be left blank.

Suriname 2004 — source variable SR2004A_AGE — Age
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Personal form

All persons in the household
[Questions P00 to P06c were asked of all persons.]

P05. What age was this person on 2 Aug. 2004?

If this person is 0 years, enter: 000.

If answer is don't know, provide estimated age

_ _ Age
_ _ Estimated age

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_AGE — Age
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Personal module

All persons in the household
[Questions P01a to P06c were asked of all persons in the household.]

P04. What age was this person on 13 Aug 2012?

If this person is = 0 years, enter: 000.
If the answer is ''don't know'', provide estimated age

____ Age
____ Estimated age

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_AGE — Age
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A. Questions to all persons
[Applies to questions 1-15]

2. Date of birth:

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_AGE — Age
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A. Questions to all persons

2. Date of birth


[] 187
[] 188
[] 189
[] 190
[] 191
[] 192
[] 193
[] 194
[] 195
[] 196
[] 197
[] 198

Single year
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8

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Question 2: Date of birth

Marking the year of birth saves costs for the government and allows early release of the main results from the census.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_AGE — Age
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1. Date and place of residence at time of birth
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Place of residence at time of birth: ____

Canton resp. foreign country: ____

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_AGE — Age
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1. Date of birth
Day: _ _
Month: _ _
Year: _ _ _ _

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_AGE — Age
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Personal questionnaire

Were the name, address, date of birth and AHV number correct?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Please enter only the incorrect details):
First name: ____
Family name: ____
Street: ____
No.: _ _ _ _
PC: _ _ _ _
Town: ____
Date of birth: _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _ (
AHV_Nr.: 756. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _
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3.1.3 Basic output
The basic statistics of the population provide annual information.

T2 Information provided by the basic statistics of the population

Demographic indicators         

- Indicators of the population structure (age, sex, marital status)
- Indicators of fertility: Total fertility rate, fertility rate by age, completed fertility rate of the birth cohorts, the average age of mother at birth of a child
- Indicators of mortality: Infant mortality rate, probability of dying, annual mortality tables, cohort mortality tables, life expectancy at every age
- Indicators of marriage: Marriage rate, the average age at marriage
- Indicators of divorce: Divorce rate, the average duration of marriage at divorce
- Indicators of migration: Gross immigration rate, gross emigration rate, net migration rate, gross domestic migration rate

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_AGE — Age
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Personal questionnaire

Were the name, address, date of birth and AHV number correct?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Please enter only the incorrect details):
First name: ____
Family name: ____
Street: ____
No.: _ _ _ _
PC: _ _ _ _
Town: ____
Date of birth: _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _ (
AHV_Nr.: 756. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _
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3.1.3 Basic output
The basic statistics of the population provide annual information.

T2 Information provided by the basic statistics of the population

Demographic indicators         

- Indicators of the population structure (age, sex, marital status)
- Indicators of fertility: Total fertility rate, fertility rate by age, completed fertility rate of the birth cohorts, the average age of mother at birth of a child
- Indicators of mortality: Infant mortality rate, probability of dying, annual mortality tables, cohort mortality tables, life expectancy at every age
- Indicators of marriage: Marriage rate, the average age at marriage
- Indicators of divorce: Divorce rate, the average duration of marriage at divorce
- Indicators of migration: Gross immigration rate, gross emigration rate, net migration rate, gross domestic migration rate

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_AGE — Age
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All persons
[Questions 2-13 were asked of all persons.]

5. What is [the respondent's] age as of the last birthday? ____

If under 1 year, fill "00".

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_AGE — Age
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05. Age
How old is [respondent]?
Write age in completed years.
If under one year, write "00".
More than 97 years, write "97".
_ _

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B. Questions for all the people
This part involves all people who slept in the household the night before census day. The questions in this part are also found in the short questionnaire.
The questions in this part must be asked to every person following the order set. You must follow the flow of questions as arranged and read the question as written in the questionnaire. For more explanation, refer explanations in part 3.7 (how to ask questions).
Part "B" of the questionnaire contains the following questions:

Question 5: How old are you/they?
Write and shade the exact age of every person, meaning the age she/he arrived at his/her last birthday. If the members of household do not know his/her age, try to ask him/her more about the month and year she/he was born. This will prevent the respondent from saying the easy numbers like 25, 30, 45, etc. instead of 24, 26, 29, 31, 44, 46, etc. For children under one year old, write "00" and shade codes "0" and "0".
It is important to get the exact age of every person. If the exact age is not known, it will be necessary to estimate the age of that person. To get good estimates, several information known are to be used. For example, children who cannot walk yet are usually below one year, children who are starting to lose their milk teeth are usually of 6 years, puberty age starts from 13 to 16 years for boy and 12 to 15 for girls.
[p. 27]
To help you get close estimates, use major national and district events calendar given. For children under the age of 5, usually they have clinic cards which will help to know their age if unknown.
Remember that there are people who provide false information or estimate of their age. If such a situation arises, use the guidelines above to get the information which will help you estimate the age of this person. This is because age is very important statistic about people.
Don't estimate someone's age based on appearance. A person may look younger or older depending on the lifestyle and living standards. If the living conditions are poor, this person will look older though he/she is not. By all means, try to get correct answers or acceptable ones, meaning they match the information given by the person.
For example, if a woman of 65 years tells you she had a child two years ago or a woman of 22 years old says she has a child of 15 years the information is not true as it is not acceptable biologically. In this case, you must look at the woman's age again and interview her more to get information that will help you know the correct age.
Note: A child younger than 1 year is filled in using "00" and shading in the appropriate space provided, and a person age 97 and older will be filled in using "97" and shading in the space provided.
[p. 28]
Answers about age must be written in two digits. For example, for a child under one year write code "00" then shade digits "0" and "0". For a child of one year write code "01" and shade digits "0" and "1". For a person of 97 years and above write code "97" and shade digits "9" and "7".

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_AGE — Age
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B. All persons
[Questions 1-19 were asked of all persons.]

5. Age

How old is [the respondent]? _ _

Write and shade age in complete years. If under 1 year write 0. For 97 years and above write 97
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3.0 General explanations of census questions

In the 2012 population and housing census, there will be three types of questionnaires which will comprise questions based on the information required to be collected. There will be a community questionnaire with five major sections which will be used in all the areas where census is taking place and will be filled in by the census enumerator three days before census day. The community questionnaire will collect information on community services such as schools, hospitals, health centers, markets, financial services, cattle dip [places for washing livestock], sources of water, environment, and events/incidences that occurred in communities in the past one year that were troublesome/disturbing, and catastrophic events that took place in the past five years.
The short questionnaire will have 37 questions and the long questionnaire will have 62 questions. In areas where the short questionnaire will be use, the long questionnaire will not be used, and in places where the long questionnaire will be used, the short questionnaire will not be used. 70 percent of the census areas will use a short questionnaire and the remaining percentage will use the long questionnaire. All the questions found in the short questionnaire are also found in the long questionnaire; therefore, these questions will be answered by everyone wherever either questionnaire is used. These questions will ask about the name of the head of the household; names of all the people who slept in the respective house the night before August 26th, 2012, and the relationships of these people to the head of the household.
Other questions that follow ask about sex, age, disability status, marital status, citizenship and place of residence, place where the household member spends most of his/her time, and whether or not the household member has a birth certificate. Other questions will focus on general and reproduction-related death in the household; agricultural questions; number of livestock and fish keeping; education for people with ages of four and above; getting the number of households with at least one household member who has social security fund membership; and Tanzanians who live in foreign countries.
For those who will be asked questions from the long questionnaire, they'll be required to answer extra questions which will ask about the following; place of birth, place lived in 2011, whether or not parents are alive, economic activities for people who are five years and above, child-bearing status for women aged 12 and above, and on house characteristics and asset/property ownership.
All these questions aim at meeting the various current and future needs of the nation for planning and implementation purposes of various development programs. Therefore, we ask that everyone needs to understand and pay attention to all the questions so that they can answer them correctly.

