Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | First level | 8,742 |
2 | Middle level | 10,521 |
3 | Higher or university | 4,673 |
4 | Post graduate level | 681 |
5 | Other | 976 |
8 | No vocational education or unknown | 331,527 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 203,360 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the highest level of vocational education completed by the person.
- Laos 2005: Persons age 6+ who ever attended school
- Laos: 2005
Questionnaire Text
[Questions 11-14 were asked of persons 6 years and older]
14. What is [the respondent]'s highest level of vocational education?
[] 1 First level
[] 2 Middle level
[] 3 High / university
[] 4 Post graduate level
[] 5 Other
[] 9 Don't know
Section C deals with education questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 6 years and above. For small children, less than 6 years of age, tick alternative "6" for question 11, and leave questions 12 -- 19 blank.
Question 14: What is [the respondent]'s highest level of vocational education completed?
The purpose of this question is to establish the respondent's highest level of education completed. Make sure that all respondents understand that the question refers to completed education.
Enter code from code list. A list of the codes for highest level of education completed is shown in Appendix 3. The list of codes is also shown at the back of each questionnaire. For not known use code "99".
Check with question 4 for consistency, particularly for children. Probe, if discrepancies between the answers are found.