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Usual occupation (3-digit)

Codes and Frequencies


000NIU (not in universe) 3,147,452
Special occupations including military and job seekers
011Officers in the armed forces747
091New workers seeking employment58,399
092Experienced workers seeking reemployment32,877
093Workers reporting occupations unidentifiable or inadequately defined5,819
Officials of government and special-interest organizations, corporate executives, managers, managing proprietors and supervisors
111Government administrators (including career executive service office.)2,317
112Legislative officials2,626
113Traditional chiefs and heads of villages19,674
114Senior officials of special-interest organization192
121Directors and chief executives of corporations1,181
122Production and operations managers8,812
123Specialized managers10,244
131General managers and managing-proprietors209,798
141School supervisors and principals2,970
142Transport and communications service supervisors2,525
143Production supervisors and general foremen10,195
144Sales supervisors in wholesale and retail trade5,963
149Other supervisors not elsewhere classified2,104
211Physicists, chemists and related professionals271
212Mathematicians, statisticians and related professionals72
213Computer professionals6,040
214Architects and related professionals2,239
215Engineers and related professionals23,206
221Life science professionals1,256
222Health professionals (except nursing)11,466
223Nursing and midwifery professionals28,813
231College, university and higher education teaching professionals6,878
232Technical, vocational and related instructors356
233Secondary education teaching professionals17,858
234Elementary education teaching professionals54,443
235Special education teaching professionals2,472
239Teaching professionals not elsewhere classified325
241Business professionals16,679
242Legal professionals1,989
243Librarians, archivists and curators136
244Social and related science professionals1,098
245Writers and creative or performing artists2,762
246Religious professionals1,673
Technicians and associate professionals
311Physical science and engineering technicians9,945
312Computer assistants and computer equipment controllers9,449
313Optical and electronic equipment controllers6,247
314Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians2,686
315Building, safety, health and quality inspectors4,625
321Life science technicians and related associated professionals1,364
322Health associate professionals (except nursing)4,735
323Nursing and midwifery associate professionals3,026
324Traditional medicine practitioners 714
330Teaching associate professionals4,184
341Finance and sales associate professionals15,296
342Business services agents and trade brokers2,835
343Administrative associate professionals10,400
344Customs, taxation, licensing, welfare and related professionals1,680
345Police inspectors and detectives1,259
346Social work associate professionals3,769
347Artistic, entertainment and sports associate professionals4,144
348Religious associate professionals1,015
411Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks18,516
412Numerical clerks18,047
413Material recording and transport clerks18,231
414Library, mail and related clerks9,755
419Other office clerks25,856
421Cashiers, tellers and related clerks45,013
422Client information clerks39,087
Service workers and shop and market sales workers
511Travel attendants and related workers3,896
512Housekeeping and restaurant services workers53,173
513Personal care and related workers15,242
514Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related worker32
515Other personal services workers17,499
516Protective services workers74,846
521Fashion and other models89
522Shop salespersons and demonstrators100,538
523Stall and market salespersons10,151
Farmers, forestry workers, and fisherman
611Field crop farmers469,626
612Orchard farmers99,206
613Ornamental and other plant growers1,296
621Livestock and dairy farmers9,524
622Poultry farmers2,273
629Other animal raisers304
631Forest tree planters297
632Concessionaires and loggers1,105
633Charcoal makers and related workers2,257
634Minor forest products gatherers826
641Aqua-farm cultivators9,485
642Inland and coastal waters fishermen53,518
643Deep-sea fishermen45,393
649Fishermen not elsewhere classified819
651Hunters and trappers26
659Hunters and trappers not elsewhere classified156
Craft and related trade workers
711Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers6,485
712Building frame construction and related trades99,527
713Building construction finishers and related trades workers7,122
714Painters and related trades workers14,415
721Metal molders, welders, and sheet-metal workers28,219
722Blacksmiths, tool-makers and related trades workers1,189
723Machinery mechanics, fitters and related trades workers20,367
724Electricians, electrical and electronic equipment workers25,109
731Precision workers in metal and related material1,815
732Potters, glass-makers and related trades workers1,648
733Handicraft workers in wood, textile, leather and related material3,544
734Printing, binding and related trades workers2,555
741Food processing and related trades workers14,013
742Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related trades workers8,172
743Textile, garment and related trades workers45,601
744Leather and shoemaking trades workers3,413
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
811Mining-and mineral-processing plant operators753
812Metal processing plant operators928
813Glass, ceramics and related plant operators805
814Wood-processing and papermaking plant operators1,925
815Chemical-processing plant operators1,071
816Power-production and related plant operators1,222
817Automated assembly-line and industrial robot operators753
821Metal and mineral products machine operators4,477
822Chemical products machine operators2,349
823Rubber and plastic products machine operators2,980
824Wood products machine operators813
825Textile and leather products machine operators3,499
826Food and related products machine operators5,568
829Other machine operators and assemblers2,380
831Locomotive-engine drivers and related workers988
832Motor vehicle drivers254,630
833Agricultural and other mobile-plant operators3,561
834Ship's deck crews and related workers29,535
Elementary occupations including laborers and unskilled workers
911Market stall vendors, street vendors and related workers134,399
912Shoe cleaning and other street services elementary workers1,077
913Domestic helpers and cleaners and related workers166,908
914Building caretakers, window and related cleaners7,264
915Messengers, porters, doorkeepers and related workers17,083
916Garbage collectors and related laborers5,507
921Agricultural, forestry and fishery laborers320,854
931Mining and construction laborers96,594
932Manufacturing laborers38,196
933Transport laborers and freight handlers21,374
998No occupation2,971,370
999Unknown 67,987