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_AGE — Age
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For every person

5. Age (in full year) ______

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Column 5: Age
Record the full age by referring to the table HPC-9A [Tabulation for age and B.E. year of birth] and HPC-9B [Tabulation for age and zodiac calendar].

1. If the interviewee answers the solar month and the B.E. year, use the following guidelines:

If the person was born during April and December, look up the age in the HPC-9A table and record accordingly. For example, if the person was born in July 2497 B.E. [1936 A.D.], record age "33".

If the person was born before April, i.e. during January and March, look up the age in the HPC-9A table and always add 1 to that age. For example, if the person was born in January 2485 B.E. [1942 A.D.], record age "28".

For children born between January and March 1970, record "0".

2. If the interviewee answers the month and year of birth in the lunar month and zodiac year such as ?born in the 4th month of a rooster year', ask the approximate age of that person. If the person's age is about 20, look up the age in the HPC-9B table, and if the corresponding age is 25, record "25" regardless of whether that person was born before or after the 5th month.

3. If the interviewee does not know the month but knows the B.E. year 2490 B.E. [1947 A.D.], record age "22" according to the PHC-9A table.

4. If the interviewee does not know the month but knows the zodiac year, ask for the approximate age of that person and look up in the PHC-9B table. For example, if the person was born in a tiger year and his age is about 30 years, and the corresponding age in the 30s range for a tiger year is 31, record age "31".

5. If the interviewee knows neither the month nor the year of both, record the age according to what is told.

6. If the interviewee does not know the age at all, write "X".

7. For children younger than 1 year old, record "0".

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_AGE — Age recoded

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_AGE — Age
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[Questions S1- S6 were asked of every person.]

S6. Age _ _

Record age as of last birthday prior to 1 April 1990. If age less than 1 year, record "00".

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For columns 1-6, ask and record details of everyone.

Column S6: Age
Ask: "........ (name).......... how old are you?"
Record the full age as of the last birthday before the 1st April 1990, by using a 2-digit number.

1. If the age is less than 1 year, record "00".
2. If the age is 98 years and over, record "98".
3. If the answer is in the lunar month and zodiac year, ask for the approximate age. Then, look up the age from the comparison table provided by comparing the age and the year of birth. For example, the person born on the 12th month in the year of great snake and the age is approximately 30 years or older. In the comparison table, the age of a person age 30+ born in the year of the great snake is 37. Then, record "37".
4. If answer is the solar month and year, check the comparable table and record the corresponding age.
5. If the person does not know the month and year of birth, ask the respondent to estimate his age and record the age according to the answer, such as approximately 22 year record "22".
6. If age is unknown, record "99" and continue asking all columns.

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_AGE — Age
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S5. Age
_ _ (Age as of last birthday prior to 1 April 2000)
00 (If age less than 1 year)
98 (If age over 98 years)

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16. Age
Full age counted at the last birthday before April 1st, 2000 (for the 2000 Population and Housing Census)

Column S5 Age

[p. 91]

Ask [respondents]: "How old are you?"

Record the full age by counting the last birthday before the April 1st, 2000 in the check boxes provided, use two digits as follows:

If less than 1 year, record "00"

If older than 98 years and over, record "98"

3. If the answer is in the lunar month (which is the way of counting day, month, year by using the asterism year) ask approximately for the age, check the age from the comparable table provided to see whether the age coincides with any year. Record the age in the check boxes provided.

For example, for a person born on the twelfth month, in the year of the great snake, the age is approximately 40 or over. Check at the comparable table for the age in the year of the great snake, record the age of 47 years in the check boxes provided.

4. If the answer is the month and year of solar way of counting, check the comparable table and record the age in the check boxes provided.

5. If [the respondent] does not know the month and year of birth, ask the respondent to estimate his age and record the age according to the answer, such as approximately 22 years, and record "22" in the check boxes provided

6. If the age is unknown, record "99"

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_AGE — Age (years)
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7. Age
Years _ _ _
Months _ _
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Column 7: Age
There are four figures (2 for the years, 2 for the months).

a) For persons aged 1 and over: the age is expressed in years passed (left hand part of column 7): circle the right answer for the number of years and record "xx" in the right-hand part reserved for months.

b) For children aged less than 1: the age is expressed in months. Circle the right answer for number of months and enter "00" in the "years" part.

- For children aged less than 1 month: enter "00: 00"
- For persons whose age is not declared: enter "xx: xx"

Togo 1970 — source variable TG1970A_AGE — Age
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8. Age

8a. Years _ _ _
8b. Months _ _
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Column 8 (a and b) is by far the most important and most difficult. It concerns age. Ask if the person has an ID card or a birth certificate or another document that you could consult to identify the age of the person being enumerated. Often, the person you are talking to (the person being enumerated) will not have an ID card and will not know his age; you are required to determine this person's age with his help. You can use the historical calendar which lists dates and prominent historical events in the country, region or village. Religious and agricultural calendars may also be necessary to help you determine the age of the person being enumerated. Refer to the model calendar in appendix 6. We have already mentioned that the age of an individual is important; if the goal is to evaluate the youth and health of a population, it is necessary to know the exact age of the people who make up that population. This means that once you have made the list of household members, you should meticulously and methodically verify the information in column 8 in order to avoid errors like these:

Two children from the same mother who are less than 9 months apart in age
A mother who is not at least 13 years older than her first child
A 10-year-old mother who has a 4 year old son
A mother who is younger than her son, etc.
[p. 20]
Once the age of the enumerated person is determined, all you have to do is write it down in column 8a or b.
It is equally important to indicate the age of newborn babies in months (because babies younger than one year make up a special generation that is the subject of a special study).

For a newborn aged 5 months and 13 days, you should indicate "5 months" as his age
For a newborn aged 5 months and 17 days, you should indicate "5 months" as his age

Determining the age of newborns is much easier with the use of religious or agricultural calendars. Example: a mother can tell you that her child was born two days after Christmas. You can then deduce the child's age. Another mother might tell you that her child was born seven days after the opening of the new classroom in the village.
[p. 21]
Sometimes to determine the age of a newborn, you can also use the historical calendar. All calendars should be completed by each enumerator with facts related to the regions and villages where he is working. For all other people, you should indicate their age in "years". If a person declares that he is 30 years and 7 months old, you will write 31 years; if a person declares that he is 30 years and 2 months old, you will write 30 years. You should indicate the age in full years. Similarly, for children younger than a year old, you should indicate the age in full months.

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_AGE — Age (in years)
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For all persons
[Columns P01 to P10B were asked of all persons]

(P06) Date of birth _ _ _ _ _ _

Record the date of birth or where appropriate the age declared in completed years. If the age declared is less than one (1) year, record 00. If the age declared is more than 98, record 98
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A- Sociodemographic characteristics

Column P06: Date of birth or age

Column P06 is intended to record either the date of birth (by preference), or the age (if the date of birth is not known). This column must be completed for all the members of the household. Identity or civil status documents or failing that birth certificates for the newly born will be of great use.

