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Occupation, 1-digit

Questionnaire Text

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III. Economic characteristics

For those 12 years of age and older

Ask questions 18 through 20 only if you marked 1, 2 or 3 above.

18. What occupation, position, or profession did you hold during the last week (or in the last job you had)? ____

Examples: Driver, dressmaker, farmer, etc. If you had more than one occupation, write the one that provided the greatest income.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
III. For people 12 years old and older. Economic characteristics.

Question 18. What occupation, office, or profession did you do last week (or in the last job that you held)?

Write the name of the specific occupation, office, or profession that the informant declares to have executed in the last week or the last time they worked in the corresponding box.

[A depiction of question 18 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Do not forget that this question is only for those people who, in question 17, declared options 1, 2, or 3.

Following are given some examples that permit one to appreciate the correct way to write down the information:

Incorrect annotation:

[P. 51]
Construction worker

Correct Annotation:
(Annotate, depending on the case)

Civil Engineer, dentist, pharmacist, lawyer, school teacher, etc.
Typist, secretary, personnel director, manager, administrator, etc.
Wholesaler, small-items seller, fruit vendor, etc.
Iron worker, welder, bread maker, restaurant chef, etc.
Automobile mechanic, typewriter mechanic, etc.
Mixer [hormigonero], tile setter [azulejista], floor installer [pisero], caster [encofrador], etc.


a) If the informant has two or more occupations, write down the one that provides him with the greatest income. If they both provide him with the same income, write down the one which he spends more time doing. If he receives the same income and spends the same amount of time on both, write down the one that he considers the most important.

b) If, for example, the informant is a lawyer working as a school director, he should be annotated as being a school director.