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Current field of study

Questionnaire Text

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Individual form

[Question P23 to P34 for persons aged 12 years and over]

P23A.Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - Now

Write the (i) course and (ii) field of study if the person is "Now" following a course (other than those of the Primary and Secondary levels) from a university, vocational/technical school, professional body, etc. (E.g (i) Certificate; (ii) Marketing. (i) Diploma; (ii) Land surveying. (i) BSC (ii) Biology.)

_____ (i)
_____ (ii)
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P23A and P23B - Tertiary education, professional, technical and vocational course/qualifications
The questions help to determine the resources of the country in terms of specialized manpower and to show whether there are too few or too many people with specific qualifications and skills to satisfy the needs of the labor market. The information is useful to measure the need for continuing education and retraining programs that would respond to the changing demands of the labor market.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P23A-Education other than those of the primary and secondary levels - now
[figure omitted]

If a person is now undertaking studies other than those of primary/secondary levels, e.g. degrees, diplomas, certificates, nursing or teaching qualifications, professional qualifications, technical or vocational training; write (i) the course and (ii) the field of study. An example is given below for a person now following a Certificate course in land surveying.

[figure omitted]

If the person is not currently following any course, go to P23B