Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0201 | Pápago | 29 |
0202 | Pima | 627 |
0203 | Tepehuano del norte | 1,505 |
0204 | Tepehuano del sur | 33,167 |
0205 | Tarahumara | 37,081 |
0206 | Guarijío | 973 |
0207 | Yaqui | 1,841 |
0208 | Mayo | 2,734 |
0209 | Cora | 27,116 |
0210 | Huichol | 41,110 |
0211 | Náhuatl | 516,991 |
0401 | Seri | 215 |
0501 | Otomí | 48,164 |
0502 | Mazahua | 11,577 |
0503 | Matlatzinca | 428 |
0504 | Tlahuica | 49 |
0505 | Pame | 8,437 |
0506 | Chichimeco Jonaz | 392 |
0507 | Chinanteco | 48,349 |
0508 | Tlapaneco | 81,534 |
0509 | Mazateco | 130,556 |
0510 | Ixcateco | 46 |
0511 | Chocholteco | 533 |
0512 | Popoloca | 3,275 |
0513 | Zapoteco | 253,002 |
Code | Label |
0514 | Chatino | 38,474 |
0515 | Amuzgo | 34,939 |
0516 | Mixteco | 285,725 |
0517 | Cuicateco | 9,624 |
0518 | Triqui | 8,265 |
0601 | Huasteco | 28,562 |
0602 | Maya | 210,049 |
0604 | Ch'ol | 60,446 |
0605 | Chontal de Tabasco | 2,842 |
0606 | Tseltal | 204,620 |
0607 | Tsotsil | 322,695 |
0608 | Q'anjob'al | 1,743 |
0609 | Akateko | 199 |
0610 | Jakalteko | 89 |
0612 | Chuj | 408 |
0613 | Tojolabal | 7,292 |
0614 | Q'eqchi' | 174 |
0615 | K'iche' | 68 |
0616 | Kaqchikel | 25 |
0617 | Teko | 43 |
0618 | Mam | 1,338 |
0701 | Totonaco | 114,932 |
0702 | Tepehua | 3,467 |
0801 | Tarasco | 24,807 |
0901 | Mixe | 72,524 |
Code | Label |
0902 | Sayulteco | 763 |
0904 | Texistepequeño | 82 |
0906 | Popoluca de la Sierra | 6,045 |
0907 | Zoque | 37,931 |
1001 | Chontal de Oaxaca | 2,859 |
1101 | Huave | 15,952 |
8000 | Other indigenous languages of America | 176 |
9010 | Chontal (underspecified) | 122 |
9020 | Tepehuano (underspecified) | 44 |
9030 | Popoluca (underspecified) | 570 |
9998 | Unknown | 2,408 |
9999 | NIU (not in universe) | 12,265,650 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the name of the indigenous language spoken by the respondent.
- Mexico 2020: Persons age 3+ who speak an indigenous language
- Mexico: 2020
Questionnaire Text
13. Name of indigenous language: Which Indigenous dialect or language does [respondent\s name] speak?
In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.
Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.
[Figure omitted: image with text]
For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.
Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.
Indigenous language