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National Institute of Statistics

2017 Population and Housing Census

Data collected by INE are confidential and are subject to statistical secrecy, as per section 29 of act no. 17,374.

[p. 1]

A. Identification

Portfolio number _ _ _ _ _ _
Commune name ____
Housing unit number _ _ _
Household number inside housing unit _ _

If this is the second of third questionnaire of the same household, please mark here:
[] Continuation

____ Street or road name
____ House number
____ Block, tower or other number or letter
____ Floor number
____ House, room or apartment number or letter

Read the questions as they appear in the questionnaire. Mark only one answer. Use only the pencil and eraser provided. Do not accentuate or cross out words. Write using letters or numbers as follows:


Mark like this: [completely filled-in oval]
Do not mark like this: [ovals with line and check marks]

B. Housing unit characteristics

Questions 1 and 2 (observation)

1. Indicate type of housing unit:

A. Privately owned housing unit

[] 1 House
[] 2 Apartment
[] 3 Traditional indigenous unit (ruka, pae pae or other)
[] 4 Room in an old house or tenement
[] 5 Hut, shack, hovel or emergency housing
[] 6 Mobile housing (tent, trailer or other)
[] 7 Other kind of privately owned housing unit
B. Collective unit
[] 8 Example: Guest house, rooming house, residential home for the elderly.
If you find a collective unit on your route that is not listed in your documents, inform your supervisor and continue your route.

2. Indicate whether the housing unit is...

A. Occupied
[] 1 Occupants present
[] 2 Occupants absent
B. Vacant
[] 3 For sale, rent, abandoned or other
[] 4 Seasonal housing unit (vacation property or other)
If no occupants are present, ask neighbors whether the housing unit is occupied or vacant.
- If the housing unit is occupied but the occupants are absent, return to the unit after completing your route.
- If the unit is vacant, end the questionnaire.

Begin surveying the informant here:
[The questionnaire begins in question 3]

3. What is the main construction material...

3. a. [Construction material] of the exterior walls?
[] 1 Reinforced concrete
[] 2 Masonry: cement, stone or brick blocks
[] 3 Partition wall, lined on both sides (with wood or steel)
[] 4 Partition wall, no lining of any kind
[] 5 Adobe, md, wattle and daub, pirca or other traditional artisanal element
[] 6 Poor construction materials (tin, cardboard, plastic, etc.)

3.b. [Construction material] of the roof?
[] 1 Tiles (clay, metallic, cement, wood, asphalt or plastic)
[] 2 Concrete slabs
[] 3 Metallic sheets (zinc, copper, etc) or fiber cement (Pizarreño type)
[] 4 Phonolite or tarred felt
[] 5 Straw, thatch, cattail or cane
[] 6 Poor construction materials (tin, cardboard, plastic, etc.).
[] 7 No solid roofing

3.c. [Construction material] of the floor?
[] 1 Parquet, laminate flooring, ceramic, wood, rug, vinyl, floor covering, carpeting or other, over foundation block or wooden beams
[] 2 Foundation block, no lining
[] 3 Cement tile
[] 4 Cement layer over the ground
[] 5 Earthen floor

4. How many rooms in this house unit are used only as bedrooms?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6 or more

5. The water supply comes primarily from:

[] 1 Public system
[] 2 Well or water wheel
[] 3 Tanker truck
[] 4 River, spring, stream, channel, lake, etc.

6. How many persons stayed at the housing unit last night? Do not forget to include babies, girls, boys and elderly persons.

[] One (go to section c)
[] If more than one, enter the number here _ _

6.a. Do all the persons who stayed at this housing unit last night share food expenses?

All persons in the housing unit share food expenses when they all benefit from a single food budget, whether or not they all contribute money to it. If visitors stayed at the housing unit, they are considered as having shared food expenses.

[] 1 Yes (go to section C)
[] 2 No

6.b. Including your own group, how many groups have separate food expenses?

Number of groups _ _

Each group indicated is considered a household for census purposes. For each household, a separate questionnaire must be used. If there are two or more households in the housing unit, their information must be recorded in separate questionnaires. For subsequent questionnaires:

- Affix the portfolio number sticker and repeat the housing unit number of the first questionnaire
- Enter the household number in the appropriate space.
- Do not fill in the "b. Housing unit characteristics" box.
- Begin the interview in section "c. Household members who stayed last night.

[p. 2]

C. Household members who stayed last night

6.c. Indicate the names of all individual members of the household who stayed at the housing unit last night. Begin with the head of the household (male of female).

Continue the list in the following order: spouse or partner, underage sons and daughters, other relatives and finally non-family members. Include babies, girls, boys, elderly persons, live-in domestic workers and visitors.

If more than one household is recorded on question 6.b., separate questionnaires must be used for each of the households identified.

[For each person, record:]

Person No. _ _

Full name ________

Relationship with head of household (male or female) ________

[] Male
[] Female
All the persons in this list must be surveyed on the following pages of the questionnaire.

Don't forget to enter in 6.c:
- Babies born before midnight of April 18-19, 2017.
- Persons who died after midnight of April 18-19, 2017.
- Persons who did not stay at the housing unit for reasons of work (night shifts) but returned to the unit during the census day.
- Persons who did not stay at the housing unit because they were at a party, wake or other special case, provided that they were not or will not be recorded elsewhere.
Do not record:
Persons who stayed at the housing unit the night before and who were recorded at...
- Another housing unit, boarding room or hotel
- A hospital
- A correctional facility

6.d Of the total number or persons mentioned, how many males and how many are females?

- Enter the number of persons as well as the number of males and females forming this household.
- Verify that the number of the last person recorded in 6.c. is the same as the total number recorded for this question.

