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Sewage disposal system

Questionnaire Text

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Dwelling questionnaire

[Questions 1 through 17 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question II]

5. Does the dwelling have a sewage disposal system?:

Only the permanent installation enabling the evacuation of waste water to the exterior of the dwelling is considered as a sewage disposal system.
[] 1 Yes, connected to the public sewage system
[] 2 Yes, connected to a private sewage system (septic tank,...)
[] 3 Yes, other type (open septic tank, ditch,...)
[] 4 No sewage disposal system available
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Filling out the Single Dwelling questionnaire

Question 5 - Does the dwelling have a sewage disposal system?
[There is an image of box for question 5]
Sewage disposal system refers to all permanent fixtures that allow residual water to be evacuated from a dwelling to the outside.
Public sewage system - public sewage system occurs in cases where a disposal system collects all of the sewage and channels it through a central drainage pipe.
[p. 93]
Private sewage system (septic tank,...) - a septic tank is a specially designed receptacle that by means of appropriate piping, receives the wastewater from one or more dwellings with specific sterilization processes.
Other type (open septic tank, ditch,...) - wastewaters are disposed of in an open septic tank, ditch, creek, etc?