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Main mode of transport

Questionnaire Text

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Individual questionnaire

If you work or study and live in this dwelling most of the year answer questions 20, 21, and 22. If this is not the case go to question 23

21. What is the main mode of transport you use to travel between home and work or home and place of study?

If you use several modes of transport, please indicate which one you use for most of the itinerary.
[] 01 On foot
[] 02 Car: as driver
[] 03 Car: as passenger
[] 04 Bus
[] 05 Company or school collective transport
[] 06 Underground
[] 07 Train
[] 08 Motorcycle
[] 09 Bicycle
[] 10 Boat
[] 11 Other (tram, taxi, ?)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7.2.4. Individual

Questions 20, 21 and 22 must be answered by people who work and study and reside for most of the year in the dwelling (Question 3, option 1)

Question 21- What is the main mode of transport you use to travel between home and work or home and place of study?
[There is an image of question 21]
[p. 132]
In case a person uses more than one mode of transportation to travel back and forth between home and work or home and place of study, you must indicate only one mode of transportation. The one that is used for most of the trajectory, in other words the one that is used to cover long distances.
If a person is a worker/student you must answer in relation to the place of work.
The option car also includes those vehicles provided by a business or workplace for private use.
The option motorcycle includes motorized vehicles of two or three wheels and #4 motorcycles.
The option bicycle includes also motorized bicycles.
The type of transportation by taxi/bus must be included in "other".