Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
Inuique | ||
01101 | Iquique | 18,416 |
01107 | Alto Hospicio | 7,992 |
Tamarugal | ||
01401 | Pozo Almonte | 1,072 |
01402 | Camiña | 99 |
01403 | Colchane | 133 |
01404 | Huara | 202 |
01405 | Pica | 417 |
01999 | Tarapaca region, unknown commune | 39 |
Antofagasta | ||
02101 | Antofagasta | 31,612 |
02102 | Mejillones | 881 |
02103 | Sierra Gorda | 150 |
02104 | Taltal | 1,003 |
El Loa | ||
02201 | Calama | 14,556 |
02203 | San Pedro de Atacama | 579 |
Tocopilla | ||
02301 | Tocopilla | 2,161 |
02302 | Maria Elena | 473 |
02999 | Antofagasta region, unknown commune | 33 |
Code | Label |
Copiapo | ||
03101 | Copiapo | 14,690 |
03102 | Caldera | 1,418 |
03103 | Tierra Amarilla | 1,213 |
Chañaral | ||
03201 | Chañaral | 1,228 |
03202 | Diego de Almagro | 1,391 |
Huasco | ||
03301 | Vallenar | 4,817 |
03302 | Alto del Carmen | 433 |
03303 | Freirina | 589 |
03304 | Huasco | 835 |
03999 | Atacama region, unknown commune | 48 |
Elqui | ||
04101 | La Serena | 19,027 |
04102 | Coquimbo | 18,394 |
04103 | Andacollo | 966 |
04104 | La Higuera | 341 |
04105 | Paiguano | 417 |
04106 | Vicuña | 2,382 |
Choapa | ||
04201 | Illapel | 2,696 |
04202 | Canela | 780 |
04203 | Los Vilos | 1,771 |
Code | Label |
04204 | Salamanca | 2,305 |
Limari | ||
04301 | Ovalle | 9,895 |
04302 | Combarbala | 1,199 |
04303 | Monte Patria | 2,813 |
04304 | Punitaqui | 934 |
04305 | Rio Hurtado | 348 |
04999 | Coquimbo region, unknown commune | 23 |
Valparaiso | ||
05101 | Valparaiso | 26,937 |
05102 | Casablanca | 2,380 |
05103 | Concon | 3,451 |
05104 | Juan Fernandez | 73 |
05105 | Puchuncavi | 1,367 |
05107 | Quintero | 2,384 |
05109 | Viña del Mar | 29,797 |
Isla de Pascua | ||
05201 | Isla de Pascua | 516 |
Los Andes | ||
05301 | The Andes | 6,033 |
05302 | Calle Larga | 1,062 |
05303 | Rinconada | 879 |
05304 | San Esteban | 1,518 |
Petorca | ||
Code | Label |
05401 | La Ligua | 3,124 |
05402 | Cabildo | 1,821 |
05403 | Papudo | 466 |
05404 | Petorca | 911 |
05405 | Zapallar | 579 |
Quillota | ||
05501 | Quillota | 7,752 |
05502 | Calera | 4,787 |
05503 | Hijuelas | 1,593 |
05504 | La Cruz | 1,572 |
05506 | Nogales | 2,028 |
San Antonio | ||
05601 | San Antonio | 8,105 |
05602 | Algarrobo | 983 |
05603 | Cartagena | 1,553 |
05604 | El Quisco | 967 |
05605 | El Tabo | 718 |
05606 | Santo Domingo | 838 |
San Felipe de Aconcagua | ||
05701 | San Felipe | 6,824 |
05702 | Catemu | 1,224 |
05703 | Llaillay | 2,100 |
05704 | Panquehue | 632 |
05705 | Putaendo | 1,366 |
05706 | Santa Maria | 1,332 |
Code | Label |
Marga Marga | ||
05801 | Quilpue | 13,182 |
05802 | Limache | 3,983 |
05803 | Olmue | 1,393 |
05804 | Villa Alemana | 10,521 |
05999 | Valparaiso region, unknown commune | 59 |
Cachapoal | ||
06101 | Rancagua | 22,373 |
06102 | Codegua | 1,180 |
06103 | Coinco | 583 |
06104 | Coltauco | 1,693 |
06105 | Doñihue | 1,825 |
06106 | Graneros | 2,882 |
06107 | Las Cabras | 2,136 |
06108 | Machali | 3,787 |
06109 | Malloa | 1,238 |
06110 | Mostazal | 2,138 |
06111 | Olivar | 1,112 |
06112 | Peumo | 1,269 |
06113 | Pichidegua | 1,668 |
06114 | Quinta de Tilcoco | 1,161 |
06115 | Rengo | 5,152 |
06116 | Requinoa | 2,433 |
06117 | San Vicente | 4,116 |
Code | Label |
Cardenal Caro | ||
06201 | Pichilemu | 1,169 |
06202 | La Estrella | 236 |
06203 | Litueche | 521 |
06204 | Marchihue | 639 |