[p. 24]

To do this, you should proceed as follows:

First, seek to record the date of birth:

- If the date of birth is not known, seek to record the age of the person surveyed.
- If the date of birth is declared put dashes in the boxes reserved for age. If age is declared, put dashes in the boxes reserved for date of birth.

If the person does not know their date of birth, pose the following question: "What age is [the respondent]?" Record the age declared in the appropriate boxes and put dashes in the boxes reserved for the date of birth.

You should record the age for every person who does not know their date of birth; and you will do it in two different ways according to the type of information available:

a) The person knows their age: you should record the age in complete years in the corresponding boxes:

- For children of less than one year (less than 12 months), record in the boxes: /_0_0/
- For 27 and a half years, record: /_2_7/
- For those surveyed aged 98 or more, record: /_9_8/

b) The person does not know their age or date of birth: you should try to estimate their age. Several procedures are possible:

- Compare the age of the person surveyed to that of a member of the household whose age is known in a more reliable fashion;
- Try to estimate the age of the person surveyed by referring to the historic calendar.
NB 16:
- The age of a father should be more than 15 years at least than that of his first child.
- The age of a mother should be more than 12 years at least than that of her first child.

For persons aged 98 or more, record 98 in the boxes reserved for age.

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_AGE — Age (in complete years)
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Section II. Characteristics
[Questions 5-12 asked of all persons.]

7. Age (in complete years) _ _

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B. Section II - Characteristics

These questions, 5 to 12 provide some basic characteristics about the individual; and are to be answered for all members of the population. (Enumerators assigned to institutions will be given special instructions for this and the following sections).

36. Question 7 - Age

What is required here is age in completed years on or before 7th April, 1970, and not age next birthday. During the preliminary enumeration it must be ascertained whether any member of the household has a birthday between the day you are enumerating the household and Census day. For persons 99 years old or over score 99.

There may be instances, especially in the case of old people, where respondents do not remember their correct ages. Perhaps reference to some outstanding events, such as World Wars I and II, fires, floods or hurricanes, may be helpful. By referring to such events and by considering other information available about the individual make every effort to estimate his age. Do not leave this question blank.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_AGE — Age
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Section 1 Characteristics -- For all persons

4. What is (N) [the respondent's] date of birth/age in completed years?

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Section 1 Characteristics

Question 4 - Date of birth / Age

You are required to write in the date of birth i.e. the day, month and year of birth for each person in the household. If the date of birth cannot be given, it is necessary to have, at least, a current estimate of the age of the person in completed years since the last birthday or as at 12th May, 1980. During the preliminary enumeration it must be ascertained by you whether any member of the household has a birthday between the day you are enumerating the household and census day. You will find it necessary to circle the "person number" e.g. 01 of all persons who will be aged fifteen years between 1st January and 12th May, 1980 i.e. date of birth between 1st January and 12th May, 1965. Young persons of the female sex born between the 1st January and 12th May, 1966 should be also identified. Such identification will assist you with sections 4, economic activity; 5, training and 8, income which apply to all persons fifteen years old and over; while section 7, fertility applies to females fourteen years old not attending primary or secondary school. For persons 99 years old and over, record age and date of birth. Every effort should be made to obtain the date of birth.

There may be instances, especially in the case of old people, where respondents do not remember their correct ages. Perhaps reference to some outstanding events, such as World Wars I 1914-1918 and II, 1939-1945, fires, floods, or hurricanes, may be helpful. By referring to such events and by considering other information available about the individual make every effort to estimate his age. Do not leave this question blank. Obtain some estimate from the respondent.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_AGE — Age
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Section 1. Characteristics -- For all persons

Boxes are precoded, tick the appropriate box please.

What is [the respondent's] date of age in completed years?

Age _ _
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Section 1 Characteristics

Question 4 - Date of birth/age

You are required to write in the date of birth i.e. the day, month and year of birth for each person in the household. If the date of birth cannot be given, it is necessary to have, at least, a current estimate of the age of the person in completed years since the last birthday or as at 15th May 1990. During the preliminary enumeration it must be ascertained by you whether any member of the household has a birthday between the day you are enumerating the household and census day. You will find it necessary to circle the "person number" e.g. 01, of all persons who will be aged fifteen years between the start of enumeration on 17th April, 1990 and census day 15th May, 1990; i.e. date of birth between the 17th April and 15th May 1975. Young persons of the female sex born between 17th April and 15th May 1976 should be also identified. Such identification will assist you with sections 4, economic activity; 5, highest level of training and 8, income which apply to all persons fifteen years old and over; while section 7, fertility applies to females fourteen years old and over not attending primary or secondary school full time. For persons 99 years old and over, record age and date of birth. Every effort should be made to obtain the date of birth.
There may be instances, especially in the case of old people, where respondents do not remember their correct ages. Perhaps reference to some outstanding events, such as World Wars I, 1914-1918 and II, 1939-1945, fires, floods, or hurricanes, may be helpful. By referring to such events and by considering other information available about the individual make every effort to estimate his/her age. Do not leave the question blank. Obtain some estimate from the respondent.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_AGE — Age
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Section 1: Characteristics - For all persons

4. Date of birth and age

(a) What is (N's) [the respondent's] date of birth?

_ _ DD - _ _ MM - _ _ _ _ YYYY

(b) What was (N's) [the respondent's] age at last birthday?

_ _ _
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Section 1 - Characteristics

1.5. Age

Age is the interval of time between the date of birth and the date of the census expressed in completed years. When age is not known, estimates should be made based on references to major national events such as hurricanes, civil unrest etc.

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_AGE — Age
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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

13. Age completed

(Enter "0" for infants younger than 1)


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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

Question 13: How old are you? Please state your completed age.

(Write "0" for babies younger than 1 year)

Write in the completed age of the person with whom the census is being conducted in numeric form. For babies who had not yet completed one year of age (12 months), write "0".

For a child who has completed the age of six and has entered its seventh year, even though the seventh year will have been completed after 15 days, write the age as six.
Among our people there is a general tendency to state their ages in round numbers that end in a "5" or a "0". 21 or 22 year-old people may state their age as "20". Additionally, 36 or 37 year-olds, may state their age as "35". If such round numbers are provided in response to the age question, ask some additional questions that may be useful in eliciting the true age, as long as this does not give rise to argument.
In the event that someone being administered the census states his/her birth date, write the age as of October 20 by looking at the table displaying age according to birth dates that is on the back cover of the notebook.

Turkey 1990 — source variable TR1990A_AGE — Age
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10. Age completed____
(Enter "0" for infants younger than 1)

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (8-34)
This section includes questions (Questions 8-34) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted. Whether the household head is at home or not, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from Question 8 to Question 34). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section are identical to the ones written in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, (except for household members not at home) also write down all the characteristics of all the household members who are present at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write using printed letters into the pertinent section and in order of their ages the names surnames and all the characteristics of those who, while being present at home, are not household members (guests). Answer questions with a box by placing an "X" into it.

Question 10: How old are you? Please state your completed age.

(Write "0" for babies younger than 1 year)

Write in the completed age of the person with whom the census is being conducted in numeric form. For babies who had not yet completed one year of age (12 months), write "0".

For a child age 6 who entered its seventh year, even though the seventh year will be completed in 15 days, write the age as "6".

Among our people there is a general tendency to state their ages in round numbers that end in a "5" or a "0". 21 or 22 year-old people may state their age as "20". Additionally, 36 or 37 year-olds, may state their age as "35". If such round numbers are provided in response to the age question, ask some additional questions that may be useful in eliciting the true age, as long as this does not give rise to argument.

