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Country of residence 1 year ago

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Individual questionnaire

11. Have you ever lived outside of Portugal for a continuous period of at least one year?

If you were abroad on diplomatic or military missions, indicate "No".
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
If yes, please indicate:
If you have lived abroad more than once, please answer taking into consideration the last country you lived in and the year of the last entrance in Portugal.
Countries must be indicated according to their current designation and borders
11.1 The country where you lived ____
11.2 The year of entrance in Portugal _ _ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
7.2.4. Individual

Question 12- Where was your place of residence on 31 December 2009?
[There is an image of question 12]
If the individual resided in the same dwelling that they currently do you should choose the option "in the same residence".
If the individual resided in another dwelling you should choose the respective option depending upon whether or not it was in the parish where the individual currently lives- "in another parish where you live" in the first case, and in "in another parish of the municipality where you live" in the second case.
If the individual resided in another municipality you must indicate the respective municipality in the space provided.
If the individual resided abroad you must indicate the country of residence, according to the designation of the current country.
People that marked "not yet born" end here the filling out of the individual questionnaire.