06205 | Navidad | 433 |
06206 | Paredones | 555 |
Colchagua | ||
06301 | San Fernando | 6,653 |
06302 | Chepica | 1,276 |
06303 | Chimbarongo | 3,138 |
06304 | Lolol | 607 |
06305 | Nancagua | 1,569 |
06306 | Palmilla | 1,170 |
06307 | Peralillo | 1,017 |
06308 | Placilla | 791 |
06309 | Pumanque | 303 |
06310 | Santa Cruz | 3,281 |
06999 | Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins region, unknown commune | 34 |
Talca | ||
07101 | Talca | 20,051 |
07102 | Constitucion | 4,168 |
07103 | Curepto | 876 |
07104 | Empedrado | 383 |
Code | Label |
07105 | Maule | 3,451 |
07106 | Pelarco | 681 |
07107 | Pencahue | 737 |
07108 | Rio Claro | 1,104 |
07109 | San Clemente | 3,809 |
07110 | San Rafael | 777 |
Cauquenes | ||
07201 | Cauquenes | 3,619 |
07202 | Chanco | 814 |
07203 | Pelluhue | 576 |
Curico | ||
07301 | Curico | 13,270 |
07302 | Hualañe | 824 |
07303 | Licanten | 579 |
07304 | Molina | 4,017 |
07305 | Rauco | 847 |
07306 | Romeral | 1,324 |
07307 | Sagrada Familia | 1,561 |
07308 | Teno | 2,511 |
07309 | Vichuquen | 415 |
Linares | ||
07401 | Linares | 8,490 |
07402 | Colbun | 1,722 |
07403 | Longavi | 2,495 |
07404 | Parral | 3,660 |
Code | Label |
07405 | Retiro | 1,712 |
07406 | San Javier | 3,967 |
07407 | Villa Alegre | 1,318 |
07408 | Yerbas Buenas | 1,578 |
07999 | Maule region, unknown commune | 31 |
Concepcion | ||
08101 | Concepcion | 21,545 |
08102 | Coronel | 9,826 |
08103 | Chiguayante | 7,704 |
08104 | Florida | 1,184 |
08105 | Hualqui | 2,085 |
08106 | Lota | 4,329 |
08107 | Penco | 4,321 |
08108 | San Pedro de la Paz | 10,606 |
08109 | Santa Juana | 1,224 |
08110 | Talcahuano | 14,089 |
08111 | Tome | 4,906 |
08112 | Hualpen | 8,577 |
Arauco | ||
08201 | Lebu | 2,281 |
08202 | Arauco | 3,257 |
08203 | Cañete | 3,057 |
08204 | Contulmo | 540 |
08205 | Curanilahue | 2,994 |
Code | Label |
08206 | Los Alamos | 1,857 |
08207 | Tirua | 982 |
Biobio | ||
08301 | Los Angeles | 17,814 |
08302 | Antuco | 348 |
08303 | Cabrero | 2,568 |
08304 | Laja | 2,150 |
08305 | Mulchen | 2,581 |
08306 | Nacimiento | 2,481 |
08307 | Negrete | 881 |
08308 | Quilaco | 390 |
08309 | Quilleco | 893 |
08310 | San Rosendo | 312 |
08311 | Santa Barbara | 1,262 |
08312 | Tucapel | 1,219 |
08313 | Yumbel | 1,868 |
08314 | Alto Biobio | 556 |
Nuble | ||
08401 | Chillan | 16,856 |
08402 | Bulnes | 1,928 |
08403 | Cobquecura | 477 |
08404 | Coelemu | 1,507 |
08405 | Coihueco | 2,212 |
08406 | Chillan Viejo | 2,453 |
08407 | El Carmen | 1,125 |
Code | Label |
08408 | Ninhue | 500 |
08409 | Ñiquen | 919 |
08410 | Pemuco | 771 |
08411 | Pinto | 927 |
08412 | Portezuelo | 467 |
08413 | Quillon | 1,502 |
08414 | Quirihue | 1,015 |
08415 | Ranquil | 503 |
08416 | San Carlos | 4,839 |
08417 | San Fabian | 351 |
08418 | San Ignacio | 1,418 |
08419 | San Nicolas | 972 |
08420 | Treguaco | 452 |
08421 | Yungay | 1,556 |
08999 | Biobio region (prior to Nuble region), unknown commune | 86 |
Cautin | ||
09101 | Temuco | 25,318 |
09102 | Carahue | 2,136 |
09103 | Cunco | 1,497 |
09104 | Curarrehue | 601 |
09105 | Freire | 2,096 |
09106 | Galvarino | 1,104 |
09107 | Gorbea | 1,246 |
09108 | Lautaro | 3,235 |
Code | Label |
09109 | Loncoche | 1,996 |
09110 | Melipeuco | 492 |
09111 | Nueva Imperial | 2,717 |
09112 | Padre Las Casas | 6,226 |
09113 | Perquenco | 586 |
09114 | Pitrufquen | 2,103 |
09115 | Pucon | 2,171 |
09116 | Saavedra | 1,173 |