In the event that someone being administered the census states his/her birth-date, write the age as of October 21 by looking at the table displaying age according to birth dates that is on the back cover of the notebook.

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_AGE — Age, completed years
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16. What is your current age in completed years?
(For the infants who are younger than 1, write "0")

_ _ _

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Question 16. What is your completed age?

(For babies not yet fully one year old, write "0")

Answers to this question are to be based on people's declarations, without reference to ID cards, driver's licenses or other documents.

The completed age at the time of the census of the person with whom the census is being carried out, is to be written into the applicable boxes as numbers. For example: Let's say someone was born on November 2 1992. Even if that person would be completing the age of 9 ten days after the date of the census, the completed age that is to be written down is "8". For babies who had not yet completed one year (12 months), "0" is to be entered.

Among our people there is a general tendency to express their ages in round numbers ending in a 5 or a 0. For example: 21 or 22 year-old people may state their age as "20", and 36 or 37-year-olds, as "35". If such round numbers are provided in response to the age question, an effort is to be made to obtain accurate information about the completed age by asking for the year and month born in order to determine the true age, doing so in such a way that would not give rise to an argument.

When necessary in entering the completed age, "Age based on year of birth table" on the back cover of the census notebook may be used. If the birthday's day and month fall between the dates of October 21 - December 31, one should be subtracted from the completed age displayed in the table. If, however, the birthday falls between the dates of January 1 - October 21, the ages displayed in the table are to be taken just as they are.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_AGE — Age
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For All Persons

4. Age (in years completed; if less than one year, write 0)

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[Question 1 - 13 apply to all persons]

Question 4 Age

88. "How old is this person?"

89. Write the age in completed years. If the person is an infant under one year of age, write "0".

90. This question is one of the most important in the census and it may be the most difficult to answer. You will find many people who do not know their age. In these cases you will have to estimate it. You must enter an age for every person and should not use "not known" answers for this question.

91. The best source of information will be birth, immunization or baptismal certificates. Ask to see any documents which are available.

92. Some people may not know their age but may know when they were born. Ask, "When was this person born?". If the date of birth is known, calculate the age. The conversion table at the back of these Instructions may help you. There is also a list of some historical events which may help establish dates of birth and ages.

93. One reliable age in the household may help you to work out the birth dates of other members of the household if it is known whether they are older or younger and by how many years.

94. If all else fails, make the best estimate you can, judging by such things as the person's appearance and position in the household and by using your common sense knowledge that parents are seldom younger than fifteen years of age when their first child is born, that women do not usually bear children below the age of twelve or over fifty years, that people who were in the same class at school are generally similar in age and so on.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_AGE — Age
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For all persons

P5 Age What is (name's) age in completed years? (If less than one year, write 00, if more than 94, write 95)

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[Question P1 - P15 apply to all persons]

Question P4 and P5: Age and date of birth
90. Record the person's exact date of birth as follows:

i. Date using a 2 - digit code;
ii. Month using a 2 - digit code; and
iii. Year using a 2 - digit code, recording only the last two digits of the year of birth.

91. For example, if somebody was born on Thursday, 17th February 2001, record the Date of Birth as 17/02/01.
92. Write the current age (of the person) in completed years. If the person is an infant under one year of age, write "00", e.g. if you find a baby in the Household aged 2 months, write "00". If the person is aged 71/2 years, write 07.
93. Though the questions on age and date of birth are some of the most important in the census, they may be the most difficult to answer. You will find many people who do not know neither their date of birth nor their age. In such cases you will have to probe to estimate the date of birth and hence the age.
94. The best source of information would be birth, immunization or baptism certificates. Ask to see any of such documents if they are available, and use them.
95. Some people may not know their age but may know when they were born. Ask, "When was this person born?" If the age is not known but the year of birth is given, then you will compute the age of the person. If the person has already had her/his birth day subtract the year of birth from the current year (2002), otherwise subtract the year of birth from last year (2001).
96. In case the day of the month of birth is not known but the year of birth is known then you subtract year of birth from current year. If the date of birth is known, calculate the age.
97. One reliable date of birth of one of the Household members may help you to work out the birth dates of other members if it is known whether they are older or younger and by how many years.
98. If all else fails, make the best estimate you can, judging by such things as the person's appearance and position in the Household and by using your common sense knowledge that parents are seldom younger than fifteen years of age when their first child is born, that women do not usually bear children below the age of twelve or over fifty years, that people who were in the same class at school are generally similar in age and so on.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_AGE — Age
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

For all persons

P5 What is [the respondent's] exact date of birth? (Write the day, month, and year) _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

P6 What is [the respondent's] age in completed years? If age is less than one year, record 00. If 95 years and above, record 95. _ _

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_AGE — Age
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4. Date of birth

Day ____
Month ____
Year ____
Number of complete years ____
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Question 4 - Date of birth

The answer on the day, month and year of birth is written down in figures in specially outlined frameworks.

[An example is omitted.]


It is not allowed to approximate or round the day, month and year of birth (e.g., for those who were born on the 9th or 11th you couldn't write the 10th; for those who were born in 1939 you couldn't write they were born in 1940, etc.). If the person enumerated indicated the year of birth ending with 0 or 5, you should make sure that he indicated the year correctly without rounding.

After the recording of the date of birth and without additional asking the respondent an enumerator determines and writes down the number of years that have passed in a specially outlined framework using the Supplemented table for indication the years for persons whose year of birth is known as of 5th of December 2001 (Appendix 1). For children less than 1 year 0 is written down.

United Kingdom 1961 — source variable UK1961A_AGE — Age (grouped)
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D. Sex "M" or "F" and age in years at last birthday and completed months since then (See Note 3).

Sex: _
Years ____
Months ____
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3. Age (Column D)

(a) If the age is not known exactly, give it as accurately as possible.
(b) Even where the birthday is only a few days after Census day, the required age is the number of years at the last birthday and 11 months.
(c) For babies under one month old, write "Under I month".

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_AGE — Age
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[3] Date of birth
Day ____
Month ____
Year ____

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_AGE — Age
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P6. When was this person born?


United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_AGE — Age
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Date of birth

5. Month and year of birth and age last birthday







"If the month or year of birth, or the age, is not known, give your best estimate."

6. Month of birth
Fill one circle

[] Jan. - Mar.
[] Apr. - June
[] July - Sept.
[] Oct. - Dec.

7. Year of birth
Fill one circle for first three numbers

[] 186-
[] 187-
[] 188-
[] 189-
[] 190-
[] 191-
[] 192-
[] 193-
[] 194-
[] 195-
[] 196-
[] 197-

Fill one circle for last number

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_AGE — Age
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5a. Print age at last birthday.
____ Age at last birthday

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_AGE — Age
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5. Age and year of birth

a. Print each person's age at last birthday. Fill in the matching circle below each box.
_ _ _ a. Age b. Year of birth

b. Print each person's year of birth and fill the matching circle below each box.
1 _ _ _ b. Year of birth

[Print age at last birthday in the space provided (print "00" for babies less than 1 year old). Fill in the matching circle below each box. For an illustration of how to complete question 5, see the Example on page 2 of this guide [omitted].]

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_AGEORIG — Age
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4. What is this person's age and what is this person's date of birth?

_ _ _ Age on April 1, 2000

Print numbers in boxes.
_ _ Month
_ _ Day
_ _ _ _ Year of birth

-- Note: Please answer both questions 5 and 6.

