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Cistern or water tank

Questionnaire Text

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15. Equipment
In this dwelling, do you have:
[Read the options and circle one code for each one]

Water tank
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Cistern or reservoir
[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No
Water pump
[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No
[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No
Water heater or heater-tank (gas, electric, or wood)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Solar water heater
[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No
Air conditioning
[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No
Electrical solar panel
[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15. Equipment
These questions identify if the dwelling has equipment or facilities that allow greater functionality and comfort in everyday activities of the occupants. Read the question mentioning each item, listen the answers and circle the corresponding codes.

[Figures are omitted]

Use the following definitions to explain to the respondents in case of doubt:

  • A raised water tank is a container of large water storage capacity; it can be made of plastic or asbestos. Usually, it is located on the roofs of dwellings, although it can be located at the ground level. Sometimes people call it Rotoplas, because it is the name of the most publicized water tanks brand.
  • A cistern or reservoir is a large water container built underground or at ground level; sometimes it can be a buried water tank. The important point is that people can store water in considerable quantities.
  • In some places, the informant can respond they have a sink or basin where they collect water. If this basin is a big concave structure made of stone or concrete and it is used to store water, record that this dwelling has cistern or water tank.
  • A water pump is a device which has a motor that serves to drive the circulation of the water. It is mainly used to raise water from one level to another, e.g., to a water tank that is located in a high place, or to suck water from a well.
  • Note that the cistern or reservoir and the raised water tank can supply water to more than one dwelling and can use the same pump, e.g. in an apartment building or duplex, triple, or quadruple houses, record that each of those dwellings has this equipment.
  • A boiler or water heater is a device that serves to raise the water temperature. It can run on gas, electricity, or wood; regardless of the type, record this device in this option.
  • A solar water heater, as the boiler, rises the water temperature, but it does through solar cells that capture the sun's energy.
  • An air conditioning is a device used to cool closed spaces (e.g., bedrooms). They are common in places very hot.
  • An electrical solar panel is a device that captures sunlight to generate electricity. A dwelling can have solar panel regardless it has electricity supplied by the CFE or other source. An electrical solar panel is also known as a photovoltaic module.