09117 | Teodoro Schmidt | 1,338 |
09118 | Tolten | 947 |
09119 | Vilcun | 2,281 |
09120 | Villarrica | 4,655 |
09121 | Cholchol | 930 |
Malleco | ||
09201 | Angol | 4,813 |
09202 | Collipulli | 2,155 |
09203 | Curacautin | 1,478 |
09204 | Ercilla | 663 |
09205 | Lonquimay | 881 |
09206 | Los Sauces | 667 |
09207 | Lumaco | 959 |
09208 | Puren | 1,145 |
09209 | Renaico | 900 |
09210 | Traiguen | 1,612 |
09211 | Victoria | 2,978 |
Code | Label |
09999 | Araucania region, unknown commune | 111 |
Llanquihue | ||
10101 | Puerto Montt | 21,317 |
10102 | Calbuco | 2,973 |
10103 | Cochamo | 372 |
10104 | Fresia | 1,080 |
10105 | Frutillar | 1,575 |
10106 | Los Muermos | 1,469 |
10107 | Llanquihue | 1,593 |
10108 | Maullín | 1,297 |
10109 | Puerto Varas | 3,545 |
Chiloe | ||
10201 | Castro | 3,956 |
10202 | Ancud | 3,483 |
10203 | Chonchi | 1,196 |
10204 | Curaco de Velez | 307 |
10205 | Dalcahue | 1,186 |
10206 | Puqueldon | 363 |
10207 | Queilen | 484 |
10208 | Quellon | 2,288 |
10209 | Quemchi | 748 |
10210 | Quinchao | 771 |
Osorno | ||
10301 | Osorno | 14,812 |
Code | Label |
10302 | Puerto Octay | 797 |
10303 | Purranque | 1,844 |
10304 | Puyehue | 963 |
10305 | Rio Negro | 1,215 |
10306 | San Juan de la Costa | 678 |
10307 | San Pablo | 874 |
Palena | ||
10401 | Chaiten | 359 |
10402 | Futaleufu | 216 |
10403 | Hualaihue | 800 |
10404 | Palena | 175 |
10999 | Los Lagos region, unknown commune | 357 |
Aysen | ||
Coihaique | ||
11101 | Coyhaique | 5,198 |
11102 | Lago Verde | 81 |
Aisen | ||
11201 | Aysen | 2,129 |
11202 | Cisnes | 450 |
11203 | Guaitecas | 147 |
Capitan Prat | ||
11301 | Cochrane | 271 |
11302 | O'Higgins | 62 |
11303 | Tortel | 42 |
General Carrera | ||
Code | Label |
11401 | Chile Chico | 401 |
11402 | Rio Ibanez | 186 |
11999 | Aysen region, unknown commune | 7 |
Magallanes | ||
12101 | Punta Arenas | 12,101 |
12104 | San Gregorio | 59 |
Antartica Chilena | ||
12201 | Cabo de Hornos | 159 |
Tierra del Fuego | ||
12301 | Porvenir | 485 |
12302 | Primavera | 49 |
Ultima Esperanza | ||
12401 | Natales | 1,883 |
12402 | Torres del Paine | 27 |
12999 | Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica region, unknown commune | 112 |
Santiago | ||
13101 | Santiago | 39,630 |
13102 | Cerrillos | 7,215 |
13103 | Cerro Navia | 11,995 |
13104 | Conchali | 11,385 |
13105 | El Bosque | 14,946 |
13106 | Estacion Central | 11,295 |
13107 | Huechuraba | 8,558 |
Code | Label |
13108 | Independencia | 6,645 |
13109 | La Cisterna | 7,751 |
13110 | La Florida | 34,015 |
13111 | La Granja | 11,123 |
13112 | La Pintana | 16,283 |
13113 | La Reina | 8,606 |
13114 | Las Condes | 25,258 |
13115 | Lo Barnechea | 8,659 |
13116 | Lo Espejo | 9,214 |
13117 | Lo Prado | 8,861 |
13118 | Macul | 10,126 |
13119 | Maipu | 49,024 |
13120 | Ñuñoa | 17,312 |
13121 | Pedro Aguirre Cerda | 9,151 |
13122 | Peñalolen | 22,027 |
13123 | Providencia | 11,835 |
13124 | Pudahuel | 20,541 |
13125 | Quilicura | 17,950 |
13126 | Quinta Normal | 9,323 |
13127 | Recoleta | 13,906 |
13128 | Renca | 12,954 |
13129 | San Joaquín | 8,497 |
13130 | San Miguel | 8,312 |
13131 | San Ramon | 7,975 |
13132 | Vitacura | 7,512 |
Code | Label |
Cordillera | ||
13201 | Puente Alto | 51,017 |
13202 | Pirque | 2,067 |
13203 | San Jose de Maipo | 1,374 |
Chacabuco | ||
13301 | Colina | 10,432 |
13302 | Lampa | 6,921 |
13303 | Tiltil | 1,547 |
Maipo | ||