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_AGE — Age
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2. What is this person's age and what is this person's date of birth? Print numbers in boxes.
Age (in years)_ _ _
Month _ _ Day _ _Year of birth _ _ _ _

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_AGE — Age
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4. What is this person's age and date of birth?

Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.

Age (in years) : ____ Month: _____ Day: ____ Year of birth: _______

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_AGE — Age
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Person 1
(Person 1 is the person living or staying here in whose name this house or apartment is owned, bought, or being rented. If there is no such person, start with the name of any adult living or staying here.)

4. What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth? Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.

Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _

[Repeat for persons X = 2 - 5.]

4. What is Person X's age and what is Person X's date of birth? Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.

Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _

[Repeat for Persons Y = 6 - 12.]

Age (in years)_ _ _

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Answer person questions 1 through 6 for the first five people listed on pages 2,3, and 4 of the questionnaire.

4. For each person, print this person's age and month, day, and year of birth. Print the age at the last birthday. Do not round the age up if this person is close to having a birthday. If the exact age is not known, provide an estimate. Print "0" for babies less than 1 year old.

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_AGE — Age
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Person 1
(Person 1 is the person living or staying here in whose name this house or apartment is owned, bought, or being rented. If there is no such person, start with the name of any adult living or staying here.)

4. What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth? Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.

Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _

[Repeat for persons X = 2 - 5.]

4. What is Person X's age and what is Person X's date of birth? Please report babies as age 0 when the child is less than 1 year old.

Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _

[Repeat for Persons Y = 6 - 12.]

Age (in years)_ _ _

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Answer person questions 1 through 6 for the first five people listed on pages 2,3, and 4 of the questionnaire.

4. For each person, print this person's age and month, day, and year of birth. Print the age at the last birthday. Do not round the age up if this person is close to having a birthday. If the exact age is not known, provide an estimate. Print "0" for babies less than 1 year old.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_AGE — Age
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4. What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth?

For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age.
Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _

[Repeat for persons X = 2 - 5.]

4. What is Person X's age and what is Person X's date of birth?

For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age. Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _
If there are more than five people living or staying here, print their names in the spaces for Person 6 through Person 12. We may call you for more information about them.

[Repeat for Persons Y = 6 - 12.]

Age (in years) _ _ _

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Person questions 1-6

Answer questions 1-6 for the first five people living or staying at this address.

  • Include everyone who is living or staying here for more than 2 months.
  • Include yourself if you are living here for more than 2 months.
  • Include anyone else staying here who does not have another place to stay, even if they are here for 2 months or less.
  • Do not include anyone who is living somewhere else for more than 2 months, such as a college student living away or someone in the Armed Forces on deployment.

P4. For each person, print this person's age and month, day, and year of birth.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_AGE — Age
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4. What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth?

For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age.
Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _

[Repeat for persons X = 2 - 5.]

4. What is Person X's age and what is Person X's date of birth?

For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age. Print numbers in boxes.

Age (in years) _ _ _
Month _ _
Day _ _
Year of birth _ _ _ _
If there are more than five people living or staying here, print their names in the spaces for Person 6 through Person 12. We may call you for more information about them.

[Repeat for Persons Y = 6 - 12.]

Age (in years) _ _ _

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Person questions 1-6

Answer questions 1-6 for the first five people living or staying at this address.

  • Include everyone who is living or staying here for more than 2 months.
  • Include yourself if you are living here for more than 2 months.
  • Include anyone else staying here who does not have another place to stay, even if they are here for 2 months or less.
  • Do not include anyone who is living somewhere else for more than 2 months, such as a college student living away or someone in the Armed Forces on deployment.

P4. For each person, print this person's age and month, day, and year of birth.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_AGE — Age (in years)
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4. Age in completed years: ____

For those younger than 1 year, write down the number of completed months, followed by the word "Months". For minors younger than 1 month, write "0 months". Example: "0 months", "3 months", etc.
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Title 4: Age in completed years
181. "Age in completed years" is meant to be the age that a person has reached on their last birthday. One way of verifying the accuracy of the declared age for the enumerator is asking for the date of their birth, always, so then the conditions for getting this information are achieved.

182. The enumerator should take into account the common tendency of people rounding their age, declaring numbers that end in 0 or in 5. Especially in these cases one has to guess the date of birth, or one has to assure that the person is not rounding their age by either more or fewer [years].

183. If a person does not know their age and there is no other way of knowing for certain, try using personal documents from this person or refer to neighbors; the enumerator should make an estimate of the aforementioned age.

[p. 31]

184. If an enumerated person is not present, get their information from those that are present that know them.

185. For those under one year, write the word "month" immediately after the pertinent number. So: "0 months"; "1 month"; "3 months"; etc.

186. If a person is one year old or more, always write the word "years" after the corresponding number. So: "1 year"; "6 years"; "46 years"; etc.

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_AGE — Age
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4. How old are you?
Write the age in complete years.

For those younger than 1 year, write "0".

Years _ _

[] 99 Not known

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G. Information of the people
169. Once the Section "F. Information of the home" is finished, you should ask the population questions to each one of the people who you are to enumerate.

When possible, you should try to make each person provide you with their own information. Only in the case of a person who is absent at the time of your visit, or if it concerns children, will you receive their information from a third party.

In each home, you will enumerate all people who slept in it the night before the "Day of the Census" or who, being absent this night for reasons of work, return to the home during the day. In such form, a doctor who did not sleep in his/her house because of being on guard in a hospital will be enumerated in their home. On the contrary, a traveler who spent many days away from their home will be enumerated in the place slept in during the night before the "Day of the Census."

I. General characteristics of all people
The questions included in this chapter are for knowing the distribution of the population by sex, age and civil state; their territorial distribution and movements made within the country in the last 5 years.

You should ask the questions in this chapter to all people who are to be enumerated in the home.

203. For question No. 4 "How old are you?", you should write down the age in completed years at 0 (Zero) Hour of the "Day of the Census".

204. Mrs. González turned 29 years old on the "Day of the Census", what will you write down for question No. 4 "How old are you?"

  • 28 years

205. Daniela, the oldest daughter of the González family, turned four years old on October 15. What age will you write down for question No. 4?
  • 4 years

206. If you find children younger than 1 year, write down "0" (zero).

207. Claudia, the youngest daughter of the González family is three months old. How old is she?
  • 0 (zero) years

208. It is very important to write down the exact age of each person, so you should be very careful with this respect and not omit it in any case.

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_AGE — Age
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4. How old are you?

Write down the age in complete years. For those younger than 1, write "0"

Years _ _ _

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I -- General characteristics -- all persons

For question No. 4 "How old are you?", you should write down the age in completed years at zero hour of the "Day of the Census".

[An example has been omitted]

It is very important to write down the exact age of each person, so you should be very careful with this respect and not omit it in any case.

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_AGE — Age
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3. How old are you (in completed years)?
Write down the number and mark:

For those younger than 1 year: "00"
For those younger than 10 years: "01", "02", "03", etc. as necessary.
For those older than 99 years, "99"


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Question 3. How many completed years old are you?
Write down the number and mark:
[] "00" for those younger than 1 year
[] "01", "02", "03", etc. for those younger than 100 years
[] "99" for those age 99 or older

You should write down the age in completed years at zero hour of the Census. If the person that you are enumerating had a birthday on the day of the Census you should use the age that they were the day before.

It is very frequent that people tend to round the age to years ending in 0 and 5, because they do not remember well and do not take the time to do so, or for other reasons.

When you perceive that the age declared cannot be correct, point out that it is very important for the Census that the ages of people be exact. In all cases remember that the Census information is totally confidential and this is assured by Law.

