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Type of lavatory

Questionnaire Text

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Dwelling unit

(H11) Type of lavatory

Circle the appropriate code and record it in the box

[] 1 Private WC with water flush
[] 2 Public WC with water flush
[] 3 Private dry pit
[] 4 Public dry pit
[] 5 In nature
[] 8 Other (specify) ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
[p. 49]

F- Characteristics of the habitat

Question H11: Type of toilet

Pose the following question: "What type of toilet do most of the members of your household use?" According to the response, circle then and record in the box the code corresponding to the type of toilet used by most of the members of the household.

The modalities of possible response are:

1. Private WC with flush
2. Public WC with flush
3. Private dry pit
4. Public dry pit
5. In nature
8. Other (to be specified).
[p. 54]

For any other type of toilet not indicated above, circle then record code 8 in the box then record the respondent's declaration on the dotted lines.