Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Yes | 13,478 |
0 | No | 14,173 |
8 | Unknown | 10 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 1,580 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates whether any household member owns poultry.
- Botswana 1991: Private households
- Botswana: 1991
Questionnaire Text
(Questions 1-5, ask for all and circle only if "yes")
Agriculture and land acquisition
1. Does any member of this household own...?
[] 2 Goats
[] 4 Sheep
[] 8 Pigs
[] 16 Poultry
[] 32 Donkeys/horses
Does any member of this household own:
2 Goats
4 Sheep
8 Pigs
16 Poultry
32 Donkeys/Horses
Circle the appropriate answer code(s), if any member of the household owns any of the above listed livestock.
If none of the above applies, write 0 in the space below the response codes, but not in the shaded area. For example, if a household owns three goats and a few chickens you would put a ring around 2 (goats) and around 16 (poultry).
In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 133, James owns some cattle, Thembe owns some goats and Lorato owns some poultry in Botswana. Since Thembe is only a visitor, the fact that she owns goats is not recorded in column E1. However, Lorato is a household member, and, since she owns poultry in Botswana, the code 16 is circled. Code 1 is also circled since James owns cattle.
Integrated variables
- None