Observe that also here -- for the best security in the later processing of the information -- you should indicate the number of years completed in two different forms. On one side you should write down the number in the blank boxes meant for this purpose, and also mark this same number, filling in the boxes that are below. If the number is 3, write down and mark "03", if it is 12, write down and mark "12". If the number is 100 or older, write down and mark "99".

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_AGE — Age
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27. What is the respondent?s age in completed years? _ _
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27. How old are you, in completed years?

According to the response the corresponding age will be noted. The response should be marked in completed years, so that for all those younger than 1 year, "00" will be noted, and "98" for those age 98 or older.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_AGE — Age (completed years)
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For everyone:

1. How old is the person (in completed years)? (PerNa01)
Age _ _ _

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How old is the person (in completed years)?

Note the age in completed years at the date of the interview. As the response should be noted in completed years, for those less than one year, 00 is noted.

If you believe the age declared does not seem correct, signal that it is very important for the census that the ages of the people are found to be very precise.

If the informant does not remember the age of some member of the household, ask him/her to remember some event (marriage, the birth of a child, year in school, among others) or that he/she consults some document (identification, driver's license, etc. where the date of birth is found in order to calculate the age.

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_AGE — Age
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5. - 6. Date of birth or age in years
____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

____ Years
[] 00 Under 1 year

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Columns 5 and 6. Date of birth or age.

Ask for the date on which the person was born. Write down the day, month, and year of birth in the space provided. If the exact date is not known, request that the year, approximate date, or estimated age be provided.

If the person gives the date of birth, do not ask the age. Try to receive the person's exact date of birth.

For children younger than one year of age, write down 00 in column 6. For those 100 years of age and older, write down 99 in column 6.

Always convert the date of birth into years completed according to the attached table [p. 53]. Other questions in the questionnaire require this piece of information.

5.34. How to use the age conversion table

In order to convert a date of birth to the correct age, look for the year in the first column and according to the month found in the second or third column the number of years is the age. The number obtained from the table is written down in column 6.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_AGEYR — Age
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3. What is your date of birth (or age attained?)
____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

____ Years (one year or more)
____ Months (under one year)

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Question 3

-- What is the date of birth (or age completed)?

The day, month, and year of birth should be requested. Then ask the number of years completed.

In the case that the person does not remember the date of birth, indicate the age [number of years] completed.

In the case of children under the age of one, the number of months completed since birth should be recorded.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_AGE — Age
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3. What is your date or birth and age?
____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
____ Age
____ Under one year (months)

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Questions 1-10 -- are for all persons

Every person in the household should be asked these questions.

-- In the case of people who are absent or of small children, ask the Head of Household or the person who can give the most reliable information.

Question No.3

[Date of birth]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 3 on the census form.]

-- Write down the day, month and year of birth and the age completed by the person.

-- In the case of children under 1 year, write down the number of months completed in the space for less than one year (months).

-- If the complete date or age is not known, write down whatever may be known.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_AGE — Age (in completed years)

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_AGE — Age
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4. Month and year of birth
_ _ Month
1_ _ _ Year

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4. Month and year of birth
All persons responding question 1 should answer this question.

Interviewers should ask and fill out the actual month and year of birth for every person based on the solar calendar. Persons who have an incorrect date of birth in their legal documents (e.g. personal identification certificate, household registration, birth certification, etc.) can report their correct date of birth in the enumeration form.

If a person does not remember her/his date of birth in the solar calendar, but s/he remembers her/his age and date of birth in the lunar calendar, interviewers can check the calendar conversion table (in the appendix) in order to get the correct year of birth in the solar calendar.

In case that a person does not remember the month of birth but s/he knows her/his age by the lunar calendar, his/her estimated year of birth is, as follow:
Year of birth (solar calendar) = year of census (1989) - age (by lunar calendar) +1

If a person does not remember the date of birth or his/her own age or that for other household members, interviewers can ask several questions to find out estimated dates of birth.

If a person cannot remember his/her age or year of birth, interviewers can look at their appearance and ask them to estimate their own ages and use the calendar conversion table to fill in the year of birth by the solar calendar.

For children, if the interviewee does not remember his date of birth, interviewers can ask months of age and calculate the month and year of birth of the child.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_AGE — Age
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4. In what solar calendar month and year was (Name) born? ________
Month _ _

Year 1_ _ _

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Question 4: In what solar calendar month and year was (name) born?

Interviewers need to ask respondent and fill in his/her actual month and year of birth by solar calendar. Interviewers fill in month of birth in two cells in the line for "month". If the month of birth is less than 10, interviewers place "0" in the cell on the left. Filling in the last 3 digits of year of birth in the 3 cells for the line "year".

Note: For persons who were born before April 1899 (100 years old and older), interviewers should also report their information on "List of elderly aged 100 years and older" (appendix 5) after filling in their month and year of birth.

In fact, it is difficult to have correct information on month and year of birth in solar calendar for many people, especially for elderly. Therefore, interviewers should pay attention to several points:

a) Respondent only remembers his/her month, year of birth or age by lunar calendar:

When respondent answer month of birth, interviewers should reconfirm if it is by solar calendar or lunar calendar. If respondent use lunar calendar, interviewers should add 1 unit to have correct solar calendar month of birth (usually, lunar calendar is one month behind solar calendar).

If respondent only remembers year of birth by lunar calendar, interviewers should use "Lunar calendar and solar calendar conversion table" (appendix 2) to convert lunar calendar year into solar calendar year.

In cases where respondent only remembers "zodiac" (chi) (such as: rat, buffalo, tiger, cat, etc.) of his/her year of birth by lunar calendar and can't remember stem/branch (can) (such as: Giap, At, Binh, Dinh, etc.) of that lunar calendar year, interviewers need to ask respondent's age and use "Lunar calendar and solar calendar conversion table" to define year of birth in solar calendar for that person.

In a case, respondent only remember his/her age using lunar calendar, interviewers estimate his/her year of birth in solar calendar, as follow:

Year of enumeration (1999) - age in lunar calendar + 1 = Year of birth in solar calendar

b) Respondent doesn't remember month, year of birth by either lunar calendar or solar calendar

Respondent doesn't remember month of birth: Interviewers need to ask several questions in order to approximate month of birth in solar calendar. If respondent is still not able to report month of birth, interviewers fill in code (**) (not available) in the cells for month of birth.

Respondent doesn't remember year of birth and age: Interviewers can ask several questions to define respondent's age. If respondent is still not able to report his/her age, interviewers may estimate respondent's age (based on his/her appearance, age of the first child, age of brother/sister, etc.), then year of birth in solar calendar. Interviewers shouldn't fill in code "not available" or leave year of birth blank.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_AGE — Age
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[Questions 1-7 were asked of all persons]

5. What is [the respondent's] age as of his/her last birthday? (If age is 95 years or more, write "95")

Age: _ _

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Question 1 to Question 7: Ask about all household's usual residents

Question 4: In what solar calendar month and year was [the respondent] born?
Month and year of birth are recorded in the solar calendar; they are the actual month and year of birth in the solar calendar and are not following any kind of document (identification card, population registration book, etc.).

If the respondent knows the month and year of birth in the solar calendar, then the enumerator records that month and year on the printed boxes. If he/she only remembers the month and year of birth in the lunar calendar, then the enumerator must use the "Conversion between lunar and solar calendar years" (Appendix 7) to convert the lunar calendar month and year to the solar calendar month and year.

