Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Yes | 684 |
0 | No | 26,948 |
8 | Unknown | 29 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 1,580 |
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This variable indicates whether any household member received cash from rents since August 1990.
- Botswana 1991: Private households
- Botswana: 1991
Questionnaire Text
(Questions 1-5, ask for all and circle only if "yes")
Other cash receipts
5. Since August 1990 did any household member receive cash from...?
[] 2 Remittances outside Botswana
[] 4 Pension
[] 8 Rents
[] 16 Interest
[] Other cash activities (specify) ____
Since August 1990, did any member of this household receive:
2 Remittances (from· mines, Tirelo Sechaba, relatives, etc.)
4 Rent (from land/property)
8 Interest/Dividend/Bonus
16 Aid/Relief
In this section, we are interested in finding out whether the household received any cash payment as unearned income during the reference period. Unearned income refers to payments made to the household other than from employment, business profits or sale of one's own produce. Salaries and wages paid to members listed in part a above should not be included in answer to this question.
The most common types of unearned income are as follows:
2 Remittances: This includes cash gifts and transfers from relatives and friends working either abroad (e.g. South African mines, farms, etc.) or elsewhere in the country. It also includes family and child maintenance and payments to the household on account of the Tirelo Sechaba participants. It should be noted that cash remittances refer not only to cash which has been sent by post or mail but also to any cash transfers which have been delivered by hand or in some other way - as long as it is from a person in another household, other than the one being interviewed. Distance between households affected is immaterial. The transfer must be permanent. Cash loans to the household must not be included,
4 Rent: A household may receive payment for any property it lets out, such as a house or field, It should also include payments received for allowing its donkeys/mules/oxen to be used for ploughing.
8 Interest/Dividend/Bonus: Interest is money paid by a bank on a deposit account, while dividends/bonuses are payments from the profits of a business to shareholders or investors. For example, bonuses may be received from a co-operative society or BMC.
16 Aid/Relief: This refers to cash payments made directly by Government (o; any organisation) to alleviate the effects of drought or to assist the household to participate in agricultural activities.
Circle the appropriate answer code(s) if, since August 1990, any member of the household received money from these sources.
If none of the above applies, enter 0.
In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 133, the household received some remittances from their daughter Lorato in South Africa. Therefore 2 is circled.
Integrated variables
- None