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Questionnaire Text

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Age 10 and above (22 through 24)
[Questions 22 through 24 were asked only of persons age 10 and older.

Labor force (22 through 24)


23. What work was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last 12 months? ____

Write detailed work descriptions (e.g. Primary teacher, rice farmer, taxi driver)
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Labor force section
The Labor Force section is applicable to all persons 10 years and above. For respondents age below 10 years you will skip the section, leave it blank.

Question 23: Occupation
177. Ask "what work was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last 12 months before the census?" This question must be asked of all people who coded "1" to "5" in Question 22.

[p. 42]

178. Occupation is the kind of work done during the last 12 months by the person employed, regardless of the industry or status in employment of the person. Write detailed description of the work being done such as accounts clerk, legal secretary, domestic worker, fisherman, human resource manager, etc. The writing should be done in space provided in Myanmar language.

179. State the person's occupation in his/her main job during the reference year and the type of work done. Main job is that economic activity where the person spends most of the time working than any other work. Be sure to obtain a description of their main tasks/duties since often times a job title does not sufficiently describe the occupation for the purpose of coding. For example occupations such as "clerk," "engineer," "manager", "seaman," "supervisor," "teacher" etc. are too vague. You will need to probe for a more detailed answer. Examples of various occupations are provided below.

180. Your job is to write a legible and concise description of the respondent's occupation. Errors in the coding of occupations could occur if you do not give adequate or complete descriptions of tasks and duties performed by the respondent. Each employed person who is recorded 1-5 in Q22 must have occupation in Q23.