Note: The solar calendar year often comes more than 1 month before the lunar calendar year; when converting month of birth in the lunar calendar to the solar calendar, the enumerator should add 1 to the month of birth in the lunar calendar. Thus, persons born from month 1 (thang gieng) to month 11 (thang mot) in the lunar calendar month will become the months of February to December of the same year. If they were born in month 12 (thang chap) in the lunar calendar, their month of birth in the solar calendar will be January of the next year.

If the respondent does not remember the month of birth, the enumerator must use a prompt: In what season was [the respondent] born? Born before or after the lunar calendar Tet, mid-lunar calendar month 7, mid-month 8, born before or after the date of the victory of Dien Bien Phu battle (7 May in the solar calendar), liberation of the South (30 April in the solar calendar), National Day 2 September, Uncle Ho's birthday (19 May in solar calendar), etc. to help the respondent remember the month of birth.

As the Census day is 1 April, those who have the same year of birth and month of birth from January to March will have the same way of calculating completed age, and those who have the same year of birth and month of birth from April to December will have the same way of calculating completed age. Therefore, in case the prompt was used but not successful, try to ask whether the respondent was born in the first three months or in the last nine months of the solar calendar year to select randomly one of the first three months, or of the last nine months to put into the corresponding two boxes.


If after taking such an effort, the respondent is still unable to remember the month of birth, enumerator will put "98" into the corresponding two boxes and continue to ask about the year of birth.

If the respondent remembers the birth year in the lunar calendar, the enumerator will record that year into four printed boxes. For example, if the birth year is 1954, record "1954" into four boxes, 1 digit per 1 box.

If the respondent does not remember the birth year in the solar calendar, but remembers the birth year in the lunar calendar (for example Binh Ty, At Suu, etc., or even only remembering the animal age: Tiger, Cat, etc.), use the "Conversion between lunar calendar and solar calendar years" (Appendix 7) to choose a corresponding solar calendar year to fill in the corresponding four boxes, then move to ask Question 6, not Question 5.

Note, in using the "Conversion between lunar calendar and solar calendar years" to choose a solar calendar year for the respondent, there would be a difference of 12 years (if the respondent can only remember the age in the animal year: "chi") or 60 years (if the respondent can remember both "can" and "chi"), so it is necessary to ask an additional question "By this year, how old was [the respondent]?" in combination with looking at the face of the respondent to determine the true age to avoid confusion.

In case the respondent is unable to remember the year of birth, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to the code number "9999", then asks about Question 5 and leaves the boxes used to record the year of birth in the solar calendar blank.

Question 5: What was [the respondent]'s age at his/her last birthday?
This question is only asked and recorded for those who did not remember their birth year. (In Question 5 marked (x) in the small box next to the code number "9999").

This aims to collect information on the respondent's age in the solar calendar. Thus, when the respondent gives his/her age, the enumerator must ask an additional question "Is that your age in the lunar or solar calendar?" If the answer is "in the lunar calendar", then before filling the age in the two printed boxes, the enumerator must subtract 1 from that age to get age in the solar calendar (because age in the lunar calendar is generally 1 year older than that in the solar calendar).

If the respondent's age in the solar calendar is greater than 95 years old, then the enumerator records "95" in the two printed boxes.

For those whose age in the calendar year is less than 1, the enumerator must fill "0" in the left box.

When the respondent is unable to remember his/her age, the enumerator can refer to related documents or discuss with other household members to obtain the age, or take prompts to make an estimate of age. The prompt can be done by comparing the age of the respondent with the age of any household member or the age of someone nearby knowing the exact age of that person.


If the prompt is not successful, the enumerator must estimate the respondent's age by looking at his/her body: that is, to look at the outward body in combination with considering his/her children's age, his/her wife/husband's age, etc., to guess an approximation age for the respondent. It is noted that this is an unwilling way, and is only used when no prompt is successful. It is not allowed to put the code of "not stated" for the question of "age in calendar year".

Note: When interviewing and recording Questions 4 and 5, the enumerator must pay attention to find old persons age 100 or older (when Question 4 was recorded as March 1903 or before, or when asking Question 5, the respondent answered an age of 100 or more). If true, the enumerator must fill out the "Notification of persons with age of 100 years old or more" (use Appendix 6 to fill) to submit it to his/her supervisor.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_AGE — Age
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Part 1. Information on household members

5. At present, what is solar calendar age of [the respondent]?

Completed age _ _
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Question 5: How old is [the respondent] now according to the solar calendar?
This question is only asked and recorded for people who cannot remember the year of birth in order to collect information about the rounded solar age of DTDT. Therefore, when DTDT answers about their age, DTV has to ask "Is it the lunar or solar age?" If DTDT answers the lunar age, DTV must subtract 1 to get the solar age and write the information in the box.

When DTDT cannot remember their age, DTV can refer to relevant records and documents or discusses further with other members of the household to record the age or probe to estimate the age. It is possible to probe by comparing the age of DTDT with the age of someone in the household or the age of the people around whose exact age is known.

If the age probing measures do not work, DTV must estimate the age of DTDT by observing DTDT, that is observing the appearance of DTDT combined with the age of DTDT's children, spouse, etc. to estimate the approximate age for DTDT. Please note, this is the last viable option, only implemented when all attempts to probe the age do not work. Do not leave a blank in this question.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_AGE — Age
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Part 1. Information on household members

5. At present, what is solar calendar age of [the respondent]?

Completed age _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Question 5: How old is [the respondent] now according to the solar calendar?
This question is only asked and recorded for people who cannot remember the year of birth in order to collect information about the rounded solar age of DTDT. Therefore, when DTDT answers about their age, DTV has to ask "Is it the lunar or solar age?" If DTDT answers the lunar age, DTV must subtract 1 to get the solar age and write the information in the box.

When DTDT cannot remember their age, DTV can refer to relevant records and documents or discusses further with other members of the household to record the age or probe to estimate the age. It is possible to probe by comparing the age of DTDT with the age of someone in the household or the age of the people around whose exact age is known.

If the age probing measures do not work, DTV must estimate the age of DTDT by observing DTDT, that is observing the appearance of DTDT combined with the age of DTDT's children, spouse, etc. to estimate the approximate age for DTDT. Please note, this is the last viable option, only implemented when all attempts to probe the age do not work. Do not leave a blank in this question.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_AGE — Age
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P-6 Age
What is [the respondent's] age?
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P - 6 Age
13. Age is a very important personal characteristic that we are concerned with in the Census. Two columns are provided for entering the age. For all those persons who are one year old or older, the age will be entered in completed years and '00' will be entered for babies less than a year. The age will be entered in two digits, 01, 02, 09, 10, 11,. . .89. Those who are 90 years and over will have age 90 entered.

[Example is omitted here.]

14. In some cases the question on age will not create many problems. Almost all persons who have been to school know their age. Where there may be some doubt, ages of children can be reasonably estimated by looking at them and comparing them to other children of known ages in the household.
15. Some people will, however, not know their ages. In such cases you will have to estimate their ages. Ask such a person how long he has been


living in this area, about what time in his life he came here, what he did then, for how long, how old he was when he left his parents' home, etc. In this manner you can build his life history. It is also possible to determine his age by referring to some historical events that he may remember, e.g., how old he was when the Lusaka-Mongu road was built by the Chinese, or when the name of Feira boma was changed to Luangwa, or when a certain chief died, or when Katima Mulilo Pontoon disaster occurred, or when Mufulira Mine disaster occurred or when Zambia became independent, etc. Such historical events are meant to help a respondent remember how old he may have been when they were occurring. Do not rely completely on a single event. You should also check this with a later event. A Calendar of events will be issued to you to help you estimate the ages of such people.