_ _ Total
_ _ Males
_ _ Females


- Record all persons who stayed at the housing unit the night between April 18 and April 19, 2017, whether or not they are permanent occupants.
- All persons present at the time you arrive at the housing unit-if not recorded elsewhere - must be recorded.
- No person should be recorded twice.
- If in doubt, a person must be recorded.

If more than eight individuals are staying at a housing unit, in additional questionnaires you must affix the portfolio number sticker, repeat the unit number and household number, and fill in the continuation circle. Then continue to record each person listed in 6.c, section "d. Personal information".

Before continuing with section "d. Personal information". Enter in the first line of each page the first name of every person who stayed at the housing unit last night:

a. Begin with the head of household (male or female), who will be listed as person no. 1, and indicate his/her first name.
b. On page 2, indicate the name of person no. 2 and then enter all the other members of the household in the same order as indicated in question 6.c

[p. 3]

D. Personal information

Person No. _ _

For all persons
[Questions 7 to 16 are asked of all persons]

7. What is your relationship with the head of the household?

[] 1 Head of the household
[] 2 Husband/wife (spouse)
[] 3 Civil partner
[] 4 Common-law husband/wife or partner
[] 5 Son/daughter
[] 6 Son/daughter of spouse, common-law husband/wife or partner
[] 7 Brother/sister
[] 8 Father/mother
[] 9 Brother/sister-in-law
[] 10 Father/mother-in-law
[] 11 Son/daughter-in-law
[] 12 Grandson/granddaughter
[] 13 Grandfather/grandmother
[] 14 Other relative
[] 15 Non-relative
[] 16 Live-in domestic staff

8. What is your sex?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

9. How old are you?

If less than one year enter 0

Age at last birthday _ _ _

9.a. In which month and year were you born?

[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December

Year _ _ _ _

10. Are you an habitual resident of this commune?

A. Yes
[] 1 At this housing unit
[] 2 At another housing unit
B. No
[] 3 In another commune (enter the name of the commune) ____
[] 4 In another country (enter the name of the country) ____

11. In which commune or country did you live in April 2012?

[] 1 I wasn't born yet
[] 2 In this commune
[] 3 In another commune (enter the name of the commune) ____

In another country:
[] 4 Peru
[] 5 Argentina
[] 6 Bolivia
[] 7 Ecuador
[] 8 Colombia
[] 9 Other (enter the name of the country) ____

12. When you were born, in which commune or country did your mother live?

A. In this country
[] 1 In this commune
[] 2 In another commune ____ (enter the name of the commune)
B. In another country
[] 4 Peru
[] 5 Argentina
[] 6 Bolivia
[] 7 Ecuador
[] 8 Colombia
[] 9 Other ____ (enter the name of the country)
12.a. If your mother lived in another country, in what year did you arrive in Chile?
_ _ _ _ Year

If you do not know the year, mark the period in which you arrived in Chile.

[] 1 Between 2010 and 2017
[] 2 Between 2000 and 2009
[] 3 Between 1990 and 1999
[] 4 Before 1990

13. Do you currently attend an institution of formal education?
Includes pre-school, special education, and elementary, secondary and tertiary education.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 Not at present
[] 3 Never have (go to 16)

14. What is the highest educational level you have attained?
Remember it is not your current course but the highest level completed

- For preschool education, enter 0.
- For those who have completed the tertiary education, enter the number of years of the program
[] 0
[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th
[] 5th
[] 6th
[] 7th
[] 8th

15. To which educational level does the above course refer?

A. Preschool
[] 1 Nursery
[] 2 Pre-kinder
[] 3 Kinder
B. 4 Special education
C. Elementary/primary
[] 5 Elementary education
[] 6 Primary (old system)
D. Secondary education
[] 7 Scientific-humanist
[] 8 Vocational
[] 9 Humanities (old system)
[] 10 Business, industrial, normal-school (olds system)
E. Tertiary education
[] 11 Postsecondary technical school (1-3 years)
[] 12 Professional degree (4 or more years)
[] 13 Master's Degree
[] 14 PhD
15.a. Did you complete the educational level indicated in question 15 above?
That is, did you complete elementary or secondary education, or did you receive a diploma or degree for the final level completed?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

16. Do you belong to any of the following first peoples or indigenous groups?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to 17)
16.a. Which community?
[] 1 Mapuche
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Rapa Nui
[] 4 Lican Antai
[] 5 Quechua
[] 6 Colla
[] 7 Diaguita
[] 8 Kawésqar
[] 9 Yagán or Yamana
[] 10 Other (specify) ____

For all persons aged 15 years and over
[Questions 17-18 were asked of persons age 15 and over.]

17. Did you work last week?

A. Yes
[] 1 For remuneration, in money or in kind
[] 2 Without remuneration, for a relative
B. No
[] 3 I had a job, but I was on vacation, on sick leave, in a non-working period, etc
[] 4 I was looking for a job (go to 19)
[] 5 I was studying (go to 19)
[] 6 I was performing household chores (go to 19)
[] 7 I am retired, or a pensioner or rentier (go to 19)
[] 8 Other (go to 19)

18. In the work mentioned above, in what economic activity does the company, institution or own-account worker engage?

Specify in at least three words, for example "sale of beverages and groceries".
If self-employed, enter the product you manufacture or the service you render. Avoid answers like "self-employed" or "independent company".


Only for women aged 15 aged years and over
[Questions 19-21 were asked of women age 15 and over.]

19. How many live-born children have you had?

[] None (continue interview with next person)
_ _ Number

20. How many children are currently alive?

[] None
_ _ Number

21. In what month and year was your last live-born child born?

[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
_ _ _ _ Year

[Pages 4 to 10 have the same questions (section d) but they are applied to the next household member]