13401 | San Bernardo | 26,553 |
13402 | Buin | 7,477 |
13403 | Calera de Tango | 2,276 |
13404 | Paine | 5,842 |
Melipilla | ||
13501 | Melipilla | 10,193 |
13502 | Alhue | 434 |
13503 | Curacaví | 2,552 |
13504 | Maria Pinto | 1,043 |
13505 | San Pedro | 1,043 |
Talagante | ||
13601 | Talagante | 6,290 |
13602 | El Monte | 2,936 |
13603 | Isla de Maipo | 3,032 |
13604 | Padre Hurtado | 4,635 |
13605 | Peñaflor | 7,686 |
Code | Label |
13999 | Santiago Metropolitan region, unknown commune | 90 |
Valdivia | ||
14101 | Valdivia | 14,581 |
14102 | Corral | 424 |
14103 | Lanco | 1,412 |
14104 | Los Lagos | 1,727 |
14105 | Mafil | 592 |
14106 | Mariquina | 1,785 |
14107 | Paillaco | 1,735 |
14108 | Panguipulli | 2,914 |
Ranco | ||
14201 | La Union | 3,395 |
14202 | Futrono | 1,294 |
14203 | Lago Ranco | 929 |
14204 | Rio Bueno | 2,771 |
14999 | Los Rios region, unknown commune | 32 |
Arica | ||
15101 | Arica | 19,615 |
15102 | Camarones | 81 |
Parinacota | ||
15201 | Putre | 154 |
15202 | General Lagos | 41 |
15999 | Arica and Parinacota region, unknown commune | 37 |
Code | Label |
99998 | Unknown | 6,195 |
99999 | NIU (not in universe) | 211,100 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the person's commune of residence 5 years ago (prior to Nuble Region).
- Chile 2017: Persons age 5+ whose residence 5 years ago was in Chile
- Chile: 2017
Questionnaire Text
11. In which commune or country did you live in April 2012?
[] 2 In this commune
[] 3 In another commune (enter the name of the commune) ____
In another country:
[] 5 Argentina
[] 6 Bolivia
[] 7 Ecuador
[] 8 Colombia
[] 9 Other (enter the name of the country) ____
Interview each member of the household using one page for each person. The order in which you must conduct the interviews is the same as you entered on question 6.c. Therefore, person No. 1 will correspond to the head of household, while person No. 2 will be the person you entered on the second row, and so forth.
It is very important that you follow the order as entered on question 6.c for conducting the interviews in section D. This way, you will avoid leaving someone out without being recorded for the census.
[Questions 10-11, place of usual residence and place of residence in 2012]
You must bear in mind that questions 10, 11, 12 and 12a are open-ended. This means that you must wait for the response from the interviewee. Remember to use the stipulated type of print and numbering to complete the questionnaire.
A person is considered to be a habitual resident of a commune or country when the person has been residing in it at least 6 months in the last year or intends to remain for at least 6 months.
[Figure omitted, image of question 10 from the questionnaire]
Important: There are communes that are in different parts of the country and have a similar name. For example: San Pedro de Atacama (Antofagasta region), San Pedro de Melipilla (Metropolitan region), San Pedro de la Paz (Biobío region). For this reason, it is very important that you record the exact and complete name (without abbreviations) of the commune or country in the box that appears below the category.
Do not confuse region and province with commune. For example, if the response is "Santiago," remember to ask if it refers to the commune or to the city.
[Figure omitted, image of question 11 from the questionnaire]
Integrated variables
- None