16. If you have already ascertained the age of some other member of the household or of a neighbour, this may be of considerable help in determining the ages of other members of the household. For example, if you have estimated that the eldest son of the head of the household is 12 years old, you may be able to determine the ages of the other children by finding out how many years elapsed between the births of the different children.

17. In case you are only given the year of birth and no month, even after probing, calculate the age by subtracting the year of birth from 1990.

[Example is omitted here.]

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_AGE — Age
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5. Age
Enter age in completed years, 00 if less than one year and 90 if 90 years or older: _ _
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P5 Age

Age is a very important personal characteristic that we are concerned with in the Census. Two columns are provided for entering the age. For all those persons who are one year old or older, the age will be recorded in completed years and '00' will be recorded for babies less than a year.
The age will be entered in two digits, 01, 02, 09, 10, 11,.....'89. For those who are 90 years and
older. 9 and 0 will be shaded.


[Omitted Examples]

Where there may be some doubt, ages of children can be reasonably estimated by looking at them and comparing them to other children of known ages in the household.
Some people will, however, not know their ages. In such cases you will have to estimate their ages. Ask such a person how long they have been living in the area, about what time in their life they came here, what they did then, for how long, how old they were when they left their parents' home, etc. In this manner, you can build their life history. It is also possible to determine their age by referring to some historical events that they may remember, e.g., how old they were when the Lusaka-Mongu Road was built by the Chinese, or when the name of Feira Boma was changed to Luangwa, or when a certain Chief died, or when Katima Mulilo Pontoon disaster occurred, or when Mufulira Mine disaster occurred or when Zambia became independent, etc. Such historical .vents are meant to help a respondent remember how old they may have been when they were occurring. Do not rely completely on a single event. You should also check this with a later event.

If you have already ascertained the age of some other members of the household or of a neighbour, this may be of considerable help in determining the ages of other members of the household. For example, if you have estimated that the eldest child of the head of the household is 12 years old, you may be able to determine the ages of the other children by finding out how many years elapsed between the births of the different children.

[Omitted Examples]

This question on age will be the last one to be asked of all persons who are usual members of a household, but absent at the time of enumeration (P5).

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_AGE — Age in years
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P5. How old was [the respondent] at his/her last birthday? - In years
If less than 1 year enter '00' _ _
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4.8.6 Age

P-5: How old was [the respondent] at his/her last birthday?

Age is a very important personal characteristic that we are concerned with in this census. Two boxes are provided for entering the age. For all persons who are one year old or older, the age will be recorded in completed years and '00' will be recorded for babies less than a year. The age will be entered in two digits, 01, 02, 09, 10, 11?.94. For those 95 years and older, 9 and 5 will be recorded. I don't know answer should not be allowed.

In some cases, the question on age will create problems such as people not knowing their age. Ask such people for their official documents such as the National Registration Card e.t.c. In certain cases you will have to estimate their ages. Ask such people how long they have been living in the area, about what time in their life they went there, what they did then, for how long, how old they were when they left their parents` home, etc. In this manner, you can build their life history. It is also possible to determine their age by referring to some historical events that they may remember, e.g., how old they were when the Lusaka-Mongu Road was built by the Chinese, or when the name of Feira Boma was changed to Luangwa, or when a certain Chief died, or when Katima Mulilo Pontoon disaster occurred, or when Mufulira Mine disaster occurred or when Zambia became independent, etc. Such historical events are meant to help a respondent remember how old they may have been when these events were occurring. Do not rely completely on a single event. You should also check this with a later event.

Examples of historical events

1.World War II ? 1935 ? 1945
2.Federation Of Rhodesia And Nyasaland ? 1953-1963
3.Independence - 1964
4.Choma Declaration (One Party State) ? 1972
5.Mwamba Luchembe attempted coup - 1990
6.Unip Lost Power To Mmd (Kaunda Lost Power To Chiluba) ? 1991
7.Mwanawasa Became President - 2001

If you have already ascertained the age of some other members of the household or of a neighbor, this may be of considerable help in determining the ages of other members of the household. For example, if you have estimated that the eldest child of the head of the household is 12 years old, you may be able to determine the ages of the other children by finding out how many years elapsed between the births of the different children.

Examples on the age of respondent

  • A respondent says he/she was born on 20th June, 1954 and the date on the day you are visiting the household is 25th October 2010, this would mean that this respondent turned 56 on his/her last birthday which fell on the 20th of June 2010 (i.e 2010 - 1954 = 56). So you are supposed to enter 5 and 6 in the spaces provided since we only report age in completed years.
  • A respondent gives his/her date of birth as 12th December, 1962 and the date on the day you visit the household is 7th of October 2010. This means that this respondent will turn 48 on 12th of December 2010, (i.e., 2010 - 1962 = 48) but since we are reporting age in completed years, we just report age on the last birthday, which of course is 48 - 1 = 47 completed years, since he is yet to turn 48. So you enter 4 and 7 for age.

Note that question on age (P-5) will be the last one to be asked of all persons who are usual members of a household, but did not spend the night before the enumerator's visit with the household (Usual Members Absent ).

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_AGE — Age
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B- For all persons
[Question 1 to 7 were asked of all persons]

4. How old was [the respondent] at his or her last birthday?

Enter age in completed years ("00" for children less than one year). Example: Name is 37. [First digit in the first box and the second digit in the second box]

Age _ _
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Section B: For all Persons
Begin by saying, "I would like information on ALL people who stayed at this household on the census night. This information is on the names of the persons, their relationship to head of household, their age and sex, survivorship of their parents etc. It is important that you give me as accurate information as possible about each person".

Q4 Age - Alternatively Ask "When was (the respondent) born?"
Entries should be made in completed years as follows:

- "00" for children less than a year;
- Actual ages for those age 1-97 years;
- "98" for those age 98 years and over;

Age is one of the most important questions as almost all analysis of data depends on respondent's age, for example, fertility rates calculated by age of woman etc. Be careful not to round up ages to the next birthday; the age of a child who is four years and eleven months should be recorded as 04 and not 05.

For calculation of ages, the following could be useful:

- If day, month and year of birth are given, and then when the birthday is after the census night, the age should be 2011 minus year of birth; where the birthday is before the census night, the age should be 2012 minus year of birth.

- To assist you with verifications of these calculations, an age determination table is shown in Appendix 1. In the table you have the decade on the left hand column and the last digit in the year of birth on the top row. Two rows of ages are then presented. The top row indicates the age when the birthday is before the census night, while the bottom row gives the age when the birthday is after the census night.

If year of birth is given and respondent cannot recall the month:

- Subtract the year from 2012 to obtain age.

- If the age is not known, probe to try to estimate age. This is time consuming and sometimes tedious, but it is important to take time to try to get the best possible information.

There are several ways that can be used to probe for age:

- You may ask about the year, month and day when the person was born.

- You may probe for age at last completed birthday, i.e. you may ask whether their birthday has passed in the current year, and when that was.

- In the case of a woman respondent, you may ask how old she was when she got married or had her first child, then try to estimate how long ago she got married or had her first child.

- It might be possible to relate the age of the person to that of someone else in the household whose age is reliably known.
[pg. 24]

If probing does not help, you may have to estimate the age as a last resort when all other efforts have failed. Avoid the use of IDs as a means of estimating a person's age because, more often than not, if a person does not know when s/he was born, the age on the ID is also wrong.